PAGE EIGHT 74 Every Young Man . Wants "the thing' in fine clothes. We're going to see that he gets it, too. it comes to snappy In short, when clothes, we're here with the goods. Every garment shows extreme smart- ness. = Suits: $20.00, $22.00, $25.00, up to $35.00 Livingston's Brock Street. If off your route, it pays to walk. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1918. ER ---- ---- =| CAP. KEN WILLIAMS DEAD] PASSED AWAY ON Y ON SU NDAY NIGHT INCOTTAWA, . Deceasad Was a Well-known Kings. ton Bugby Player and C.AS.C. Of- ficer, Who Served Overseas, The unexpected passing of Capt. | Kennetn Fenwick A. Williams in Of- tawa on' Sunday might removes from the 'Canadian sporting fraternity an outstanding figure, known from coast to coast. His sudden demise will be regretted by hundreds of enthusiasts who remembered his exploits in the field of athletics and who were proud to have know nsuch a man as he, The late Capt, Williams was born in Kingston thirty-one years ago, the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williams, University avenue. He was a mem- ber of a family, the male members of which were athletes from their youngest days, and throughout his school days in Kingston he was a happy combination of a successful --~-- LATE CAPT. KENNETH WILLIAMS. scholar and an enthusi astic sport. In Queen's University he played full- back on the college football team, and he typified the splendid manhood for which that university is far fam- ed. As a rugby player he was count- ed as one of the foremost of 'Canada's exponents and thé name of "Ken" Williams was a byword in the sport- ing world, Notwithstanding his suc- cess on the athletic field, he was not' one-sided and graduated in the fa- culties of arts in 1909 ond applied science in 1910, After his graduation he was asso- ciated with the Canadian Northern Railway electric department in Mont- real and Calgary. Soon after the war broke out he was taken on the strength of the Canadian Army Ser- vice Corps, and served for over a year in France as officer commanding the 3rd Field Bakery. Last February he returned to Canada and was station- ed in Ottawa, where he was conserva- tion officer at headquarters. A fort- Advance styles in silk and serge dresses, the new models for early fall wear just in from New York. Priced from $13. 98 to $39.75. n TWEED COATS The most serviceable coat for motoring or for general wear a large variety of hand- some patterns and styles at very moderate prices. = wool SWEATERS All 'the new colors of this pop: gar- : » Yasiety of styles: - night ago he underwent a slight op~ "eration from which he had almost re- covered when he suffered a relapse and passed away on Sunday night. The late Capt. Williams is survived by his wife and one little boy, Ron- ald Kenneth, His parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Williams, University ave- nue, four broilers, Lieut. Jack Wil- liams and Sergt. Leo Williams, now in England; Howard Williams, B.Sc., with the Hydro-Electric Commission; Niagara Falls, and Knox Williams, residing on University avenne, and three sisters, Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Mrs, J. Welch and Miss Marjorie Wil- liams, all residing in Kingston, also remain to mourn his loss, ~ --_-- . | Military News | An order-in-Council has been pass- ed providing that no discharge from the C.E.F. granted to any man for the purpose of permitting him to en- list in the gir forces shall relieve such man from military service under the provisions of the Military Service may serve with the, Royal Flying Corps or the Raval Alr Force. Petawawa military camp was hon ored by a visit from the Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, Sir John '8. Hendrie, on Friday, ' He and party arrived by special train and were met gl at the station by the camp command- ant aud headquarters staff, with the R.C.H.A. band, and conveyed to the review ground, where a grand march past of the troops te took place. Adie O'Brien, of the Barriefield training school, is developing into an Al movie and sing-song accompanist. One of the leading orchestras of Kingston will journey to ¢amp this week and give the boys a musical trea X . : Several 'citizens have phoned 1933 asking that call be made for maga- i zines | % ad 'books for the boys. If you wish to donate books or magazines not use to the men in camp, call 1933 and the "Y' will call for them. morning at nine The draft consists of ome with Major Trump on FIR one eyen- ng. The court was composed of Col. Boggs, judge advocate-general, chairman, McManus: and Major T. A. Kidd. . Lieut. McGil}, A.A.D. of V3. pro- ceeded to Deseronto, Trenton - and Lindsay in connection with. the in- speption of horses, At the Theatres | At the Grand. For to-night, Tuesday and Wednes- day the Grand will return to its old bill of vaudeville and pictures and the feature for these three days will be the Vitagraph five reel production, "Love Watches," and having for the star, young and beautiful Corrine Griffith. In this French farce she has the role made famous by Billle Burke in London and later in New York, and may be said to give one of the best characterizations screen career. She is admirably sup- ported by an all-star cast including Denton Vane, Edward Burns, Flor- ence Deshon, Julia Swayne Gordon and Alice Terry. The story has to deal with a girl who marries a count of many affairs after jiliing her sweetheart and following a scene on account of a young widow who loves her husband she flees to her former friend. In the end things turn out to the satisfaction of everyong and the girl and her husband count are the most satisfied of all. There will also be the Pathe News, a good com- edy and other reels. The vaudeville will consist of a first class act that comes highly recommended, At Griffin's. A bill of rare excellence has been secured by the management of this theatre to be presented to-day, Tuesday and, Wednesday, and is headlined by "A Modern Lorelei," the marine feature which has ecreat- ed such a sensation by its hearty and general interest. "A Modern Lor- lei" is presented with a splendid cast headed by Tyrone Power, who fis known wherever stage and screen plays have been shown. The sweet- ness of the story is peculiarly" ap- pealing, and the beauty of its many scenes are entrancing. There is not a single scene in "Forelei" which does not impress by its beauty of location, and the many intéresting and educational bits worked into the film in a perfectly natural man- ner make the picture a rare treat. 'Twe CASES LIQUOR MARKED "HARDWARE" Police Made a Seizure of "Wet Goods" of' 'Monday Afternoon. There is trouble for some person or persons who have been violating the Ontario Temperance Act. On Monday afterpoon the poiice seized two cases of, whiskey which tarrived as freight over the Grand Trunk marked 'hardware. The case is being investigated. Frost Destroys {heat Crop. George Bradshaw, brother of County Clerk J. W., Bradshaw, for- merly of Bedford township, but now running a farm near Lloyminster, Sask., writeg that there has been twelve degrees of frost in his dis- trict and that his wheal crop was destroyed. He estimates his loss at $12,000. Mrs. Myrphy, Portsmouth, was removed to the HoteliDieu én Sun- 10g in James Reid's motor ambul- e United States Red Cross is urged by Surgeon-General Gorgas to enrol 10,000 nurses a week for the next two months, . DAILY MEZIORANDUM See top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities. BORN, BU THER Kingston Ont., August 4th, 8, at Hotel Dieu, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Butter, 218 Barrie street, a danglitor (Doris Helen.) CARD---On July 26th, 1918, to ar and Mrs. Roy L. Card, Wolfe Island son, (Nee Emma Kinna.) 1918, to'Mr ~~ LELLAN--On August 2, , . Act, except during such period as he MJ ChaE est sicClellan, 451 and Mrs, Parrie street, Foster Charles. 4 DIED. CASSIDY---In Kingston on August 4th, 1918, Peter Cassidy. Funeral from the resflence of his daughter, Mrs. John Bileos, 208 Sydenham street, Tuesday morg- ing at 7.45 to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn Requiem Mass will be sung/for the repose of "his soul Interment at Howe Island. WILLIAMS--At 'Water street Hospital, Ottawa, on August 4th, 1818. Capt. « Kenneth F. Wiliams, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Kingston, Funeral Tue morning at 9.15 from ise Univers ty Ave, to St. Mary's Kingston, a son, | PB of her|' Victory Bonds mail. face of the coupon. Fok. Lanattans 7m We Accept Coupons of For the convenience of customers, interest cou- pons detached from Dominion of Canada War Loan Bonds will be accepted on or after due date in payment for goods bought in the store or by Care should be taken to detach only such cou- pons as are due, the due date being printed on the Ladies' this season. Navy and White at Navy and Cardinal at Black and Gold at Grey and White at Purple and Gold at Bathing Suits We have a limited nurnber of Women's Knitted Bathing Suits to offer. This is the last we will have Brown and Cardinal at. Also Navy and White at . wn w LL 8838888 "Silk Gloves of fit. White at . . Black at . . Fawn at Navy at . . Brown at . Grey at . Che gne at . Dainty styles and coloring; absolute perfection Porch Dresses MIDDIES--Long or short sleeves, white middy « cloth. Children's si sizes . In pretty design of gingham, $3.00 and §: $3. 50. without belts. These are made of a very superior .. .. .$1.25 and up with or John "Ladin & Son The best white cleaner for shoes a Wolves machin thts We do this fres of charge, a t Lockett' 15¢ and 25¢