Eastern Ontario News ¢ NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT CLIPPED FROM THE WHIGS! MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, | s ie In Brief From the Events In the | Country About Kingston Are Told vest : ~iull of Interest to Muu, Mr. and Mrs. J. ¥. Close, Broek- ville, antiounce the ehEagemont of their daughter, Vera M., to Mr. A IM. Wright, the marriage to take place guietly the first part of next week. After having been almost two yearg overseas in the hope that a revival of the band might take place, the instruments, presented to* the band of the 156th Leeds and Gren- ville Overseas Battalion by Mr. and Mrs. A. IC. Hardy, have _Teacned Brockville. In accordance With the terms of the gift of the instruments, they mow become the property of the 41st Regiment, Sergt. 'W. C. Gardner, Cornwall, died in Woolwich, Eng., Hospital on Aug. 10th from pneumonia. On nday Mary Cannon, widow of Wildam 8S. Cannon, passed away at Brockville, aged seventy-five years. The deceased was a daugh- ter of the late Robert Armstrong, | one of the pioneer Settlers of Eliza- | 'bethtown. , Mr. and Mrs. G. E. oaltag. Belle- wille, announce the engagement of their daughter, Beatrice Margaret, to Elton Roy Bonter, son of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Bonter, Trenton, Ont. The wedding will take place on August 28th. Puvid May, Ameliasburg, had a valuable horse killed by lightning Miss Jean A. K' Robertson and C. 8. Farmer, Perth, and Miss Gertrude Rourke, Brockville, won scholarships at McMaster University, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitney, Os- wego, N.Y., announce the marriage of their daughter, Mrs, Jessie E. Abber- ger, to John J. Halleran, of the Can- adlan Aviation Corps, at Gananoque, on Tuesday. Daniel Hannar, 8r., Canonto, is building a house on the Johnson place. It is nearly finished, BATTERSEA FULL OF VISITORS Tourists Are Dany Many Fish From the -akes. Battersea, Aug. "This little 'burg has been ir with Amer- ican tourists as usual. About seventy- five are still hooked at the local ho- tels. The fishing is still good, espe- cially for salmon. Many other guests have been enjoying the 'pleasures of the rural homes. Among the latter have heen noticed Mr. and Mrs. Brad: shaw, of Carleton Place, and Mr and Mrs. Smith, of Rochester, N.Y. at Joel Eby's; Miss Curtis, of Peter- boro, at the parsondge: Micses Mabel and Sadie Anglin, of Pine Grove, at W. J. Anglin's; Mrs. E. Barlow and Mrs M. Hughes and E. F. Sears Kingston, and W. J. Arthurs, of In- verary, at J. Sears'; Miss Lolo Hartley, of Seele Bay, 'at J. Mil- ler's; Mrs. G Ritchie and Mrs. T. Me Waters, of Sunbury, at OO. Baxter's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Joyner, of Kingston, at Charles Sands'; Misses Twardokus and Keller, Rochester, N.Y, at Rob- ert Dixon's; Miss Alice Jamie son, of Wagarville, at S. Jamieson's; Mrs. Barnard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sell, and Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. sons, of London, Mrs.- Paul and Miss Grace Paul. of Kingston, at F. W. Ball's; Mrs. Wil- bur and daughter Lottie, of Utica N.Y, at W. Ormshy's; Misses M. and Ls: Anglin and Miss McGrath, 'of Kingston Mills, and Miss Annie An- glin and R, Lobbie, Kingston, at W. S Anglin's. iss Bernice Sutherland has gone on a visit to friends at Sault Ste. Ma- rie. She was accompanied by her uncle, James Gascoine, who has been {pending the summer here. Miss iolet Anglin, of Queen street, has returned to the city, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Kathleen Anglin. ; Miss Elizabeth Anglin has returned from an extended visit among friends in Pittsburg. Miss Gertie Keeler, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs, Samuel amieson. S. M- Anglin, B.A, who as been conducting a studio of mu- sic in Brandon, Man, for a number of years, has just received the ap- pointment of teacher of vocal thusic gr livery of any Kind. i Belleville. Wil- ' the prelimi- ance into ada, Mrs. in Albert lam Boa he R ex a hot me this year usually early this Iarmers are GANANOQUE Correspondent.) R, C. McCullough Department at Ot- notice that her (From Our Own Aug. 16 Mrs. received from the tawa, on Wednesday, son, Lieut. J. R, McCullough, had been admitted to the British Red Cross Hospital, suffering from gun- shot wound in the head. few hours later she received a cablegram from her son stating "Tin hat saved me; only scratches." This is the decond time he has beefi wounded, At the town park last evening the athletic field was crowded to witness the second game of baseball between the local merchants and the team from the Convalescent Home at Leek Island. On Civic Holiday the island- ers vanquished the merchants 7 to 2, ed the tables, of 9 to 2. I. R. Dean, Toronto, delivered a very interesting and instructive lec- ture lest evening in the 1.0.0.F. halk His topic was, "Thy Coming of the Lord." Using the present war in his argument as a preparation of the way for the ushering in of the Christ and His reign of righteousness on earth. The choir of St. Andrew's ¢hurch en- joyed a very pleasant outing on Wed- nesday afternoon, when they motored to Sunbury and were entertained by Mr, and Mrs, Thomas McCallum and family, Willlam Heasler has pur- chased the frame residence on Hick- ory street owned and occupled by Charles E. Sweet. A party of young people, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Wilson, had an enjoyable motor boat trip to Rockport on Wednesday afternoon, where' they took a boat across to Al- exandria 'Bay and spent a very pleas- ant evening. The Citizens' band ren- dered another delightful open air concert at the town park last evening. It was much enjoyed by a large gath- eriung. The programme of selections was of a high class order. Miss Florence Ahbott, in attend- ance at the summer school class in physical culture in Toronto, has completed her course successfully. Miss Mabel Lloyd, spending the past two weeks in town with her parents, has left for South Amboy, N.J.,where she has been appointed supetrintend- ent of a U.S.A. hospital. Mrs. Horace Gould, Clayton, N.Y., and cousin, Miss Mary Van Allen, Utica, spent yester- day in town with relatives and friends. Mrs. George H. Bowen and daughter, Toronto, have arrived here for a visit with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Andress, Mrs. Ernest W. Kenedall and fam- ily, Guelph, are spending a few weeks in town with the former's father, John R. Thomson, Miss Laura Tin- ney, Toronto, is spending some time in town with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. John LaRose, Jr., To- ronto, who have - been spending a short time in town with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, John LaRose, have returned home, Mr, and Mrs. E. O: Ericson, Boston, spending the past few weeks with the latter's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Williamson, have returned home, They were ac- companied back by Miss L, William- son, who will visit with them for a short time, PORT HOPE HEARS _ THE HON. N. W. ROWELL Empire's Effort in the War eviewed by This Able Minister. Port Hope, Aug. 16.~Hon. W. N. Rowell was accorded a most eordial and rousing reception in the drill shed here last evening by an immense throng of ladies and gentlemen from town and country. It was his first visit to Port Hope since his election as Durham's represéntative in Decem- ber last, and the people were anxious to hear the message he had brought them from his recent visit to Eng- land. The meeting was presided over hy Stanley B.Burnham, Mayor of Port Hope. Mr. Rowell told of what the Gov- ernment had dope in furthering our interests in the 'war in the cause of democracy. Although we were assist- ing the weaker nations primarily, we were actually fighting for our own liberty and freedom, ' England had placed over six million men, and the killed were 100 per cent. greater than all the men that Canada had yet rs The oo Bilious Habit Some people have bili- ous spells about every so often until they get to be a habit. The liver is at fault, Get the liver right by using Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills, and the bile will not collect in the blood until winning out by a score it poisons you. here is no one organ in the human body which so great a control of 'health as the liver. snes the oroning of Sigét of Sutment, and last evening the merchants turn-, From the Countryside Frontenac GLE NDOWE son, Ralph at Sanford L visit at Haw Snider's in Ver ---- LAKE OPINICON The recent rains crops abundant good are all busy taking harvest. Miss Effie Linklater, spending two weeks at her home here, has returned to Kingston Mrs. W. Young is somewhat 'better after having a bad attack of tonsilitis. Migs Hattie Best, Clear Lake, spent a few days with her brother, F. Best, Mrs. A. Darling, K. and J. Darling, Miss Mabel and Mrs. F. Best motor- ed to Spaffordton Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith spent Sunday at Le- land. ' M. Kerr spent Sunday at Mrs. A. Darling's. also Allan will and n's and Snider's na. have The off the after Aug done the farmers CLARENDON. 14.--John Glenn has new Ford car. Miss Irene Murray, Miss Lilly Campbell, Mrs. E Kirkham and Mrs. Appleby motored to Perth on Monday evening and re-! turned on Tuesday E. Buffam went to Perth last week. The Misses May and Blanch Murray returned home after a visit with their aunt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moss have returned to King- ston ¢ spendinz their holidays with friends Donald Ferguson week-end at his home here. Neely was home over the wek-end. Miss Burke Miss John Boles, unloaded a car of flour, and one of salt last Mrs. H. Dupont and family tawa motored up and spent with Mrs. Dupont's parents, Mrs. John Cain. Aug. invests ed in a ndon pent the Genrge arth visiting Glenn feed Mr. and of Ot- Sunday Mr. and is John one of of WESTBROOK. A number in this local- ity have finished haying, and harvest- ing is now the order of the day. W. I.. Grass has purchased a fine piano Mrs. Fallon of Kingston, spent Rust week with the Misses Sheehan and Mrs. Kenny. Mrs. R. Gates and Mrs, Baldick have returned home from New Ontario after a pleasant visit with Mrs. W. Rawson Mrs. Anna Smith has returned home after spending the past month with her daughter, Mrs. Shibley at Harrow- smith. Miss Katie Sheehan spent last week visiting friends in Kings- ton. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anderson and family are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Grass Miss L.. Barr, Mountain Grove, spending her holidays with Victoria Price, Moun- tain Grove. K. Walker is slowly covering from his recent filiness. Mrs. Sophia Roseveau, Kingston, ac- companied by Mrs. Mary James of Chicago, formerly Mary Leonard, of this place, renewing acquaintances here recently. Mrs. J. Gates is visit- Aug. 11. is sent to maintain her liberty. France had poured out her blood like water | and the casualties of France were] more than ten per cent. those of England. Hon. Mr. Rowell paid a graceful] tribute to Sir Robert Borden and his devotion to the best interests of Can- | ada. + Barns And Crops Burned, Brockville, Aug. 16. day morning fire did much damage dt the McCarthy farm, near Prescott, and also on the farm of Joseph Place, of Domville,. Two large buildings | with their contents were destroyed on | the McCarthy farm, while Mr, Place, besides losing his crops, had three; horses burned, Karly Thurs-| | Some men work themselves death trying to earn sufficient money to keep up the premium on their life insurance. | A man's credit is usually good! when he doesn't need it. | Good milkmen pure water, HON. ~Cauley's; | trations amounted to | made up of 2,691 white and 559 col- boxes were sold, tol going to G A. Smith at 2234 cents, should advoentel ing her daughter, Mrs. D. Sn ider, Maple Laie, f JONES F. AL. LS. Aug. 12. Much sympathy tended to Mr. and Mrs. R. Whit the death of their baby Prevost has returned to after visiting friends here gin. Mrs. Dillon, Seeley's Ba visiting her sister, Mrs Mrs. Kilborn is the guest of her ter, Mrs. Chapman. The Gov ment dredge, Tay, and leave this week to work at the mus and other places Pte. is West ter spending a couple of week 8. G. Stewart's, CAINTOWN. Aug. 12.--Born, on Saturday, 3rd, to Mr, rent Sul Nias Po ton, of Yonge's Mills, last with Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. William White and Miss K arine White spent Friday last Rockfield with Raymond White, is very ill. Mrs. Nancy Tennant ited friends in Athens recently, Hodge and two sons, of Smith's F spent a few days with Mr. Thomas Hodge la=t week. Roy W ter, of Lyndhurst; was the gues his sister, Mrs, W. A. Graham, week. Mr, and Mrs. H. Knowlton Miss Alice Stevens, of Athens, 8 Thursday last at T, G, Tennant'~. Phillips has returned to his h Catharines, Harley erg west in a few R in St inteneds to go Mrs. R, Johnson, visiting her sister, Mrs, Ellner W Mr. and Mrs. 'Asher Earl ani Thomas Eafl, of Temperance visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A, on Sunday, the 11th, Miss land, of Lillie's, was the Miss leona Dawsley on Sun Blaine Dickey, of Yonge's Mills Sunday under -the George Donnolly, barrister, of cago, is the guest of hig sister, James L., Scott. Wesley Rockfield, spent Sunday with his ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodge, | Lennox and Addington] Miss Laura and at El- J. Glover, tug Agnes, F. Seaton has returned to Kingston af- Ang. and Mrs. Elmer White, daughter. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wes- well, and Mrs. day of Smith's Falls, is aite Lake, Graham Luclia guest spent parental nr Hodga, ex- e in port! y, is sis- ern- isth~ Dn' 8 at a pday ath- in who vis- Roy alls ebs- t of last and pent R. ' McKelvey & Birch, Limited | 69-71 Brock Street. \ '? Yr YT YY TT TT TTY YY Feed Your Poultry Parina Baby Chick Feed. Purina Chicken Chowder. Purina Scratch Feed. More Eggs ang Sturdy Chicks, For Sale By f D. Couper 841.8 Princess Street. Phone 76. Canada Food Board License No. S-3546, snsdaadiniiobuininiraindniabainindnindniuid. COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. ~~ ARERR ' No Coal Orders Taken Until Further Notice WE CARRY Tp Bo Ranges All styles, various prices. the 3-burner range with complete, for $16.50. See oven New Perfection OIL STOVES The handiest and most econo- micaj cooking apparatus made. They are the best ob- tainable. . $16.00 21.00 26.00 2-burner J-burner 4-burner | Phone 237 - 2060 >, > ore S00 Mrs. of day, oof. (Chi- Mrs, of par- A CHANCE FOR THE THRIFTY MAN WHO WISHES TO OWN HIS HOME $10 downand $10 per month without taxes or interest for one year, will buy any of the lots left on the corner of Lans- downe and Adelaide street, Kingston, near the fair grounds entrance gate, Apply to J. 0. HUTTON A. CHADWICK & SON A PA AANA Fruit ! The rush is now to the Telephone 703 78 Market Street. SELBY. Aug. 13.--A number from went 'north picking berries. Mr. Cook and Mrs. Cook and dav ter, of Newburgh, spent last nesday at the parsonage, Mrs. Rose and Lewis Geollingher, liave been on the sick list, are proving. M. Tuesday at Mr. Sheltor's. Mrg. Stull at J. Gollingher's; Garetty and son at Mrs. Williar Mrs. Booth and children at D. Mr. and Mrs. Pero baby at'F. L. Amey'sy Mr. G. Paul at Ro Paul's; Co Gonu a Genu's; Mrs. Forward, at Mrs. Martin's; Mrs. Cole and childrer W. Doidge's; Mr. Weese at C. old's. a ttt tN NBN Nl Pt ANNAN ANA NNN Policemen Get Increases, Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug." 16.-- common eounecil his increased greater than| salaries of seven members of the city i police force from $80 to $85 a mo { The men effected are Chief and Patrolmen MeDonald, Sulli McCormick, Amo; Harper and | The galary of W. H. Lynbiirn, jar of the city hall, is increased from | to * $y a month, : Cheese Board. Brockville, Aug. 16.- of Trade yesterday was dull, only bids ranging from 221% cents to cents being made. 3 ored, and oaly 60 The funeral of the late Mrs. Clar- took place on assa Mustard, Elgin, Aug. 16th, at eleven o'clock. The Strand Theatre re-opens _urday at 2 p.m, DR. BELAND'S DAUGHTER AND HER FIANCE here Rev. Wed- Dojdge-and wife spent Visitors: Mrs. and Mrs. Arn- Power ~The meeting of the Brockville Dafrymen"s Board 991 22% The total regis- 241 boxes, agh- ¥ who im- a a aaa] Aerated ti---- TTY TTT TTT TTT TY TY YY Drink Charm Tea To Reduce the High Cost of Living try a UNITED GROCERY for all kinds of the best FRESH FRUIT Customers go away daily ade vertising our business. package of Charm New Japan Tea at the 188 Princess St. BEN LER, Mgr. low price of 28c a half pound package. Canada Food Board License No, 6-064, Andhra ms'; Me- and tJ. E. nal The the nth. van, Doe. itor $35 five Sa- Am SATURDAY CLEARANCE SPECIALS BOYS' WASH SUITS $ 1 About one dozen only. Boys' wash suits um um priced to $2.50. Saturday price CHILDREN'S HATS less of cost, to clear at NECKWEAR 'Balance of summer neckwear to clear at BOUDOIR SETS Fancy boudoir cap and Jacket. Regu . lar $3.00; to clear at . Knock-abouts in white, rose and cardinal $ 1 at. ........ tan Svs STRAW HATS 6 9 at . ; C BRASSIERS / In different styles, 239 9c C 4 9 Cc .SILK POPLIN DRESSES - Only a few left to clear RARICOATS. to clear at og discount. Only a few dozen children's hats, regard- COST PRICE. 1.98 FELT HATS Balance of our colored hats to clear Saturday Seis Randle Hotel