Just the ! uit You Want is Here Don't know where you'll find the suit you want if you can't find it here. We hate to hand ourselves bouquets, but we're going to. say that we've the best spread of suits you can find in a day's - journey -- a long day, too. The smart young fellow or the older head can both find their suits here. More smartness or better tailoring and fabrics never went into suits. If you conclude to invest in one of our handsome suits we would tax you only such reasonable «prices as $20, $22, $25, $28, $30 or $35. Livingstons BROCK STREET If off your route it pays to walk. Military News | troops in ; A <harch pdr ade of Kingston and Barriefield is to be held tesmorrow to St. 'George's Cathedral. The Roman Catholics will parade to St. Mary's. Major FW. Partridge, O.C. "A" Company, 1st Depot' Battalion, E. ©. R., has been granted leave of absence & Major P. de L. D. Passey pro- ceeded to Cobourg and Port Hope on engineering service. Lieuts. Muilin and McEachern, conducting officers with a recent draft to England, have returned to Canada and reported at headguart- ers Saturday. Col. Clyde Caldwell, who is on the headquarters staff at Ottawa, will be escorting officer of Prince Arthur of Connaught during his stay in the pro- vince. The following particulars are available concerning the award of the Military Cross to Lieut, Vernon Bland Crothers, of this city "During an attack he led forward supports through heavy barrage and continued at duty though badly wounded." Four young men, dwelling in the outskirts of Renfrew, have virtually been living an outlaw life in their endeavor to escape the Military Ser- vice Act. Three of them are known to be of German descent, and the other Irish. Two of them have been at Kingston, but deserted. En- deavors will be made to arrest thear. Pte. Palmer is high man "Y" checker tournament. In a game sizzling with excite- ment and solid hitting, E.R. came out on the long end of the score at Barriefield last night against the AMC. It was a battle royal from start to finish. Cronk for A.M.C. hit the longest home drive seen at camp this season. P. J. in the Lee, area supervisor of Military Y.M.C.A. work, was here Atthe Theatres | At The Grand. For Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day the Grand will offer 3 programme of vaudeville and "pictures that will be a treat to see. For the (eature, Corrine Griffith will be seen in her latest aod most talked of vehicle, "Love Watches." The story deals with a young girl who refuses to mar- ry a sreoccupied book-worm and chooses a dashing Parisian count -of many affairs, who promises to never again look at another woman, Buta young widow pursues him and Jacqueline, in a fit of jealousy, flies to the apartment of the harmless book-worm. Both the families are in a state ol confusion, all but the father of Jacqueline, who firmly be- lieves that love watches over its own and is a talisman that protects either man or woman. This wonderful photo-play is one that you don't want to miss, and besides it there will be the Pathe News, a good single reel of comedy and two othér films. The vaudeville, an act that comes to the! Grand highly recommended, will be sure to citeh everyone's fancy. At Griffin Griffin's, That ever-popular screen star, Douglas Fairbanks, scored another triumph with his new photo-play, "Say! Young Fellow," which was again presented before a capacity au- dience last evening. The picture is an excellent one, as all of Mr. Fair- banks' pictures are, and it demon- strated its popularity in a most em- phatic manner, See this picture this evening, and also the balance of our most entertaining programme, FORECAST OF DAMAGE. 5 aA Dr. Shutt Says Letter On Oats Is Sign of Rust, In the opinion of Dr. Frank T. Shutt, assistant director at the Ex- perimental Farm, the letter which observers of natural phenomena have found on oat leaves, and whose pres- ence they have interpreted as fore- casting the end of the war, is not a '""B" nor the figure "8" either, but possibly the letter ""R" instead. | But Dr. Shutt does not consider the mark as a good omen. Instead, he says that its real portent is that yesterday. He gave a short address to the men in camp. After the League ball game last night a hot game of volley ball was, staged between men from the train- ing school representing Brockville and Ottawa. Brockville won. GW V.V.A. Members will parade to the special military service on Sunday morning. Meet at club rooms at. 10.30 a.m. sharp. A RETURNED SOLDIER IS REPORTED MISSING Mystery Surrounds the Disap- pearance of Pte. William H. Smith, Ottawa. Pte. William N .Smith, a returned 'Tonights Specials 20 DOZEN BUNGALOW ALLOVER a APRONS Made from best quality of English print in neat stripes and checks, warranted fast Tonight for less than : colors; all sizes. cost of material . .75¢c each 250 PAIR BLACK SILK LISLE HOSE i Double sole, extra spliced heel; warty ed fast in golors; : Tonight for .. he a stocking worth x 3c. WOMEN'S VESTS Vv Geek with short and no sleeves; fine ribbed cotton with. lisle finish. To-night - 125% each soldier, whose home is in Ottawa, has disappeared under the most extraor- dinary circumstances. He has been missing since April 15th last, and al- though a constant search has been made for him by the police, no trace whatever can be found of his where- abouts. He has a wife and four little children in Ottawa. Pte. Smith returned from the front in March last, and on April 9th came ta Kingston to get his final discharge after two years' service. He re- mained in Kingston till April 15th, when the necessary papers were handed to him, and then he disap- peared as if swept off the face of the earth. It is believed that he may have suffered mentally as a result of his service at the front, and wandered away. IS LIKELY DROWNED. Clothing of Major Sharp Found on : Cataraqui Bay Bank. It is believed that Major W. J. Sharp, casualty officer for Military District No. 3, with offices in the focal Armouries, was drowned at an - rly hour on Satutday morning at the disused intake pipe about half a mile beyond the outer statien. His clothes, watch, boots, cane, cap and other apparel were found neat- ly folded on the bank, with a towel lying nearby by George Coxworthy, 27% Hickson avenue, who keeps several boathouses in the vicinity. At first Mr. Coxworthy thought that someone was in bathing, but no one could be found in the vicinity, and he concluded that the owner of the clothes was drowned. He informed the police at ten o'clock and sum- moned Corbett's ambulance to the scene = | Policeman Lesslie Clark and seve- | ral of the Dominion police were on the scene and attempted to locate | the body. Sergt. Gordon Murray, aw of the C.AGS., made several dives a: 10 find the body, but he was unsuc- cessful, and up to a late hour this afternoon the remains had not been located in the weeds. 2% The major was in his office late mw on Friday afternoon talking with Sharp was one of the most ar staff officers in the armour- , and his sudden demise will be Raiures of STent sorrow with a . He was a eapain, i | bombing Barrietield | camp in 1915. Ta shmiary lat Be 35d vhs sromatd Coie a 4 a Bd Bed : y Satsiactor. 3 | in the eity. Tu ------------------ Ethel Dell's new novel, "Great Heart," a charming romance. Secure Foal, yo « against the Hun, but which destroys thousaads of dollars' another war must be weazad--not ugainst rust, worth of grain every year. It is not an unusual occurrence for rust to form in the shape of the let- ter "R"" on' oat leaves, but every year since the war started credulous persons, seeing the letters for the first time, have jumped at the con- clusion that it is a mystic sign fore- telling the end of the war or the end of the world in the immediate future. Air Force Plans For Sports Day. Deseronto will have its civic holi- day on August 7th. The R.A.F. will have their'annual sports meet on that day ang it promises to be a fine gath- ering. The place will be at the Rath- bun airdrome, There will be flying exhibitions "staged," when all "stunts" will be shown. The com- mittee hopes to arrange an aerial duel, a replica, as far as possible, of the air fighting on the front, Men famous in college and club athletics; men who have won laurals in universities as Teronto, McGill, Queen's, Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Pennsylvania are in the corps at Deseronto and many fast races will be run, In the evening the "fly guys" will entertain their guests at a con cert and dance. How French Women Work, Pte. Lewis Innes, of the 146th Bat- talion, in writing his friends, says: 'If the women of Canada had to work like the French women they would have something to think about. He says the crops in France are looking fine, and they would need to, for the women put it in with only old men to help them, and they have not the implements to work with like weé have in Canada." Remember Princess Street Meth- odist Sunday school picnic on Tues- day, August 6th, to Brephy"s Point. Boat leaves Brock street wharf at 1.30 . Tickets, 25c. "The Rough Road," a new war ro- mance by Willlam J. Locke, the cele- brated novelist, is now ready at Uglow's. DAILY MEIORANDUM Wad Remembrance Day, Sunda Tenders For Hay Market. ols Close Manday. See f page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities. os ---- BORN. ROCHFORT---At Kingston on August Ind, 1918, §o Mr. and Mrs. J. A "Rochfort, a son. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Ambulances. 'ROBERT J. REI REID The Leading U Phone 577 bei OR Acknowledgement of Appreciation Cards, Our New ummer Corsets Smart lines are nothing more than correct cor- seting. The new corsets give you just the lines for to-day's fashions without any pressure or discom- fort whatever. . $1.00 1.25 1.50 Special Corset Values . . Special Corset Values Special Corset Values . . SEE THESE TO-NIGHT. You Too Can have a youthful figure if you select the correct corset. It isn't a question of age at all. French Model Corsets ht That are modestly priced for the woman who would dress wisely and well. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. A Notable List of New Summer Blouses Will be ready for to-night's selling. Many of these with only one or two of a size, but a great collection to choose from. $1.00 to $7.50. John Laidlaw & Son se. $3.95 $3.25 Three Tables Full Of Summer Shoes These few shoes that we are offering for sale are some of this sea- Odds andfeuds in pumps . all nice shoes and worth