si GIFTS TO ARMY HUT FORD WEEKLY MARKET REPORT A DONATION FROM THE KNIGHTS | WHIG'S OF COLAMUS COUNCIL, Ni Letter From W, F. Nickle, ' At a meeting of the Knights of Co- lumbus held on Thursday evening, M.P., Enclosing One Hundred Dol. | lars, { the sum of $500 was voted as a con-| prices of bee! during t The Caswmes Will Begin on Monday | Beef Declined EX th f { | DIGEST OF. PRICE FLUOPUATIONS THIS WEEK. Considerably During the Week-----The Preserving Period is on--Flour and Butter Show Ia< creases, (Market Price A sharp decline s on Page 14.) in the retail the past week tribution to the Catholic Army Hut has been the feature of the trading. Fund, local comnci, the contribution of the members of the society, comes 'rom the | (Most of the but« ] nd in no way affects | prices very considerably in all grades in¢ividual |although the wholesale prices show- | hers lowered' the ed a firm undertone. The lower All local arrangements have been | rates were general, and brought re- completed for the campaign and the |iief fo many worried housewives. canvassers will commence work on |The prices may continue jower for a Monday next. A number of subscrip-|time, Jas there appears to be keen tions have already been received, and | competition among some indication that the citi- there §8 eve 1 mtribute generously to zens will this cause. Yesterday aftérnoon the chairman of the local executive received the fol- lowing letter and a check for $100 from W. F. Nickle, K.C., M.P.; "Dear Mr. O'Connor: "It is with pleasure that, in reply to your ciremlar which reached me this mor cheque for thé up-keéep of the work, jis an & ance of pears, lose herewith my |is an abundance of Eo cla contribution to |and plums being offered at reason- lable rates, considering of the larger retail meat businesses in the city. Lambs took a sharp advance in wholesale prices during the week, after being stagnant for some time, but the retail quotations were stable. stantially with the larger quantities that were brought to market. The fruit season for Canadian varieties has fairly begun, and there peaches the various keep "" . «on. | factors that are tending to { ny Jat Furope ju. 1316 con | rice high. Berrieg are practically yd mt In our means to provide | Off the market, and the preserving ddr ry hE recreation for those who | ®f fruits is occupying the attention without distinctions of class or creed, are suffering, for us in France and Flanders, *I sincerely trust that you may be succegaful in the work that you have undertaken, and that Kingston may, as usual, make a satisfactory record, "Yours sincerely, "W. PF, Nickle." Mother's Council, Y.M.C.A. The Mother's Council of the Boys' Division, Y.M.C.A,, held its opening meeting Friday afternoon. A special meeting is called for on Monday even- ing to complete arrangements for work. Mrs. A, W. Richardson was re- elected treasurer' of the council, Miss Margaret Ferns favored the gathering with two wogal selections, Mrs, F. Hambrook, the social convenor, as- sisted by Mrs, Gibson, served refresh- ments, Miss Ada Adams' parior millinery opéning, Tuesday, Sept. 17th, at 252 Alfred street. At Cleveland, Ohio, Eugene V. Debs, charged with violation of the espionage act, was found guilty by a Federal jury. CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND AVOID DISEASE When blood is impure, weak, thin debilitated, your system es susceptible to any or all Put blood in geod eondition. Hood's Samaparili. sets directly ind peeuliarly on the bloéd--it puri. enriches and revitalizes it and i up the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparills has stood the test of forty years. Get it today. It is sure to help you. Mr. Herbert Hoover, upon him by King Albert and title bestowed housewives who have been able to secure a sufficient quantity of sugar. jreamery bytter has taken an early advance. "For some time the has been a firm undertone in the market, which culminated in an ad- vance of two cents during the week. The best lqualities retailed in most of the stores are now selling for 52¢ a pound, and there are very few rolls to be obtained. Cheese is still being sold at 30c 4 pound, although the price on the boards i8 being raised at practically each meeting, reaching a high point of 223% here this week. Honey has also appeared in larger, and is being featured in some of the stores. Flour milled according to the gov- ernment standard was boosted dur- ing the week from $5.80-$5.90 to $6.00-%$6.15, which was quite a sub- stantial increase. Oats are continu- ing to display weakness, and local varieties 'were down :5¢ on maximum prices. | Tho quotations for hides and fi.h remained stationary during the week with a brisk demand for the form- er. ' of Wolfe Isiand Fair, Come and bring your friends to the Wolfe Island Fair, Tuesday, Sept. 17th, and Wednesday, Sept. 18th. Trials of speed and ball game both days. On Tuesday, Miss Edna May San- ford, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sanford, and Samuel Sylvester Cromwell, son of A, V. Cromwell, were married at Brock- ville, .'The death occurred at Brockville ospital (Wednesday night of a highly esteemed resident of Jellyby in the person of Mrs. Morton Grif- fin, who passed away after an ill- ness of ten months' duration. Mr. Hoover "Citizen of Honour and * Friend of the Belgian People" Pleads for the Belgian Children Food-Controller of the United States, has earned the the Belgian Government "Citizen of Honour and Friend of the Belgian People." + The world knows what was accomplished under Hoover's administration America's entrance into the Ws London in connection with his responsibili opportunity to learn how things stood in So terribly serious are conditions there among the children that Mr. Hoover wrote an urgent plea, parts of which are quoted: . In July of Belgium. Poultry also declined sub- ties as Food Controller, and took the ~ Help This Cause The Catholic Army be held from Sept. 15th to Sept. 23rd, is under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor- General, and has the endorsation of Sir Robert Borden and Sir Edward Kemp, Overseas Minister of Militia; General Turner, commanding the Ca- nadian troops in Englan minent men who are in to appreciate the important work done in these Army Huts, With reference to Borden says "Am glad to commend the efforts of the Knights. of Columbus in raising a fund for supplying the Canadian troops on battlefield with war huts and comforts. The purpose of the fund must command the support of all our Am forwarding by first mail my con- people. tribution." A collector coming week. worthy cause. THE DAILY BRIT(SH WHIG, will call upon vou during the Your subscription will help this ' ~ Hut Appeal which will UN d, and many other pro- a position to know and this appeal Sir Robert TT . . Curing Skin Troubles So many people, both men and wo- men, suffer from skin troubles, such as eczema, blotches, pimples and irri- tation that a word of advice is nec- essary. It is a great mistake for such sufferers and those. with bad complexions to smear themselves with greasy ointments. Often they could not do anything worse, for the grease clogs the pores of the trou- bled skin and their condition actual- ly becomes worse. When there are pimples or erup- tions, or an irritating or itching rash, a soothing boracie solution may help to allay the irritation, but of course that does not cure the trouble. Skin complaints come from an ime pure condition of the blood and will persist until the blood is thoroughly purified: It is well known that Dr. Williams Pink Pills have effecied the best results in many forms of skin disorders and blemishes. Thi& is due to the fact that these pills make new, rich blood, and that this new blood attacks the impurities that give rise to skin troubles and disperses them; so that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure skin disorders from with- in the system--the only sure way. It should be added that Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills have a beneficial | effect upon the general health. They increase the appetite and energy and cure disease that arise from impure blood. T You" wan --get' these Pill¥ through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. nny this year, he was in' with the United States | the (Continued trom Page 8.) At the Grand. We all recognize that in these gloomy times an ounce of sunshine in screen entertainment is worth a ton of heavy drama We all agree that folks come to the picture theatre to gu HHI En forget their troubles and that there is nothing that puts Old Man Trouble to rout quicker than a ray of sunshine, Therefore, "The Little Runaway." a| new Vitagraph feature introducing Gladys Leslie and Edward Earle in a! New co-starring combination, ought to find the warm and humoous spot in | the heart of every picture fan. "The : Little Runaway" is a sprightly ro- mance as wholesome as the fresh country air that pervades a greater part of the action. The winning per- sonality of the stars, the delightful naturalness and simplicity of the story all combine to make this a film entertainment of the most enjoyable kind." Don't miss it at the Grand, when it will be shown for the first three days of next week along with the other features on the bill. which will be the Pathe News, a sinele reel comedy, and an O. Henry story of ex- ceptional merit, besides an act of vau- deville consisting of Zarelli and Elva, who will present a novelty act of the best type that will round out a first- class programme. ------ Coming. "Daddy Long.Legs." _ "Daddy Long Legs" that delight. fully refreshing comedy by Jean Web- ster and staged hy Henry Miller, will come to the Grand Opera House for a matinee and night .on Thursday, Sept. 19th . The story concerns itself with the transition from a life of drudgery in an orphan asylum, through college, and to a real place in the sun of a parentless girl, whose spirited revolt at the relentless conditions of the or- phanage attracted the attention of a benevolent youngsold bachelor, Re- maining but a shadow in her life, he sends her to college She calls him "Daddy Long Legs," her only know- ledge of him being the long shadow of him cast upon the asylum wall by his automobNe lamps. The girl loves kindly shadowy man who has helped her and writes to him regular- Iy. After a time they meet, and she learns to love the man in the flesh,' not knowing that he is her benefactor This wholesome play is abundantly supplied with laughs; the story never permits the interest to waver, and the whole atmosphere of the piece is clean and wholesome. THe cast which Henry Miller has engaged for the presentation here is headed by Robert Phillips, Bert Chagman. Frank L Kirk. Edna Walton, Maude Wil liams, Valerie Hickerson, Geraldine Jacobi Eenora' Bradley. Lillian Rose, uby Jones, and Anna Merrick. ------------------ Victorian Order Of Nures, The September meeting of the Vic- torian Order of Nurses was held in the Child Welfare Station on Barrie street. . The nurse Wo having made during August 276 visits, with 82 child welfare visits. The religious -- New F Il Hats The new styles are now in and are shown in models and dimensions to suit every face and age. We still sell the best maker's goods, such as Borsalino, Stetson, Christy, Mallory. They're better than ever, and you will have no trouble selecting your new hat from our immense stock. CAMPBELL BROS. 1 | | { | | | Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers STRAINING YOUR EYES Straining your eyes to do your wogk is like over. loading an automobile going uphill, Too much pull on the engine will wear it out quickly. We are professionally cape able of relieving the most aggravated cases of eye strain by our scien. tific system. J. J. Stewart, Specials + Spagetti APES tpi Sls pp a Opt.D., Eyesight ist, Opp. Post Office, Kingston SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1918. -- rm Smart Footwear for Women Our styles are the smartest ever shown in this city. They include the best grades of leathers and the highest class workmanship. Our best grades are priced at $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00." But we also carry the best grades obtainable at $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00. Abernethy's Shoe Store 0 A J I N OTHER I - 'WHEN THE SANDMAN COMES How safe you feel when you place baby in this L free from worry drop side crib. Baby Walkers strengthen the limbs and teach At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ,.. ... 10¢c, 123%¢, 15¢ Ib. Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25¢ Evaporated Apricots ... . 15¢ Ib. Sweet Cider ... ... ... .. 40¢c gal W.R.McRae&Co Golden Lion Grocery Canada Food Board License No. #0543, Att i tii COKE ORDERS ONLY TAKEN The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 155. £ xX "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company baby to walk . ATID I Sd EE - ® : Kiddy Kars for kiddies. A pleasing exercise and easily propelled. At busy store with large stock. JAMES REID, Phone 147 For Ambulance [ee TO INVESTORS CITY of CALGARY 1% Gold Debentures Due Ist June, 1038 yable 1st Jame and mber We have many other attractive yielding good RD. SUTHERLAND | meurance, Real Estate, Bonds a + Ph Salmon Week | Prices Reduced On All Kinds. Eat Fish and Save Racom. Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Sts. Phone 1844, = Canada Food Hoard License No. 52748, \ yy NOTICE TO OUR 1 advised you of the financial Government were provided for the general fationing of the civilian population of + %. .. 1 stated my hope that the various committees the Commission for Relief in m that had accompli so much would hold together despite the new financial t in order to certain needed special charities . . . ... "It can be readily stood that in providing a general ration for the whole nation the system nece in FIRE INSURANCE Iesu Office, Roya' Insurance MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, , Branch, T\ W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS. KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Str. Britanni C Order Your Montreal Freight By the ent Line and send your shipments for , Brockville, Conall, : Montreal, a intermediate ports to ti Ferry Dock. Telephone 2195. -- - ; -- wr ee ATOMIZERS denominations of patients were: Methodist, 6; Roman Catholic, 4; Anglican, 4; Presbyterian, 2; Greek chureh, 1; Free Methodist, 1. Dona- tions of old linen from Mrs. McMaster and Mrs. Lake, The child welfare work in Kings- ton is meeting 'with the greatest suc- K x and the committee of the Vie- 8) fon persons. 3d fan Dedes Are greatly bleased with 8 Fn DEAR fod e . way s progressin>. During to Ramave ay doubt as to the acceptability of contributions to the August forty-four visits were made special to the station by mothers with their babies. Prospective mothers are especially asked to visit the station, where they will receive needful in- structions. Patterns will also be Toaned for making infants' outfits, Sept.15th to Sept. 23rd is the week of giving, Help the Catholic Army Hut Appeal, : 3 3 "Speculators are said to be making fortunes by cashing railroad men's] Joy thequse in St. Tommy and selling] Miss Ada 'Adams' parioy ailinery | opening, Tuesday, Sept. 17th, at 25. Alfred street. = > The outlook in Montreal is that the expressmen's strike will spread. Fountain Pens $1.50 Fountain Pens Bulg out as soon as we Skpected. b Wo now have a full rigorous such at proj make little provision for special hide? cases, ol Lg A eh of it : fox LE "} wish a 'Self Filling Fountain Pens $2.50 u Waterman's Beal : Pens All Pons. Busrantoed. : Also Waterman s Ink | To