Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Aug 1918, p. 7

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Capital, $5,000,600 out. Those who save money, War Loan, George B. McKay BANK or TORONTG | Incorporsted 18535. Thos. F. How, General Manager. Head Office--King aad Bay Streets, Toronto. WINNING OUT Men, munitions, money, ships and food are all necessary to win cannot ge overseas must A Savings Account will help you save for the next Start the account now, Savings Accounts Invited. Reserve Fund, $6,555,000 produce supplies and Manager. "Buy a Lot on Easy Terms - ---- a ---- oa We have a number of lots in the west end of the city, near Johnson street, that we will sell at rea- sonable prices and easy monthly payments, with- out interest. These lots and prices are right. A good chance to make a start on a home. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; residence S74w, St OUR WINDOW DISPLAY a thousand and one useful articles which you can send to your son or sweetheart at the front. Drop in and allow us to help you out with useful sugges- . HOAG'S Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. Aiud dd 4 4 8 4 2 2a Ahhh dA a heheheh Ah WA ---- A Open Every fRatarday Evening. A Afternoon Sailings ! * Str. Wolfe Islander Foot of Brock St. MONDAYS--2.30 p.m, trip up the Bay to Stella, returning at 6.30, Round trip, Soe, THURSDAYS--3 p.m., down the river to foot of Wolfe Island, calling at Howe Island, returning at 85 p.m. Round trip, 35e. SATURDAYS--3 p.m. Battean C hannel, calling at head of Wolfe Island and Simcoe Island; returning 5 pom, Round trip 30e. T Regular trips dally between Kingston and Wolfe and Round trip 25¢, Garden Islands, AAA A A AA ei rn inning Fresh Cut Flowers Ferus, palms, funeral desigus, floral sprays, wedding bouquets made to order E. J. JOHNSON, Florist 1156 Broek St, Te YW Fruit & Candy Store Ldcense Suan mia Saeaio, Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod. Dominion Fish Co. Canada Food Board License No. 9.3246. Frui dy When you wast cholee, sea saashie fruits, or fresh home~ minde candy, call in and see ua, for we always a Torre Sit paren' ot the wit o & . oe Princess 8 Stans . Near King Stree Watts ii People's _FLORIST gna ttention, Fresh ew gr ry and i ied A to order. of town orders Jitven special a VA FOR CHOICE GROCERIES AND SEASONABLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GO. To F riendship's Food Board License Neo. 8.17773, Bu. | GRAND: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1918, i x TEED EE lil Tat The People's Forum : LU A SHER THOEA EE OROARRAO 2.30 p.m, 7,30 p.m, POLITE A Five Act Vi Corrine in "Love Watches" A BIG "VV COMEDY The Pathe News ™ Other Reels Thurs., Fri), Saturday POLITE V AC DEVILLE A Five Reel Brady-made Photopla) Ethel Clayton in "Whims of Society LONESOME LUKE COMEDY The Pathe News and Other Films Matinee 10¢ Evening 10¢; Any Sent , Reserved, Ge Ext Continuon Performane 'TLLE aph Feature . pee » At and " Griffin'S Mon., Taos, Wed., Tyrone Power and Mabel Jones California's Perfect Venus in A Modern Lorelei Also Enid Bennett in A Desert Wooing CAB STAND PHONE 600 Has Changed To NO. 64. PUBLIC NOTICE The threshermen of" Frontenac met and discussed the prices for this. year, and set the prices as follows: 4c for barley and oats, and 6¢ for all other kinds of. grain. This was done owing to very high cost of ma- chines, repairs and labor. Brotherhood Threshermen. TWILIGHT ia Baseball TO-NIGHT DEPOT . BATT. Vs. RED SOX Proceeds for Benefit of Red Cross. Cricket Field 6.45 p.m. Sharp. A GOOD SALMON VONDENSED ADV VERTISING RATES irst imsertion, 1c a word, Bap com sechitive iusertion thereaftfr, ANI& cent ® Said: Minlinhas charge sor ose insertion, six $1; one month, $i, HELP WANTED JENERAL SERVANT, APPLY Bargie sireet, : % PANTRY GIRL WANTED, Randolph Hotel IAIDS WANTED. APPLY T tron, Kingston General DRIVER FOR BREAD WAGON. Apply New England Bakery. Col- lingwood | street. " SMART Jt I NIOR SALESMAN OR lady sales clerk. The Wm. Davies' Co', Princegg street. SEVERAL GOOD, STEADY, RE- liable men; good wages. Apply A. lravis & Son, Ltd. EXPERIENCED LADY CLERK for grocery store. Apply J. Cullen, Alfred and Princess streets. PRP Rdeb Phir b PEP Phi bh ier * # STEACY'S WANT TWO SMART # girls for percel desk. Steady emo + ployment. * + PEER PR RRR P RRR ERR b ee A YARD MAN, TWO LABORERS AND one kitchen helper. Apply Salva- tion Army Military Hostel, City. AT ONCE, GOOD COOK; ALSO HOUSE table maid Apply to Mrs. Bruce Tagor, 91 Lower Albert street. Phone 1219, A RELIABL WOMAN FOR GE) housework, for about two weeks; one who can sleep at home; small family. Apply 206 Rideau street. FP RPP PEPE EPP PRIIE PIP PY A ~few more boys and girls, Apply Dominion Textile Co. Lid, Cataraqui Street, Kingnton. FPP bded bh 2b bbb bbb bb bb obb be WANTED, A MILLWRIGHT TO IN- stall flour mill machmery, at ance. Apply, stating wages, Canpbell & McNab, Dquglas, Ont, LADY BOOKKEEPER AND TYPES write one who understands 148 APPLY MA~ tal AN ERAL WANTED GENERAL WANTED TO RENT, SMALL MOD. ern house, furnished. Apply Box 618, Whig. SILENT SALESMAN oblong shapé for floor. and price. Whig Office. ABOUT THE ISTH OCTOBER, FIGHT or nine roomed unfurnished house, centrally located; all modérn con-; venience. Phone 2158, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS | for cash o IF 18 part payment of new Pianos. and afonolas. C. W. Lind say, Timited: 123 Priucesg street. RENT, § OR -ROOMED HOUSE! suitable for rooming heuse; cen-| trally located, with option of buy- ing later if desired. Possession wanted Sept. 1st. Apply Box 888 Whig Office. i FURNISHED HOUSE OR APARTMENT | for first two weeks in August, by mirried couple; no children. Me! Cann's Real Estate Office, 88 Brock' St. Phone 326 or 621, WE WANT TO BUY ALL Jens or second-hand SHOW CASE, State size furnitur stoves s, clothes, ete, We also have two electric fans and everything in the second-hand line for sale, | 8. ShapirS, 45 Princess street.| Phone 1237. > | | WANTED TO RENT UNFU RNISHED | six or seven roomed modern house | in high-class neighborhood in| Kingston. WiH take possession on or before Nov, 1, 1818. Write, Biv-| ing full particulars, to OC Ww. Thompson, Ne. 11% Wellington | street, Wi, Toronto. | mr | OLD FALSE TrEXYTH WANTRE, » DOES. | n't matter if broken. We y ac- tual value. We pay cash for old | gold. silver and platinum, Send] to us and receive cash by return mail, If price ig not aun we will return teeth promptly upon request, International | Joel Co., 306 West 42nd St., New or TEACHERS WANTED \ QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 14, Pittsburgh. Salary $475 per annum, Apply Anderson Johnston, Joyceville, QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED for 8.8. No, 3, Kaladar, Salary, $400. Apply to Henry Allport, Sec.-Treas., Kaladar, Ont, shorthand; good writer; referances. Apply Box 5567 Whig OmMice. HELP WANTED Coa Engineer for County Roller, Steady work for season. Apply R. H. Fair, Kingstdn R. R. No, 5, Fk ib bb bb bbb bbb ibd dr bibdy a. FIRST CLASS BREAD BAKER; position permanent to right man, Apply at once TC . Carnovsky, 668 Princess street. v A COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER; PRE. vioug experience cessary. Apply in'own hand wr Hoke with PATIL lars a8 to edud gee ete, to N. C. Polson. & C Bee eis Beis ieee ie ie hit he el v At 25¢ Per Tin. "RAINBOW" Ask For It. Food Control License No. 6-030. Call 291 For cars, cabs or livery of any kind. Motor bus for Cataraqui at 1.50 pan daily except Saturdays or Momdays. Motor bus for Kingston Mills Sunday at 10 am. Finkle and Company 122 Clarence Street. Taken Until er Notice Salmon Week Prices Reduced On All Kinds. Eat Fish and Save Bacos. SCRATCH PADS 100 SHEETS TO A PAD VARIOUS BIZES or cut to suit 5 Cents Per Lb. a ¥ British Whig Publishing Co. 4 HOTEL Kingston's Best Accommodation PPT OTT TTP TTTTTIIITITTYT™TY LABORERS WHO UN- § Apply 4 390 4 4 - MASON derstand mortar making, Douglas and Mcllguham, Ibert street, or phone 888w. Shedd bb dod dodo bind ido dod dd TP RRPee Tee & "Ree r 3 - b POSITION WANTED DAY OR = NIGHT WATCHMAN place of trust preferred. Apply Box C,, care Whig: Office, AS BOARD AND ROOMS. BOARD WITH OR WITHOUT ROOMS, On car line, ~ bright, attrac tive rooms. Mrs. Ethel B Lytle, 245 ALT Street MEDICAL. DR. FERGUS J. O'CONNOR, 103 EARL St, opposite Chalmers Chureh, Phone 368. Office hours 10-12 a.m, 1-4 and 8-9 p.m. SECOND CLASS PROFESSIONAL FOR PSS. No. 4, Wolfe Island; duties to begin Sept. 3rd. Apply to R. H. Sord. Sec.-Treas, Wolfe Island, rit. A QUALIFIED EXPERIENCED Pro- testant teacher for junior room; salary $500. duties to commence Sept. 3rd. Apply C, A. Graham, Enterprise, Ont. A SECOND CLASS NORMAL TRAINED teacher for 8. 8. No. 8, one mile from Kingston. Apply stating ex- Ee rience and salary desired to 8, A, cAdoo, Kingston ¥ sills P.O, QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTESTANT for 8. 8. Ne. 13. Storrington; sal- ary $400. Duties to commence Sem, 2nd. Apply to K. N. Darling, Sec.-Treas., Lake ake Opinicon, Ont. ------ NORMAL TRAINED 1 TEACHER FOR 8.8. Nb. 3, Township of Kingston. ~Salary, 3600 per annum. Apply. stating qualifications, ete, to rol Bushell, Sec.-Treas, Bath Toad PROTESTANT FEMALE ei for 8.8 No. 8, Keniiebee, quadfied.| = Salary, $325; duties to commence Septasabes First. Apply to John Woodcock, Sec, -Treas., 'Dead Creek, Ont. A reac in HOLDING A NORMAL certificate for 8.8. No. 17, Pitta burgh, Frontenac County, Ly miles from ha ingaton, near A Station; duties to comme ---- Sept, 3rd, Salary, $eve, fe and up- wards, Kording, to erience, Apply to A. J wan, Ringaton. R. R. No, 1. Phone 1100-r21. DRESSMAKING . eds IUHANDNON, business, solicits bd for. tail d winter work 8s fo An - wo Address 203 Alfred sireet. iC ] FOUND ON PRINCESS STREET, SMALL parcel containing ribbons. Uwner may have same by Salling at 9% William street est ON THE SHORE OF HART Lake, between Loughboro' Lake and Opinicon, some fishing tackle. Apply to Nel- son Williams, Battersea. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FRE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach.the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed In this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost column. \ Etnies sein mame] Tm LOST. 32 WEEKS AGO---SPECTACLES WITH horn rims. Reward-at Whig ot. fice, LADY'S BLUE COAT, WITH BUCKLE trimming, on road between Kings- ton and Odessa. Finder kindly re- durn to 251 Princess street, and receive reward, SMALL PERSONAL book with the name Oharles" inside the front Wil finder Kindly leave at office No questions asked. ward. 24TH OF JULY THREE KEYS AT. tached to a brown cord, on the Kingston Mill Road, between the first cross roads and Barrie street Finder kindly leave at Whig Of- fice. ACCOUN "3 F cover Whig Re- IA | ON TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WIT H- out board. Apply to 204 King St, City. 1 IRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, all improvements; centrally locat- el. Apply 243 Brock Street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry. McCann's Real Estate Agency" 86 Brock St. Phone 32¢ ™0 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR Hight housekeeping, gas for cook- ng; young couple preferred. Ap- ply Box 755, Whig Office. STURAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, our own lock and 'diy Storage, 29% Queen siroet. Phone 526; res. 98). FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY convenience for light housekeep- ing, on bath room flat; in good locality. Apply Box 222 Whig Office. FURNISHED HOUSE OR APARTMENT for last two weeks in August and month of Sepl., by married couple; 19. children. McCann's Real Estate Office, $6 Broek 8&t. Phone 326 or 1. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from ny one thinking of usin classifi advertis Write of Phone us ha it. may be able to help you. British Whig Pub Co. TO RENT. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 150 KING 8ST, opposite the Chatean Belvidere. A THREE-ROOM APARTMENT FUR- nished for light house-keeping; gas for cooking and electric light, 'in good locality. Box 731, Whig Of- oe. DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS street. Phone 652. DR, GORDON CO. DEWAR, DENTIST, corner Princess "and Wellington streets, Phone 1678. 2 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's, Phone 348. Bulan C OF GAS IS CIERGES VILLAGE onomit Only by by Dead Ani- Blasted "Vegetation. London, Aug. - 6~The tide of Battle {on the American front drifted some- what eastward on Wednesday, all the most severe fighting occurring in the vicinity of the village of Cierges, which is some two miles south-east of Ser- gy, says Reutcr's correspondent on the American 'front, teléegraphing Thursday evening, "Cierges," continues the correspon. dent, "hds for some days been a stum- bling block to our advance, and it is noteworthy that it and the Meuniere wood formed strong centres of oppo- sition during the first German retreat from the Marne, the hav rought during the two retreats being -curi- ously intermingied.. One stately cha- teau, whose towers haye been freshly damaged by German shells, has in the. banqueting hall big bushes of elder berries which fc Bo, had seeded there when the roof was blown off in "Cierges itself either side, neither havin, to be in there, for the villuge is ina deep. remains, and so it will ----tremain while the still summer wea- ther. lasts, a' . of dead cats, rats and mic come the Bate Girl bur it 0 fighti towards it up valk TE oy over. the Hor! 5 Sa of Ronch Os nelle. doar Sirs aa rom § re . Ge «after fi : y the is aoteupied 3}. bh Scep cup in Which the yas lies ten foft : herbs and flowers that had blessed it |' "WE WIN," N," SAYS PAU. Pays Gensou Tribu Tribute to Fighting Forces of Allies, New York, Aug 6.--General Pan, the one-armed hero veteran of the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71, and the gallant commander of the French forces which protected the retreat of the Belgian army at Antwerp in the carly days of thé present struggle, and who reached New York Sunday evening with the members of the French mission, was interviewwel "When do you look for the war (o end?" was the inevitable question: The oneremaining hand was thrown up. "I know not, ~and a grim _ played about the veteran's lips--'"we win, this time." "What do ypu say concernifig the Canadians, General?" he was asked. The ever-moving hand now smote his chest. "The Canadianss--com- rades--gallant fighters -- gentlenien! What more can be said? sols diers of Francq are proud to be asso- ciated with ther As to the military significance of sent sittia tion General ad, nat. ¥ re- : er urally time." Gen. Pau intimated that he would possibly visit Canada before he re- turned to France. he replied, but" § Tralyihe a ve win, | = PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BINTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr, Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and $kin Epecialist, 262 Bagot street, LEGAL B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER &nd solicitor, Law office, 79 Clar. ence street. PAGE SEVEN. I. FOR SALE HOUSE AND 107, CORNER QUEEN and Barrie streets. Apply 338 Barrie St, -- e----------------------r in ni mr A NEW SCALE WILLIAMS PLAYER glans in good condition. Apply 24s Alfred street, ONE TEAM Joop SOUND GENERAL purpose horses. A 5. Wat- hen, 143 Nelson st har | E FISHING TACKLE TH. fishing, Eo to Frank 39 Clarence street, te Ameri- can Consulate. Tae one $91w, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND 138 FIT Fos W. Cooke, asigotions; or Swan choice, $31 Terms, $5 week, C. Lindsay, nt 21 Princess St. SULKY WHEELS AND TIRES; A Perfect, Columbia and Overlan Bicycles. Geo. Maller, 2871-373 King St, Phone 1082, nS chairs and - 388 Princess --------. Puone x apn, CARRIAGE AND BLACKSMITH business; old established: class trade, .tools, stock complete. Apply to J. K 8 Son, 5% and 56 Quéen street, city, WE HAVE Sean SOME OF THE BIGGEST AD ers today sometimes use ™ ttle like this. A phone a ore bring Lahn his OS epart eng British Whig Publishing Co. MY BOAT OR EX. . 'Boat is ing or used rice of ox 66, I WILL SELL change on an automablle 23 feet long, substantial fo top, cushions; has a {-cylinder math engine, with clutch; very little: will sell for engine, viz: $3400 P.O. Gananoque, '01t, TEN ROOM HOUSE ON JOHNSON sireet. Hardwood floor, E&s aad eleotric light in each room. and closet separate, Will be aH at a bargain on easy térms Rea. gon for selling is that owner Is leaving town. Apply to C, Mc- Leod, corner of Divisfon and Unfon Bireets, NEW my STUDEBAKER-~I WILL SELL new Studebaker big six tour- ing car, that has never been run, at $2750. Present dist price, $3,- 000, For business reasons [ am campedled to sell m new gar whieh I paid for and have never taken delivery of. is a wav- ing of $260 on a brand new car. F. C.. Duggan, 70 Bay street, Torofto. FARM OF 220 ACRES, LOT. NO, 0, Sixth concession, well wooded and Watered; stone house, drive house, two barns, pig pens, two hen houses, stable for 24 hesd of oat- tle and § horses, large workshop and silo; mile from cheese fac- tory, % mile from Glenvale station, 2 miles from Elginburg. Further particulars write or apply on Premises, W. W, Kiell Enginburg. #2656, DOUBLE FRAM # An improvements, ? elovirto gat BRICK HOUSES, "oon LOCATIONS "mn to $9000; lots to select from, szeo--nmicx JENEER, A ROous all modern rovements; sep! bath; electric Heh, stable: ttn] 91058 FRARE HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, $1800 NEW FRAME HOUSE) nx location rooms; nice 6G. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE AND Insurance, $7 Clarence King FINANCIAL . FRONTENAC LOAN AND. od ment Society; incorpors 1863. President, W, F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident B. county debentures; mortgages phe d: Investment ds wale; deposits Lesaived a and Inter-. est allowed, R, C, Cartwright, man. ager, 87 Clarence St. Rion HWIVERFUOL, LONDON AND GLO Fire Insurance Company, Avalla assets $61,187,415. In addition to which the policyholders haye for security the unlimited Hadi ty of elt. are owes" renewing ying nor Tminets ge oH "i trange & Btrange, Agents. Phone which you no longer need---get try's interests demand that you "BOOST YOUR INCOME Take a sourders rent a furnished room---sell used articles a position carrying more pay--- find a tenant for that vacant property---through these or other means, FIND A WAY TO ADD TO YOUR INCOME! need money, with which to buy more War Secyrities ~--FOur coun- For you make the most of your possible resources in order that you may accord the fullest measure of support to the nation in these d Classified advertising will help yi s of imperative citizen-duty! BOOST YOUR INCOME!

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