- - Store Closes Dally 68 O'clock. SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE BLACK WOLF SETTS Animal Stole $10.50 Muff to match $8.00 Nice black, glossy skins, trimmed with heads, tails and paws. John McKay, THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock Street. Victrolas and Victor Records. Have A Heart Victor Records Have a Heart, Soprano and Tenor Duet--18104---90¢ Have a Heart, Medley Fox Trot .. -. ..35671--$1.50 Have a Heart, Medley One Step .. .. ..35638---$1.50 @Gems From Have a Heart --. ...36624--%$1.50 Including "I'm So Busy--I Am Alone--Road That Lies------Honeymoon Inn--You 8aid Something. ALL POPULAR VICTOR RECORDS IN STOCK Mahood Bros. CLOTHING ON EAS TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Pare, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. Country Store & Post Office Dwelling, 9 rooms, coal shed, fee house, poultry house, boat house, garage and stable for | two horses and cows, good well and cistern, 7 miles from city. McCann's Real Estate and Insurance 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621 i. ine your working effici- satisfaction, consult J.S.Asselstine D.0.5 R 42 King St, Ar = ARPETS and RUGS ia | Our Motto: Service and Satisfaction We have a complete range of carpets and rugs of every description for the fall season of 1918. The prices are the lowest pos- sible, in fact, surprisingly low, the state of the market considered, and you know price conditions are ever upward in these days. | Having protected our customers to the best of our ability we are fully presuaded | that our values will compare favorably with the best obtainable from any source. TT TT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1918. - CHURCH St. Paul's--Morning prayer and Holy (Communion, 11 o'clock, Preacher, Canon FitzGerald Sun- day échool, 3 p.m.; evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Canon Fitz- Gerald. i > St. Andrew's--<Rev John Ww. Stephen, qninister, will conduct both morning and evening service, i1 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school will re-open at 3 o'clock. A cordial wel- come is extended to all Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street--Rev, A, B. Morrison, B.D., will preach at both services. Beginners and primary classes at 11 a.m. Main school at 3 pm. A warm welcome awaits the stranger. Come, Chalmers Presbyterian, Church--- Rev. R. J. Wilson, M.A., D.D., mini- ster Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minister will preach at both services This church offers a weleon.e to travellers, tourists and | visitors. Calvary Church---Rev, J. Lyall, pastor, 266 Rideau street. Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, |3 p.m.; Monday, 8 p.m. Christian | Endeavor; Tuesday, 8 p.m., Mission Cirele; 'Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting. All are cordially invited. Sydenham Breet Methodist Church--Rev. W. T. G. (Brown, minister. 11 a.m., Rev. D. Ww. | Snider, of Toronto, will preach; 7 | p.m., the minister will preach; sub- ject, "A INation's God"; Monday, 8 p.m., Epworth League; Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting. First Baptist Church--Rev. J. 8 | LaFlair, pastor. 11 a.m. subject, | "Let Us"; 7 p.m., & sunset song ser- | vice. Subject, "A Garden Sunset." | Favorite evening (hymns and special {music by the choir. 2.45, p.m. | Bible school, with classes for all ages. A hearty welcome to all | | Queen Street Methodist Church-- | Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor. Public worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun- | day school, 12.45 p.m. The pastor will preach at both services. Morn- {ing topie, "Connexional Obliga- {tions." Evening topic, "Step by Step." Seats free. Everybody wel- come. ¢ St. James' Church, corner Union and Arch streets--8 a.m. Holy { Communion; 11 a.m., morning {prayer and Litany. Sermon sub- | ject, "Faithful Unto Death." Ser- | mon especially to those thinking of { sontirmation, 3 pm, _ Sunday { #chool; 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon. "Re- member." Sermon subject, INCDENTS OF THE i LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF en we can exam- and prescribe lasses that will add ours each day to ency. For eyeglass Optometrist. The Busy Ostieal Store GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and {jcinity «What the Merchants Offer to Readers of the Whig. School books at the College Book Store. John Jamieson, 88 Gore street, has been confined to hs home, qu'te ill for the past seven weeks, For Public and High School books EO to the College Book. Store, Remember Brock Street Method- ist rummage sale, Sept. 20th and 21st. Further notice later. School books at the College Book Store. A pair of spectdtles were picked up on the market Saturday morning, and handed to the market clerk. Harbor-master McCammon has not received any word about the pontoon maft reported adrift in Lake Ontario. ter, Miss Gladys M, Hubley, have re- turned from the Toronto Exhibition, For Public and High School books £0 to the College Book Store. A certain class of tenants are easy to find---and hard to lose! Advertise your house or apartment--and find the right sort of tenant. Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis-y faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. George Cutts, a former member of the Kingston police force, now a member of the Dominion police force, at Ottawa, is in the city for a few days, renewing acquaintances. School books at the College Book Store. We will rent you a plano, and at [fend of six months if you feel like purchasing. instrument we will al low the six months' rental on pur chase price, and arrange terms on halanre. C, W, Lindsay, Limited. The remains of the late Mrs. Mary Hourigan, who passed away in the House of Providence on Friday after a short illness, at the age of seventy- seven years, were sent to Smith's Falls for interment by the firm of James Reid. For and High School books £0 to the/ College Book Store. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Hawkins have returnéd to their home on Wolfe Is- land after attending the Watertown races, where Armandale, owned by Mr. Hawkins, won the 2.14 pace, beating four famous American pacers and lowering his record two and a quarter seconds, ------------------ The RM.C. Board. ; The personnel of the board of vis- itors of the Royal Military College, Kingston, for 1918-1919, is as fol- lows, aceording to general orders is- Mrs. Edward C. Hubley and daugh- | SERVICES First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday school 9.45 a.m.--Seryice 11 a.m., subject, "Man." Wednesday, 8 p.m. testi- monial - meeting; public reading room, same address, open every af- ternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 0' clock. All are cordially invited to the services and the reading room. Sut coupe First . Congregational Church, corner Welliggion and Johnston streets. Pastor, Rev. T. De Courey Raynor. The pastor will preach 11 a.m., "The 'Challenge to Faith"; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., "The Gospel! of Encouragement." God calls you. Come to church and wor- ship Him. Soldiers and visitors es- pecially invited. All seats free. Princess Street Methodist Church Rev. J. A. Waddell, minister. Ser- vices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The mini- ster will preach atYboth services. A mixed quartette w sing at even- ing service. Sund school, 2.45 p.m.; Epworth Li Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer meéifng, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers and visitors wel- come, Brock Street Methodist Church-- The minister, Rev. D. A. Lough, will preach at both services to-mor- row. 11 am. 'The Laws of the Inner Life"; 7 p.m., "According to Your Faith." At the evening ser- vice a solo will be sung by Rechab Tandy. Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Ep- worth League, Monday, 8 prayer and praise service, Wednes- day, 8 p.m. All are welcome to all the services. St. Luke's Church, Nelson street. --Rev. J. de PP. Wrigh A, B.D, rector. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. {1 a.m., morning prayer and intercession on behalf of the war; 2.30 p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m., baptism; 7 p.m. evening prayer, Music: Anthem, "Holy Fath- er, (Cheer Our Way," "Mrs. (Sergt.- Major) Turner and choir. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordi- ally invited to attend. -- | George's Cathedral--Very Rev. G. [Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., dean and rector, 78 Wellington street. Telephones 2156642159. Rev. Cecil Whalley, M.A., B.D., priest vicar, 164 King street. Telephone 1444. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., matins. Preacher, the Very Rev. the Dean. § p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes; 4 p.m. holy baptism; 7 p.m. evensong. Preacher, (Rev. Cecil Whalley. Ser- vices of intercession in the chapel daily at 10 a.m. except on Tuesday. Holy Communion, 8 a.m., Tuesday; 10 a.m., Thursday. Subscriber to Whig at Age of 81. "It is not often a man of 81 years sends for a paper," writes John Chariton, of Maberly, in renewing his subscription to the Whig. Though having reached such a venerable age, Mr. (Charlton still enjoys reading his favorite paper. The Whig salutes him. h. New School Books, The Collegiate Institute and Pub- lic Schools, except Central, will open on Monday. .A full stock of all the new recommended and necessary books and supplies at Uglow's Book Store. St. Larn To Swim, Girls, renew your membership and register early for the WYW.C. A, gym- nasium and swimming classes, For particulars telephone 130. For School Use, Waterman's Ideal fountain pens, $2.50 up. The Remex pen, madd by the same company, $1 each, The College Book Store. ---- eet iy ns 2 8 "The Hat Store" NEW, RICH FURS Bigger and better than ever showing of sued by the Militia Department: Chairman, the Rt. Hon. Lord nessy, K.CN.0. Members: Mi General Bir W, D. Otter, K.C.B., O.; Hon. Col. Sir R. A, p.m. College. Phone 919 A handsome colored repro School Text Books & Supplies We have the required supplies for every school. Text all grades in Collegiate, Public and Separate Schools and Business 4 ALL THE LATEST AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS FOR 1918-19 Beware of old editions."New editions of P. S. and H. S. Geogra- phy will not be ready for two weeks. regarding new books come here. EXTRA SERVICE FREE oe se Fér authentic LOW PRICES duction of the 21st Battalion or the 22nd Battery will be given with every purchase of $5.00 or over. Book covers and blotters will be given with smaller purchases only if asked for at time books are bought. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE ks for information Open Nights VY regular prices. For all the family. YY YY TTT YY Ahaha 50c a Pair On Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose By buying to-night. $1.00, $1.25, are just 50c less than to-day's BE WISE! Underwear popular prices. BUY NOW Our coats are the kind that please parti- cular ladies. Prices start at $16.50. HEADQUARTERS FOR BLOUSES Newman & Shaw & The Always Busy Store V-E nih ds Our prices: 75¢, Best weaves, and at NOBBY RD WESTERN CROP DAMAGE Reports Greatly Magnified--Want 10,000 Harvesters at Once, Reports previously published re- garding the damage by frost to the crops in Saskatchewan were unduly pessimistic. Frequent.showers and favorable weather have chidnged the outlook and it is apparent that the great province of Saskatchewan will have a normal crop, This is evidenc- ed by western demands for farm la- borers, as not less than 10,000 are required immediately for harvesting. Every young man and those more mature in every community in On- tario, including our own, should get away and can make this a great op- portunity to serve the country in a practical way, and at the same time bel of invaluable benefit to himself. It means an interesting, long-dis- tance journey at low fares, and a chance to see and study the immense new country served by Canadian Northern--the People's Road. Final excursion, by Canadian Northern tgains leaving Toronto 10 p.m, Sept. 11th, Harvesters from outside points to use connecting trains to Toronto. Brock Street Choir Outing. 'The Brock street Methodist church choir held their annual outing Fri- day evening and it proved a most pleasant event. Members of the of- ticial board of the church and oth- ers, with eight automobiles, gave the ghoir members and friends a joy ride into the country. Upon their return at the residence of T. F. Auld, Portsmouth, the company | Schools, except Central, on Monday. A full stock of were treated to a corn roast, toast- ed marsh mallows and apples. After & hearty expression of appreciation of the kindness of the church offi- cials and of Mr. and Mrs, Auld, the choir returned to the city. lis New School Books. tie will open all the new necessary books and supplies at Uglow's Book Anthony Rankin, MPP, was in li the city on Saturday. He has spending a few aa needs that second useful. ; posse BUILDERS SUPPLIES ewe SAWDUST AND SHAVINGS at reduced prices. A good absorbent. Keeps floors clean under horses, pigs and poultry. S. ANGLIN & C0. Woodwo Fi A Lamber Yards Bay and Wellington Btreets, Kingston, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1418. Soe Lumber. Conl and Wood Ne. AVORI - Collegiate Institute and Pub- -hand it is still Adver- HT, Alarm Clocks This .Is Headquarters. We sell all makes of Ameri can alarm clocks. With reason- able care they'll last for years. And keep time and get you up. ALL CLOCKS GUARANTEED SMITH BROS. Jewelers Lid. Opticians, N Licenses, Diamonds. 350 King St. ad Hudson Seal Coats W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street. Phone 700. REA L Estate $2,250---Pembroke St ing, barn and' g $3.200--Division St--Dwell. ing, furnace, hardwood : floors, all improvements. ] $3,200--University Ave. ---- Brick dwelling, hot water } heating, possession Oct. 1st. $2,000--Markland St.--~HBunga- low, easy terms. ell. ] n. FULL LIST AT OFFICE 77 2 .. Spee Week-End ial Chocolates Regular Price 50¢ and 60c Ib. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY