THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1918. : PAGE ELEVEN - Penetrating First Line Defences for Hints of Fall Fashions a a pee mn A A Ad siaw.. 7777 766! 7830 7709 By Maude Hall, TRY WEYEEER terial, for more than ever will the ab- j gette satin is made in overdress effect. | white organdy finishes the low neck |the froiit of the blouse there is a bit Rows of chenille braid in imitation are incisions at each side. supposedly The chronicler of the doings of [sence of wool be noted Pure wool- | The foundation is of satin figured taf- [and the long, close-fitting sleeves are [of corbeau silk on which are super-|of French knot embroidery make [for the purpose of introducing pipings Dame Fashion must be a privileged [len fabrics are going tc feta. made with a plain skirt and waist trimmed with buttons. The fulness |poséd discs of bright red, orange yel-| most effective borders for the lower fof silk braid. The neck is in oval character, for it is only by special fa- [Prices that are beyond the average | The overdress ¢ s on the left |at the waistline is held in with a belt | low, grass green and sky blue, the | edges of long peplums. A dark blue [outline and the fastening over the vor that one is able to penetrate the [pocket book. swf | shoulder, and has large armholes, the | of the check fabric finished with bands | whole being outlined by a raised stitch } satin embellished in this way has the | shoylder is achieved by means of great defences of secrecy with which In their place will be substituted | deep girdle being slipped under thejof white silk and heavy fringe. The which is sometimes white. sometimes upper rows of the stitch punctuated | straps with' round ends held over braid famous designers surround their crea charming silks and crepes, to say | back gore. leaving a panel effect |f dation consists of a front-closing | yellow. red or blue To describe it | vith diamonds of bold embroidery 1 here is a short tunic, tiotis for an advancing season To {nothing of satins of sufficient weight [Fancy buttons trim inserted pock nderbody of lining with the georgette | properly would require the pictur- | with bright green fleur-de-lys in the | poipted at either side of the front, but have their ideas discounted before they {to make them appropriate for wear |€t$ and the square neck has a collar | satin sl leeves and a two-piece skirt of |esqueness of an Oriental vocabulary {centre of each diamond The waist | thy skirt is straight with gathers are expressed in actual models -is | very late in the autumn Later the of self-material None of the ad-|lining, with a front panel and deep |or the brush of a Bakst. fastens at the back with velvet buttons | alfout the waist and a deep Fem something against which the makers | question of real winter materials will | vance fashions lend themselves | to | hem of satin. It would seem that the designers are | and there is a girdle of velvet ribbog| . Fur trimmings are beginning to put of fashion must. protect themselves, | be So ved: but there are many details | making-over so congenially as do the Certain of the great dressmakers [resorting to more unusual methods | finished at the back with an immense | in an appearance, being used to edge for in the world of dress, as in the yet: under consideration. y overdress and redingote effects, and |are troducing bits of dazzling em- [than ever to sccure original ideas in butterfly bow the fashionable new capes, pe tums, world of finance, ideas are money ; this fact will add to the popularity of | | ery upon frocks of dark hued |trimming. For example, an after It is doubtful if voiles will be re- | separate coats, etc Women whe are . : i Well-dressed women are sire to] these models 5 SRardiai: tricolette, jersey, ete A |noon frock in dark brown cloth de-|placed, although there is a long list of | fortunate enough to possess scarf and It is no violation of confidence, | like the new georgette satins They Exceedingly smart is a black and | pretty model in very dark blue jersey pends la for its individuality | new materials for fall use. They are | muff sets which have rendered faith- however, to say that simplicity will be Imay be used in the development of | white broken k combined has 3 plain two-piece skirt and a |upon a collar. belt and deep cuffs of |seasonable all the year round, and the ful service 'to be further impressed the keynote of the coming season's|one-picce dresses for all-day wear [black georgett in he' overdress | blouse with round neck. the adjust- [satin worked in the colors and pat- |silk and wool mixtures make charm- | intq use, may cut them into bands and styles, Jor Steenal Sifiphicity is the [2 and semi-tailleurs They are heavy is fashioned h vd has the ment being effected at the left side [terns found in India rugs and shawls. | ing afternoon and dinner frocks A | use them artitures . ¢ ¢ Juestionec smartness. jbut soft and are guaranteed not to|lpanel front accentuate 3 « rows | arid on the left shoulder. Around the | The skirt has a tunic draped in square | dainty check has the front of the While s are scarce, there are. Many of the frocks for eatly Jit wear | rer ighen under continued usage. Quite | of buttons appearing ither side. 3X low er edge of the peplum is a border [effect at the back and in points at the | waist fastening down over the girdle some iy good models among e a surprise because of their ma. "a pretty model in Marne gray geor- from neck to hip-line, A collar of of seli-color soutache braid. but on side. with buttons of fancy braid and there ! the advance autumn offerings AA, rn pain Feed Y @ rx AT THE -MAPLE LEAF 1I)B IN LONDON IE diy Ty yr. RE i Ea A. ER Drink Charm Tea OlL To Reduce the High Cost of Living try a package of Charm New Japan Tea at the low price of 28c a half pound package. DI A ari 62 ihe eid didi dh . {Our New Fall Designs Vie % a in Furniture ed od Ea : Good School Are Arriving Daily bo | 5. { § Shoes For A be et i Se Nor, ne Rees ATG 3 : The Children R. J. Reid i THE LEADING UNDERTAKER; MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT. 280 PRINCESS STREET 13 3 Phone B77 All lines on good fitting Jasts and real serviceable leathers. In the larger sizes for misses and growing girls we have them both in high and low cut styles in Neolin The S AFEST MATCHES i in the WORLD Sir Robert Borden on his recent trip 1g-Engisnd visited the Maple Leaf Club. i g and leather soles. 1a : a a the Cheapest! -- are rs x wih ~ ee : . ws; : Sizes 4 to 7} priced at . . . $1.75 t0 $4.00 Sizes 8 to 10} priced at . $2.50 to $4.00 Sizes 11 to 2 priced at .. ..$3.00t0 $5.00 Sizes 2ido 7 priced at . . .$3.50 to $10.00