SPLENDID EXHIBITION, it be to the * hat Mhousands Were in Attendance----Pie« I! ton Has a Model Fair SC { There Is Unanimity of Effort. | 3 = 1epurtery \ . i Picton. Sep The annual fair li} of the Prince County Agri- ervice | cultural Societ) held on Tues- H | day, Wednesday Thursday, and Is urequalled in this district. Ji| it would seem hardly possible to con- A capable dispenser at your Hl! ceive of a county fair as being more service from early morning till Ji | nearly a model one than that closing midnight, means so much to fiito-day in Picton. On Wednesday, the sick. Your doctor realizes ff}! when the Whig's representative made this, and is depending more and [the journey via the steamer Brock. more on us----just as we expect J | ville, all roads seemed to lead to Pic- him to do. iton. All the bay ports, commencing The slogan "Take Rk! with Stella, contributed large quotas Bests," we want to I of passengers, and while the steamer watchword of the sick. §| was passing Adolphustown Landing, ; i twelve au biles and a number of 9 I! carriaces were waiting their turn to : est 5 i get across (o Glenora on the ferry : / boat, Arriving at Picton the streets t | were filled with automobiles, while The Satisfactory Drug Store. there séemed an endless procession of {| people toward the fair ground. W. J. OPEN SUNDAYS, ll; Carter, one of the directors, and an active business man of the town, es- {timated there must have been De- tween 6,000 and 7,000 people and . y 500 automgbiles on the ground. To Free Your Skin { The frst day's operfing exercises : ; were most elaborate. The procession Of Hair or Fuzz to the agricultural park was des¢rib- {ed by those who saw it as a magnifi- ( Boudoir Secrets) {cent spectacle, in which there were 4 No toilet table is complete without | numerous floats and 1,600 school a small package of delatone, for with | children, gathered from all over the it hair or fuzz can be Quickly banish- | county Tae procession was headed ed from the skin. To remove hairs by the 48th Highlanders' band, of you merely mix into a paste enough | Toronto, under Lieut. John Slatter. of the powder and water to cover! The opening address was delivered by the objectionable hairs. This should | Hon. George 8, Henry, Minister of be left on the skin about 2 minutes, | Agriculture for Ontario, Space for- . then rubbed off and the skin washed, | bids a detailed account of the numer- when it will be found free from hair' interesting events, but mention Or blemish. He sure you get genuine, must be made of tha baby show held delatone. {in the Picton armouries on the even- Ar Aran ing of the first day, at which 1,200 people were In attendance, These ; Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0 : 9 eel eV y are some of the premiums Jor the best young hopefuls: Two sets of steel cribs, with springs and mat- { tresses, value $15 each, and three yprizes of a $10 gold coin contributed { by Nelson Parliament, M.P.P., with i smaller prizes valued at $5 and | $2.60, while every baby wlio did not | secure a prize in the printed list was 'given a solid gold baby pin and | badge. Among the afternoon events j of the first day was a baseball match | | between Picton and Belleville, in | which Picton was victorious } On Wednesday (the second day) -- Those people (and they | are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- mm | Because | _ CANADIAN NEWSPAPERS WILL PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREXOH Amount of Paper Used Will Be Reduced to Minimum in Keeping With Big Thrift Urge. The Canadian press is well to the fore in the campaign to promote the saving both of materials and money. John M. Imrie, manager of the Can- adjan Press Association, mentions it as an interesting coincidence that on the very day that the Thrift Cam- paign was launched in the newspa- pers of Canada the news print paper committee of the Canadian Press As- sociation sent out to all papers a long lst of suggestions by which paper may be saved, and a resulting saving effected in labor, materials and trans- portation. Canada uses a large quantity of news print, but much less per capita than does the United States. In this country the consumption is 13,000 tons per year per million of the popu- lation; whereas in the United States the consumption is 18,000 tons per million people. In the United States the War Industries Board recently is- dued an order reducing the consump- tion of news print. in that country. No such action has been taken in Canada as yet; but the news print | SEE -------- will be much higher than it is in Can« ada. Eliminating Unnecessary Copies, The ideas for ecomomy suggested to publishers are of two kinds. First, the discontinuance of wasteful prac- tices in building up circulation thar] have been manifested themselves| through the keen competition of cer-| tain dailies to get circulation at any cost, Along this line many sugges- tions have been made with a view to eliminating wasteful circulation, without crippling the newspaper. Another line of policy relates wo 8 the size of newspapers. Recommen- | dations have beem made for reduc-| tion in size ranging from five per | cent. inthe case of small papers, tol sixty per cent. in the case of large Sunday editions using over 350 coi-| : umns of reading matter, comic fea-| tures, ete. This would mean the | eliminating, ors reducing, of many comic and other features and the con- | densing of news reports jute] | shorter form. In other words, the paper committee felt that every eco- nomy possible in the use of paper competition between papers would! then be one of quality rather than of | quantity of matter printed, } should be effected, notwithstanding the fact that, even after the new reg- ulations have gone into effect in the United States, the per capita con- sumption of paper in that country tising it. sn. the morning events were put through on schedule time, but in the after- noon, when the park had teen literal- ly packed with people, a heavy down- pour of rain came on, which elimin- ated many of the events, including the baseball match between Kingston and Deloro and the horse races. The stock judging, however, was carried on in the several 'buildings in which the horses, cattle, sheep, etc, were ¢ mfortably housed. Among the stock shown the Whig man were two magnificent imported Percheron stal- lions, owned by Grant Thompson, valued at $2,5600.and $2,000, and a Holstein bull, for which the owners, Messrs, Leavens and Purtell, paid $4,000 last year when the. animal was but two months old. To see the splendid herds of Jerseys, Avrshires, Holsteins, etc, and the great num- bers of draft and driving horses was| Would stop scme this winter. The Canadian press in adopting | these suggestions is following up its] campaign to promote saving by prac- GOSSIP HEARD ON THE SIDE WITH SOME IN A DAY'S ROUND. Announce- win Citizens Pleased Over ment That Street Railway Give Ten-minute Service This Winter--Who Will be Mayor in 1919? iICiiizens are greatly pleased over | the announcement made by tha street railway company that a ten-| minute service will ba given a trial a snow . storm running | "Nothing but big people We have proved consiste { Greatest Fare-Re 2, 5 Starts Saturday at 9 o'clock, Continuing Throughout Next Week. You will find here the largest and finest stock of quality merchan- dise ever displayed in this city, at prices that défy all competition, For proof we invite comparison! ntly to.thousands of satisfied customers that Steacy's is the store that reduces the high cost of living, and take this opportunity to invite you to start the Steacy-way to-morrow and m save money while you spend it. o-Morrow Double Discount Stamps You save 109% on every cash purchase made at § this store FRIDAY! to be lost almost in admiration of | their autos," a citizen was heard to them, The exhibit of poultry was remark : very fine, €xhibits being present from Sun ished to find that, as made us, it causes no pain, | -- | The Portsméuth Philosopher says omfort, or inconven- ience. Burned Skin You want a healthy summer tan. But some- times you get il too quick= ly and hen thers Ig a few days of suffering. The application of Dr. Chase's Ointment takes out the stinging and burn- ing and leaves the skin de- ; lightfully soft and smooth. 4 Because it is equally ef- fective in relieving stings of inseets and ivy poison- ing as well as chaling and skin irritations it is in- valuable in the summer camp. AAA Al Po 0 GPP Pt PP i ELE DAVIES REVOLUTION = in the Price of Prime WESTERN BEEF Polter House Steak (and roasts), per Wing Steak perlb. .. . 3 And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr. 1.0... 226 Princess Street WATT TY diaries At Carleton Place, the coroner's jury, which enquired into the deaths of George Good and Benjamin Banks before Coroner Metcalfe, Almonte, found that the tragedy was directly due to carelessness, Lemme. A LTT ope HEHE . . 1%et0 Bacon (by the . 5 BRERRER k,perlh, . Breakfast rib... Phone 597. a ee oe g Board License No. 9.9731, { enough class is organized and 'her -------- 'Goderich. under the auspices of the many points outside of the country. The exhibit of and roots was splendid, while fruit exhibit was not up to that of last year, owing to partial failure of the fruit crop. Prince Edward county is noted for its cheese. For August and Septem- ber make the prize winners were: 1, John Hall, Mountain View factory; | 2, H, 8. Channell, Dairy butter, 1,! J. B. Holt. Whey butter, 1, H. S. Channell; 2, John Hall. On the evening of the second day a grand concert was given in the | armouries by the 48th Highlanders' band. : The third day's events are being pulled off to-day, including a grand parade at 3.50 p.m., winning dance given in the armouries by the| board of directors, | Toronto, London, Ottawa, Picton. | { | { en fourth place in importance as an| agricultural fair ,and the reason is! not far to seek. they have the goods; in the place, there is a great spirit between the business men of Picton! and the progressive farmers of the county, The officers of the society | are: President, G. E. Boulter; secre-! tary-treasurer, Alexander P, M. Gilbert, W. H. Gough, Howard Leavens, E. M.: Harrington, V.8., Ed- ward B. Purtelle, Grant Thompson, Arthur Wright, G. B, McMillen, C. B. Beamish, A, F. Welbanks, F, W. Moody, H. H. Horsey and Fred Hubbs. It will thus be seen that the| board is about equally composed of prominent business men and farm- ers. Mr, MacVannel informed the Whig, that about $6,000 was offered in' prize money this year. Mr. Carter) also volunteered the information that | the directors had advertised the fair in twenty-four newspapers, and ho - tributed the great success of the fair to judicious advertising. | Incidentally, Mr, Carter paid a splendid tribute to our own "Bob" Bushell, and said that if there was'yilla, ana Mrs, McGregor, reported the unanimity of effort there was in missing since July 28th should er of war. Prince Edward, have one of the province. : Mention must be made of the splendid condition of the buildings, some of which had been freshly painted, and not a pane of glass was noticed broken or out. Any unprejudiced outside obaerver who has been privileged to visit Prince Edward's fair will agree with Lockie Wilson, superintendent of ag- riculture for Ontario, who unhesi- tatingly said that this was a model county fair from every standpoint. In view of the increasing interest being shown, the board of directors are considering the advisability of making Prince Edwgrd's fair a four- day event instead of 'threo days, as at present. : : Conducted ving Classes, Sewing classes which have been conducted at Westbrook during the past two weeks by Miss Mackay, of Kingston the very best fairs in Women's Institute of Canada, ciosed on W ay. Much enthusiasm 'Was aroused by the course and clas- £es are being arranged at Bay View and Collins Bay. Miss Mackay is employed by the Department of Agriculture of Ontario: and conducts 8 two weeks course wherever a services applied for. This is part of work of edueation carried . on w grain, vegetables | '® is strongly in favor, of '"'gasless" > the Sundays jfor the autes, as the cars { have been kicking up much dust at | Hatter's Bay | The Weatherman is working over- | time this week of all the prize-'a]l going to the Kingston fair next stock, winding up with a'week." . | plaints to make about the shortage By competent judges Picton's is giv-|{ of gas. In the firs place, | to-day to the Whig ag follows: econd | of unity! Mac- this city now claims, and justly so, Vannel, an unassuming but forceful for a whole week passed without a agricultural specialist; board of di- Session of the Ipolice court. rectors, H. B. Bristol, W. J. Carter, this time not one drunk or a com- | boost your own | "knocker," and above coml Oe with 'his watering | can so Old Sol can have full sway at R. J. Bushell's fair next week. el E 1 . ACA 0 0 0G > ---- Pr Steacy's - Limited WHERE MOST TRIFTY WOMEN SHOP! ----- 5 'Milkless days" will be next: in 2 a : order for many families if the farm-| THE (WOLFE ISLAND FAIR. ers give a prices e ost they {tm are Re the oust the | Was Spoiled on Wednesday noon by the Rain, The weather turned out so bad on Wednesday afternoon that the pro- gramme for the entertainment of the visitors to the Wolfe Island fair was seriously interrupted. The 2 p.m. boat for the island was crowd- ed and carried the Army Medical and thd JArmy Dental baseball teams. Both have played high class ball all sumprer and a match be- tween them wag eagerly looked for- ward to. When the boat touched the island landing, however, Lhe rain was coming down steadily, and it continued throughout the rest of the afternoon. A 'trial of speed" was also expected, and some of the horses reached the race course but had to leave for shelter. Among the disappointed visitors were R. J. Bushell, secretary' of the Kingston Fair 'Association, and J. FP. L. Sproule, president of the Frontenac Farmers' Co-operdtive Association. The shelter and hospitality of the hotel was very much appreciated. The officials who conducted the fair deserve great credit, likewise the farmers who contributed of the skill, patience and energy.to produce spo splendid an exhibit, for it was a most creditable one in every way. It is reported that, despite the weather, the finances are veny satis- factory. This is in no small rhea- sure due to the efficient manner in which the secretary-treasurer, iporge Rattery, discharged his onerous duties. To Ask Higher Fare. Winnipeg, Sept. 19.---The Winni- peg Klectric Railway will shortly make application to the city.council for an increase in street railway fares anil the amount of the increase will be based largely upon any develop- ments that take place in regard to the 60 per cent. wage increase asked by motormen and conductors. A T After- Save gasoline, and 4t may save you a fine in the police court. Chorus of citizens: "Sure, we are Williamsvillg girls have no com- A gchool boy expressed. himself Poor Kaiser 'Bill Should get a lead pill, For win this war He never will. 1 "Kingston the Good," is the title During plaint of a serious nature came be- fore the notice of the police. Surely this is a record any city might well be proud of. To the Ontario Tem- perance Act must be given the lion's share of the credit, 'Who will be Kingston's mayor in' 1919? [Election day is Just three months off. Get in the race early. } Daily memos for citizens--RBoil the water, conserve gas, save fuel, save gasoline, go easy on the sugar, give all you can to patriotic appeals, town, don't be a all, wateh ycur step. Lieut. William K. MeGregor, son of the late D. F. McGregor, Egan- , is a prison- A well known Toronto journalist and editor of the C ..holic Register died suddenly on Wednesday, 'Saves Waste Saves Cooking "Most attractive | at. the coun! i Bra ie SL v A PPP Ny TNT home attractive, We still have a ver Furnishings, which we have day. ~~ stock on hand. September is the month of home coming tion of comfortable surroundings for the winter, We have our new stock now of Living Room Furniture on our floors, and at a moderate cost, we y large stock of Rugs, Linoleums and been holding time. Our prices are Be -- below the wholesale price to- Victrolas and Victor Records, a full T. F. HARRISON CO.,, LTD Phone 90. and the prepara- can help you make yodr for considerable FORMERLY OF OTTAWA. fn. - Lieut. W. F, Werguson Wag Killed in Action, Ottawa, Sept. 19.--ldeut. William F. Ferguson, aged thirty-four, son of the late J. P. Ferguson and Mrs Ferguson, formerly of Yonge Mills, Ont., was killed in action Sept. 3rd. He was formerly train despatcher for several years for the Grand Trunk in Ottawa. SER Lieut. Ferguson enlisted dn Peb- ruary, 1916, in the 156(h Battalion, as signalling officer. He went to France in December, 1917, with an Eastern Ontario battalion. He was wounded on February 28th of this year, but after two months rejoined his battalion. Ten years rigo, Sep- tember 3rd. he was married to May- sie YC. Bolin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. (Bolin, Lyn, Ont. who is liv- ing at 514 Coover stréet at prdsent with her parents. By a queer twist. of fate he met his death on the tenth aviiiversary ¢f his marriage. he f Prove Over Sidewalk. here is trouble for carters who afis over the sidewalks. On Wed- neMday wble' Samuel Arnie! sumuionell a carter for driving over 'a walk with two fons of cod). Many complaints have been received anoat 'carters dan the walks in this Sar and if the is ato red uany more issued. MacDowell, V.C, D. Try This If You Have Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff *omBletely and that is to dissolve it. This de stroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, or- dinary liquid arvon; apply it at-night when retiring; use enough to molst- en the sealp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. : a By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gane, and three or four more applications will com-. pletely dissolve and entirely every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may aE el # have. A 2 You will find, 166, that all Hohing and digging of the scalp will stop fn- stantly, and your h be ify, lustrous, glossy, y aid soft, and took ond feel a hundred tithes better, You can get lquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensiv four ounces is all you need. simple remedy hak r been Kn to fail. Fn - ' Alters three, years service with a Canadian Siege Battery, Lieut. Cuy- ler MacDowell, one of four soldier sons of Md ardusos Mali land, and broth ) Bi 4 wounded, 7