Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jul 1918, p. 3

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v THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY -31, 1€18. PAGE THREE A o-- fotiem and bad scaotarship. ni 0 y Bn > APPA sm . BL WOMEN 1S EADS CTECH THOUGHT =: 25 Ey Somme ems] ¢ proved that this MS. was r : i filoiuiely proved that this MS. was T Id Probs: Thursday, fine and a little warmer. GAINED 8 POUNDS : cholarship. "It was not," he re- Oo \ PROF. MASARYK IS A CHAMPION | marked later, "merely a matter of = : -- OF LIBERTY, be genuine or {alse character of the T sys h EEE ENE EEE NANA EEN EERE eript, but of vindicating the . Improvement of Mrs. McCann ol CYORE On or Bre rer } wilig t : Sa Influence Among Bohemians, the | scientific convictions." Fay St - #8 Talk of Entire Neighbor- |Priven From Prague Because of Fis | 2¢ 211 (imes and places to his . iG . 0' . S 5 1 Famous Slav Thinker Has Done Two years of Parliament proved to (Not! Hereafter, the Whi ; ore Closes Promptly at Five clock daily except y. Notice--Here s ® Whig, in : Masaryk that the Czechs possessed 3 . ian * - ® My 'wife has actually gained Great Work for the Mlies and for ith ther papers al ar no real national policy. Most of Bo- mmon jth pe! of tweniyelght pounds by taking Tanlae Liberty of His Oppressed Fellow- hemia was Hiving in Its past. Its Canada, will make a charge of 50c| the talk of ail the neighborhood," Countrymen, solitical life was weak and barren of {for imserting an engagement, mar- i deas. The mere assertion of Czech riage or reception announcement.) ment of the much wanted Shetland Sweater Yarns -- and would advise all when buying to secure their full needs as it may be some was the remarkable statement made ~N Br 7 by John McCann of 197 Laval N bis wax from the Far West | 1. in pgriiament appeared to gain to Washington a hale and | yeagre results. So he resigned his A Dutch dinner was given at the months before we can have the shades re- peated. atreot,, Hull, recently, Mr, McCann Country Chub on Monday fein has Hved in Hull all his life and is vigorous old professor stop- [ eat. As one of his biographers has 3 : "Already the problem of small {hon or of Col. and Mrs. Jamieson, rations had begun to haunt him. He wld that a small nation in, so diffi- i : who are the guests of Col. and Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie. + * well known. oh taoi¥ } ped off at Chicago the other 'Yes, sir, 1 can say for a facet," he i rand continued, "my wife hasn't been in day and found :himsels, the. shy Sut such good health before in seven| Unexpected object of a great popular | uit a position as Bohemia could Ww oK oR years. She had been in » badly run-| demonstration, From all parts of the | naintain its individuality only by A Mis. w. has row gd from down Sofidition for about that long eity his fellow-countrymen, and oth- | 1ard 'and persistent effort, alike tn |yhoi ion': : urne sik : uid Ev a rd pila dt ers from the oppressed nations of Se intellectual, 108 Hard and ma Rev. J. (W. Stephen, St. Andrew's "tite, seldom ate any breakfast, and [Middle and "eastern Europe -- when | ;. wornout' method of combating shures, has left fof @ month's ve- very little at any time. She was so| they heard he was coming--rose up | German influence merely by. the a on Lawrence, Queen's Univer- smervous she couldn't sleep well, and| to do him honor. They greetéd him | glorification of Bohemia's past. He sity. left for Parham on {Tuesday to #0 weak she could hardly get about ; hia hi sever hesitated to tell his people un- ond' 1 } y 2 with an acclaim which affected him spend the month of August. the house, much less do any.of her dr oalatable truths and to oppose false | "are ang Mrs. IT. MeKean Robert- work. It seemed like she would al-| deeply. He spoke a few words to | jog of patriotism," ; son, Union street. weturned from most die at times with sick headache. | them, then moved towards the capl- So the professor left his seat in Clovelana on \fuesday ¥ She often had dizzy spells and would] to]. What he has done there will be | Parliament, went back to his univer | Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. [Polson, who i ot a and iy ys wou. Lhe known all in good time, There is | ity, and began to teach the virtues |,.; 5 oottage at Gananoque fof ave to give up and go to bed. e § of geif-reliance and a fore practical v refarni i looked pale and sallow and had fal-{ Only one Prof, Masaryk in the whole | ying of patriotism, At this time, he Jais. are returning to town this len off in weight from one hundred work, and his visit to America at the | was a strong anti-Prussian.and a firm . ! einem and twenty-eight pounds to one hun. present time holds deep and singular | believer in Russia as the high cham- Mrs. (Carriere, 'who has been with dred and ten. significance, Masaryk appears on this | Pion of Slav hopes. To his students, . pigther, Mrs. Charles Taylor, ! "I had seen Tanla¢ 80 highly ref (0 oi ot tha leading representa- | 16 expounded the gospel of studying | kino street, retdrned to Ottawa on E = = 3 = HB [| - = = » a = * - Rockwood pat onarch Floss " A beautiful pure wool sweater yarn in a host of delightful shades such as melon, rose, Polin blue, copenhagen, Somme grey, king purple, paddy green and black--with additional colors coming in daily. Full | oz. balls at 35¢ each. commended that I finally got a bottle tive of all Slavs now struggling in | tonditions as they actually existed |nronday 'with 3 = . § d y h ¥ 'with Mr. Carrierda, who was 101 nor and 1 have Lover Sse Such a Europe against the subjugation of politically and of frying to gauge the in town for the JCarriords Soon. after she commenced taking ft free peoples. He is the greatest of fesulis # : Sse fon ig on ih Lieut. and Mrs. Strowger, Toron- she began to pick up and look bet-| Bohemians, the foe of Austro-Hun.} Mohemla of the ol oe oii {to, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. as takel five bottles now garian policy, the spokesman of Slav | dents went onl in o the ¥orig of DOLI- | A. Rass, Barrie street. - ter, Bhe has | io ohh to| aspirations, Since the war began, he tical. thought carrying with them &| figs Graham, Ottawa, fs the ad old ne ht r 4 nt ha oh 4 has become a figure of outstanding j ReW conception of their individual |. est of Miss Edith Rankin at Col- Coals Bone ton PORNGE Above thal. on whose hopes he voices, but also tothe. © asarky Is Seated in a ay al Mrs. D. (E. Mundell and Miss she now weighs one' hundred and Allies, to whom he and these peoples ro : ney ol pays a gecom ! ase Eleanor Mundell have been spend- thirty-eight, | Her' appetite is: splen-] 3T° friendly. Even if his past, be- | 2a a A fe ¢ BpuiY, Sot B€ling a few days im Toronto. did and she's never bothered with fore the war, had not heen distin. ot as 1 . pak Be rath ? de nervous Headaches: dr er nas ny guished for great services in the ng o puiasity as a eader w en Fuin Dr. Phillips Macdonnell and Miss more. 'She does all fer TOuSeWOTh cause of justice and popular rights, Senanded is Support of an unpopi- May Macdonnell, Montreal, are besides takin care of five children his services! since would entitle him py SauRe. jn the Ritual Murder trial, visiting 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. and never complains of feeling tired] 10 ONT esteem. England and France 9 amp San directly pt c. M. Macdonnell, . University 'We oy Both i Ne doit nted *A.| recognized long ago the guality of ter to a strong public opinion w en, | avenue. : a simply delighted over} yo 0 when, owing to his relent- by an array of historical, philpsophi- Miss Goldie (Cranston, Gloria and Coronation Shetland Floss, in colors . . . . . at 18c¢ a skein Baldwin's Ivorine for children's wear. Khaki, grey, black and white... and staple shades in all the wanted weights. Specially priced: the way Tanlac has built her up, less attacks Upon Austro ary at | cal and even criminological argu-lwho has been visiting her grat and we never miss a chance to boost the tacks Soom 1 of Se vngaty his ments be proved the rank absurdity l;mother, Mrs. Hugh Erancy. TKi it. Our neighbors have been aston- tedching career at Prague 'was sud-|©f the popular belief." : street, left oh Monday for ished over the results, and they all denly ended and he became .n hon- The *'Realist" party, famous {or its | Bay to be the guest of her brother, tell her she looks like a different ored outcast from that country it | activities In Bohemian political af-| Dr. J, G. Cranston. person. was England that then invited him | fairs ia the years just before the war, Miss Annie Minnes, who has been Tanlac is sold In Kingston by A. to undertake a Slavonic professorship | Was founded by Prof, Masa*yk in|visiting her parents, {Mr. and Mrs. P, Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- at the University College in London, | 1900. Its avowed aim was philoso-| James Minneés, Bagot street, return- ler, in Battersea by C. 8. Clark, in and France that was glad to listen | Phical and docile, as well a¢ political. | ed to Toronto to-day. + * * y - Fernleigh by Erwin Martin, in Ar to his lectures at the University of | [ts centre was the university which doch by M. J. Semllion, in Sharbot! paris What Prague has lost---and | [18 founder had served so long--its| Miss Janet Porteous left on Tues- ASHDRESUENERNNEENEARERREANREREEERERE EREDNERREANE A A A Lake by W. Y. Cannan. let us hope that Prague may some | branches in every part where his day for Montreal, and later will go -ADVT. day regain it -- London.and Pabis | MOst progressive pupils had carried to visit friends in New York. RAR AMAA ~ have gained. ~ his teachings. When a strong party Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ryan and L 3 Prof, Masaryk is now sixty-eight had been formed behind him, Mas- [Master Hubert Ryan have returned years of age, at the intellectual aryk went back to Parliament in|from spending a few days with Mr. No Camoufla e height of his career. What a long 1907. and Mrs. James Maoparland at Tre- time ago it is since. as a poor boy These were the wild days of the | mont (Park. . in the Moravian town of Hodonin, | Bosnian troubles, and the Serbs were Mrs. (W. (F. |B. Henrx, who is the, In This Sto the future Czech teacher began his | eXIsting In a state of terror. Shortly guest of Mrs. [P. {G. IC. Campbell, 4 schooling, What a long time since | followed many opportunities for Mas- {George street, is returning to La- i -- that famous essay of his on "Suicide | 8T¥k to show that he was not only | cirine on (Friday. 4 a real political leader, but also a true Mrs. IG. |E. Francklyn and Miss : ae a Social Phénomenon"---In which, b » Bl Says corns stop hurting, then dealing with one of the saddest | fighting Czech.----J, W. Smith, in Bos- | Peggy (Franckiyn, who have been at tén Transgeript? the Gananoque Inn, came up to town lift right 'off without pathological symptoms of thé then \ one bit of pain contemporary Europe, he ascribed AER PR on Tuesday and are with Mrs. Hugh '| the chief cause to @ decay of relig- Dishonor Among Thieves, Fraser, King street. » | fous sentiment---drew the attention Newspapers received here from .8 \ Hospital records show that every|of European thinkers, and assured | Breslau, Gérmany, tell of a woman, Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton Mackerras . 0 time you cut a corn you invite lock-; the young professor at Vienna Uni- | whose criminal career created a sen-|and Mr. and (Mrs. Arthur Craiz, cB Jaw or blood poison, which is need-| versity a firm place In European | sation throughout the empire, being Who have heen on a motor trip A ' . ht less, says a Cincinnati authority, who | thought, He was then just short of | sentenced to six years' imprisonment | through the WMdirondacks, 'were ex- D mn f ii h H tells you that a quarter ounce of a|thirty. How long ago, too, it is since,'y for filching millions from the credu- |Pected home to-day. ; dll gl! | S g dir drug called freegone costs butia few | after years of pleading by the Bohe- | lous. The 'court in sentencing the | Miss Alice Hague, who has heen . : cents at the drug. store, but is suffi- mians for a university of their own, [ woman said her punishment would | With her jparents, Mr. and Mrs. | Ii Kill 0 d fi clent da rid one's feet of every hard | Taafe granted the request, and the { have been made more severe If it Sooree Hagve. U Biversity enue, li Gira S dil I . or soft corn or callus without even |Czech University was founded at | had not been for the fact that her P 18, 1s deaving for 3 a3 $ one little twinge of pain. Prague. That LE in 1882, and it | dupes were also eriminals, expecting | India early in August. oy One 'eaten! With. Lut : . COOL AND COMFORTABLE You simply apply a few drops of | was Masaryk who became the new | to profit by violations of the law. Miss Gladys Hitchcock has re- 1 1 how quick 4 Summer Furniture in 'Different, Designs and at Moderate Prices. this freezone on a tender, aching corn | University's professor of philosophy. The woman now serving her time | turned to Joyceville after spending | 3 teh. |p. Nothing will add more to your comfort than a nicely cushioned and the soreness is instantly relieved. | In this capacity, as an interpreter of | Is the wife of a humble clerk ew-|2 few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ar-| = 20 intent: Nest. 1 chair for your porch or roof garden. We have them in reed, Shortly the entire corn can be lift- | modern movements of thought and | ployed in a municipal department. thy, Callaghan, i zoutente id | morning shampoo with Cuticira Soa + old hickory, rush and rattan, with tapestry and chintz cush- ar Eh oh otherspoon left yes-| 4 hot water. Rinse with tepid fous to match ed out, root and all, with your fin- [of the great philosophers of the past | His name is Gohla. The woman is t i rs. : ~particularly the English school-- | forty-eight yoars old, but still hand- | terday for Port Hope to be the me water. Repeat in two wecke, Noth- Be : This drug Is sticky, but dries at {Masaryk promptly made his mark up- | some and of striking figure. She was|0f her mother, Mrs. 'Cumberland. ing better or surer. . Miss Luella Seaborne," who: has | Sample Each Free by Mail, Address post. : CREX GRASS RUGS once and Is claimed to just shriveljon the intellectual life of Bohemia. | for years a regular first nighter. She bean ¥islLng Mie a Wr roy de up any corn without inflaming or!No one who has followed the course | would appear bedecked with dia. [Jeo TT8, A, : Wil, | card: "Cuticura, Dent, N, Boston, U. 5. A." Congoleum. Rugs and floo wv even irritating the surrounding {is-|of European learning fails to appra- | monds worth a million marks, When |Batrie street, left for Toronto on Sold by dealers throughout the world, : Coa in and J ea Tusof a description, . sue or skin. ciate the value of Masaryk's work in | hor daughter was married recently | Sunday. is» { rma) complete line of Victrolas and Victor Records : It your wife wears high heels she the "80's, and no one who now looks |she pail 100,000 marks for her i ~) | ans, holding -their convention. this A » " : . . pid will be glad to know of this, back upon it fails to see that, in the { trousseau. Miss Saunders, Bar] "street, is | week. j . influence which he exerted on his stu- | When wir broke out Mrs. Gohla |12aVIDE at the end of the week for | (Charles (Cunningham and daugh- \ : dents, he was building for a great fu- | branched out as a contractor. At [the Isle of Orleans to be the guesi | ter, Loretta, accompanied by her! T. F HARRISON CO LTD ot Dr. and Mrs. Porteous. { cousin, Mizs Irene Stanton, also Mr. . . * CORRE 3 ture for his country--a future that | least she claimed she had war con- M H . U all freedom-loving peoples hope may [tracts obtained for her by influential Miss Telen Uglow, Barrie street, |and Mrs. Schwanke, the guests of 3 Go To Robinson and ||be realized when the present war is | friends. On the strongth of these WhO is wisiting Mrs. Harold Hawe | Mrs. Hugh Douglas, Kingston, and Phone 90. ~ past, war contracts she borrowed money Co awaway is expected home on 'Mrs. (Nat Stanton, (Barrietield, have 3 2 Yes, it was a long time ago~-so0 (by the millions. Her "business" x jmétored back to Buffalo, N.Y. Wiltshire's Garage long, indeed, that one almost forgets 'grew in leaps and bounds. She final- Mrs. W. Bowker, Kingston, is im; Mrs, Capitona Aniéy, Har] street, AAA ZAR A a a aad For Repaty' Work of AN Kinds. that in those 80°s Masaryk made Iv went to Berlin, where she found Juronta attending the G.W.V A. con-| left to-day for a visit to ther daugh-| . a - Valeantaing = Washed himself a well-bated man. The story | admission into the highest circles. FO Mies Je - Sm { ter, Mrs. Albert Daly, 'Detroit. We sell gasoline, tires and | [18 worth telling, because it brings out | Here the number of her dupes in- Miss Jessie Smith, who has been! Mrs. 'Henry IM. Miller, who has : a : int about Masaryk's ch er | creased rapidly. : at "Fottercairn," returned home on been visiting ser sister, Mrs: C. Opes Hath IR a poi ryk's character |e rapidly Bfonday 8 the; Wen Day and: Nig which must be emphasized--namely, At last gome of her creditors be-} ooaay: .- 2 a Amey, Earl street, forthe past two ; . that he always believes in the truth [came suspicious and notified the po- Miss Nora 'Martin, 'Olergy=street Nasks. fait today for her home in : ¢ i I rin, 3 set, | Buffalo, N.Y. 239% Bagot Street the whole truth---at all costs. The |lice. 'Her home was raided and af HO Dn TIE Mi Mr Dotale, LY. Miss Joa story concerns itself with the famous [lot of incriminating evidence was Horsey. 'C i t a a Phone 243. ttle of the Manuscripts" which |found. It was proved that the wo- | OFSO¥, Yessy. 1s re urning - home Acatland, Bar] sites, Tetutied on my ee or i ars ha - 3 - - u y dro wa, for many years had been waged be. | man had not only taken momey'figom Cadet A. M. Kirkpatrick, R.A F., MoLelland spent the week-end the m tween German and Bohemian men of |dupes, but also had bribed a number ; pe yor P who hag been spending a few days|guest of (Miss Helen McKay, Maur- learning regarding the authenticity |of officials to award contracts to her x runbérg a «| wh Dn bh e | With his mother, Mrs. A. K. Kirk-| ton's Point. of the famous Grunberg and Koui ich enabled her to find mor patrick, Johnson street, returned to! Mrs. Donald Vanhorn, Claresholme, CHEAP THIS WEEK ginhof treasures. These manuscripts, | dupes, Toronto to-day, All, hae ET iVen to Toit I lonas ond WESTERN BEEF LH AT LQW p on which Bohemia prided itself, as Mrs, Gohla was found guiltyPor ; ' depp Miss Kathleen Saunders and Miss| relatives in the city. 3 ating hemia: itera ba f i as ny fhi- J. n ) { ating Boheplan literature hack lo fIaud in eleven cases, of bribing off{y,, Saunders, Alce street, returned | Sir George and Lady Bury, Mont- 600 Ibs. Pickled Hocks . . . a per Ib. the Jonth wid eleventh centuries, had clals in five cases and also of viols- home on Monday after s ine holon, urea tie Taga on af n ve beginni n the lott bh pend s 0 > p 0 1 » » been d red at the beginning nf | tion of the lottery law. Before the past two weeks at Meach Lake. their daughter, (Doris, to Captain 800 Ibs. Choice Dairy Butter "a 45¢ per 1b. eenth cen notwith. | trial com a ihe ninet century, and, not al commenced her husband sued, Miss Elizabth Cunningham, Earl] James Stewart Allen, son of Mr. and standing attacks upon them by Ger- | her for divorce, but this action did 1 man scholars, had been held in vene- [not save him, for ho was crentencod | Street, loft on Monday to be a V.A.|Mrs. Charles H. Allen, of Van 58 Nn ' x ration by Bohemia. It will be realiz- [to one year's imprisonment as his D. at "Fettercairn" for two weeks, |couver, BX. The marriaée will : I WH ie DA he therefore, 'that when Masaryk | wife's accomplie. Gohla claims to cre oi be a dance at the Yacht take piace Suietly pa Augnat 26. . v . on Con nued on ge 10. ? » $ Primcess Street -- Phone 597. {took sides with the German scholars | have known nothing of his wife's and au a Dillons Nitack on Se love affairs and blackmailing ; : « "= ! n manuseript, opnosi- | schemes. 5 : Canada Food Board License No. 9-8781. tion Against him person-ie becnwa | See high dignitaries and eaptaina Minds Chol. a BRI ISH SHIPPING " Violons, He Was TU nt uo lot industry are involved in these] into on Saturday and spent the AGENT A KNIGHT scandals, which will be aired when |yaek.end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T.| ; : the divoree suit comes to trial, | Minnes at "Hilloroft." he . - s a 3 i : Misses Monday for Bronte, Niagara, to} sorve in the National Service for a month, = _ Nis L.

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