Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Sep 1918, p. 14

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vine George Hotel - TORONTO In Centre of "Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths BURGREAN PLAN COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice | Coal Sales will be for Cash Only. BOOTH & CO, Phope 133, National Breweries | Manufacturers of the Famous Dow's and Dawes LIGHT ALE & PORTER Order a Case from The Thompson Bot- tling Co. Bole Agents For Kingston Wistrict. 804. 202 Princess St, CAS LE SYSTEM LOCAL TIME TABLS IN EFFECT JUNE 23RD, 1018 Trains will leave and arrive at City Station, Foot of Johnson Street. Gol West. Local Intern'l 'Lad. ram fH... ..300pm ; ? Golng Fast. Live. City Arr. City Mall . i :isld0am 21Tam Ex « 310am, 3.52am, Mail .. .. ..1220 pm. 1252p.m. Intern'l Ltd. 1.20 pm. 2.20 p.m, No. 2 - . 6.48 pun. 737 pm, Nos. 1, 18. 14, 16,18, 19 run daily. Other ain daily except Sunday, Direct route to, Torontu, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detrolt: Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, "John, Halifax, Boston and New Yok, For Pullman accommodation, tickets and all ather Information, apply te J. P. 'Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean steamship Open day and night. CUNARD PASSENGER SERVICE Between MONTREAL AND GREAT BRITAIN Money Sent by Mail or Cable to Local Agents or The ROBERT REFORD CO, Limited Agents. 50 King 8 Big Sacrifice In All Our Summer Wear All Men's Oxfords with leath- { Shhh dh he 8 £ ! 5 : : 1 : | : i ff Ege F it £ 111L8 FUE . 3 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, Sept, 13 ( steers, 314 to $156.5 $12.50 to $14; do . COmMIon hoice heavy ; do. butsher, medium, §11 to $9.50 to $11,504 ice, 10 to $10.54; $10 to $10.75; bulls, choice do. goood, light, $7 tc $8; $6 to 37.50; ibs., 10 to to 800 Ibs, ice, to $9; $10; Biches COWS, do. medium, $4.50 to $16; s and cutters, feeders, 900 to 1,000 $10.50; stockers, 750 $9 to $9.50; do. med., 0b to 700 ibs, $8 to $8.50; de .ight, 609 to 650 1bs., $7.50 to "$8.25; grass cows, $8 to $8.50; wlizh cows, $50 to $125; lambs, $15.50. to $17.75; sheep, light, $6 to $15; calves, §14 to $17.50; hogs, féN and watered, $19.60 to $19.75; do. f.0.b.., $18.75. 3 to do Winnipeg. Winnipeg, * Sept 13. steers, $8.50 to $14; heifers, $10.50; cows, $4.50 to $10; bulls, $5.50 to $7.50; oxen, $6 to- $10; stockers and feeders, $6.50 to $11.25; veal calves, $6 to $12; sheep and lambs, $10 to $17. -Hogs--Selects, $19; heavies, $17 to $17; sows, $15 to $16; stags, $8 to $10; lights, $15 to $17. 3a Butcher $7 to Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 13.--Hogs-- ceipts, 21,000; market generally higher; packers' grades mostly 50¢ higher; top, $20.30; butchers, $19.- 40 to $20.20; hight, $19.50 to $20.30; packing, $18.65 to $19.30; rough, $17.75 te $18.50; pigs, good and choice, $18.50 to $19. Cattle--Receipts, 28,000; steers, good and beiter; steady to strong; others and butchers' stock slow to 26¢c lower; calves slow to lower. Sheep----Receipts, 40,000; market slow and irregularly steady to lower; good fat classes relatively scarce. ~Re- 25¢ New York. New , Sept. 13 Receipts, 3,740 head; market steers, $12 to $18.60; bulls, $11; cows, $5 to $10.50, Calves--Receipts, 4,640 head; mar- ket steady; veals, $15 to $21; culls, $11 to $14; greasers and skim milk calves, $8 to $8.50; yearlings, $7 to $8.20; western calves; $10.50 to $13. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 8,870 head; market steady, $8 to $12.50 culls, $5 to $7; lambs, $14 to $18.25; culls, $11 to'$12.50. Hogs----Recelpts, 4, 180 head; mar- ket steady; hogs, $20.25 to $20.75; roughs, $18, -Beeves-- firm; $7 to Buffalo. East Buffalo, Sept. 12 Receipts, 4,800, strong. steers, $17 to $17.54; steers, $16.50 to $16 $12 to $16.50; yearlings, $16.50; heifers, $10.50 cows, 5 to $12.50; bulls, $11.56; stockers and feeders, $10.50, Freunr 0 $150. iCa.ves~ «Receipts, 800; to $20.50. Hogs---Receipts, 8,800; shada easier. Heavy, $20.90; mixed and yorkers, $21; light yorkers and pigs, $20.75 to $21; roughs, $17.50 to! $18; stags. $12 to $15, Sheep and 200; steady; lambs, rearlings, $7 to 13.356 to $13.75; $12.50; mixed $13.25 --Cattle~~ Prime ; shipping ; butchers, $13 to to $14; $6.59 to $7 0 and $65 Cows springers, strong, $7 to to steady $20.80 lambs---Receipts, 3. $8 to $17.15; $15, weathers, ewes, §6° to sheep,' $12.75 to GRAIN QUOTATIONS Montreal. Montreal, Sept. C.W., $1.01 to $1. (3s) extra No. 1 feed, 97¢ to 98¢. Flour, new stan- dard grade, $11.35 to $11.45. Rolled oats, bag, 90 Ibs, $0.39, Bran, $37. Shorts, $42. Moujllie, $67 to $68. Hay ,No. 2, per ton, cir lots $17, 3.-+Oats, No. 2 Toronto. Sept. 13.-----Manitoba $2.21%; Toronto, wheat--No. 1 northern, No. 2, $2.21%.: No. 3, $2.17&; No. 4, $2.21%, not including tax, ian store, Fort William. Ontario wheat--No. winter, spring, $2. 26; No. 3 spring, 32.22, basis in store, Moutreal Ontario oats--N crop, 76e to 78¢; No according to freight, + Barley--Malting, new to $1.05. Ontario flour--Wa $10.85, TorontosMontre new, bags. Manitoba $11.25, old crop, Mill feed---Car Montreal; shorts, $36.40; feed flour, middlings, not quoted : Hay----Baled, track, Toronto, car lots, No. 2, $18 to $19; No. 2 mix- ed, $16 to $17 per tam; raw, cer lots, $8 to $8.50. ite, new to 77¢, wh 3, 15¢ outside crop, $4.03 quality, 1, $10.85, flonr--Wa quality, Toronto lots, delivered, $41.40; bran, not quoted; Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Sept. 13.--Oats, No. 2 C.W., 86 Yc; extra No. 1 feed, 821§¢; No. 2 feed, 76%c. Barley, No, 3 CW. $1.07; No, 4 OW. $1.05; re- jected, 95¢; feed, Se. Flax, No, 1, N.W.C., $4.10. Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 13.-- yellow, nominal; No. 3 to $1.63; No. 4 yellow, $1.60, Oats, No. 3 white, T0e to ake: standard, 7T0%c to 71c. ' Rye, $1.65%. Barley, 9 3c to $1.04. Tac $7 to $10, Clover, nominal. Pork, nominal. Lard, $27.10. Ribs, 23.37 to $24.12. New York. New York, Sept. 13.---Flour, dull; springs, $10.90 to $11 : $10.25 to $10.50; Kansas, $10.90 to $11.15. Rye flour dull; fair to good, $8.50 to $9.50; choice to fancy, $9.45 to $10.50, White corn flour barely steady; $4.85 to $5.25 per 100 pounds. arley flour dull; $8.75 to $9.25 in 98-lb. sacks. Hay firm; No. 1, $1.65 to $1.70; No. 2, $1.50 to .1.60; No. 3, $1.40. Hops, nominal; state, medium to choice, 1917, 28¢ to 37¢; "916, nominal; Pacific coast, 1917, 17¢ to 20¢; 16, 12¢ to Ide. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Sept, 13. changed. Bran, $2 21, Wheat, cash No. 1 northern, oid, $2.22. Corn, No. 3 yellow, $\.30 to $1.64. Oats, No. 3 white. 873;¢ to 6814c. Flax, $4.06 to $4.11. 9 Corn, No. yellow, $1.62 $1.68 to --Flour, un- Duluth, Duluth, Sept. 13. tember, $4.11; October, November, $4.01; asked. Linseed, Sep- $4.04 asked; December, $3.95 GENERAL TRADE. Butter, Brantford and Stratford, 48c Bellev 2; Cohourg, 48c¢c; ton, 48¢ Kitchener don, 45¢ Port Hope, 42¢; W 47¢ to 50c Eggs. Kitchener, 42¢ to 4c: 45¢c to 48c; 45¢; Port to 48¢ to 50c; Hamil and Lon- 40¢ to to dc; to 48c; 1 oodstock, 48¢ to Cobotirg Hamilton, Hope, 40c; Brantford and 50¢; Belleville and Statfond, S52¢; Lond Wo sdsto 'E 47 Chickens. Brantford. 25¢ to 28¢; Belleville Stratford, ¢ to 30c; Cobourg and Woodstock, 35¢; Hamilton, 35¢ to 4c; Kitchener, 35¢ to 38¢c; London, 33e¢ to 35¢; Port Hope, 30c to 35¢. and and Potatoes. Brantford, $2.25; Belleville, $1.50 to $1.7 jroboure, Kitchener and Port Hope, $2 $2.25; Ramiliop. $1.50; Stratford, to $1.2 Woodstock, $1.25. te $1 Barley. Brantford, $1.05; B $1.10: Cobourg, $1.10; to $1.15; Kitchener, $1.10 to $1.15; Port Hope, $1.50; Stratford, $1. I elleville, $1 to Hamilton, $1.05 Brantford, loose, M2 to $15; Belle- ville, 'haled, $14, loose $15 to $17; Hamilton, baled and loose, $17 to $30; Kitchener baled $15 to $15.50, loose $13.50 to $14; Eondon, loose $14 to $16; Port Hope, baled $20, loose $18: Stratford, baled $18 to $19: loose $11 to $13: Wooad<tock, baled $15 to. $16, loose $13 to $14. Mill Feeds at Montreal. In Montreal sales of feed cornmeal are being made at $68, pure grain mouillie at $67 to $68; barley feed at $63 to $64, mixed mouillie at $55 per $2.21; No. 3 winter, $2. ton, including bags, delivered to the trade, while brar ris at $42. rio this year. yield per acre is on this, prices; per bushel. ¢ \ TE a ris % 1s Bean Market. Prospects appear to be usually heavy crop of beans in Onta- Acreage is promising. dealers are predicting lower At present Montreal dealers are quoting hand-picked at $8 to $8.50 quoted at $37, for an and un large and Banking | The Kingston Market Butter, i... Butter, rolls, Cheese, 1b, .. Oleomargarine Beef: Sirloin Steak, Rump Steak, lib Roast, Ib. Shoulder Roast, Boiling Cuts, West'n Local Local Fronts, Pork: Loin Roasts, Leg Roasts, Chops, 1b, Hogs, live, cwt. Hogs, Lamb, Lamb, Lamb, Lamb, Lamb, Mutton, Veal, \1b. 1b fronts , . hinds loins legs .. chops .. 1b. Chickens, 1b Hens, dressed, Hens, Ducks, dressed, Cod, 1b... ' Eels, 1b. .. .. Flounders, 1b. Fillets, 1ba ... Finan Haddle, Hake, 1b... .. Haddock, fresh, Halibut, fresh, Herring, fresh, Kippers, dox... Mackerel, 1b, Perch, Ib. ... . Pike, 1b. .. Rock-fish. 1b. Salmon, 1b. Smaelts, 1b. Tilefish, 1b. Trout, salmon, (fresh) .. Beets, bunch Corn, doz. Lettuce, bunch Onions, bunch Onions, dry, Parsley, bunch Fotatoes, new, b Tomatoes, bush. Apples, pk. . Bananas, doz. Cherries, Dates, 1b. .. . Grapefruit, each . 'Grapes, Malaga, Grapes, Tokays, 1b. Lemons, doz. .. Oranges, doz. .. .. Peaches, basket .. Peaches, doz, .. .. Pears, basket .. . Pears, dos... .. .. Plums, basket .. Kingston, Sept. Dairy Produce. creamery, Fi , Eggs, fresh, doz, Meats. Porterhouse Steak, We Round Steak, 1b. , 1b. Ib. 1b, West'n carcase cwt West'n Fronts cwt Hinds ¢ carcase cwt. ewt. Local Hinds, ewt, . wt. Wis. dressed, cwt Poultry. dressed, Chickens, live, 1 1b. Ib... live, 1b, . ib, Th 1b. 1b. 1b, 1b, oe ib. White fish, Ib... . ibis Vegetables. Cabbage, head ... Carrots, buneh ... Cauliflowers, each. Celery, bunch .. Cucumbers, each. 0. Peppers, green, doz Peppers, red, doz.. ush. Radishes, 'bunch Fruit, Canteloupes, each. ib. hs. 60 40 30 1.00 40, 13th. 1.26 WHAT BRITISH ARTILLERY DID TO VILLAGE IN HUNS HANDS | Plums, doz. .. Prunes, Ib. Barley, bush. . Bran, ton .. . .. Buckwheat, bush.. Cornmeal, ewt. .. Corn, ybllow feed bush... ..oih Flour, Govt. stan- dard, .cwt.. .. Hay, baled, ton .. Hay, loose, ton .. Oats, Man. bush. Oats, loeal, bush. . Shorts, ton .. . . 43.00 Straw, baled, ton 10.00 Straw, loose, ton. ' . Wheat, local, bush, 2.25 1.90 6.00 18.00 13.00 90 a0 Hides, Furs, rue. beef, 1b. .. .15 Lamb skins, fresh up to .. . Veal skins, ®. Deacon skins, No. 1 Horse hides, No. 1 large .. . .. Tallow Cakes op Wool, wash, 1b, Woel, Wawashed, Ib. a Gensing, per 1b, .. Beeswax, 1b. up to 'Shearlings, up to. Kips, 1b, Hides, 1.25 38 50 5.00 15 85 60 wild' dary 8.00 1.50 16 AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE Have Surplus of $65.75 a Share After All Payments. New York, Sept -The annual report of the American Locomotive, to be published about the end of the month, is expected to show net earn- ings after charges before fe 1 Canadian taxes of abc compared with $9,506,00 period Assuming the accuracy these estimates, American Locomotive net for its common stock he middle of 1915 about $75.50 a share Dividends paid from these earnings $9.75 share, ed to surplus in 25000 17 of Dom .Steel a Big Spender. Charlottetown, P.E.l Sent Mark Workman, of the Dominion Steel Corporation, and E! M.MacDon- ald, ex-M.P,, of Pictou, spent the last{ three days here I'he former in an interview stated that his company was spending about thirteen millions in ex- tensions. 13.1 U. 8. September Payments. New York, Sept. 13. Dividend and interest payments' during the month of Sentember in the United States will | aggregate $243,312,000. Dividend dis~] bursements to stockholders will amount to $82,200,000, compared with $87,689,000 in the corresponding month last year; and interest pay- ments on bonds and notes will total $161,112,000, against $70,000,000 in September, as 1917. Bronze Powder Trade. New York, Sept. 13.--The States industries use | practically 6,- 000:000 pounds of bronze powder @n- nually, and 35 per cent. of the total consumption was formerly imported from G ermany, but it is now "made in America.' For manv years German manufacturers have been practically controlling the bronze powder trade, due to the fact that they have been offering prices which were less than thase of the American . producers. Bronze powder is. manufactured in over 200 grades, differing in.color and texture United New Glass Company, Montreal, Sept. 13.--The new Con- sumers' Glass Company is now in ac tive operation, and turning out bottles as well as a,varied line of other glass- ware. The plant is claimed to, be one of the most up-to-date of its kind on the continent. The company, which is headed by E. P. Jones as president, was financed by interests closely iden- tified with the Canada Cement Com- pany. a . ' Commercial Notes, There is every prospect that the Standard Chemical, Iron and Lumber Company will show earnings during the - present year equal to those ot 1917. The Monetary Tintes estimate of Canada's fire loss during August, 1918, is $3,110,445, compared, with the July los sof $3,369,684, and $1,230,183 for August, 1917. HEAD OFFICE + TORONTO COLLECTIONS Business houses will find our faeili- ties for making collections particularly S8T'D 1873 favorable. KINGSTON BRANCH, J. F. ROWLAND, Manager, ue e Ee ,, Nn Teach the Children to Save * Habits are acquired early. in life. Children, who are taught the value of money and the habit of saving, grow upinto good business men and capable women. The easiest way to teach children to save, is to start a Savings Account for each child 481.00 each is sufficient), After a child has saved another dollar to make an additional deposit, he or she will have a better appre- ciation of just what a dollar stands for, and how much work and self-denialit represents. THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA, Established 1864. KINGSTON BRANCH, H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. a A Real Opportunity For Men Who Have Had Selling Experience Of Any Kind. Here is an individual line of work with immense oppor- tunities for the man who has character and ability to sell in the new rich field of Life and Indemnity Insurance. You earn an income that is limited only by the energy and ability you put into your work. We start you into business---give you a free course in Salesmanship, and help you to make good. Write to- day. J. O. HUTTON General Agent, Canada Life Assurance Company, Kin Telephone 703 3s 78 ton, Ont, ot Street. ee a "WE BUY AND SELL WAR LOAN ISSUES 'Bongard Ryerson & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS AND COTTON Private wires fo New York, Chicago, Toronto, Mon- treal, 239 Bagot St. Phone 1728 FALL SUITS $22 to $38.00 Fall OVERCOATS $18 to $30 Just received from England, Officers's Trench Conta, he 0lled, silk lining and removable wool lining, JOHN T WEDDELL Civil and Military Tailor 131 Princess Streeet YY YY NNN Drink Charm Tea To Reduce the High Cost of Living try a package of Charm New Japan Tea at the low price of 28¢ a half pound package. Canada Food Board License No, 8-004 dha CROTHERS | Meadow Cream Sodas Them Before .

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