Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1918, p. 11

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THE DALY Bi BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1918. -- Rr Se -- Millfeed Car lots, deliveref fon. real freights, bags inclu t Bran R $35 per ton; shorts, $40 per fon, ec d | Co t Bridge- Build; ng Hay----No, 1, $16 to $$17 per ton, } or n ncre e i track Toronto; mixed, $14 to $15 per : ton, track, IVE STOCK MARKETS, Straw--Car lots, $8 to $8.50 pe - ton, track Toronto. Buffalo, ' East Buffalo, Aug. 6.--Cattle--Re- Montreal. ceipts, 750. Steady, Montreal, Aug. 6.--Qats, Canadian Calves--Recelpts, 100. Easier at| Western, No. 2, $1.00%: extra Nc $7 10 $18.50, a few at $19, 1 feed, 97%c. Flour, new standard Hogs---Recelpts, 1,600. Strong; grade, $10.95. to $11.05. Rolled heavy, $20.40 to $30.76; mixed york-| oats, bags 90 1bs., $5.20 to $5.30 ers, hight yorkers and pigs, $20.85 10] Bran, $35, Shorts, $40. Mouillie, $20.905 roughis, $18 t0 $19.25; stags, | $67. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, ; 279 , 3 ¥Biicen ana lamba iocoipts, s00.| 15 10 M15. i by 2 / Rob Roy contains small percentage of ( mbs-- Receipts, . 2 iy to aiione: lambs, $14 Minneapolis, ' § x : , $10 to $16; weth-| Minneapolis, Aug. 6.--Flour un- ' Rs RAGE finest selected prepared bran, 14; ewes, $6 to $13; | changed, Cash wheat, No, 1 north- mized sheep, $18 to $13.50. ern, old, $2.54. Corn, No, 3 yellow, 5h 1 5 Sa : ad $1.02 to $1.66. Oats, No, 3 white, EY on RobinHood . .... .. .". ..whole wheat Winnipeg. 69c to 70c, Flax, $446 to $4.49. , 1 ? Ss 4 SRE : Wiinipeg, Aug, 6.--Butcher steers | Bran, $29.31. * - 5 3 Waa iy 1 i $7.50 to $14; heifers, $6.76 to $11.-| = © ; : , 8 J _ Scotch Perkins, Oatmeal Gems, big 50; Sows, $5 to $11; bulls, $5.50 to Duluth. » ; FREE : rich oats. $8,265; oxen, $5.50 to $8.75; stockers Duluth, Minn., , 6.--~Li . y _. EP 3 ; ; 4 ; . . v . and feeders, $6.50 to $10.75; vealers, | on track and to aris 5115. ser] MES i} te hil a Tp ae Cornmeal Snaps, rich white kiln dried $6,60 to $13. Sheep and lambs, |tember, $4.50 asked; October, $34.46 1 A dn : Su Ll KS corn $9.76 to $14. Hogs, selects, $19.50; { asked; No. 4, $4.43 asked, 1 or Sx 3 & ; - heavies, $16.60; sows and stags, $14.50; lights, $10.50, New York, 1 LP : Tr i Wed || Wholesome, Nourishing and Attractive - New York, Aug. 6.--Flour steady; Chicago, springs, $11.30 to $11.80; winters, Chicago, Aug. 6.--Hogs--Butch-'$10.80 to $11.26; Kansas, $11.25 to ere', $19.10 to $19.70; light, $19.45] $11.40. Rye flour quiet; fair to| E&3 a : to $19.80; packing, $18 to $18.95; good, $9.75 to $10; choice to fancy, : 5 9 rough, $17. 60 fo $17.90; bulk of $10.85 to $11.25. White corn flour . f sales, $18.10. 16 $19.65; Digs, £00d | steady, 35 to $5.50. Barley flour : 4 a8 { and choice, $17.76 to $18.50, dull, $9.60 to $10.25. Hay firm; No. aaitle: Re Sits, 20,000; stile 1, 31. 60 10 $1.66; No. 2, $1.50 to| § ges rn grading good or better, seady; others| $7.55; No. 3, $1.30 to $1.40. Hops : A : sis . slow and lower; calves, steady 0 260] dull; state, medium to choice, 1617. "sy ; & Biscuit and Confectionery Manufacturers. lower. 3bc to 43c; 1916, nominal; Pacific a a arto wear i 11: 3000 83; 195, 1d 0] | ps | FEE WY | Meadow Cream Sodas lambs held higher; bidding steady. GENERAL TRADE. Montreal, ! a i . : Montreal, Aug. 6.--Choice steers, Montreal. ' : at " : Cainda Food Board: Lieense Nom. 7-336 ang 11-061. $11 to $12.50; good, $10 to $11; me-| Montreal, Aug. 6.--FEggs, dium, $8 to $9.50. Choice butchers daid, per doz, 48c; No. 2, Pulls, $9 to $10. Choice butchers|43c; selected new laid, 52e¢. cows, $5.60 to $10.60; good cows, 'Butter, finest creamery, p $9; medium, $7 to $8. Sheep, $12] prints, 48¢; blocks, 46¢. to $13; lambs, $17.60 to $18.60; Oleomargarine, per 1b., 32¢. grass calves, $7.60 to $9; milkfed, Lard in tubs, per 1b., 113%e. $12 to $14. Cholce<select hogs, off} Shortening, per Ib., 31%e. cars, $21. Sows, $18.50 to $19, Honey, 'white clover, 20 Ib. to 60 1b. tins, 20c; comb, 22c. Toronto. Hams--Large, 84¢ per 1b.; Montreal, Aug. 6---Choice heavy medium, 36¢; small, 36c. steers, $14 to $15.35; butchers' cat- Bacon, per 1b.-- Breakfast, 43c; tle, choice, $13.26 to $18.76; do. | Windsor, 46c; Windsor boneless, good, $12 to $12.60; do. medium, |46c. i $10.75 to $11; do. common, $9 to Beans, per 3." he ~Japunese; $10; butchers' bulls, choice, $11 to |white, $8 to $8.2 $11.26; do. medium bulls, $7.50 to Potatoes--96 S bags car lots, $8.50; butchers' pows, choice, $10.75 | ex-track, new American, 1 star, 9% to $11; do. good, -$10.25 to $10.50; 17.28; No. 2, $30 you barrel. ) do. medium, $8.26 to $8.75; do. "lour---Standard, spring wheat, & common, $7 to $8.26; stockers, $8 |war flour, $10.95 per bbl. in bags, HE gavbla trackiie of the North to $10.50; feeders, $10.60 to $11; |f.0b., to bakers at $11.05: rye Sokonte a ey Satthers and cutters, 35:50 to $6.50, flour, por 01 in bags, $16: barley trong adian Pao a aT i ; 3 milkers, good to choice, $90 to $125; | flour, 50; graham flour, : " 4 2 . da; com. and med. 365 to 375: | rice flour. $9. © ol : BOW Hering completion, and In¥oIv : fo : ; i : 7 It will be worth the trouble to you to look springers, $90 to $1256; light ewes, Milifeed, per ton--Bran, $35;] ed the Teviacement 2 hi lo : 3 i at id 1 . h $18 to $15; yearlings, $15 to $16.50; | shorts, $490. {puowy 28 gs B ang 18) whieh Lefe , our midsummer sale prices on shoes, Spring Jombs, i] So 28 %e: Salves, NEY: ar Jota, per Jon, sx trate. of steel. Owing to the high price of ment which was previously assembled |ing Inasmuch as they nave demon- pumps, and white canvas lines. $2 :'do al et cars, $20.25 claver mixed, $12. : 4 steel and the difficulty of procuring and securely wired together. When [strated that reinforced concrete can on ; t anh ' : it since the war began it was found all was In readiness the concrete was [take the place of steel for a very . . . that reinforced concrete competed poured by means of long spouts large number of permanent bridges. Lines at $1.49, $1.98, $2.25, $2.98 and GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. successfully against steel. which led In several directions from | These two structures are s> solid . Toronto, Aug. 6.--Butter, choice The bridges were therefore con: the main mixing tower. The pour: |that when passing over them on a 0 . New York dairy, 46¢ to 48¢c; do. creamery, 48¢ structed of this material and afe a|ing of the concrete Was .aaintained as |traig one gets the impression that he York, Goi r---Mar-|to 62¢; margarine, 1b., 35¢c to 37c; triumph of railway construction|confinuously as possible until alls on a solid fill instead of a"bridge, . ' . Wry pA rim. $11.30 eggs, new laid, doz, 52¢ to G6bc; work, No, 0.0 being 386 "feet long whole wower was completed. This The method employed in the erec SPECIAL--25 paw Men J Gun Metal Ox- : 0.9 cheese, 1b., 30c; , 35¢; tur- and 90 feet high carrying two tracks. | work was done during the winter at | | tion of the reinforced concrete spags - : i to $11.50; ers, $10.90 to K Oc; do. fancy, 35¢; tur ford . fil le, bi h ls, & tsb $11.25; Kansas, $11. 25 10 $11.40. |keys, 1b., 30c to 33¢; fowl, 1b., 30¢ and No. 18 of similar dimensions |a time when le temperature was be-|is a specially interesting feature of Rye Flour--Market quiet; fair to |to 32¢c; spring chickens, 50c; roost-| but a three track structure. The low freezing point; it was performed |the structures. Each slab, as a unit, $6.00 value, Sale rice good, $9.76 to $10; choice to fancy, | ers, 1b., 23c¢; ducklins, I, 35¢; length of the individual spans and the | inside of what was virtually a build- weighed 55 tons, which vas the limit * Y ; Pp a as $10.65 to $11.25 ' . apples gs basket, T6c to $1; blue- details of their construction are un-|ing erected to maintain ms suitable load that could be 'handled by the White Corn - Flour -- Market porriedf basket, $1.85 to $2.60; do, | precedented jn - the engineering |temperature around the newly depos |C. P. R. 100 ton standard wrecking steady; '$6 to $5.50. box, 28c; gooseberries, basket, $2 | world. pPrévious to this no rein-|ited concréle until it was out of dan: |cranes. The crave engaged handled Bane, i Flonr---Market dull; $9.60) to $2.80; do. box, 20c; currants,| forced concrete beam with a length|ger off being damaged by frost. Ino, Tess than 110 slabs, each 53 tons to $10.26. ° black, basket, $1.50 to $2.96; du. of more than about 25 feet had been| These two structures are provided (, weight, or in all something like R: yeo--Market steady; No. 2 west- | box, 30c¢; do. red, basket, $1.65 to attempted; the spans of these two |with narrow sidewalks and hand. 6.000 tons, and all this was d ern, $1.72, cost and freight 'New |$2; do. box, 20¢; raspberries, box,§ C.P. R. dtructures are each from 35 rails, which enable trainmen to move |, 0 S00 & - one York. 27¢ to 30c; chernies, sour, basket, to 37 feet long. These spans have conveniently along sidestandin >» , ie mishap to either Barley--Marketi easy; Tooling, |31.50 to $2; beans, small measure, | \been made possible by the employ- trains, The hand ralls add consider Beh Or i Aetial. AnGther remark $1.20 to $1.26; malting, $1.30 "to|16¢; beats,. new, 34-doz., 10¢; car-| ment of unit construction by which |ably to the aesthetic appearance of able feature is that both structures $1.35, 'cost and freight New York. |TolS, new, l-doz., 10c: cucumbers, | each span was designed as two T the structures, which are extremely {ere bullt without interruption from 'Wheat--8Spot market steady; No.|each, 5¢ to 10c; cabbage, each, 5s to beams which, after being manufac- artistic in appearance and at the Jue, 1917, to July, 1918, which was 3 reg, $2.343% track New York, ex-| 15c; cauliflower, each, 10¢ to 20¢; near the work, were laid side same time satisfactory from a general | a shorter period than would have port to arrive, celery, head, 5¢ to 10¢; lettuce, head, side on the previously built rein. |and utilitarian point of view, besides been required to manufacture and t niarket easy; fresh }bunch, 6c; onions, Bermuda, bag, forced concrete towers. The towers being absolutely pemmanent, Both erect similar structures ' in steel * shelled No. 2 yellow, $2.00 3-4, and |'$5; do. green, bunch, bc to 10c; themselves are really reinforced con. are designed to carry the heaviest Passenger and freight fraffic on the 3 'yellow, $1.90 3-40, cost and |parsley, bunch, 10¢; peas, basket, crete buildings constructed in the engines in existenco with a consider-(C. P. R. maim lines wis 'conti - Henri Pauquette, the young em- rr New York. be to T6¢; potatoes, bag, $2; do. usual manner by means of wooden able mangin of safety, and are epoch- | without interruption during prin ployee of the British Chemical Com- Oats--Spot market weak; stand-|new, bag, $2.50; radishes, 3 bunch- forms butit around a steel reinforce! making in the art of bridge englneer gress of {hess interesting aa pany at Trenton, accused of negli- ard, 2%ec. es, 10¢; rhubarb, 3 for 10c¢; sags, : * , gence in connection with his duties at rie ple bunch, 5c; savory, bunch, 6c; spin- hn A, AMAA ANG bi " the plant, was acquitted of the ef " ach, k, 25c; tomatoes, basket, YE 3 : oha Chicago, Cogn. No. 21 78¢ Rot s+ do. 2 Ibs. 25¢. WILTON RED CROSS WORK. Ruth Miller, Sandhurst, with Robert T TYR | a: te before Magistrate O'Rourke yellow, AMA No. 3 yetlow, $1.70 = -- Miller; Miss Annie Thompson, Saver. HT ! HL sea' to $1.72; No. 4 yellow, $1.60 to A Parliament of Mayors. The Society Adjourns Until the 6th {ary, with Llorn Btorms, ; of September, Mr. and Mrs. Buy Siminons and net oid 3 white, 68% to 70c; Rev, Salem P, Bland, of Wianipes, Wilton, Aug. 6.--The hay crop in| family took & motor trip to Picton, LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE Tr i . : 70 1-4 is. assisting. in_ editing .a gary this district is very heavy. Harvey | the Sand Banks and Mohawk Camp, ---- F: standard, 68 3-4 to ec. f newspaper. He was the author o 3 > ; e----No 63. tt gEes ha ar-tim Mills met with a serious accident | Déseronto, on July 28th, Mr. and IN EFFECT JUNE 28RD. a 1 tion that the war-time while driving a team with a load of | Mrs, Earl Perry, Mrs, O. Babcock, , 1018 . 3, Barley--$1,06. to $1.06. : ; ' airs. be c Mimothy--$6. to $8.50. tos. Parliament to bs [hay The team,took fright and up- | Miss Mfilired Babcock and UVF |spame will lens mes arrive at Cis ; ; Clover--Nominal composed of the mayors of all towns | et the load; throwing Mr. Mills off { Henderson motored to Trenton on Station, Foot of Johnsen Street, A . : Pork---Nominal. and cities in the Dominjon of more the load, and seriously injuring him. { August 4th, 4 Going Went W . Bn : 3 % : Lard---$26.60, A : Mrs, John Carr also met with quite a |. 3 L Arr. Cit y Ribe--$24.12 tg $25. than 10,000 population, serious accident while on a motor hy) Wilton ad a Society No. 1 Mail . x E38 am. Arr. City 2 000 i - 4 0, Xpress . .. z . . . Winnipeg. Good Growers, a trip, spraining her ankle, ; Queen's overseas military hospital in Fo. 2 Lota i wi s.45am 2m, 17 a.m. 0, arm Laborers Wanted Winnipeg, Aug. 6.--Oats, No. 2| My radishes are doing we Visitors; Mrs. Clement Booth, Miss | June and July: 51 pairs socks, 91|N° ntern' pm. 1.50 pm. . + CW. 39% c; No 3 we 86 es ex- And make a fine display. Mary Booth, Miss Marjory Booth, | towels, 106 handkerchiefs, 20 pairs No. 7 Mail , .. .. 8.00 pn. 3.40 pm. 1 to tra No. 1 feed, 86%oc; No. 1 feed,| I'll soon have early peas to sell Rutherford, N.J.. with Mrs. Sperry | pyjamas, 2 quilts, 2 pillows] value, Gotne East, $8%ec; No, 2 feed, 8¢%ec, Barley, And some to give away, Snibley; Mr. and Mes. J. M. Gardiner, | $116. Owing to the warm weather|, RS City Are, Clty Plus half & cent per mile ond, Watertown, N.Y., Mrs. E. Hogel, [the Red Cross Society has cancelled | No. 16 Express | |. $10 ®m. Refurning haif a cent per mille to Winnibeg, plus $15.00. ' No. 3 CW, 3: 5; No. ASN 1.20. . .62 a. Flax, No, Ne $ You AIOE Nes hE Seljuce stow, Rutherford, N.J., with friends; Miss! its weekly meetings until Sept. 6th. No. i Mali. Li aildpm 12.52 p. Comfortable Through Trains, Lunch Service at moderate ry My vegetables all seem to know = -- -- Apr o. 28 Logg! . be 3:29 Dom TIT om CN They're. helping Jack Canuck. on. 1,75, 14,36, 18, 19 Yun ail, Excursion Dates from KINGSTON, AUG. 20 AND 20. Toronto, Aun ianiiobs wheat Parker wo Retire, . Ww ESTERN PREMIER AT WESTERN F RON T Other trains daly excbp( inday. --~No. 1 northern, $2.23%;: Ne. 3 : 7 x Diredt hi 3 trains connec northern, $2.20%; No. 3, Bo i Parker. i ist. se Fon a a Deirol Spectal Train Service; a raing A py $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, § a : 4 3 y ge yen Bet i ALA ts apn fe TE Otta ; 4 ¥ gw, Mont ™ tickets by all 1 Furth. store Fort William, icin ding 2%¢ : Halifax, . a Soren, York. IP Agen - wri Hite Gene np Pa King 80 1, a tax, Pullman accommodation, tickets and Ask Tor "Marvestars' Work snd Wages" Leafief. Manitoba™oats--No. 2 C.W.89%¢ | oo "von in Canada in 1862, a son Ee A ely te . No. 3 C. « 36%e; extra No. 1 feed, of the late Capt. J. Parker, and was steamship lines. Open day ang night, feed, 833%ec, in Sarg educated at Trinity College, Toronto, beg : ) | : 2 i | Reflections at Forty, quality, $10;

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