FEELS IT HER DUTY [TWO OFFICIALS RETIRING 10 TELL ABOUT IT Mrs. Campbell Was On Verge| Of Breakdown--Tanlac Restores Mer. Told in the Twilight Thomas W. Bowie, Storekeeper, and ' William Derry Engizeer, Were Ap- | EROM SERVICE AT THE PRO- ¥INCIAL PENITENTIARY. | pointed in 1897, and Have Rendered | Faithful Service, { Two i (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, nj the guest of Miss Ardelle Elder, 8t.! | common with other papers all over | Clare Apartments, left on Tuesday Portsmouth | Canada, will make a charge of 50¢| for her home in Lindsay. i penitentiary. are to he retired fre for imserting an engagement, mar + 2 fo hy ar! onan aan | service at the end the present; riage or reception announcement.) Mrs, Charles Cheverill and daugh-| Campbell, who resides on Barker | month. They are Thomas W Bowie, 3..." : ter, Ted, have returned to Peterboro Abell, rho reside recently, . | Storekeeper, and William Derry, engi | Members of the Nurses' Alumnaef from Kingston. "There may ve other medicine. an | CCT Mr. Bowie has been a hard- | Association of the General Hospital Mrs. Fowler, Kingston, is a guest! 200d oo poy be i continued, "but | YOTkIng official. He was appointed | held a plenic at Like Ontario Park at the Victoria House, McCracken's ¥ have n ver been bi to ti da ti Fe th, 1897, coming irom; on Monday afternoon in honor ofl Landing, Stoney Lake. hs Bn No find them Kingston. HM fam- | Miss Jean MacCallum, who is leaving} J. E. L, Goodwill has returned at the "Since Tanlac has done so much] : officials of n Aug to and I have been trying for three Years to get relief from stomach! trouble and indigestion. I had no ap-| petite at all and I suffered so from indigestion that I was actually afraid to eat. Gas would form on my stomach almost as soon as | had eat. | en and almost 'cut off my breath i There 'was an awful pressure and fovere pains about my heart and] sometimes 1 felt Hike I would smoth-| er. No matter what I would eat suffered the same way and my nerves | Bot in such a bad fix I could hardly get a good night's sleep. 1 was fall- ing off in weight, was very sallow looking and if I walked any distance! . I would get so weak I could hardly | stand up. I seemed to be right. on the verge of & nervous break-down. | "Tanlac just seemed to be suited to my case exactly as I have been gradually improving ever since 1 -be-| gan taking it. My appetite 1s simply | fine now and I can eatNgood, hearty | meals without suffering a particle from gas indigestion. And it cer- | tainly is a blessing to bé able to eat without suffering afterwards My nervgs have improved until I can sleep splendidly, my color is better | and I feel stronger and better in eyery 'way than I have sincd my troubles began. All my friends tell! me I am looking mmch better and it | must be so for I surely do feel a| thousand times better." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A | P. Chown. In Plevna by Gilbert Ost- | ler. In Battersea by C. 8. Clark. In| Fernleigh by Ervin Martin, In Ar- doch by M. J. Scullion. In Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannon.--Advt. nih en House Cleaners | | | Branch Princess & Division Best's Branch Phone 2018 {ford | school, are presenting the town Board 1 | of Education with a Moupt Forest tb 11 educated lowie was a brother.in-law late Senator McMul e joyed remarkably g health up to | the present time ,and, while he at-| tained his seventy-seventh birthday | on April 6th last, he carried his years well here Mr. | the | s en-1 en- | ol itHant Derry wis appointed engi the penitentiary on Sept. 1st, succeeding James Devlin. Mr had for many years heen in the amboat service, and was tech- qualified for the position he was called upon to fill as penitentiary engineer, which demands a knowledge f electricity, ¢ 1 f reconstruc- pon, and the departn was filled y and ability. It was the est spending department, and in Derry was of 1 entere bi principles econom IN MARINE CIRCLES. > Movements of Vessels In and About Kingston Harbor. The steamer Jex arrived from Os- wego with coal for the Sowards Coal Company, and will probably clear for Oswego to-night. The steamer Jeska is in port from Oswego with coal for Robert Craw- The Jeska had a rough trip, as there was quite a heavy sea. M.T. (Co's. Bulletin.--The tug Laura Grace arrived with the barge Edwards with coal from Oswego for! Montreal; the Laura Grace will clear | with the barge Dunmore for Os- | wego; the tug Mary arrived from Montreal with three light barges, and will clear with one grain and one coal barge for Montreal. Principal Taylor To Speak. Former pupils of the late Dr. P. C. MacGregor, for more than twenty- five years principal of Almonte high | memorial to] their former teacher, on Friday even- ing. Dr. Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen's University, will deliver an address at the meeting in the Town | Hall, and Hon. T. W. McGarry, Pro- vincial Treasurer, will preside. The memorial takes the form of what will be known as the P. C. Mac- Gregor Memorial Scholarship, and jt will be open to pupils of Almonte high school. The endowment of $2.- 000 for the matriculation scholarship to Queen's University, has been sub- scribed by the alumni, now scattered far and wide. If any business man should pay a bill due you by other medium than a check you would (naturally wonder why he did not have a bank account. A fool refuses a paying Job to-day becauge he has a thankless one for to- morrow, At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover y and «+ 10, 12%¢, 15¢ Ib. Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢ Evaporated Apricots .., ... 15¢ Ib. Sweet Cider .., ... ... ++ 40¢ gal. W.R.McRae&Co Grocery AS --- NR Tonicht -- norrow Feel Ri Get a 25: Box for Saskatoon, Sask., where she has been appointed to the position of school nurse. Miss MacCallum was school nurse In Kingston for several years. \ - r . : A most enjoyable high tea was given at the Country Club on Monday ir honor of Miss Isobel Macausland, Toronto, and Miss Alix Garvin, Otta- wa, when the other guests included Mrs. Jack Fraser, Mrs, Stewart M. Robertson, Miss May and Miss Rose Rogers, Miiss Mary and Miss Helen Strange, Miiss Norah Macnee, Miss Sally Quirk, Miss Ethel Kent and Miss Mildred Lambe. - - . There was a Dutch tea at the Coun- try Club oa Tuesday evening, when those present were Mrs. George Wood and Miss Edith Cairn, Montreal; Miss Marjorie Pense, Miss Eva Richard- son, Miss Wilhelmina Gordon, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Mollie Saunders; Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Eva Martin, Miss Aileen Rogers and Miss May Rogers. * - » Mrs. Browett is giving a little musi- cale at her studio, 27 Wellington street, this evening, for the benefit of her music pupils. - * . Mrs. A. E. Elmer, Earl street, is giving a kitchen shower this after- noon for Miss Lena Elmer, the bride oi next week, . - . . Mrs. M. Branscombe, Picton, has been spending a few days with friends in town, Miss Edith Pense, West street, re- turned from Rochester, N.Y. -on Tuesday, where she had been the guest of Mrs. Horsey. Miss Marion Booth spent the week- end with Miss Edna Booth at Tre- mont Park, J. A. N. Inglis, of the Canadian Bank of Commence, left to-day for Toronto, Mrs, Inglis and little Miss Pat are remaining in Kingston for a couple of weeks longer, Mr, and Mrs. Charles McDunnough, 'Woodstock, are the guests of Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson, Bagot street, Miss Foster, Y.W.C.A., Johnson street, left on Saturday for Toronto. Major and Mrs. P. de L. Passy and their baby spent the week-end with relatives in Port Hope. Mrs. W. B. Mudie and Miss Agnes Johnson, Gananoque, spent Monday in town, Miss F. Carroll, Bélleville, been spending a few days in town. a... has Miss Lorraine Shortt, who has been spending a few weeks in Toronto and Hamilton, returned to Ottawa this week, t Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Sparks return- ed home this week, after spending a few days at Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Mrs. G. B. O'Connor and Miss Peg- gy, who have been the guests of Rev. John ahd Mrs, Fairlie, are leaving to- morrow for their home in Edmonton. Mrs. Coutlee and Miss Helen and Miss Gertrude Coutlee,whe have been spending the past few months at Echo Lodge, returned to Ottawa this week, Mr. and Mrs, George MacKay and Master Donald and Jack spent the week-end with friends on Wolfe Is- land. Miss Hilda Hughes, University ave- | nue, left on Monday to do V.A.D. work at '"Fettercairn' for a couple of weeks, Miss Knox, Havergel College, To- ronto, is expected in town to-morrow to be the guest of Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Earl street. . : Miss Eva Richardson spent the week-end with Misss Agnes Richard- son at "Fettercairn." Mra. 'Rayson and Robert Rayson have returned from Poltimore and will spend a couple of weeks in town before leaving for Toronto, . * * Miss Lwcy Merrick, William street, is leaving this week for Beloeil,whege she will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Carlos Kirkegaarde. Mrs, Fred Birkett and her daugh- ter, Miss Vera Birkett, returned to Ottawa this week, after spending the past month at Echo Lodge. Miss Edith Cairn, Montreal, is the guest 'of Mrs. W, Claxton, Union street. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Sutherland of St. Lou- is, and Victor Minnes are enjoying a motor trip through New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowie . and Miss Barbara Bowle, Ea-l street, have left for ngton, where they will reside. At pragent they are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. James Reid. Mrs. Reid has been spending a few days in town. 88 Peterboro, after spending the past two weeks in the Maritime Provinces. Mrs. Goodwill, who actompanied him, will remain in New Brunswick until September, Flight-Lieut. Frank Heyman, Roy- al Air Force, has returned to Borden, after spending the week-exid With his parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Heyman, 40 Ellice street. . * * Anthony Rankin, M.P.P. for Fron- tenac, and Mrs. Rankin, Collins Bay, are gn Tgronto, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J Hora and Miss Alice Macnee have gone up to Toronto for a few days. Miss Florence Cooke, Colborne street, returned to the city, on Mon- day, after spending the past two weeks with Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Urquhart, Ottawa. Mr, and Mrs. George Simmons and Mr, and Mrs. K. N. Storms, Wilton, left to-day to spend two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Caton, Browning avenue, Toronto, . *. ie Miss Rogers, Unionwtreet, who has been visiting Mrs, Washington at Hamilton, is expected home this week, Miss Going left for Brockville on Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Going, Miss Marjorie Uglow, Barrie street, is leaving to-morrow for To- ronto to take the Vacational Train- ing Course, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Field, Ro- chester, N.Y., are guests at the "'Bel- videre' while in town for the Steven- son-Campbell wedding, Lieut. Fred Watts, Toronto, who was a guest at the Stevengon-Camp- bell wedding, was with Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Polson, Jr., Stuart street, » * . Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Earl street, is leaving the,end of the week for Toronto, to take the Vacational Training Course, Mrs. F. E. Fisher, Tweed, is the Buest of Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Emily street, while in town for the Steven- son-Campbell wedding, Mrs, W. T, Walker, Perth, who was a guest at the Stevenson-Camp- bell wedding, is with Mrs. John Mac- gillivray. Albert street. *® » * Mr. and Mrs. Foster, "Messrs. Foster, of Moira, Mrs. (Dr.) Harri- Son and daughter, Luella, Madoc, motored to the city on Thursday and wers the guests of Mr. and Mw ofa Jenkin, Princess street, until Tuesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, 'London, with their daughters, Grace and Amy, are guests of the Misses Clark, University avenue. They .motored here and will return on Friday. It is eighteen years since Mr. Pierce was in the city. Mrs. A. C. MoMahon, Aberdeen street, left on Sunday via steamer Kingston for Predeott to join a party of friends going down the St. Law- rence to Quebec. They will stop over at several places and expect to be gone about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. David Abeles and little son, Aubrey, Division street, have left for Montreal and New York, where -they will spend the next two weeks. Miss Loyola Keane, Ottawa! has returned home after spending her vacation with Miss Kathleen Me- Guire, Union street west, Ports- mouth. LJ * -. Mrs. Lester Jones, Toronto, left on Monday, after spending two weeks with Miss Ardelie Elder, at the St. Clare Apartments. Mrs. Jones will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. Thompson, Ganandque, be- fore going home. Miss Margaret (Margav) Allen, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen, Douro, has returned to the Hotel Dieu, of which she is a graduate. ' -. * * James Girven, [Peterboro, an- nounces the engagement of is youngest daughter, Annie Elizabeth, i i i | | he - This firm is prepared to give its patrons and friends the choice of the largest and finest stock of high grade, popular priced merchan- (@ dise in eastern Ontario. | We have prepared as never before, and will have a stock of high- 'M class dry goods, ready-to-wear and millinery that for broadness of assortment and lowness of price will make this busy store the shop- | : ping centre of every thrifty woman. ECONOMY IS TH E WATCHWORD Of the many loyal Canadian women, then this store should make greater appeal than ever--as what greater economy is there than sav- ing money while you spend it. You do this by shopping the Steacy- way through the medium of our Merchandise Discount Stamps. You save 5% on all cash purchases ! Steacy's - Limited nn JOC OO 0 OS OS HPNRRERRRE NY ---------------- re yy ta Richard Erwin Logan, AM.C., Toronto Base Hospital, youngest ison orf Rovoert Logan, Tweed, Ont. | The marriage will take place quiet- ly about the middle of September {in Bowmagville. I» (Continued on Page 10.) A FRESH FISH Miss Fish How dare you speak to me when | don't know you, you fresh fish? - HISTORY" IS REINSTATED. Minister of Education Makes An- nouncement for 1919 Exams. Hon. Dr. Cody, Minister of Edu- cation, has made the following an- nouncements in reference to next year's examinations: "The reinstatement of British and Canadian history as ome of the subjects in the junior kigh school entrance examination for 1919 is a matter of importance to the teach- ers and the schools. The depart- ment has made arrangements which, (it is believed, will stimulate and direct the study of history in the schools. The value of the subject in prometing patriotism, in provid- ing materia! for a clear grasp of Canadian civics, and in expounding Canada's Imperial relations and her Place in the Empire, is generally recognized. A circular will shortly be issued which will contain a de- finite outline of the course both in British and Canadian history, with selected periods and topics, a mini- num of chronology and a statement of the particular sections in the text-books dealing with the topics and sub-topics to be examined up- an. The circular also contains a special Hst of books suitable school libraries and for the teach- ers' use in preparing the lessons. In the introduction to the ecir- cular will be found a brief and in= structive exposition of the method of teaching history. The course, as laid down, should prove to be easily within the compass of any teacier and fascinating to the pupils. As @n Hlustration that the modified noted that while the present text- books contain 587 pages of read- ing matter, a total of only 237 A ry ay Vy TTT YYYYY Tw rnin | VY Ny VY -~ COOL AND COMFORTABLE Summer Furniture in Different Designs and at Moderate Prices. Nothing will add more to your comfort than a nicely cushioned chair for your porch or roof garden.. We have them in reed, .old hickory, rush and rattan, with tapestry and chintz cushs ions to match. % CREX GRASS RUGS Congoleum Rugs and floor covering of all description. Come' in and visit our Victrola Department. . We have a complete line of Victrolas and Victor Records. T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD Phone 90. for ! course is not too heavy, it may be BACON and BUTTER Special 500 Ibs. mild cured boneless breakfast bacon, sliced "aa By the piece .. .. . 500 lbs. Dairy Butte 200 Ibs. Oleomargarine . . . . THE WH. DAVIES' CO Princess Street -- Phone 67 a @ warn 597. Miss Marjorie Hopkirk is visiting | Canada Food Mrs, Hal. Dougall in Montreal. " rR : Mrs. Buxton-Smith has returned to town, after visiting Miss Machar at . 8 | "Ferncliffe." Sd " wl! Major and Mre. H. O. Lawson have | Hi L {aken an apartment in 'The Welling- | er -- a -- we ig assigned for study fn form immar for form and e ol omitti apn Ba a by omitting easy 2 and the paper set in the subject for | the hich school entrance tion" will emphasize th . and Mrs. G. M. lew ite cs oi 32.10.