THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1918. ------ : {or nopes Of &n eal. Jesce. "HOW'S FIsSE™ A k Now another so ith verses p . | Toelr tontime: Se Probs: Wednesday, fair; thunder storms. ---- CE {more expressive of their sentimenis The Fishermen Do Their ¥ In To Make Hairs Vanish SONGS SOLDIERS SING bas taken its place. The chorus runs From e, Neck or Arms | winning the War, od LOVE DITTIRS AND NONSENSE |irpere's a long, long tra ind ' : : us g trail awinding x et each oth ; Réep a litle powdered deiatone ARE THE FAVORITES. | luto the'land of my dreams, | in Hustern Canada with nee ees: ER EE AE NEE REE A EERE handy and when hairy growths ap- Where the nightingales are singing "How's fish?" Vessels hail each oth. . : : a mn pear make a paste with some of the! Men Po Not- Make Much Use--of And a white moon besms; er at sea with the same salutation. | A ® ? powder and a little water, then Patriotic Songs, Even When | There's a long, long night of Waiting | whatever road you take through For Holiday Wear Spread over hairy surface. After 2 | Until my dreams all come true: ime © da it" or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin Marching Into Action, But They | .1(} the day when I'll be going down Be Eastern fshing ay ~ nd it will be entirely free from hair Have a Liking for Humorous That long, long trail with yoo." its "on add of" years like the sal. We have a most complete showing of the latest and most authentic New York styled summer wearables, suitable for ev occas- Or blemish, This simple treatment Verse and'Pl t Senti oe i 88 J8 unfailing, but care should be exer- an Snty of Sentimen Sometimes the imagination will | a th ovent, and stubility ion, and priced so that they are bound to make instant appeal to all buyers. They Know That Peace Is a Long | ; 3 cised to be sure and get genuine wander into the days that are to be b , y fOr OMB af ut frequently exceeding the average Qelatona, otherwise you may be dis- Way on. --for some--and they sing, ~--is what, the "governments" and po x HE necessity for poetry and | "we dont' want a lot of flags fying, "people" counting on the work that | song is fully and officially | "We don't want a lot of flags flying, | fish can do in "loosening up" the o £ SUMMER FROCKS ~ * any drug store or toilet counter will | pojaice sheer 1s published for all } y W Gingham, Beach cloth, voile supply three ounces of orchard white oo | he said, a little anxious about him- | {no express is side-tracked to let the | and muslin, privced from $3.50 for a few cents. Massage this sweet- | FALKS to see; and the profits are dis- | self, for 'he was getting into 'the | projeht pass, and this is the first time " tributed among the divisional chari- | habit of taking more drink than he since codfish practically saved the life f up. Lemon Juice For Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for a few cents. Try it! Squeeze the juice of twc lemons | tioD; and 'they are given enough Will the girls remember? The | "green fish" for American market as into a bottle containing three ounces | monéy to buy stage scenery and ap- | words are not without tragedy, How | usual. Their decks awash, these 1 hard white, shikke reli aud propriate dress, Everybody attends | deeply some of the men love may | daredevil, fleet-winged schooners are quarter pint o e bes freckle and tan lotion, and complex- the concerts from the general to the fon beautifier, at very very small cost. ments last, the war Is forgotten. A | tain, past middle life, took my arm Boston, chock-a-block with its boxes Your grocer -has the lemons and charge is made at the door but the of frozen halibut. This is the first one day and led me aside. He was. | ime in the history of railroads that perhaps never be realized by those al | beating into port, all sails adrawing, . 4 . home. The longing of their hearts is, | on the minute, with the "freight" private; and while 'the entertain- | a¢ times, almost unbearable. A cap- | seven days out from Vancouver to BATHING SUITS In wool jersey knit and chester, from $3.50 up. recognized by the British bands; 2 food markets of the "allies," must be | Fans 1 ath We don't want a lot of speechifying, | assured of. : | and Canadian military auth- And we don't want a lot of wav- One way and another by "stabiliz- | orities at the front. Every division ing hands: ing the catch" east and west and by | g ha ; > i bas its own concert party. These | We don't want a lot of faterfering, judicious dispositios of the overplua * When we've safely crossed the | here an rere, Canada throughout | men are chosen out of the ranks be rive My y is this year more than measuring up | Cause they can sing, and their ove | po. , Zor, want to find the girls | to standard in her output of fish. | task is to furnish nightly concerts we left behind, Gloucester schooners laying "off for the men. They are provided with | When we all come marehjeg| 'and on" the little outports of Nova a good hall, or tent, or open-air posi- home," Scotia, Cape Breton and Quebec are ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how | ties. do Was wont to take. He had been tak-155 the early New England colonies freckles and blemishes disappear and | But, after all, the singing in the | ing it when he felt lonely and de- | poe fish has downed all other com- | TS AND Decoman. Teer an Bone, the kin | ging one hears toe soon | Bressed tp ease the longing of hia petitors Inthe food line, and come l SILK AND PALM BEACH SUITS, NOVELTY SKIR' omes. es! It Is harmless, bar g art. . . into its own, waltzing on to the : : Cn orn mess, thers I the sousd of simeine | sail mene week of at home he | menus of ur arse and most exclu: SILK DRESSES --The greatest and smartest showing of high Nor must the singing at our relig- | wife is all the stimulant 1 need. 1 Si¥e hotels and Janding on the malt grade novelties in town at popular prices. All of Dame Fashions ious services and in the Y.ALC.A. | would give the world to be with her hia fi . : * * : huts be forgotten, Song seems to be | now--just to sit in my chair and cons Hime, of Sauise, Was bound ty latest style caprices, that you will enjoy seeing. | In plain white and white with A broad assortment of stun- I %o1aiers is ind y one strik >. Bwosthes : hs 3 : Fs | ers. is indicated by one sirikiog | from the sweetheart (0 the mothsr ie : = |omission. There are no patriotic | who bore them, and we have a third | &f, B48 freed. had it not been fou i colored and gingham collars and ning new styled wash skinta em | songs at the front. Except 'the Na | class, The Home Song, 1 have been The ng . h : 1 Sy ed | tional Anthem rendered on formal Svakied in the night by men, going a ho Ng oes) Slogan at the hook: (a. and muslin, priced from $3.50 bracing every ate sty e. ric women and children. from $1.19 up. vi It ie af Sxpiession = emotions and, you know it has lasted nearly going to the trenches itself and in i thal can find no other voice. threo years now. springing to the assistance of the Hage. It is the joy bringer. More- | The separation is too much for me done the work it is doing to-day, in 2 lg HOw real these songs are to the The men's thoughts pass easily home table, freeing the tons of beef : able to buy up their cargoes of §| the great renewer of hope and cour- | wateh her at her sewing or knitting. at the same time fish eould not have {| occasions, I have never heard In up thy line, singing 'Keep the Home has now come into a world-wide sigs » - . » Princess & Division | eighteen months, a single patriotic | Fires Burning." It is very thrilling nificance a significance that has Nam EE ™ wl a {song. The reason is not far to seek to hear in the dead of night, when | abs : % City Tee © Bricks, I { The Soldiers Jatriaiiam calls for no | every singer is: within range of the Some 0 Stay, but vue Saat i aot B 9 @ ® a all airy 80 Sh fresh daily expe 58 oa in vig, ey are express- | enemy's guns. ; : been for "King Cod" and those "Vik Vore Toronto. ng it night and day in the endur- On the eve of ome big battle, a ings of the North," the Canadian \ ance or hardship and wounds -- in | soldier handed me a letter in which fishermen ws ; the risking of their lives. Their | he gave me the addresses of his fath- ig : } g | hearts are satisfled wich their deeds. | er and his sweetheart, so that I could | Phone Your Orders ll and songs of such a character become' | write to them if be fell. A Story of Crucifixion, { | superfluous. In 'peace-time they sing "Ih the last battle," he said, 'one Corpl. James Irving Parker, of their love of the homeland, but in | of my brothers was killed and an- Chicago, who recently returned from | 9 | war-time they suffer for her and are | other wounded, If Iafgll 1 shall die | the western front, where he drove an |* = % content. They would never think of | without regrets and with a heart con- ammunition truck for the French | . oa {singing a patriotic song as they | tent; but it will go hard with those | army, but who now is an enlisted Carpenter and Builder March into battle. It would be paint- | at home; and 1 want you to break | man in the U. S. Signal Corps, re- Ww. R BI LENNESS ing the lily and guilding refined gold. | the news gently. These are 'errible | lates a story of German atrocities ~ * L mT n 3 {Are not their deathless deeds, songs ! times for those at home." "These | culminating in the crucifixion of fif- | Specialising Stare Fronts: and Fit i HHH {for which they make a foil by sing- | are terrible times for those at home." teen Ganadian soldiers. |] na a a ail gy ut an , s {Ing some inconsequential and evanes. | That is their constant refrain, and "We were moving forward in the | megyiMATES 1 EXPERIENCE Phone 2018 | cent song such as "There's something | it finds an echo in the Songs sung by | Chemin des Dames drive last October | Address, 272 University Ave. 'in the seaside air." them.--Chaplain Thomas Tiplady. [on the heels of the fleeing Huns," | --- | On analysis I should say that thers says Corpl. Parker. "A crowd of | ~ mam > \ are five subjects on whieh our sol- "DEATH OF WOLFE." truck drivers was billeted for a few f 23 diers sing. First, there are Nonsense hours" sleep in one of the French | : FE HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE freau Office, Roya. Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Songs, or, if you prefer it, songs o! { pamons Painting Presented to Can- | chateaus which the Huns, in their | goldier philosophy. They know tha ada Was Co for George III flight, had failed to destroy. | J : f no theory will explain the war; it i "opi . "We were congratulating ourselves Sir Robert Borden recently an-|., ne excellence. of our ah | i [too big a thing for any sheet of! phil j osophy to euver. It has burst on ou nounced the presentation to Canada, when a poilu appeared and said in j humdrum life like a colliding plane | through Lord Beaverbrook, of West's broken English, 'Americans, come , 'The thing to do Is not io evolve : | famous painting, *'The Death of with me' We followed him up a | -- Wolfe." The gift is made by the broad, winding staircase and entered Duke of Westminster, who, in writ- | "08 "hae must have been thirty ing b Lard Boaterbrood, 3a¥8 Mn feet square. On the walls of that Manager, Ontario Branch. Teronte painting has hung at Eaton Ha h fifteen crucified Canadian i Since the days of his great-grand- RT re rey . each of three Q W.H. GODWIN & SONS Doubtless, if you are a sufferer ance at all, and keeping siead'ly » | father, who purchased it from the | or the walls: rf AGENTS. KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ from indigestion, you have ready their duties. The path of duty is, the palter. ok ated In. 1125 "Four bpilies to-a man were used. tried pepsin, bismuth, soda, charcoal, | (ind, the only path of sanity. Ti e picture was painted in 5, lin the crucifixion, one through each | drugs and various digestive aids and | would-be war philosopher they pi when West was painting other pic- wrist and one through each ankle. Summer uit in Bifterent Designs and at Moderate Prices, you know these things will not cure jon one side. The war is too big I tures at Eaton for Richard, Lord MPhe victims. were thirteen privates : Sushing will a i hugre to Jone Souistons iam &2utety Rhy ustiioned Johat Grosvenor. This was the fist battle |, (4 officers, all in full 'uniform. old. hickory, rush and ap tapestry and chintg, cush- chsory as to how the planet got astra It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre-| put to clear up tho mess it has mad vents Food Fermentation, sour, Qur soldiers ghow this sense of th « Gassy Stomach and Acid vastness of war-happenings, by sing Indigestion. ing of things bhaviag no real impor COOL AND COMFOKTABLE your trouble----in some cases do not him. Let him leave his explapati : picture in which the figures were re- There were no wounds on the bodies emis nt A even give relief. . of the war and lend a hand to bri But before giving up hope and de-|t to an end. So they sing, wit presented in the uniforms of the day. of the men other than those mado clding you are a chronic dyspeptic laughing irony, Sir Joshua Reynolds, hearing that by the spikes." just try the effect of a little bisurated | magnesia--not the ordinary carbon- | "We're here eccuse we're here, br | cause pure bisurated magnesia, which you We're here, because we're here," Or, ate, citrate, oxide or milk, but the can obtain from practically any drug- gist in either powdered or tablet! this was West's intention, implored him to abandon the idea, affirming that it was against &l1 tradition, and ihe picture would lose grace and ele- gance. West replied that what he would lose In grace and elegance he A Canadian regiment had been | placed at this point of the Chemin des Dames sector about two weeks before to relieve the war-woen poilus, Corpl. Parker explained, and a few days before the drive thirty of them Cleaners Let us demonstrate to you the latest Cadillac Electric Cleaner with Automatic .re- CREX GRASS RUGS Congoleum Rugs and floor covering of all description. Come in and visit our Victrola Department. We have a complete line of Victrolas and Victor Records. would gain in simplicity. When Rey- nolds visited West's studio he subse- had uybteriously disappeared. two Tushtly Sxpressed great admiration months' leave Biter being sanded, a : "| the son of James J. Parker, a real | _-- rips aiid ordered x Taplica, estate broker at 69 West Washington Monckton fatuily later ordered an- | Street, Chicago. other picture on a larger scale, a a1 : . To Remove Ban on Races. ; Clarence Street. flatulence, heartburn, and the bloat-| Tho second class of gong fs the "They Won't Believe Me." London, Aug. 6.--More than 35, | Telephone 819, form. "While you've got a lucifer to lizk Take a teaspoonful of the pow- your fag, der or two compressed tablets with! guile boys, that's the style, a little water after your mext meal,| what's the use of worrying? and see what a difference this makes. [¢ never was worth wh le, It will fnstantly neutralize the dan-{ go pack up your troubles in you gerous, harmful acid in the stomach old kft-bayg v which now causes your food to fer-| Ana smile, smile, smile," ment and sour, making gas, wind, volving dust brush, for catch ing lint and hairs. It is a wonderful cleaner, time and labor saver, Telephone 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. T. F. HARRISON CO. LTD Phone 90. ! Ottawa D ICE CREAM | Pints Delivered to All Parts of Price 25¢. Wholesale and Retail. F.C. Hambrook Balesman. Phone 1273. 176 Alfred St. ed or heavy lumpy feeling that seems| Love Song; of a more or less seriou Florence Harper, the Canadian | 000 signatures have been attached ati ert ecto 2 take a little bisurated magnesia im-| they dropped it in France, and the Petrograd at the beginning of: the | the Nationjal Workmen's Connell N ; ow over soissons| Fancy Clover use of the bisurated magnesia cannot | pression, ready to hand, of a long " 'They won't believe me; they |than 2,000,000 munition workers Cellars. th ons digestion. ener. the soldiers * not deceived | jacks and go through all this fight- | the big racing men, it is felt that the' * Paris, Aug| 6.~~The silence of death juicy oN ce 15¢ Ib. Peaches, PEP NNN Thought She Would Lose ielievé me: They will just call me a | only strong support anid powerful iu- | denois, all is rum and dees ration Gia : Atthe = "4% to follow most everything you eat. Sharacier, Too Jommies cate put 9 writer, in her mew book, tells of a to the petition promoted by the Golden Lion 1 You will find that, provided you|ingland singing "Tipperary," bu Chicago drummer's terrible worry la | horse racing protection branch of Grocery + SILENCE OF DEATH mediately after a meal, you can eat only one on whose lips I have hear: 'doting and bloodshed when the revo- and presented to the Prime Minister | most anything and enjoy it without}it was a little French boy sitting o1 | ution started. To those at his hotel for the removal of the veto on horse any danger of pain or discomfort to| the tail of a cart. The chorus alonc | gho could understand him he kept | racing elsewhere than at Newmarkey Nothing Is Left But An Und follow and moreover the continued] gave it popularity for It was the ex | noaning: : this season in the interests of mor. 9 or ¥ ground City Made of injure the stomach in any way so long | farewell; and with ts "loog, long | sili Just call me a lar. What good | and wounded soldiers. sections each as there are any symptoms of acid ne way to go" showed that, like Kitch: | loes it do me to run from the Cos- Unless a decided move is made by | Fresh an 54 : ng, if the boys at home won't be- | War Cabinet will order a complete broods over the city of Soissons As : ' levé-it whea I tell them, They won't {stoppage of racing next season, and at Chatean Thiers: sod Peasy ds vaporsied Aptiects 2 Ibs tor Be i L 3 Her Little Girl With | iar.' He did not care about the revo- | fluence will save the situation. The noble trees which lined the Vii. 40: gui. ra $ .} ution, he had only one worry, and -- «{lers-Cotterets road leading to Sois- : KX DIARRHOEA | bat was to have his yild tales be- 3 : sofis are now prostrate and shorn of : n oy Ve -- a ieved when he sat over a stein of | King Alfonso is reported to have ji 3° NOW | The foliage is dis- . 5 seer, surrounded by a few congenial | Invited the family of the fate Bri fored by gas. One of the west- ® dae , 0 i . RY ily . ve ; ere can be no donbt about it. It was here that a battalion of Bige rhoea, dysentery, colle, ¢ramps, chol il : . ] ing made of charred beams and soft : armer- stoves. The allied troops advanced } push through streets over carpet-splintered Wiiethat. fog sity or . {is Jett of Sdissans is an underground | afe rising. They mark the site of different muscles and this 10 crops, villages ahd foreets. Drs C Thousands of infants die annually 3 of Russia to ¢ome to Spain to who could be saved by jhe timely use | 0uls in his favorite cafe in Chicago. | peror x0 tome to R YO jern suburbs 'of the city ne: longer if y for three days we listened to his remain until the end of the war, ' ~~ "HORE name, Raving been: raced During the seventy-two years tha' § this wonderful remedy has been or Devils entered the city. = As at Cha- jteau Thierry, there were barricades, era infantum and all looseness of the bowels, especially when the childrer glass, a debris of household utensils y 4 and farniture shattered by German ; | b heels. ; on city formed by cellars of what once] Tay Jind Themselves were houses. French sappers are burning villages. for the Germins are devel ent demands a burning everything in their pith. as goud supply of pure, rich * x ood A of Dr. Fowler's Extriict of Wild . : . residing in one of the royal palaces Strawberry ; sailing: 'I ran from them; I ran six . 10 the ground. Na houses and scarce- ' slocks without stopping! : ly a wall are left standing. pus the market, it has been proved son The 4 clusively that it is the best for dar but they did not sérve to cover the : flight of the German rearguard, be are teething. hh a The cathedral 35 now a mere skele- | ton .and its towers phantoms, What : making a careful inspection ¢f these strain. The unusual work |smoke, pierced by tongues of fame. necessitates the use of the Berliner Tageblatt announced || they would. They have now set fire Hoos use il' goes directly e formation of Hew. Aroynd Spissons, great columns of eka, in : wis dient took ref IH