14 PAGES EAR 85. NO. 175 es ¥ KING ISTO. _TUE D AY, ONT ARIO. JULY 30, a PAGES 9.14 SECOND SECTION -- = INTESTINAL PARALYSIS Filta" Quickly Relieved This Chronic Trouble 589 Casaraix Saver, MoNTREAL. "In my opinion, no other medicine Is so eurative for Constipation and Indigestion as 'Fruit-a-tives'. Iwas a sufferer from these eom- plaints for five years, and my sedentary occupation; Music, brought about a kind of Intestinal Paralysis ; with nasty Headaches, belching gas, drowsiness after eating, and pain in the back. 3 I was induced to try 'Fruit-a-tives' and now for six months I have been entirely well", A. ROSENBURG, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, an GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Are costly these days. It is | necessary for you to buy the best. Our store fs stocked with the best of every thing in our lines C. H. Pickering, Grocer and Meat Dealer 490 and 492 'Princess St. Phone 530. Uanada Food Hoard License No, 8-2152, iis IN STOMACH CAUSE_ INDIGESTION Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How To Treat. Medical authorities state that near-| ly nine tenths of the cases of stom- ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, 'gas, bloating, nausea, etc, are due to an exgess of hydrochloric ach in the stomach and not as some believe to a lack of digestive juices. | The delicate stomach lining is irri- tated, digestion is delayed and fdod sours, causing the disagreeable symyp- toms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial digestents are not needed in such cases and' may do real harm, Try laying aside all digestive alds and instea t from any froggist a few ounces ol surated Magnesia, and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass! of watér right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid, and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated © Magnesia (in powder or tablet form -- never liquid or milk) Is harmless to. the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stom- ach purposes. It is used by thou- sands of people who enjoy their meals with fio more fear of indigestion, A Sor AR RAS The Telgmann School of » Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. comme - concerts ac- 216 Frontenac Street. | serious illness, Mrs. S THREE, ZWERE DROWNED ON SUNDAY IN / VICINITY QF MARBLE ROCK. Two Men and » Boy Were the Vie- tims---The Bodies [Were Recover- ed, But ldfe Was Extihct--An Inquest Unnecessary. Gananoque, July 29.--A sad drowning fatality whereby three {young men of the Front of Leeds | and Lansdowne Township lost their {lives 'occurred about eleven o'clock Sunday morning about forty rods north the [Gananoque (Water Power Company's dam at Marble Rock. A half dozen neigh- bor lads of that section 'went across the fields to ithe river for a swim, the party consisting of William Gra- ham, a returned soldier, about twen- ty-five years of age; Hubert Day, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Day, aged about twenty-seven; Raymond Pritchard, son of Mr. and Mrs Charles (Pritchard, aged fourteen; also Ernest Pritchard, 'Robert Par- menter, employed by Firman Car- penter, and Frederick Donnelly, employed on an adjacent farm. The first three mentioned were the vie tims, the others not being in . the water. Graham and Pritchard were naked, while Day had a shirt _on, so presumably the former two were in difficulty fin the water, and Day went to thelr assistance. The three lads on shore, frighten- ed, ran across the Tields to. notify their people lof the mishap, and meeting another lad. on the way sent him with the news and ran yback to the scene of the mishap. On tarriving there Richmond Andress {was seen on the opposite bank of the river and the alarm given to ihim. [He at once roused the section jand three boat loads, consisting of David and Gordon Griffin, Valen- tine (Perry {Joseph \Bevins, Richmond Andress and others, immediately went to the scene of the drowning Méanwhile the caretaker of the dam telephoned Dr. IC. H. Bird, of Gan- anoque and [Dr. Campbell, coroner, Lansdowne Dr. [Bird arrived just after ithe removal of the (bodies from the water and had them lain | side by side on the shere. His ex- of {amination showed life to be extinct, {they having been lin the water up- | wards of half an hour. 'When found Graham wag lying in about eight feet of water with the head and shoulders jf Day across his feet, while the body of the youpger lad, Pritchard, was some six or eight feet down stretm. The | scene of the fatality was only about forty rods above the Marble Rock dam, where the stream narrows and is divided into two channels by =a little island; the channel to the north is .quite shallow, while the southern one, which 'is only soma twenty-five or thirty feet wide, is much pgleeper, and is the regular channel For motor and other boats. Dr. Bird. authorized removal. ta their several homes, and later in the afternoon Coroner Campbell ar- rived and viewed 'the scéne of the accident and miso the bodies of the unfortunate lads, but considered an inquest unnecessary. BUSY WITH THE HAY. The Choice Moonlight Has Helped In the Harvest. Enterprise East, July 25---~These are great days for the gathering in of the hay. The weather has been real hot all week, and it is just 'what the farmers require to get in their crops. it has been a case of making hay while the sun shines, and also by moon- light, for many of the farmers and farmerettes, for it must be remem- bered that there are a lot of the fair workers on the job too, have been working at night in order to rush the hay 'into' the barn, Faber: is the order of the day. A number from here will at- tend the eelebration in Kingston on Monday. Mrs, W. H. Mawson is vis- iting friends in oli Mrs. nie Wilson and Miss Mary Laveck, hgston, are visiting friends here. iss Katie Dillon entertained a num- ber of her friends on Sunday last. Ed- ward Finn lost thre valuable cows on Thursday last, 'being killed by the fast C. P. R. train. Leo O'Mara and sister, Jennie, Yar- ker, Spent Sunday at Joseph Dillon's. 'Miss Grace Foster spent Sunday the guest of Miss Bridget Tallon. = Miss essie Frazier, Fulton, N.Y, is visit- ing relatives here. T. errault, Bar- riefield, is home on harvest leave. Died in Picton. v Picton, July 27--F. G, Tobey died in Picton on Friday, aged forty-seven years. He was a dry gBods clerk, who served in Chicago and New York. Three years ago he was affected with He was able .to_be about until two weeks ago. * In New Rork he was a representative of one of the large French exporting houses, making several trips to Europe in ad- dition to his work through the United States. Claudia Hemminway, Painsvillée, Ohio, who was in attendance at the funeral His father, Uriel Tobey, died some Jears ago. His mother resides with er son, Harry, in Picton, Briefs. from Bath. "Bath, July 26.--Mrs. Frank Mills, Napanee, is visiting at Walter Mills'. mour, sr, left on Thursday on a visit to her son, Rev, R. H. Sey- mour, Rock Haven Sask. Mrs. F. K. Baker and daughter, Florence, Guelph, are visiting at armel vn inson's. remains of the late Ms. Win. Thurston, sr. Picton, b t here on Saturday last "a b- i nthe Methodist cemetery. Mi iss Ee em ebury has returned Beliasille atter a visit with Ber } Sater ymour, Ts. ME Brown. Newark. N. rived arrived aariay last on h their annual fish-| Smith of the ied | ion July Er.) BAGGED TWO IN ONE DAY Sub Lieut. Willy Coppens, a x Belgion aviatg, did 1 50, anliog ten "mn, A SUGAS FAMINE At Clarendon and Nearby Towng-- Many Visitors, Clarendon, July 25.--Clarence Ken nedy, Herb Hil, Miss Kathleen God- frey and Miss Maggie Camp tored up from Godfrey on- Saturday, and were the guests of Mrs. James Campbell over the week-end Mrs McQuat, Perth, and Mrs. Leach, To- ronto, are visiting their Mr and Mrs. E. Baffam Miss Lilly Campbell spent a day in Sharbot Lake recently. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, and Miss M. Hamilt ed from Kingston on M were visitors of Mrs. Appléby ing to. Kingston on 1 uesday Appleby spent the week-end in | ton A numher from here the funeral of Mrs. Charles Zealand, on Wednesday, There is a sugar famine in Claren- don and nearby towns at present Dr. Barker was in Clarendon to-day on account of the illness oft Mrs, James Campbell. ' We hope she may soon he better. Mr. Buffam had a haying hee on Thurs day of this week and a dance at night, which was much enjoyed by all . John Glenn is un- loading a car of salt Heaps of blue- berries, but raspbe rries are very scarce. George can Ferguson's house : endon, Mr. Ferguson back to his farm Death of W. H. Shangraw. Harrowsmith, "July - 26--On July 14th death claimed a highly pespected resident 'in 'the person of William H. Shangraw, at. the .age of eighty-one years. and four months. Deceased had been ailing for some months with heart trouble. . Deceased was a tras- tee of the Colebrook. Methodist Church for several years, director of the Harrowsmith Agricultural Society for sixteen years, and honorary mem ber of the Colebrook Orange Lodge, and in other business matters he al ways took an active part. In polities he was a staunch Conservative. He was a kind and affectionate neighbor, beloved by all who knew him. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Everson at his late residence, on Tuesday afternoon, thence to Harrow- smith cemetery, where the Orange men conducted a service at the grave. The floral tributes consisted of a wreath from the family and wreaths from his neighbors A large cortege followed the remains to the grave. Deceased leaves to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father, is wife, one daughter, Mrs. Edward Whitty, of Sydenham, and tliree sons, Milton and Oliver, of Yarker, and John at home. bell mo Milford Moss, Miss Dun- Clar- move Crain has purchased nd lot in will HE LOVED C HAF FEY'S LOCKS Was No rer Spot In the World, Locks, July 24.--The worst rain and hail storm occurred here on Saturday last which lasted a half hour, destroying the grain and gardens. There was a continuous shower of hail the size of hickory nuts. The hail could be seen on the ground the following morning. The jate W. H. Park travelled ex- tensively and is said to have been around the world twiee., He said he could find no fairer spot In either the old 'or the new world than Chaf- fey's Locks. So some years ago on a high bluff overlooking the Rideau river hére, he built a finé summer residence' 'filling it with handsome furnishings and rare curios which he had picked up during his travels in nearly every corner of the globe There he Spent his summers for the last ten ydars, There are about forty Invalided soldiers at the Fettercairn hospital. J. H. Hayden and family are occu- prying Fred Alford's home, Miss Bessie Norman, Kingston, is visiting rETTIVER" "Miss LIAR Fleming hac returned from Toronto. Ceeil Doyle, Kingston, is visiting William Doyle Mrs. Boyd and little danghter, Win nipeg, are visiting her mother, Mrs William C. Simmons. Miss Mabel Keller, Keelerville, visiting her aunt, Mrs. William Kerrnish. The many islands dnd points in the vicinity of Chaffey's Locks are decked with camping tents. George Simmons, De- troit, Mich., is visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pedley, Ottawa, are occupy- ing their'cottage here. There Chaffey's . ALBION SQUARE PARK. Been Beautified at T! R. Low's Expense. Renfrew, July 30.--At a me ting of the council a letter was read from Thomas A. Low intimusting that his con'ractors had conipléted the work of beautifying the Albion Square and that he took niuch plea- fure in nauding it.over {o the cor- poration. The square, from being a market place and unattractive, is now a thing of beanty with well laid-cut walks, rose . bushes and flowers. As forecasted, there is every likelihood of a cértain date being named for the formal 'taking over" of the square, and at which the citizens will attend to fittingly show appreciation of Mr. Low's generosity, It Has Robert Maxwell -Dennistoun, K.C,, Winnipeg, hag been appeinted a judge of the Manitoba Appeal K Court: y two Boys" (TIDINGS FOR OUR READERS ! the Oitawa { while bathing. In 1900 he was married to] Miss|™ There's no food that contributes more splendidly to building and rebuilding sturdy, virile Young « sters" than a delicious wheat hing dish ah of fang Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason" ) i PRESENTED IN TH THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM, The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele- graphic Service and. Newspaper Ex- | change, Soaking rains throughout Manis toba and also in Saskatchewan 'have materially benefited field and gér- den crops. Valeartier Camp will break up and the troops encamped will return to their former barracks quarters in Montreal. W. J. Lord, aged twenty-six, a resident of Toronto, was drowned i river above Pembroke A Railway Labor Board is likely to be formed at Montreal of repre- sentatives jof railway labor and the Canadian Railway War Board. William Joseph Chantler, a re- turned soldier, discharged from the Davisville Hospital, 'was drowned while bathing in Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gagnon, Megantic, Que., are the happy par- ents of their twentieth child. Tne Gagnons have been married twenty- one years The bill which finally winds up German banks in England and pre- vents their opening for five years after the war has passed the British House of Commons. Claudius Henry Sherk, Humber- stone, Welland County, will apply at the next session of parliament for a divorce from. Mary Booth Sherk, Buffalo, N.Y In Petrograd, from July 1st to July 18th, 3,636 cholera cases oc- curred, of which 1,210 were fatal, with a probability that there had been many unreported cases. The Postmaster<General's Depart- ment has notified pdstmasters when employees are still. on strike that those 'who 'have ' not 'returned to work shall be considered no longer employees 1 1 Philippe Roy, - Canadian Trade Commissioner in Paris, has been granted by the King authority to wear the decoration of the cross of a Commander of the Legion of Honor conferred on him by the Pre- sident of the French republic. U.S. AVIATOR IS DECORATED Licut. A. J. Coyle, wemmanding first 4 aero squadron, has n awa ihe Croix do Guerre for fighting off ree enemy planes and securing photos of enamy's lines, 2 His Oredentials. Mother--I don't like the looks of that little boy you were playing with on the street to-day. You mustn't play with bad little boys, you' know. Son--Oh, but he isn't a bad little boy, mamma. He's a good little boy. He's been to the reformatory school' twice sand they've let him out each' time on account of good behaviour. Sponges, Sponges wery often give shelter to small submarine animals and shell- fish, Hut the boring sponge is fatal to oysters. It attaches itself to their shells and gradually bores its : way inside until it kills the oyster. Mount Aetna is emitting loud re- ports like a long-range gun at ten mindtes intervals, says a Rome tele- y A O Aetna! in our hours of ease Uneertain, coy and hard te please; When peaceful tourists sought your "brow Your stuma you off tefused -- UL To teach us how to strate the Hua You simulate a long-rangs gun. J. THE STANDARD BANK . OF CANADA oo MEAD OFFICE - TORCMIO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. ®eT'D 1872 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at svery Branch, KINGSTON BRANCH, F. ROWLAND, Fires Break Out THE MERCHANTS Head Office : Montreal. GC. KE. and thieves break in. Don't risk the first, or invite the second, by keeping money in the house. Put it in The Merchants Bank, where it will be safe from loss-- always available--and earn interest at highest current rates. . BANK: Established 1864, KINGSTON BRANCH, a ¥ . = . . . Manager. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. HAGUE YEAR ANADA Very Real Advantages All that extreme flexibility in hose can mean--freedom from kinks and tangles, ease of handling -- is delivered by Goodyear Cord Hose. Allthatextremestrengthcan mean--Ilonger service, greater security agaist bursting, and sounder economy--is'delivered' also. Goodyear Cord" Hose is the sum . of hose virtue, from whatever stand- point you v iew it. Being builtlike the famous Good- year Cord Tire Goodyear Cord Hose has all its merits. Itis equally worth the slightly higher price you pay. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada, Limited At Hardware Stores CORD HOSE bh " ® Conservation . * \ Biscuit Made from Cereals other than Wheat, . "Corn, Oats, Rye, Barley, Rice. Just enough roughage left ih them to make them healthful. Try these biscuits and give them to the hungsy children, You will be delighted and so wi ill they.