_. PAGE FOUR THE BRITISH WHIG 85TH YEAK, « s Published Daily and Semi-Weekiy by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ) 00, LIMITED, . . President se:20., Editor and Managing-Director. Te! ce Oms Business + 243 Kahorial 3 Job Office SURSCRIPTION RATES (Datly Edition) Ome year, delivered in city One year, if paid in advance ,.... One year, by mall to rural offices § One year. to Unjted States 2.5 ¢ (Bem|-Weekly Edition) One year, by mall, cash One year, if not pald in advance ear; to United States Xx and three months pro rata. MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE R. Bruce Owen 123-8t. Peter St, UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: F.R.Nonthrup, 225 F'"h Ave, New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg, ChMcago letters 18 the Fattor are published only over the actusl name of the Attached. 18 one of the best job printing offices tn Cagada. 5.00 2.50 1.0 1.60 1.6 The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is Suthentienied by the Audit Bureau of Olrculations. S-------- -------------- A A AT Smad Won't someone Iplease rise to re- mark that the Germans in the pre- sent retreat are going for Fere? A French woman spy, it has Just been proven, was also in the pay of Berlin. You can never be sure of the ladies. The city authorities threaten to show no mercy "to rowdies who make the dilapidated fair buildings worse than they are at present. The thing "can't be dig." ---------- "I am disgusted with the whole Anglo-Saxon race," the kaiser is said to have told his American dentist. Woll, not any msre than the Anglo- - 'Saxon race is disgusted with him. According to the Whig's fyles, as noted yesterday, coal was selling in this 'city twenty-five years ago at $6 a ton. Oh, for a short return to the good old days of yesteryedr. The tanks which topk part in the last battle of "the Marne have been rechristened © "chariots of victory." May the new name bring them good Tuck. "Save and serve' is the creed of all who live in the free nations. To save; : Wisely, you must study the advts. It you save, you can serve----in a thou. sand ways. e The Republican party of New «York State is advocating "universal military training for national ser- vice." . The country, in the party view, should not be caught again with an "insignificant army, badly equipped and altogether inadequate to cope with any serious crisis.' =: mri -- + A number of American officers have been killed w teading their men against enemy positions. They were true to Anglo-Saxon traditions --they showed the way themselves. The German officers usually drive thelr men forward, while they them- sefVés remain safely in the rear. } miami In discussing the water power possibilities at Morton, J. IC. Judd, of that village, refers to our J, M.- Campbell as having "tried to har- ness wp a goose pond at Kingston Mills." | It must be "some" goose Pond, inasmuch as it furnishes Gan- anoque with Power and light, with considerable over for Kingston. LA mew airplane, capable of carry- Ing nine men and two tous of bombs, ; Weighing over fourteen tous, has 8|1t is a sacred (held and enforced, be the 9 2 | tobaceo is the only comfort. Tutes from 9? form FOU MUSEU Bi Wisely; fo buy {small nations. Her treaty means exactly what it says] It is no mere Avimer, in « tletter § to the dis fares G § t { made He zr is Har (with he stuff sy. cheapest as to the not doing my com their can- Imperials wii] t to. a Canadian spiritual work is type. He adds finally: people w start a scandal resurrection morn, I at to ge of {the highest | "Some ont be Heve.' 16 LET THEM SMOKE uncharitable remarks of the W.C T1010 president as to Cana- dian soldiers' life have reached the war zone and have been a4 cause of heartburning among our gallant heroes. Hear one of them as he assafls the position of the tem- perance untemperate re marks: "What comfort is there in the trenches? Ask anyone done his bit and is now at home, and he will tell you the same thing---that For in- stance, take the respite of a few min- the long night acrogs No Man's Land, and bacco is the consolation "Furthermore, when a of humanity is being packed out on stretchers, what does he in most cases ask for? Mrs Wright's so-called rotten cigarettes, and he gets them, too When Mrs. Wright has sgen scenes of this nature and The 7 mode' of advocate's who has watches the to mangled could he told by one who has spent some days in the trenches, she would convinced My advice to her is to take a trip to France or England and visit our hos- pitals and then our convalescent camps and get information first-hand, and not rely upon sec ond-hand infor- mation to back up her arguments "I have trained the boys in Fmng- land myself, when they were fresh from Canada, and never have I seen smoking interfere with thelr train- ing. Did it interfere at all with the Canadian troops during their big bat- itles of Vimy, the Sommnie and Pass- chendaele? Not one atom I my- self am an ardent lover of the de- plored weed, and I never feel any ill- effects, and I can do my day's work as well as the man who never smokes. Let anyone come and have a look at our Rattalion, the majority heavy smokers, and you see ¥ bunch of healthy, fine fellows, as Fritz has found to his cost." perhaps be otherwise BELGIUM'S ELIZABETHVILLE. In one of the most beautiful Eng- lish valleys, far. from devastated Bel- glum, there is a little village where, once more, Belgian homes are estab- lished as in the peaceful days before the war. . Belgian housewives delight to keep the home fires burning in the most attractive way, Belgian work- men return as of old at the close of the day to their own firtside, and children; unafraid, gather about the family board or sing or play as child- ren should. The name of this little haven is Elizabethville, in memory of the dear queen of thes¢ exiled peo- ple. + Just where the heart of Eliza- bethville is to be found is somewhat jof a puzzle: Solia Wighi Think it located in the great munition factory. Others would contend that the soul of Elizabethville is in its homes. To be sure, the factory is the thing that { say §* "Alty-} ----] PBLIC OPINION | Sri ttn Ws --, --------------. Offensive, a Record) ~offensive" is ; one, because Ge lly more. offensive W 8 peace than 'when it car- ries on war Some Sprinter, Adver ir) captured! Tush! was the only soldier Willie, and Tom's nghoat who could cateh back in Canada. ---------------- Kaiser's Kasy. Marks, (Indianapolis Nows) It must be admitted, however, that Kaiser has come nearer fooling is people all the time than any other ruler. Some Truth In This. (Richmond Times-Despateh) One-minute prayers, followed by fifty-nine minutes of good honest work will accomplish more than one-hour prayer with the other item left off, Never Retreat, (Montreal Star) A Danish engineer has invented a "ateel soldier" to stand in the fore- front of battle and never retreat Look out for the first huge order from-Ausjria ? Fairly Scant, (Ohio State Journal) Membership in the Y.W.C.A. en- titles girls to hecome privates in the military department The uniform will consist of an arm band and trench cap. Convertible Skates. (Buffalo News) A Chicago man has invented con vertible skates Speaking of conver quickly a 'man sobers up when his wife sights him unexpectedly? Gullible Prussian Efficiency. (New York Sun) Serious consideration of a plan to invade Canada from this country with 100,000 German reservists was Sxactly what might have been ex- peeted from the Kaiser's agents here, The gullibility of Prussian efficiency is one of its most amazing qualities. Great Demand For Ice. The drivers Jof the ice WARZONS have had a strenuous time the past two weeks. Owing to the hot spell there has been an extra demand on the company for ice, and the driv- ers have 'had to work very hard. There 48 no harder Job than hand- ling ice all day One driver was much amused the other day when a lady said to him: "You certainly have a cool job for this kind of weather." The good lady did nat Stop to think of the hard work the fellow 'was up against in carrying the ice into the houses. Miss: Hilda McKenna, Belleville, had her hand badly erushed in a mangle at a steam laundry. has re- Police Lt.-Col. Floyd, Cobourg, ceived the appointment of Magistrate of that town THE KID tible skates, did you ever notice how To add his name to the roster THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918. ALCERNON BLACKWOOD | -- Author of "The Promise of Air," a symbolical novel. HAS GONE. TO THE COLORS. by W, M Fhe Kid And we don't know wh Iterschell, ~~ has gone to the Colors, at to say; The Kid we have loved and cuddled Stepped out for the flag to-day, We {thought him a child, a baby With never a care at all, But his country called 'him man-| size, . | And the Kid has heard the call. f | the recruiting, | He paused to watch the fife and | Where, fired [by drum, 1 bowed this head to Old Glory And thought that it whispered: | "Come!" The Kid, not being .a slacker, Stood forth with patriot-joy, Ho And God, we're of the boy! proud The kid has gofte to ithe Colors; It seems but a little while Since he [drilled 2a schoolboy army In a truly martial style But now he's a man, a soldier, And we lend him listening ear, For his heart is a heart all loyal, Unscourged by the curse of fear. His dad, when the told him, shud- dered; mother cried; ; Yet, blest with a mother-nature, She wept with a mother-pride. But he whose old shoulders straigh- tenad Was granddad--for memory ran To years when he, too, a yotngster, | Was changed by the [flag to a man. * From God bless her His Indianapolis News. Increasing G.W.V.A. Membership, The G.W.V.A. ig conducting a mem- bership campaign and thirty new members were secured during the week ending July 27th, and to-day it is expected thatthe mew members will reach 200, The aim of the com- mittee is to give the Kingston branch a membership of 1,000 and the goal is almost in sight, -- BIBBYS 2 I ES ---------- Style Headquarters LOWE » J Young Men's Two Piece Suits ; Size 33 to 38. d Pinch Back, Belter and Form Fitters, Fancy Homespun Serges and Worsteds. S pecial Value, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50. OUTING TROUSERS : White Duck, $2.00. Light Weight Cheviots in Light Shades : Flannel $3.75. Trousers, $5.00. BATHING SUITS $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Wool Bathing Suits, $3.50 and $4.50 Headquarters for Men's Underwear BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINT is not a new line, as it has heen made for 60 years, We can show and are still in first class condition. you houses painted five years ago with it, Sold only at BUNT?S Phone 388 Hardware King St. Gm no Rippling Rhymes EXER versis; come to gallivant. dear abode, -and a long farewell!" motor cars come gave the village the excuse for being. shells have been made for England in this town, and no one but Bel glans are employed. They are men who have seen service---90% of them ~-and at least three-fourths have been wounded. Four hundred have been. decorated for bravery. At-the end of 1916 the weekly wage, in pounds, more than doubled the pro- duction of shells. Today, although the wage has heen increased, the two things balance. Elizabethville is a "Garden City" ~glectric light and water being in each cottage and each having a little garden spot attached. Bach is fur- nished by the Ministry of Munitions, and the weekly rent pays for every- thing. There is one general store and one butcher shop, one church, a There 1s a hospital attended by mili- tary surgeons. Boy Scouse have a flourishing company, and a can enjoy the games of their own country. A Jost interesting feature is that Elizabethville has three com- munal dining rooms which have proven highly successful. Food is good 'and the price is low. J Thus does England. care for th Belgian refugees. Thus does "per- fiious Albion" practice what she preaches in regard to the rights of of paper to be More than one and a half million | school for boys and another for girls.{~ ture to al "und ride! i:¥ old fat skate!" . J I'm in the walk} E day "and groan; versts and then return to where the cons burn, and s lungs and windpipe are a wreck. staff for hefty guys; if I don't take The my the doc; scared,stift by all his fierce harangues, I still saw off the parasangs. -- WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN This littlo stunt each day is mine: walk three! in rain or stowed away, I gird my well known loins and say "Farewell, fond wire for sixty minutes by the clock: "elib he hill and thread the dell CISE /| shine. When breakfast's safely | and Toving aunt! The time has The sawbones tells me 1 must walk s0 I must leave my! along the road, must | farewell, old girls, | along the fea, and! r drivers say, "Get in push myself Ob then I sw up by me; th You're wearing out the countryside; it aasn't built for such a weight ft takes get in and ride, you| all kinds of fortitude to say, ng mood; I guess I will not ride to- #ong my stony way. 1 walk three household bea- it me down beneath the trees; I've struggling up the dusty track, Ing pains around my neck, my doctor says that exercise is just the daily walk, I'll soon be planted, says i FE! torn to pleces to serve & selfish it thing, iv be loyally up-|{ ns CAN ry De DERAL LEAVE MA NN. ConTRAeT SATISFIED hs Gt PE A Pumps & Oxfords Ladies' white kid pumps and Oxfords. | Ladies white reign- skin & canvas pumps. Ladies' Oxfords in browncalf. ~~ «= Ladies' Oxfords in gun metal calf or kid. ies' patent Ox- heels. EE FOR SALE Six General Stores In villages in Kingston dis- trict. The annual sales in these stores range from $8,000 to $50,000, For particulars, aps ply to és 1.J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance, Clarence Street. Kingston Ontario, Ny WV VNR Wa Safety Goggles For AUTOMOBILISTS BICYCLE RIDERS MOTOR CYCLISTS THRESHERS, ETO, in AMBER, SMOKE, BLUE From 50¢ to $2.50. . DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 18¥ Princess St., hata ch a a 2 a Phone 848 ¥ a - THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anythi tn the carpea tery lime, Fatimates given on ail kinds Try it for Breakfast ! We were fortunate in hav. Hood supply of caftce on aad wa) ty was on and will continue to Java and Mocha | Blend Ahad Ad a A a a