KINGSTON. ONTARIO. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1918 SECOND SECTION ALWAYS DREADED 00 ne Another Honest Effort to Reduce the High Cost of ~ Buying Outing Suits $12 to $25 "It took only four bottles 'of Tan- lac to put me on my feet again and Men's and young men's outing suits in tweed, blue serges and worsteds, in pinch back and semi-fitting styles. Just what he has, and what he does |its work. It is this hallucination I nevzdr had any medicine before to Boys' Cloth: not have. Similarly, at regular in-|which causes. more bad singing, do me so much good," said Mrs, Here is an opportunity to buy your boy's suit at a reasonable tervals students of music should do [smashes more careers all th the same thing. At the end of the other faults put together; 0 it is Sarah Anderson, whose husband is price. For Saturday only, sizes 26 to 35. Prices range from $4.95 to $10.95. YEAR 85. NO. mmm is RTT How tones--soft, loud, : runs, rapid, At regular intervals every merchant slow, held tones, legato, staccato, etc "takes stock." or, as the more mod- jin other words, thé very process that ern phraseris, "takes an inventory." lis absolutely automatic, the average This means that he thoroughtly ex- [beginner and many a singer feels it amines his merchandise to find out [his sole duty to compel directly to do Students Should Take Stock. term or season they should endea- |this hallucination which is the most employed as freight clerk by the vor to get a clear idea of what they [difficult to cure, since of the four car- | CAnadian Pacific Railway and who have that they did not have at the be- [dinal principles, it is the one that,!1VeS at 82 Peter street, Toronto, the ginning of the term or season, and, |calls for the finest introspection, self other day. " above all, try 'to discover what they | analysis, inner vision, based en the| For several years," she contimued, do not have that they ought to have. absolute assurance that the throat will| MY System was in an awfully ner- Let them ask themselves a few ques- | remain open, if not forcibly closed. |Yous and rundown condition which ft tions-- for example: . seemed utterly impossible for me to "Have I increased my technique? If Real Violinists Are Scarce. overcome. I had no appetite at all, not, in what particular is it faulty? When played by an artist, no other | Deer felt hungry and took hardly "Have I improved my knowledge of | musical instrument meets with such | SPOUSh nourishment to keep going. harmony? 1f not, why not?" favor as the violin; yet real violinists | MY nerves were in such a wretched "Do I know more of musical his- {are scarce. It has been said, "There | State that going down stairs for a tory _and biography than I did last are many fiddlers, but few violinists." pitcher of water would set me to ye: ar? Superior violin playing comes through trembling and shaking like a leaf. I "Is my grasp of theory superior teaching. Not all great vio- | 2ever would rest wel at night on ae- cal knowledge in general linists are great teachers, but. all count of the nervous twitching and and clearer?" « | great teachers of the violin are violin- jumping 1 was subject to and 1 "What have 1 added to my reper: |ists--artists. The great violinists | Would wake up in the mornings feel- toire, and are the additions of perma- were taught from the beginning by ing so tired and fagged out that I nent worth? "Have I spent as much | teachers who were artists. Had they could hardly get up out of bed and gime and thought on my work as 1|heen satisfied with ordinary teachers, drag myself around the house all day. might have done?" the result would have been ordinary| hen I would try to do my Joyse: If these questions can be honestly players. On the contrary, many are work Iswould have to stop every little answered in the affirmative the pupil plodding through life as ordinary while to lie down and rest, Really, is to be congratulated. If they must {players who would have been artists |! Just can't describe how weak and be answered negatively it may be the undér proper training miserable I felt, and I fairly dreaded | 3 ) ) 4 8 . a means of stimulating the de linquent | prog ---- the coming of night, for I knew that pupil to better things At any rate, 1 would be in for an awful time of it." try it once Do not work blindly od "My husband would buy all kinds faith or by guess, but look into your of medicine for me to take, but they musical affairs clearly and thorough- might as well have been water for all ly and see just where you stand. the good they did me. But one day he brought me home a bottle of Tan- lac and right after I started taking it things began to change for the bet- ter. I kept on with it till now I am enjoying all my meals and my food is certainly building me up right along. My nerves are stronger and calmer, I sleep like a child at night and get up in the mornings feeling greatly refreshed. I am stronger and better in every way than I have been in a long e and 1 can now do all my housé k without a bit of trouble, My face is filling out, too, and 1 feel worlds better all over. My husband will bear me out in what 1 have said about the good Tanlac has done me, and he is as much pleased as I am with my great improvement." Tanlac Is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- ler, in Battersea by C. 8. Clark, in Fernleigh by Ervin Martin, in Ar- doch by M. J. Scullion, in Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannon, --ADVT, and musi- stronger HERRERO THE SONORA BABY GRAND radiates beauty in its every line, What's more, this beauty is more than skin deep---it's in the TONE. See and hear this beautiful "instrument in our Phonograph Salens. Price: $250 Other Models $74.00 to $550.00 EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. C. W. LINDSAY Limited. 121 Princess St., Kingston Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Three Rivers, Brockville and Belleville. din A. i Expressions in Music. When we stop to realize the fact that there are thousands of musicians with a' wonderful capacity for tech- nique and fireworks who never attain any position of magnitude in the mu- sical world, the thought uppermost in our minds is "What is the real cause?" It is said by some of the greatest artists who have made a lifelong study of the art of musical expression and interpretation, that there is not one professional musician in ten thousand who understands in the slightest de- gree the subjects of musical accentua- tion, emphasis and expression, and when one puts his life into the study of the subject ,he begins to realize that the statement is absolutely true. In the mad rush for technical profi- ciency, many musicians seem to en- tirely forget the fact that to become a successful concert artist professional musciian or successful conductor, it is absolutely necessary to &ert every possible effort to attain proficiency in this subject and we must never lose sight of the fact that it is not what you play but how you play that de- termines the artist. Most musicians with a fairly good quality of tone and a little technical ability can readily advance to a stage whereby they may be able to play with some of the large musical or- ganizations they.aspire to if they will make a study of the subject and ap- ply themselves most eafnestly to the study of musical expression. HAD TOANSWER QUESTIONS MAJOR BUCHANAN AND MAJOR ASHTON ATTEND CONVENTION. S---- Disability Grades--Ninety Per Cent. of Staff of Board are Returned Men. Toronto, Aug. l1.--Major Buch- anan, travelling representative of ' % - -3 | the Board of Pensions, was given a EAA AAA rriridirirdririirriiiridririirddiditd | 200d hearing at the 6 W.V.A. con- vention yesterday. However, he was asked eighteen questions as to the manner or treatment of various grades of disability. He stated that ninety per cent. of the staff of the Board of Pensions was compos- ed of returned men or of women directly connected with them. The powers of the board, he said, were purely administrative, and followed the basis laid down by the legisla- tion~of the country. If the Govern- ment ruled that the total disability pension should be placed at $500 or $600 or $5,000 it was not within The Vocal Lesson. The average beginner, and many singers, believe that by taking vocal lessons, he is absolutely having his voice trained By this he does not mean that he is having the diaphragm trained This is proven by the fact that, although almost forced to watch his breathing, he will neglect proper breathing, whenever he can. Nor does he believe that voice culture means shaping the vowels or drop- ping the jaw, else he would not be caught the second and third years, ne- glecting these functions. Nor does he think that voice culture mgans pro- per placement, although he may have been told so many times. He still thinks that voice culture means to learn to manipulate the throat in such a'way as to personally produce tones, CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUse ForOver 30 Years ees Rot Teo Signature of Here's News Men can find the summer shirts they want at Abramson's, both for sport and outing wear, at 99¢ Men's Boots Real bargains in men's boots; tan calf with or without neolin soles sizes 5 to 11. Specials for Saturday, from $4.95 to $6.45. VERY SPECIAL PRICES ON WOMEN'S and GROWING GIRLS' - WHITE FOOTWEAR Geowing Girls' White Canvas Mary Jane Ankle Strap Slippers, leather soles. Saturday special, $1.98. Ladies' White Canvas High Cut Boot, long vamp, high heel. Special for Saturday, $2.75. ASK TO SEE OUR LADIES' POPLIN DRESSES, AT REMARK. ABLY LOW PRICES. Louis Abramson, 336 Princess Street. IT A TET AA AT I ENA SO The Telgmann School of Music Plano, violin and other stringed Instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Froritenac Street. Phone 1610. roughly considerad. No notice was taken of the findings of medical boards in Britain. This was be- cause climatic and home influence would tend to decrease the percenmt- age of disability noted in "Britain. No important positions on the staff of the board were held by either women or civilians. Investigation committees should be formed by the G.W.V.A., each branch to have (its own. This would eliliinate the constant inflow fo the Ottawa or Toronto offices of dozens of letters from single sources of protest. There was no distinction between the condition of medical and indus- trial unfitness. Every case was ad- justed according to the percentage of medical<physical disahlity noted. Pensions in every ere based upon the general labor market. No distinctions were made as be- tween officers and men. In all cases where disability had sheen present but unnoticed an en- listment the pension was awarded according to the aggravation caused by serviee. A widow was entitled to a pensfon only where shown to be wholly dependent on the man killed om active service.. Only one dependent could be considered. Major Ashton, the chairmam of the soldiers' land settlement com- mission, was well recely, ved, but the convention, without a' dissentient YY Drink Charm Tea To Reduce the High Cost of Living try a package of Charm New Japan Tea at the low price of 28c a half pound package. Vanada Food Board License No. 6-004, The Up-to-the-Minute-Clothier. EL HRT RRTRCARRTR ERROR ROOTEL COMOROS OOOO VT linet yf PNR = TABLETS = LICR HET pill | Hl RET We wi Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod. THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street A Wonderful Healing Ointment! 'o take biistees, use Hirst's Family Salve--it works cases the inflammation out of burns, inflamed cuts, scalds, bruises," and like magic! Useit also to relieve of piles and chafing, for abscesses and sunburn. It's soothimg and heali BRT wonderful. A box should be in every home--ready, when needed, | Price box---all dealers--or write us. Hitat ¢ REMEDY COMPANY, HAMILTON, CANADA ). and HIRST'S Pectoral Hovebound the province of the board fo take issue in this matter. The province of the board, he said, was to decide as to the exact disability of the in- {dividual and to base the pension award ypon a computation outlined by an investigation board, compris- ing the finest scientific minds of the world. In answer to the many written queries presented, Major Buchanan stated: "Three doctors usually com- posed a medical board. In some towns a specially trained dnvesti- had been appointed as a ... If his findings were pro- tested, the protest, if sent in through special pension investigation com- mitteees of the G.W.V.A. branches "Now Is the Time To Purchase That New would be immediately and tho- The Bilious Habit ERE : The 1 liver is at fault Get the liver by using Dr. vote, passed a resolution calling for the appointment of a special cabinet minister, . with full power to deal with the problem of the returned soldier's agricultural rehabilitation from all angles. The resolution also called for immediate applica- tion to the problem of land-area se- lection. THE WORLD'S NEWS ; IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Aerial postal service between Italy and France will be imaugura:- u in September, a Rome sably an- ounces. nO tosican citizens in Toronto or ganized to protest in- come tax levy imposed by the Unit. 44 Stes on subjects living in Can- a complete commercial guide to don and Suburbs, it contains Hsts of T. H. Sargent, Druggist, Kingston, Ont. THE LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the World | to communicate direct with English Manufacturers & Dealers , in each class of moods. Besides s being 40 Merchan(s ' the goods they ship, and the Col -- ed Forelgn Markets they sup ply; arse + Provincial Trade Notices of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, ste, na {hats the principal Provincial Towns and al Centres of the United ngdom, Business Cards of Merchants and Deal- ers seeking be trade can now rinted under each in Be Es ars * e vertigsments from 815 copy of the directory will be seat or gost ¢ on receipt of postal orders for for Co, Ltd, 55, Abehureh Lane. Landon, EC. 4, las Romanoff, former Emperor of | Russia. hat Fifty per cent, cut n production of Sneumatic: tires tn July and Dominion Fish Co. Canada ¥Vood Board License No. 9.3246. -- The London Directory | pring $15.00 To $28.00 Tweed Rain Coats. Large stock of all ' wool and worsted suiting, Indigo blue serge. JOHN TWEDDELL 131 Princess Street