Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Aug 1918, p. 4

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__PAGE FOUR AUGUST 19, 1918. freemen and because to the backbone--- that race. THE BRITISH WHIG wus to S5TH YEAR. | they are sailors |'with all the | The sailors of | the resolution « i The sailors of itute, of will Britis the ues France 2 1} ot" it eir con- al free const ind 'against the Ger- ational society the same time A j- =a kx 5 nb ba | national Bea T | thing dn the the the two lead will 55 ER which {attention - "LONG TO REIGN OVER Us" This much is beyond denial that in the last quarter of a century, "morn into noon hag passed, noon into quiet eve," the Monarchy, not In this eountry only through the mighty the British Eunpire, has its roots deeper than ever to the people's heart It pl that whatever pro blemg and achievements of re- construction may brite, they must leave the Throne higher in honor and affection than before. The Empire without the Crown would be no pire; it would be without a key-stone; not stand stern and anxious which King George's reigh has been cast His Majesty should find reward fin know- ledge that the ordeal has en- abled him to knit more close- ly the ties between himself and hig people, and to leave to his children a Royal heritage even more splendid than that which he received ym this ancestors London Morning Post Published Dally and Sewmi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISIING C0, LIMITE 0. while f President | | Bditor and { Managing-Director. Telephones: Business OfMce orial Rooms ob Office SURSCRIPTION RATES " (Dafly Sdition) One year, delivered in city .. One year, if paid in advance One year, by mafl to rural o One year, to United States .. Senii- Weekly Editio Ouse year, by mull, cash » One year, if not pald in advance Une year, to United States Six and three months pro rata. MONTREAL REPRESENTAMVE R. Bruce Owen 123 St. Peter St UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: F.R.Northrup, 236 FP h Ave, New York ¥.R.Northrup, 1610 Ass'n Bldg, Chicago Letters to the only over the writer but fabric of struck in. | is the 1.00 $1.50 1.60 Em- an arch it wouid the For all Editor times .in actual are published name of the Attached in one of the printing offices in Canada, -------- -------------- best Job the .certain The circulation of THE BRITISH Whig is 'authenticated by the ABCKk Audit Bureau of Circulations. Tipping for services, otherwise paid but help it for, is we can't Everybody does it Wrong, + od What will be the Kaiser's perma nent address? Some say, St Helena; we think it rhymes with Well We'll trim 'em {this side of the Rhine, on the [Rhine itse!' or Da- yond the [Rhine, whatever ground they may choose for the las' stand CANADA'S FOOD BOARD AND ITS WORK, ™ One occasionally hears n of the Canada Food Board and the large and expensive staff it is said to maintain at Ottawa, as well expressions of doubt ag to the value of it all. The public has not hither- to been fully appraised of the scope of its activities or of the splendid results it has accomplished. Patrons of hotels and restaurants know something of the restrictions it has imposed; flour manufacturers, bak- ers, candy and biscuit makers and others have heen obliged to submit to its rulings, but for the most part ity recommendations have depended on voluntary rather than enforced respect. The board has pointed nu: the, way by which Canadians could conserve the food supply; it has tm- pressed upon our people the great need of more food averseas: it has appealed to the patriotic spirit of every man and woman in order to secure their co-operation. That leadership, that instruction, thas appeal, have not been in vain. The resubls of the campaign furnish ample proof to this effect. The Canada Food Board has Just Issued a brief but impressive re- sume of the work that it has aceom- plished. From it we quote the fol- lowing facts: Net exports from Canada of beef have been increased by nearly 75, 000,000 1bs. per annum, an increase of 6,705 per cent. aver the average net exports for 1910<1914. Net exports of pork have heen n= eriticism And now since Lansdowne has be come such a pacifist it is suggested that he should be forced out of the chairmanship of the British Red Cross Commission, Up west the papers are asking their "How, are you standing the In Kingston the heat is very We the goalest city readers, heat?" temperate in Ontirio are W. [F. Nickle, M.P., is efreilariz- ing the county councillors asking their endorsation jof his protest against the conferring of hereditary "titles on Canadians "~ Mhat the eastern front will be reconstituted in the spring, and that crippled Germany will have to fight from both sides of her worn and hungry land, is a growing belief. Speaking of voting, the mar who will mot vote [should at least have the privilege taken away fom him «in order that Me will no longer ceumber up the election rolls, and that the real value of the slectoral franchise way be appreciated. Canada is to have a separate Canadian [Afr Force and is also to have @ Canadian force in Siberia. The premiers presence in Dritaiy creased by 125,000,000 lbs. per an- is evidence that he is looking oft um, an increase of 571 per cent. for (Canadn's best interests. Her ne a five year pre-war average. forces will mot be overshadowed] Before the war Canada was im- . / | porting butter at the rate or 7.000, anywhere. eo be to 7/000 tbs. annually. This country is now producing enough butter to meet domestic requirements and, In aldition, ig exporting at the net rate of more than 4,000,000 Ibs. per annum. It is estimated that Canada ex- ported at least 25 to 30 per cent. more wheat during the last twelve months than could have been ex- ported had it not been for the ef- forts for conservation and organiza- tion of this country's food resources. By standarization of flour and lengthening "of the extraction in milling, a saving of 20.000 barreis of flour per month is being efféct- ed » Youths of the United States drafi- ed as well as volunteers in army or) navy can, on application within six quonths after discharge, have "an education at the expense of the gov- ernment" at any approved institu- tion for a jperiod equal to the time of his wervice, not exceeding two years." A sensible idea? v What is the matter with Kingston? is an enquiry, of an admirer. = Have the people lost their Patriotism? I do not see many flags out or any other indication that Canada is at war. Do you think that if the Ales : captured the whole of Germany, etc, your bells would ring or your whistles i toot the joyful news? : Wake up, itizens, $a { Conservation measures and volun- tary saving in the homes have re- duced Canadian consumption of rels per month, as compared with pre-war consumption. . This means 4 saving at the rate of 2,400,000 barrels per year, or, counting the saving by lengthened extraction of milling, of 2,640,000 barrels per year. is is equivalent to a sav. ing of nearly 12,000,000 bushels of wheat, hat the inmates can turn ies. Here's a pointer Minister of Justice. Ording- argamized labor is opposed fo being done in prisons which mpete with free labor out- S ar Measure no oppo likely be made .to any sition. : would ars releasing meat enough to pro- vide the ration for, it is at least 500.000 soldiers. on ------ . s Msh sailors have taken "Canada is now than flour from $00,000 to 600,000 bar without | spring of {| wheat used t own code of inter-| kept down to There is some- the farnie ad sailors | the whea 16 powers | earnet jtestimar y to t | | as | Conservation efforts in Canada) estimated, __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, total partial spoiling. been saved or loss through Profit minishe ing flonar so THE SUPREME LEVELLER. The glories of our blood and state Are shadows pot substantial things; There is nO armor against Fate; Death lays his fey hand on kings; Sceptre and Crown Must tumble down, And in the dust be equal made With the poor crooked scythe spade. greatly di- profit tak- opped For example, 14.50 per barrel in the whereas the farmer $6.93 for the the 48 peen excessive of had receiv only and erein In spring price of flounhsd Lsea $11 barrel, while $8.32 for of 1818 the Some men with gwords may reap the field, And plant fresh they kill; But their gtrong nepves at last must yield; They tame but one another still: Earl or late They drop to fate, And must give up their murmuring breath When they, pale captives, death. per received 18ed therein The above fact y good 'laurels where bear - eloquent 3 wark accom- board These { plished by 1} re- been secured whole- {sults could not have | without 1 1 { hearted support Canadian people It is encoutsging to note that those who remain at home are putting forth their hest efforts to support and strengthen the men on | the battle spontaneous and of the creep to 5 The garlands wither on vour hrow; Then boast no more your mighty deeds, Upon Death's purple altar now. Sea where the victor-vietim bleeds. 3 Your heads must come To the cold tomb Only the action of the just Smell sweet and blossom dust line and to help feed the Allied nations in war-ridden Europe Canadians home, as well as Can- to at idians in Burope, are like triving nen.' themselves "quit r---------------- in their _-y PUBLIC OPINION | 3 ~James Shirley. ! Death of Stephen B. Leavens. Picton Gazette The death of Stephen B, Leavens occurred at his home in Wellington We do strange things in Canada.|on August 12th, after an illness of The aliens, whose restaurants were three years' duration from paraly: wrecked in Teronto, will, no doubt, |sis. Mr. Leavens was nearly seventy- be compensed, but the native-born! seven years old. He was born in Canadian, whose head was broken by the Township of Hillier, where * 'he a policeman's club, will be left to pay | resided for many years. | Barly in his own doctor's bill life he married Lydia Leavens, and ------ - their farm home in the third con- Britain's Birt. cession of this township was for (Buffalo Enquirer) many years a model of well ordered While pondering the guestion whe- | neatness and successful farming ther Great Britain is doing her part, land -an object lesson to the entire it should not be forgotten that be- | comhranity. Mr. Leavens was an sides fighting on land and sea she h 18 | excellent farmer, and his farm and loaned more money to the Allies than | farm buildings were always kept in the United States has and loaning isi the best of condition. He was a one of the best things we do. membef and a faithful attendant pf -------- te the Methodist church at the Bower- Last Gasps Of Old Fogyism, | man appointment, and his home was (Brantford Expositor) always open to the pastor, where he The Imperial law officers have de-! was made a welcome guest. About cided that women are not entitled to | fifteen years ago, retiring from the become candidates for 'Parliament. | farm they moved to Wellington. This ought to be gratifying news for |Mre. Leavens died nearly four years Sir William Hearst, who has already Since her death Mr. Leavens decided that women are not eligible his home with only to hold seats in the Ontario Legisla- | Nelson Benson ture, These, however, are only the | last gasps of old fogism, "Equal rights" for women, in all respects, | Belleville Intelligencer. cannot much longe sy denie { ) 2 ? al or deniey '* | Kinpgston fall fair degenerated in- uly 2» to a joke and was laughed to death. Ouly A Foretaste, | & Hve wire named Bob Bushell re- (New . York Sun) » surrected Kingston fall fair. and Moreover, the beating Germany has j Sure ted : re " been getting does not give the meas- (ode I rol id be. proud ure of the beating the civilized na- hei oY several "of them, with sions intended to give her. Where her | energy "and progressiveness enough 8 yislons PM -~aay é ihiti gr redeemed land, Germany in socssuin [20 aii or rey only a foretaste of what is to happen | while fairs § 5 to her; for the wérds of our Chief pf HA Staff. must not he mistaken for the | offensive that will be launched | The Canada Sugar Reliners' has against the Hun when the Allies and announced an advance of ten cents ourselves are ready to begin the final | per 100 pounds in granulated sugar, advance on the stronghold of human-| making 'their price now $8.15 per y's worst human, enemies, | 100 pounds basis - ~ Rippling Rhymes WARTIME PIES The wartime pie is a disaster; methinks its crust is made of plaster; the filling isn't sweetened rightly, | for sugar must be handled Mghtly. [ eat my pie of peach or cherry, of apricot or loganberry, and in the edaring find no pleasure, but rather anguish without measure. It tastes as though the peach or cherry were doped by .am apothecary. How long, I ask, while; I am eating, will armies on red fields be meeting? Haw long will colonels and commanders, and all po-! tential Alexandérs across the battle field go scouring ?| Because of them we are devouring tough pies which look like iron wedges, and set our teeth on brittle! edges. Because some kings and kindred" geezers were stuck on lining up the Caesars, we 'are consuming pigs 'of leather, all riveted and glued together. - Be- ? cause the kaiser had a vision, a dream which seemed to him elysian, a dream of German flags a-floating wherever human skates are voting, from far Cathay to Athabasca, form Cork to Omaha, Nebraska, we're eating pies which break our jambones and fend us wailing to the sawbones. The grip of war our souls is pinching; we're hrave and strong, but not unflinching; some burdens are too sore and grevious to bear without a sigh, believe us, We miss the pies that mother made us, and who, I ask you, shail upbraid us? 3 = WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN | _---- Queer, (Guelph Herald) made his Mrs Need a Bob Lushell There. T OP, THis MoeniNG -- ILL GET THE OREAKFAST READY for the Boys We are boys' clothes specialists! We under- stand how to dress boys economically and well. - Every boy should be dressed so that he will feel 1 himself the equal of any of the boys he associates \l- * with, Bring the boys here for their outfitting and we will dress them well with handsome, durable gar- ments at a minimum of cost for good clothes. See our High School suits, splendidly tailored from choice English cheviots and worsteds. Sizes .29 to 33. Special value con. 99.00 BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS, BOYS' SWEATERS Give this store a test this fall on the boys' clothes proposition. LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINT is not a new line, as it has been made for 60 years. We can show you houses painted five years ago. with it, and are. still in first class condition. Sold only at BUNT?'S Phone 388 Hardware TI 7 b___ © War AUTOMOBILISTS BICYCLE RIDERS MOTOR CYCLISTS THRESHERS, ETO. ig AMBER, SMOKE, BLUR King St. Internal and External Pains .are promptly relieved by pe THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL THAT IT HAS BEEN SOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS 7 AND 18 TO-DAY AGREATER SELLER THAN EVER CTFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR IT8 UMERAOUS CURATIVE QUALITIES; 4 NUM -- FAA AP A memes p -- NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS [ Owing to the scarcity of help we have been handicapped in our repair department, and have been unable to get the work out as soon as we expected. We now have a full staff of re- % pair "men and assure 7 service in the future. prompy Ty From Soc to $2.50, b DR. CHOWN'S | ° DRUG STORE b 18F Princess St., Phone 8348 b ehh nahedidh db Ab FOR SALE Six General Stores In villages 'in Kingston dis- trict. The annual sales in these stores range from $8,000 to $50,000. For particulars, ap- ply to T.J. Lockhart, Real Estate and Insurance, > Clarence Street. Want = Summer Drinks Soldme len. Poorsiog rte Ginger Ale, Guard's Dry Gin. ger Ale, Imported Ginger Ale, Talia, he Jas. Redden & Co. License Nos, 6-450 and 8-184, LOTS FOR SALE i On Nelson Street - CHEAP It is easier for a girl to believe she is pPetty than it is to make other girls believe she is. Use imported chest- nut coke for kitchen § A

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