A Al lp § LE The Daily British Whig i 12 PAGES pr YEAR 85. NO. 205 PAGES 12 -- KINGSTON, QNTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1918" SHOW GERMANY | © %.07e5 esr mbneane | -------------- WAS LOST Wik, [REESE] | The Silent Heroes ea yo Now " ; h £ : of the War : RRO. ' 'HE men of the Merchant Marine--do you ever give them a thought ? FRESH OFFERS ARE LIKELY The whole submarine campaign is aimed to frighten this non-combatant nl force off the seas. For then-- : Britain, France, Italy would face starvation. armies could not fight. as Canada would be wrecked commercially. The fight for liberty would be lost. Yet governments make' no official recognition of this heroic body of 300,000 men who toil day and night in danger of death. No provision is made for pensions, or relief for their dependents. . We must admit our debt to the widows the Merchant Marine, who have gone gry must be-- | "They Shall Not Want." HE soldier is rightly remembered with gifts, separa- tion allowance and pension. He is honored, as is his due. A The men of the Nayy are provided for and their depend- ents are not allowed to suffer want. < But the seamen of the Merchant Marine--facing death in a hideous form at their daily work, risk all at the call of duty. It would be a lasting disgrace to allow the widows and orphans of the noble 15,000 to suffer hardship, other than the loss of their dear ones. Those who died on the sea are calling to you now. REMEMBER BY GIVING Ontario's Objective - $1,000,000 ONTARIO HAS NEVER FAILED ! a -- SECOND SECTION ------ TO COME FROM CHANGE COHANCELLOSHIP. The Allies Will Not Talk Terms Now- That Kaiser's Forces Are Facing Certain Defeat. Washington, Sept. 4.--The State Department has received no confir- mation of the Amsterdam report that Chancellor von Hertling of Ger- many has resigned and Dr. Solf has been appointed his successor. Interest was shown in the state- ment that Dr. Solf 'is a recognized anti-military man, and that for this reason some sort of peace proffer might be expected shortly after nis elevation to the chancellorship. Officials and military men wich whom the reported change in the Beriin government was discussed unhesitatingly declared it to be ob- surd talk sbout peace at this time, when Germany's army is on the run and facing certain defeat ultimate- ly. and orphans of the 15,000 men of down, victims of the U-boat. Our In his famous speech of August 8th, 1918, Premier Lloyd George said: "During the past two years Germany has made two distinct attempts to force a de cision--one on the land and one on the sex. The land offensive might have been disastrous, but the sea offensive, if it had succeeded, would have been final. If the submarines had succeeded, our armies in France would haye withered away. No Americans could have come over to assist us and ghe French troops. Ammunition could fot have been shipped and we could not have sent the necessary coal and material to enable France and Italy to manufacture munitions, "If France, Italy and Great Britain were threatened with starvation the war would have been over before this stage had been reached." It is the photo of a bombing raid on a German railway a The white splotch shows the explosion, and the black just discernable above is the shadow made by the smoke. e photo was taken from the same plane thirty \ seconds after the explosion took place.--British Official Photo Copyright. rir --_-- KAISER CANNOT WIN POLES WEAKENS RELATIONS BE- | TWEEN AUSTRIA AND GERMANY ; 5 They pointed out that if the Ger- man army were now going forward instead of backward and the miii- tary situation generally were re- | versed, Germany would not be send- ing out peace feelers and propa- | ganda at every possible opportun- ity. ; The Allies and the United States have turned the whole tide of the war. They have wrested the initia- tive from the enemy and utterly | Wrecked. their ambitious plans to |. Lifted by King Charles--Irri- capture Paris, grab the French chan- : nel ports and oyerrun France, forc- | tated by Teuton Opposition to ing a made-in<Germany peace oh Austrian Proposals on Settlement of Polish Question. 4 the world. Zurich, Sept. 4.---An uuanticl ated | 15% are has too mucY prominence in In connection with Dr. Hertling's | #Urich. Sept. 4.--An unanticipated | 0 exhibits. The/Elberfeld Freie reported retirement it was recalled {result of the recent conference on { Presse, for example, says: by military men that the only seri- (the Polish question at' the German | rtf ong. the ronibita here. bs a ps? SIC unle ds, haheellor, has had { main headquarters has been a dis- chamber. of horror, tastelessnes and German and military parties. | tinet weakening of relations between i vulgarity: Over the multi-colored It is mot believed for a moment {Germany and Austria. The Polish | portico there hangs a picture of sol- Soe fatathas Kalsar wehild elevate ! government and its accredited repro- 5 Vy Bh Parad = 2 Sau, of ating 3 S$, greens 4 ye y : complete ant with the pea) | Sentatives abroad observed the | the eyes Of ANYONE that tries £0 ok aims-of the German government. jBreatest reserve on the negotiations | at it. The walls are painted in a 'When won Hertling was appointad during which the German represen-| check pattern of staring purple and there was talk of a more democratic {tatives. made a great effort to win I gpoen : pn he sofa are . Notions of Tead very well indeed and punta] {Ver the Poles from the so-called | IPE F patriotic. Iegonds and Doctares almost as if he possessed a humane | Austro-Polish solution of the ques- | of battle heroes. Even the children heart and was prepared to make a tion. | of 'soldiers' families neve; pass its aa gin, Supposed principles. | Irritated by the German attituda | CRON Soar out laughing Ht. the at the conference and by the Ger-| °° . ae &ame the way the Kaiser directed. It is predicted that Dr. Solf will do {man governments opposition to its | . likewige. | proposals, the Austrian authorities, | , . Septeml 1st to 7th Inclusive {The most that Germany could do, |i, tne discreet fashion employed by | THE NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA os Jointed lor of Yie diplomacy in such cases, has al- | Commodore Asmiliue Jarvis, President (Ontario Divisien) 34 King St. West, Toronto, : 5 MORE FRIGHTFULNESS. ------ The Hun Home-Making Exhibit'on Chamber of Horrors. Amsterdam, Sept. 4,--Thae Qer- man newspapers find occasion 'or savere criticism in their reviews of an exhibition now open at leipzig intended to show soldiers' fausilies "iow to furnish homes with taste and econo: The newspa- | pe rs declare that . ibist and. futur- glum, the withdrawal of German | lowed the veil to be lifted, and the 390p8 rom French soil and the re- | following details, based upon these storation of Alsace and Lorraine. If | Austrian "indiscretions" ma 2 the Kaiser and his advisors are fully | ua tan: indisers . may be a6 alive to the possibilitiés of the mili- jeep ed as well founded. " tary situation such an offer might | It seems that the Austrian repre- be made either directly or indirectly [sentatives were especially irritated by Dr. Solf without having any vis- by the personal effort made by the ible strings tied to it. Kaiser at a dinner he gave at the . main headquarters at Spa to secure A the Polish delegates. Prince Radizio- will and Count Romkier,: as his al- For Infants and Children InUse For Over 30 Years | lies In opposing the proposals of soni TTT Vienna. At this dinner the BEm- peror"s efforts were vigorously sec- = the Signature of onded by Admiral von Hintze, the " it Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre- vents Food Fermentation, ~-- THOMAS COPLEY [Cook's Telephone 987 wanting sayt me In the carpen ory line, Estima he poe on all kinds 2 LEE 5 Tomorrow Feel Richt Get a 25: Box German foreign minister and Dr. Heifferich, lately German am- bassador to Russia. CLIFTON H. CARLISLE General Manager Goodyear Tire ane Polish Delegation Unmhoved. It seems that in spite of these blandishments the two Polish dele- gates persisted in their attitude of political reserve and manifested no disposition to abandon the Austro- Polish solution 'nor to play Berlin's game against Vienna. . The main points of the German solution, which were outlined with great eloquence by the Emperor and hig 'advisers, were: Poland should renounce the Aus- tro-Polish solution, that is to say, the union of the Kingdom of Poland with Galicia and Poland, should at once conclude an alliance with Ger- many and Immediately sign numer- ous military, economic and political conventions. Germany, on , her part, would Rubber Co. of Canada, Ltd (Interggtional Press Photo) Good Scho Shoes For The Children _ {IMeadow Cream Sodas The Food for the @ Trouble In Jap Coal Mines. Tokio, Sept. 3.--Serfous disturb- ances are reported among the miners in the Kyushu coal district, At one colliery the miners set fire to the mine buildings, and before the flames were extinguished fifty houses had been destroyed. Are ee SE I J J Tt Ta In Doubtless, if you are a sufferer from n, you have already » bismuth, soda, charcoal, and various digestive aids and you know these things will not cure your. trouble---in some cases do not + All lines on good fitting lasts and real serviceable leathers. In the larger sizes for : i ator iy hope and d uw up e- ciding you are a ¢ dyspeptic Just tiy the sffuit of u bisurated agnesia---n, ardinary carbon- ate, citrate, oxide or milk, but the re bisurated which you Take. = tesspoontul of the pow and at lis i pro- o| BEBE as presented at the confer-| jence failed, and it is interesting to guarantees Poland compensation in the shape of rertain territories situ- ated towards the east of that king- dom. Possibility of Dantzig being declared a free port was also vague- ly mentioned. Throne Secondary Issne. It seems that the question of the throne of Poland played a second- ary part In these negotiations, and the pretended nomination of Arch- duke Charles Etinne for that throne was only a trial balloon up by Germany to see its effect in Austria Poland. 1 . The haste which Germany is 2 ting to perspade the Poland rament to conclude an alliance explained by the' unfavorable j situation and the necessity procuring armed Polish help. evident that the German Hote that, since the conference dnd It You Deceived ? 'Have you been led to. believe that the knife is the only cure for piles? If so, it is unfortunate, for many thousands are being cured by the use of r. Chase's Ointment. Sometimes after. opera- tions have failed and often when doetors have said that an operation was the only hope. Sa 'It won't cost you much | Hot Weather Try them toasted or warmed in the oven. g and satisfying, yet not too Most easily manufact misses and growing girls : both in high and low cut styles in Neolin and leather soles. yo Sizes 40 7} priced at . . . .$1.7540 8 digested cereal food g Sizes 8 to 10} priced at . .$2.50 Sizes 11 to 2 priced at . . .. $3.00 we have them clo try this treatment in under the influence of the contlnu-{ = ciiim ne Ha: SUPe German reverses, the tone of the fb. . SHE OWh home. i Polish newspapers has become apti-! ve and German, AT SoA EE a a cnt se