PAGE SIX GANANOQUE ' CLAYTON : Leave Clayton: 8.00 am, BUTTER WRAPPING PAPER FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICE PRINTED OR PLAIN Ty) Whig N, ONT. | Taken Until Further Notice 'When one first feels a sense of pride in maintaining a growing bank balance a definite step toward pros- Eastern Ontario News NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. Brief Form the Eveuts In the Country About Kingston Are Told ~=Full of Interest to Many, Fred Augers, having liquor on a G.T.R. train, was arrested a Pres- cott, | It cost him $2165, Thomas H. Guest, Brockville, has been appointed a grand steward of the Grand Lodge AF. and AM. E, L. Payne, Peterboro, druggist, in was fined $53.10 for selling a pro- prietary medicine without a war stamp. At Peterboro, Millen Pearson, aged fifteen, was instantly killed when he was caught in a moving elevator at the Peterboro Creamery, At the Brockville police court Emest Joseph Jewett appeared be- fore Deputy Magistrate Page on a chhrge of bigamy. He was sent up for trial. On Aug. 6th Rev. Rural Swayne, Belleville, united in holy wedlock Harry Douglas Rowe and Miss Carrie Bella Anderson, both of Belleville. Gerdon Jacobs joining the eolors Was presented with a handsome wrist watch by the members of the choir of Bridge Street Methodist church, Belleville, of which he was a mem- bes, ' James Eakins, Port Hépe, well known in Ontario and Quebee, and had connections in Great Britain, be- cause of his prominence in the live stock industry, is dead, The house and barns belonging to Hiram Coville, near Algonquin, with all their contents; were destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning. Mr. Co- ville and two children escaped with their lives, Rev. \E. 0. Seymour Dean land Mrs, | Seymour, Bath, ware spending Au- sust with Mrs. Seymour's parents, air, and Mrs. (C. |B. Scantlebury, the present week being spent at Oak Hill Lake Camp. Alfred Picard, Alfred Rogers and Napoleon Deadure Utayne, Montreal, convicted of burglarizing Doyle Bros.' Store at Prescott recently, were sen- tenced to two years each in Ports- mouth penitentiary, Mr, and Mrs, L. W. Blair, Paken- ham, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Jean Flem- ing, to Capt. R. G. Lawrence, M.D., C.A.M.C., Victoria, B.C. The mar. riage to take place in August, The marriage was solemnized fn Ottawa on August 3rd of Miss Helena Isobel Phillips, youngest daughter of Mrs. W. M. Phillips, Brockville, to Thomas (A. Hewitt, son jof iMr. and Mrs, James Hewitt, Ottawa. SHNNICN ALITA perity has heen taken. ; ® Player-Pianos a lot of wear and , with all their sturdiness, are built to stand tear. Yet LINDSAY beauty in line fine tone quality, Player- Pianos and unmistakably AY possess One Price Only -- Cash or Terms. Hlustrated Catalogue Free. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Aug. 8.--Ganapogue's civic hol- day. was celebrated yesterday with a day of sports and "tag day" un- der the auspices of - the citizen's band. There were not many out- siders in attendance at the celebra- tion, but the entire populace turned out en masse In support of the band and made it a great success. The day's programme started at the town park in the morning with a burlesque game of baseball be- tween teams representing the local merchants and convalescent soldiers from the Kip Convalescent Home at Leek Island and was won by the latter. The Calthumpian parade was next 'in order, and was headed by the juvenile band with the citizen's band as rubes, local firemen, re- turned soldiers, young Canada, male dd female, John Bull, Uncle Sam, and a number of other rigs. The prizes were awarded to Gilbert Or- ser as John Bull, and George A. Dowsley as Uncle Sam. The afternoon's programme was a varied one, and was held at the driving park, where upwards of $300 were taken at the gaee. The baby show was quite largely patronized. E. T. Bovey's little daughter, Elsie, was awarded first prize among the girl exhibit, and E. Leakey's daughter, Lillian, se- cond; Howard Keyes' son, Donald, first among the boys and Hugh Brennan's son, Raymond, second. The bicycle race was won by Michael McDonald, with Archie An- derson second. Tug-of-war between teams from the Parmenter and Bulloch and Spring ana Axle Co. was won by the former after a hard tussle. 'Ladies' potato race was won by Mrs, Thomas Coley, with Miss Amo second. Soldiers' walking race was won by Charles Killen. Auto tire chang- ing contest was won by Edward Bind, and the prize for the best pony turnout was awarded to Edward Widdis. While these events were in pro- press a fine game of baseball was being pulled off on the diamond at the driving park between Pop Wat- kin's Havana Red Sox and the team from the Army Medical Corps of Kingston, the latter winning after a good keen contest by a score of 8 runs to 6. : During the day a number of local young ladies conducted a tagging contest in aid of the band, and for which prizes were awarded to the most successful three, the followirg being the award: 1st, Miss Annie Kelly; 2nd, Miss Rhea Hayes; 8rd, Miss Lola Baker, + - 'The evening's proceedings, which were advertised for the town park, were at the last moment changed to the spacious lawn at Blinkbonnie, and largely attended. The Red Sox £ave quite a fine song service of southern melodieg, and a dance was held until midnight. WORKING BY MOONLIGHT. Hay Is Good in Quality Is Light in Quantity, Wolfe Island, Aug. 6.--Haying is about completed. The only story of making hay while the sun shines not only | holds good, but in addition that 7of gathering while the moon shone was very muth-*in evidence during the recent moonlight. What the crop is short in quantity, is made up in quality, The grain is about ripe and ready for the hand of the reaper, and promises to be a fair crop. It is a foregone conclusion that the corn will not be anything like an average one, The shortage of the above will be much felt by the dairymen, who depend largely upon this crop for the sustenance of their herd. Recently a couple of aviators trom Camp Mohawk gave an exhibition of fancy diving, looping the loo , the spiral or nose dive, that thrifls the many spectators, Last week one of our leading men, while automobiling on one of the side streets in the vil- lage, had the misfortune to run into 4 corner post, or a fences, but to his chagrin he found that the worst had not happened, 'for it was only a few seconds later when he crashed into the C.M.B.A. wall, but, the 'building T. Hutchinson's legioh "of friends are pleased to learn that he has quite fully recovered from his illness, daying among friends, Mrs. Eugene and Mrs, Frank Reitzel and children, Kitchener, are visiting their parents. Mrs. John McDonald is few days with her sister, niings, ! in ° Katertown, N.Y, . Mrs. 'E, Ball has also bought one of similar make, Misses Ethed McMullen and Beulah Burleigh, nurses-in-training at Otta- wa and Kingston, are spending holi- days at their homes here. Dr. Ged G. Yorke spent Sunday at Deseronto. Mrs. J. McKnight, Westport, is visit- ing ber sister, Mrs. H. McMullen, ere. Mrs. M. Black and children, Kingston, are at S. Revell's, Miss Ruth Percy, Kingston, and Miss F. Blacklock, Glenburnie, are visiting at Joseph Perey's, here. A HAPPY GATHERING. . Mrs. Vanluven. Hartington, Aug. 7.--On Monday, 5th, Charles Leonard and wife, Earl Leonard and family, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Lake and Mrs, T. Leonard, of this place, attended the party at New- burgh given by Mrs, Sager in honor of her mother, Mrs, Vanluven, who was born eighty years ago. She was formerly Eliza Ann Leonard, A very enjoyable time was spent. John Botting has returned home after spending a month with friends in New York State. James Wallace has purchased a new car. Mrs, Stan- ley Woodman has been spending a week at her old home. John Abrams bas gone to Godfrey to work in the mines. Among the recent visitors are Mrs. H. Chapman, nurse-in-training at the General Tospital, Kingston, at Harry Campsall's; Ben, Botting and wife, Violet, at E. Botting's; Miss Smith, Parham, at J. Abrams'; Mrs, Micks and daughter, Toronto, at Arthur Smith's; Mrs. Young, Sydenham, and Miss Vanluven, Syracuse, at I. J. Lake's; Mrs, George Harker, Rose. dale, at her father's, EE, Sigsworth; Miss Ethel Drafton, Tichborn, at T. Grant's; Miss Retta Hagerman, Rose- dale, at W. Babcock's: A. Aleom- brack and family, Camden East, at Everett Huffman's, Mrs. Earl Leonard entertained the members of her Sunday school class recently at a plenic. Edley Campsall and © spent the week-en at Elgin- burgh. C. Warrington 1s in Toronto for the week-end. THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. No cloth ig to be made hencefortn in Britain for eivillan use except under pernwit. Norway lost through war month of July. An Ottawa restauranteur has been closed up for a week for violating food ' regulations. '"Sartans" 8 the pet name for American soldiers among the men in the German army. Secretary Baker on Wednesday an- nounced that the United States now has three million mien under arms. biggest salmon cateh in twenty years is anticipated by Bri- tish Columbia fishermen and can- nerymen. Professor A. J. G. Ledoux, a pro- vinolal Government official and a Belgian veteran soldier, died at Sud- bury. ' ; Joseph Wiggins," 1,993 Dufferin street, Toronto, was killed in an fourteen vessels causes during the elevator shaft at the Robert Simp- son warehouse. A census just completed shows that the population of Petrograd is now 1,417,000, or 1,000,000 lees than it was eighteen months ago. 'Frank Hawken, a former assist- ant postmaster of Ottawa, and one of the capital's most respected resi- dents, died Tuesaday, aged seventy years. There are about 215,000 employ- ees in the 450 Canadian plants now engaged in the production of muni- tions. Of this number -approximate~ ly 5,000 are women. The Federal ministry has appeal- ed to the people of Australia to do their utmost to win the war. A "King's men" movement has heen inaugurated to combat pacificism. ee evant TYPHOID FEVER AND . HOW TO AVOID IT ---- The Medical Health Officer Is= sues Valuable Information , to the Public. : ------ In wiew of a number of typhoid fever cases having appeared through- out the city, the medical 'health of- ficer has issued the following in- structions to t is contracted ¥ you do not of typhoid tever into You will never contract fever. ' Therefore, watch 3. Do mot eat or drink anything » Oysters, fresh Miss Vera Boyle, Gananoque, is doli- | des and family, and Mr. and Mrs. C. * To Mark the Eightieth Birthday of ~ AH DATLY. BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918 NE would Suppose that a mas who had '"'diced at the dawn with death" 1a Flanders would, when he got home to England for a few days' leave, pre- fer to sit out in his garden and smoke, instead of hielng him to a gambling house, Undoubtedly the great proportion of men do, but enough of them are still slaves to the gaming mania that they, together with a number of munitioneers and others who have got rich Quick, are now making London a paradise for the parasites who run gambling rooms. According to the correspon- dent of the New York Sun, who is usually to be relied upon, gambling in London is to-day a curse. In his view the police are unable to act because the bankers and their victims are usually people of influence or prominence, and would rather suffer their losses in silence than face the publicity of "appearance in court, even if by so doing they could recover the money that had been filched from them. One woman, whe passes for re. spectable, 1s said to have made $100,000 by gambling in her apart- ments in the past couple of years. Particulars of her game were given a few days ago to a London news-, paper by an American woman who concluded her letter by threatening to go round to the place and break the windows when she heard of an- other game. She says that one Amer. ican officer lost $2,100, another $1, 500 and a Canadian $500 just before leaving for the front. These wen were deccyed to the place by_ girls with whom they bad struck Wp an acquaintance in a more re in formal manner, The charmin, oung ladies, exquisitely gowned and turn. ed out, showed a patriotic interest in the officers, but declined to per- mit them to squander their pay om dinners or other entertainments. In- stead they insisted that the enter- taining should be done by their friend, the proprietress of the fash- ionable gambling dump. The delight- ed and deluded «®~ers were only too eager to make a call, and one fol- lowed another with the result reo corded by the correspondent. a There is another man living in a fine country house in a delightful dis- trict within easy motoring distance of London who is regarded as a model landlord and a fine type of good old English sportsman, who is id to have an income of $100,000 & year. Before the war he had noth- ing. He has made his fortune out of the games that go on in his rooms in town. He is a rich man because be was one of the first to make the discovery that the war did mot end the gambling instinct, but, on' the contrary, had the effect . of making daring gamblers even more desper- ate. He found out that men just back from the front where they had HOT Kingston's Best Accommodation The Hostel Latg British American Hotel, Corner First Class Accommoda- tion for Travellers. Also Cafeteria in Con- Commodious, Comfortable Rooms 'nder management of Salvation Army The man at the helm keeps his ship in a safe couse by the turning of the wheel. You at the helm of your business can keep it in a straight and safe course and avoid the rocks of dis- aster by using well planned adverlising, There are different methods of advertising, and each particular business requires probably only one or two of them to be successful. We will talk over plans with you and submit sketches without any obligation on your part. TELEPHONE 292 JOB DEPARTMENT BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. KINGSTON mn, NI i I J. E. MULLEN 155 Fromtemae St, Phone 141! g and Clarence Sts,, Kingston Sample Rooms daily nection Open All Hours Call 291 For cars, cabs or livery Motor bus for Cataraqui of any kind. at 1 m. oxcept Saturdays or Mondays. Motor bus for Kingston Mills Sunday at 10 am, Finkle and Company 122 Clarence Street. ----t been risking their lives a dozen times a day for weeks on end, were just #8 anxious to risk their money when they returned on leave, if they had been gamblers before they became soldiers, He was somewhat aided by the natural reluctance of the police to interfere any more 'than possible with the relaxations desired by offi. cers just back from the front. The officers, going or coming, form only one class of several upon which the professional gamblers prey. A source of considerable income to them is provided by the great num- ber of people who have made a great deal of money since the beginning of the war, manufacturers and contrac- FOR SALE-- Brick Dwelling Corner of Mack and Victoria Street, Kingston, 8 rooms, fnclud. hot water, gas, electricity. terms, Apply to J. 0. HUTTON, ing den on ground floor, five place, Possession 1st Sept. $3900. Easy Tel. 703. 18 Market St. tors from places other than London, A good many of these people have the notion that the swiftest way in which to scrape an acquaintance with the aristocracy is over a green table, the race track and the dog show being under a temporary eclipse. They do not mind the money they lose so long as they can enter on the credit side of the ledger some titled acquaintance. Again, many of them who have become wealthy in a few months have acquired with their wealth a solid appreciation of their own merits as shrewd business men. They have thé notion that they can beat the gambler at his own , With results that might be oreseen by others not so gifted. Perhaps the most tp be pitied vie. ' New Stocks Of White Pine and Spruce F looring, Siding, Weekly. do your lathing don't waste time putting on poor One White Pine. ber Yard ~ Ete, Arriving When ready to : lath, but get our No. 3 Allan's Lun toria St. Yard Yard, Place De Armes Phone Phone tims of these bridge gharks and rou- lette wolves are the women, London contains tens of thousands of them, many being women from overseas who are living in England in order |B Last Chance | To Partake of the Season's Biggest Bar- gains in Ladies' and Children's Wear at Our 3 HOSE BARGAINS. ig Aumual Summer Sale | CORSET BARGAINS DRESS BARGAINS FLOWER BARGAINS UN BARGAINS EAR BARGAINS