IOP isiatdpciopisiny ion * PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1918. EE Be \ In the 1 World of Sport 1 BASEBALL UNLIKELY TO Natives of the British Isles Ad- mit Game is Snappy and Noisy. The Cleve- ses baseball On the editorial p land Plain-Dealér d in England as follows "In 1 don two famous football grounds Chelsea the Armory have been sec an indefinite | perio wr. the use of the American land « players and 1adian baseba |every agant day ti 1atives gather laround and shake t} heads and gravely declare that it isn't ericket. It's a brisk game," British ob- server admits. "It's gingery and jcontinuous. The ball is snapped ar- found in a manner quite baffling { There's a lot of noise.about it, teo {and much confusion, and it's rather {intense Still, it doesn't seem at all likely to oust ericket from the Brit jon's = traditional affections." one ithe Kaiser laid his desk ruler across | ' . the map of Belgium Other British FnalONOgraph | With the Ultona Sound Box Plays Any Re- | Roast beer 1 cord Made Better. a gre b at rarer in At the Toronto Exhibition crowds stood Ba Yad as around the exhibit of Brunswick Phono- British observer, 'what a hold bas »all has on the American masses. One graphs and were absolutely astonished at lin its world tour, wick with the Ultona Sound Box, playing |{ visited THE LAST WORD In phonographs as you have all the re- cords of all manufacturers at your disposal to pick and chobse, and your Brunswick will play them better than the machine they {players was made, and fhat the 'tak- ings! in London amounted to the am azing sum of $3,500. The game, how- {ever, added nothing to its previous | impression, | "But times and men and manners | This changed--then why not sports? | This is a fighting era. Baseball is the =. i fas{gst and most perfect of fighting were originally made for. | games, Traditions are but cobwebs | Why can't we expect that the All- | American niné will meet the All-Bri- {tish nine in the international strug- | gle for the world's championship at some early post bellum date?" | ---------------------- | Every Heat a Race, A new and novel plan of dividing the purses for the speed trials in the harness horse events in front of the grathi stand at 'the Western Fair. { London, Ont., and at the same time {provided a much more satisfactory N attradtion for the patrons, Why ? Because it is made by the old wood work- ing institutions in this country who have been making cabinets for leading phono- graph makers for years, They pick out the best ideas from all these different machines and place them in one. -- - Instead of declaring the winners ; {In a best three in five heats, eact FINAL PHONOGRAPH oan toad a a the For you. Is this not what you want. Come into our store and see and hear this wonderful machine. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. { the purse in the order they finished i {each of the three heats Instead o {four owners getting the purses," as {many as seven. and eight were re- warded in each of the two events, | horsemen were given their share b I Secretary Baker was not thinking j of the ball players when he decided to let the world's series be played, according to one sport writer. Baker knew that the war funds would bene- fit more by the series than the na- OUST CRICKET IN BRITAIN| Yet] stranger things have happened since | 1 topped from the | we glug-glug of | of the big American publications re-| calls how in 1888-'89 the Spalding the clearness and naturalness of the Bruns- [fics how in 1855-50 combinatio * gave n mn at Brunswick, Edison, Pathe, Victor and Col- pert auallty. Then the writer : 3 : 0 1& hopeless effort made by a Lor umbia records with changing to any differ- Ro a re orp ade by # Ton . . i ize the sport in the early '9( He ent parts or pieces. [his makes I tr iae sly 0s. He {world tour of the leading American | ] | {| SARNIA READY FOR RUGBY.' . COLUMBIA TO HAVE ELEVEN -- i -- { Collegiate Will Again Have a Team i New Regulations Assure Unusual in Junior O.R.F.U, | Sport Activities, : 0. Paterson, captain of the | Despite the fact that Columbia Institute Football { University will be transformed this as written to O.R/F.U. head-|year into a virtual military academy, i it is again the |inter-collegiate athletic sports will be th arnia C.I. to 20] continued on Morningside Heeights, after the junior championship. Last according to an announcement made season Sarnig reached the final, but] in official circles at the university. lost to University Schools They Whether it will be practicable to are determined to go the entire continue sports on the plan that has route this season Practice began heen followed in the past or wheth- vesterday and the condition in the hA1f a dozen will mot lack for t gaine. Th k ars of last y jer it will be necessary to work out 50 | an entirely new programme is a ques- 8 tion that will not be settled until team are .mis , Captain Paterson!ihe university opens . states that is plenty Of ma-| The University Committee 'on Ath- teridl available to fill the vacancies.' |etics is to have a meeting shortly to Exhibition games have already been! work out various aspects of the prob- irranged for September 21st and Jem, but it can be said on authority | Thanksgiving Day. | that the "Varsity football eleven willl {take the fleld as planned; that al Talking Hockey, | freshman football team will Ie organ-| { The Toronto World says: Oneljzeq if that is possible, and that | thing is certain, and that is that To-; Varsity and freshman cross-country { ronto will have four senior hocke | squads will also be formed, either di- | | rectly before or at the opening of | The western Ontario circuit of last| the university. | year will hardly go through this | Squads will be formed for other | sea son. Only two eities are Sure! sports in the usual and regular man- starters, Kitchener, O.H.A cham-| ner. These sports will be basketball, | pions, and holders of the Allan Cup,| wrestling swimming, water polo, and ave not been hit by the draft, and| fencing for the winter months and teams and four in the junior rank REAL BATTERY SERVICE We Take Care of Yor Re~charging and Repairing . We Can Supply a New Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery TO FIT YOUR CAR Guaranteed For Eighteen Months "> Carefully supervised repairs. 'Only the best parts. Scien tific recharging Batteries called for and delivered Free Inspection Free distilled water. The only STANDARD- IZED service in The City of Kingston George Boyd Phone 201 i: 129 Brock Street | every man js available for the com-|paseball in the Spring. It is a matter ~ -_ {ing season. This classy outfit have of extreme doubt whether there will] _ po -- em] { been strengthehed by the addition of | be a Varsity crew, but rowing will 7d | Doe Mer the sterling defence|pe encouraged whether a crew for in- x | man, late the Crescents and Riv-| tercollegiate competition is organized | erside Merrick is working in aor not. P ; factory in Kitchener and has al-| crm i---- Wh a 10c for dy anngunced himself as ready| ANOTHER TROPHY GIVEN : e fray this winter. This gives| {Kitchener a wonderful team, and it 1 | behooves the rest to hurry and get a [club to beat the ehampions word Shaughnessy Donates Cup For Golf Championship, The Canadian Sailors' Golf Asso- | are also ready for the| ation is certainly off to a splendid bell, They want to play senior, and | start as regards trophies. Word has | Hamilton | | ronto | jel Aim to have the material ) Londdn, just been received that the honorary {Sarnia and Preston will not start In| president, Lord Shaughnessy, has | the top series. If Toronto digs up four! donated a most handsome cup for | teams, it looks as if the senior Serles|the championship of the association { will be composed of six teams, With {rhe winners of this beautiful trophy Kitchener in one group Nin two Toe) will have his name inscribed upon teams, anc amiltc €lit, and will also be give a silver re- other section, with the other I oronto, plica i Lori Kull bd ge re clul {| Monday with a number of his direc- | tors on an official tour of the C.P.R. Hockeyist Loses Leg. '| System. Before leaving he very John S. Welchel of Elmira, receiy-| Kindly forwarded to Mr. Ralph H. ed a message that his son, Corp. 0s-| Neville, the honorary secretary of the car J. (Mike) Weichel, had Mean shot| Seniors, his cheque for the entrance in the leg, amd amputation at the! fees to the tournament (Which will | knee had been found necessary. Corp. | be devoted to patriotic pur- | Weichel enlisted with the 118th Bat-|P0Ses), adding, "I shall be absent | tation and has been overseas about from the city, but wish to subscribe two years. He was one of the speed- to this excellent object. fest hockey players in western On- -- tario, and was a member of the, Drag-Race Is Latest Sport. 118th Hatalion team at London | The chariot or drag race is the lat- > camp: Since he has been overseas| agi sport to make its appearance in he was identified with the baseball | _lde E : | the naval training stations team of his unit. He jis a nephew! he race was originated and intro of W. G. Weichel, ex-M.P;, of W a- {duced in the stations of the first na-| {li terloo, val district of Néw York, by George -- . : | V. Brown, District Athletic Director | Austion Horses For Red Cross. {of the Navy Commission on ition | . Ww. T Trenholm, owner of Dix| Camp, head of the athletic division Rouge: % Jatered In the Xing al ow | of the Training Camp Commission, ic 10 Fur a e ) ILE as on isti . 2 ra < 2] SM - feature of the Red Cross benefit next, Oy dist A antags 01 150 Elkht. on will, if he wing the Diate. Sffet | edn participate. Then, too, the gp-|[f the horse at auction or the benefit) naratus required is simple, and cdn-! i ot the Red oss i i : sists merely of two round poles +h JY net ; renliolme wi 4 t giders about two inches in diameter and a © raining expenses ang Cer S | chariot, all of which are connected by fees be Paid oui of ize amount Te~| ;opes. Six men grasp the first pole|f eeived for the horse by the sale. j and four men the second several feet |i re -------------------- behind, these men composing a team, Attached to the second pole is a sled or chariot, which 'contains one man, and the game consists of drag- After it is earned, many men abuse the purchasing price_of the dollar. Phone 529 Kingston tion would if the players were made to work, ------ ven ac + pw po Lm temp. TRY Sc Poet Cigar 5¢ Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. - S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. MONUMENTS! Thien Cronin Ll td. Princess Street. Telephone 1931 Nr THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 A A A We are now prepared to give sonie advice as to which team will win the world's series. We do this so that sport followers can place their lucre on the right team, Leading manag- ers of the National are sire that the Cubs will win while the "big cheeses" of the Ban Johnson organization say the Red Sox will cop the rag. A DIRECT HIT What happens when a well placed shell lights on an' ammunition lorry. ging the chariot and its rider over a given course, When the race starts every team runs a stated distance, which covers the lap. At this point another set of teams take up the race and covers the second lap, and.the race continues as long as there are sets of relays. The winner is determined the same as inl. an ordinary relay race, Old Sam Langford. What is the matter with Sam Langford? Every time some oné de cides to retire the old Tar Baby ot Boston, Tham comes out and shows that he still is among those present by knocking out the fellow who was being groomed to put him: on the shelf, Sam is not the Langford, nor 'jis he as much of a terror of the heavyweights as he used to be, but he still has the old punch and gets it over too. Langford has been offered a bout with his old sidekick, Joe Jeannette, to be fought at Tulsa, Okla, some time this month, Langford is also thinking serfous- ly of accepting an appointment as civilian boxing instructor at one of the negro soldier cantonmeénts, Jack Maynard Wounded, Capt. Jack Maynard the famous Toronto Varsity Rugby captain and star has at last -bumped into some- | thing harder than the Hamilton Tig- . er line. His name appears on the list of those slightly wounded in the recent big offensive in France. May-| nard' is the medical officer of the 92nd Battalion. . Outside Brands ™ When You Can Get MILO 3 for 25c¢ Stand by Your Local Manufacturer. nl FALL SUITS $22 to $38.00 Fall OVERCOATS $18 to $30 Just received from England, Officers"s Trench Coats, oiled, silk lining and removable wool lining. JOHN TWEDDELL Civil and Military Tailor is 131 Princess Strecet OF TAR & COD- LIVER OIL - Couzls, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis} i hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete." | MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. el Th. | Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of such a grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. - 4 MATHIEU'S SYRUP is the only genuine remedy whose te« putation has crop up many imitations of doubtful value, SALE EVERYWHERE BRINGING UP FATHER 3 No. om n 1] n iu 3 FOR LOODNEY DAKE ARE Noo BACK? he | THOUGHT | TOLD You i DID-BUT - TO TAKE THAT CAT OUT } GOT LOST AND LOSE HIM- MESELF- ||, © - » ; 7 3 si 5 ¥ AN FIT HADNT BEEN FOR THE , CAT 1D NE FOUND ME WAY # a. at | nore wp ve . vi » Ji ; ° £