SLi Te gt titans drt : buy a Kingston F oo ! Week is the last time you will be able to sit RATS MASSEY Bicycle for $45.00 | Prices have gone up $7.50 Sept. 1st. We have a few left and will sell them o Fair Week at the old prices. } { { | | { { | { | | | TRY 5¢ Poet Cigar 5c Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERYPGREFER, Maker, Kingston. S! nd. A oe ne recently made at the J. O'Grady, who 3 37 ft. 6% inches. wor for the event is Gy John Flanagan, who, in . 8t New York, put the weight ft. 3% inch: Miss May , of the. Carston Streets Baths, Birkenhead, has suc- ceeded . in lowering the 200 yards ladies' breast-stroke world's and A. S. A. record of 4 mins. 11 2-5 secs, made by Miss Lucy Morton at Man- chester in 1816. Swimming in fine style, she cov- ered the distance in 3 mins, 8 secs, thus lowering the world's record by 3 2-5 secs. It was a splendid per- formance. Miss Spencer is only six- teen years old. re -------- | 8d States, i ventive mind occasipnally offers sug- 'gestions which threaten to send the {ancient game and agement, {18 hard on the eyes; | quenter to the Lido Tn the World of Fe GOLF FANS DROP _ | Game Needs No Innovations and Seldom do Inventions Meet With Favor. With 1,000,000 golersin the Unit- little 'wonder that the in- | THE FREAK SCHEMES | | i its traditions a- glimmering, Inventions rarely received encour- for "got is golf," and for that reason the iconoelasts seldom | make more than a momgntary flash era fading away to utter and lasting oblivion, For instance, one is at a loss to know why anyone could suggest the | substitution of yellow for white paint {on a golf ball It has been claimed that under certain conditior]; white that on a very neutral color Yet golfers bright would day a more be serviceable. | have played for a good many years, {and the sun has shone as brightly in the past as it does at present It would be hard to get a better con" trast than the white ball on the green turf So far as'the trade goes, there have { been comparatively few recommenda- | tions to change the color of the ball, though recently a man who is a fre- links, left an prominent sporting calling for a dozen of order with a goods house {One of the latest makes of rubber cores to be painted red. is reason was that when his shots went wand- | ering among the glistening white shells, the caddie had trouble in locat- ing the sphere, Consequently, he figured it out that a red object would | be much easier to distinguish. Occasionally some one comes along with a pew idea in the form of a club, but these {innovations rarely | prove practicable. Not long since a {man had a new-fangled putter, with { @ head of abnormal size, and a mirror | attachment on. the shaft, He thought he had something that was likely to revolutiohize the short game, but received no encourage- ment from the manufacturer to whom he showed the club, After all, the same old "It's the man behind the club,' tinues to apply. saying, ' con- MINTO CUP GAMES UNLIKELY Maitlands or St. Catharines Not Ready to Meet Ottawa. Though the Ottawa Lacrosse Club was particularly anxious to have the Minto Cup play-off completed this season it now looks as though the Eastern lacrosse championship will not be decided until next spring. « On account of the play-off of the tie between St. Catharines and Mait- lands of Toronto in the C.L.A., Otta- wa, in order to meet the C.LA. win- ners would have to wait until Octo- ber 12th and 19th. President Booth said that Ottawa were willing to wait, but predicted that the chances of having the play-off this season were slim as the Patriotic Football Lea- gue has already applied for dates at Lansdowne Park for the series again gue has already applied for dates at Lansdowne Park for the series against McGill University andwan- other team, "It is regrettable that the gualify- ing series for the Minto Cup could not have been arranged before," said Mr, Booth. "I doubt if we will have our present team for next season. We are prepared to wait until October 30th if necessary, but the play-off will depend on weather conditions and the question of getting grounds." Hockey Stars in Toronto. Toronto Star: While the N.H.A. moguls are in session on Saturday, some provision should be made to get into action this winter, .the many star players located here with the Royal Air Forces. As a matter of fact the air men pretty fair team in the pro. organi- zation themselves, and all they re- quire would be a leader. Among the players of well-known ability enlisted with the Flying men - are Frank Nighbor, the crack centre player; Fowler, the Seattle goal- keeper of the P. C. H. A; Frank Foyston, last year with -Seattle; Orie Cleghorn, the former Wander- er player; Jack Adams, who is the property of the Toronto Arena Hockey Club, but who is also at- tached to' a local unit, while Frank Heffernan and Billy Borland, beth good amateur 'defence players, would likely fall in line with a team representing the Air Forces. In any event; the fans would like to see these boys in the game, and owing to the scarcity of competent material, they should be provided for. T "Flasher" Got Slashed. It is not considered good form in Epgland to cheat even the handbook men by betting on a race after the winner is, known. On the contrary, could put a the authorities attempts or pra dangerous to the the smart bettor puiice court on this month, AMr ing to the Times, nine months in prison ing a firm of Glasgow agents, or starting price mien, telegraphing bets on races after he x $ of Lae the 1€5 had asceria'ved winners by wileph one. For pitching nine inni the' Hartford, Conn. Sth September, Bab ed more money ti the world's se v For working that one game was given $1,300, hile in world's series iy PL share less than $1,190 Red Murray, long rigat fielder the Giants, and one of rreatest throwing outfielders in; of the game, has reported Great Lakes Training Station f tive duty. the six was at From the War Zone Comes the news that the AutoStrop Safety Razor is helping offi- cers to 'maintain the high morale of the soldiers. Nothing makes a soldier. feel more like himself than a clean, velvety shave--this is only possible with an .. AutoStrop. » Because of its ! self-stropping feature it is the only razor that is always in perfect condition. Price $5.00 © At leading stores everywhepe 2%. postige will deliver an AvtoStrapt Overseas by first class registered mail. AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited The F estive Spirit of Boyhood is Expressed _in Our Boys' Suits and QOvercoats SLIP INTO A LION ' Chance of Base Runner Being of | { why base runners, WHY NOT GO TO SECOND WHEN CAUGHT OFF FIRST? Caught Less Than One in Hundred. ---- Fred Tenney, greater of first basemen in his time, can not see h : when a catcher tries to pinch them off first with a | snap throw. do not immediately light out for second base like Charley Hol- locher, of. the Cubs, did in the second "world series game in Boston. That contest was the first title game Ten- ney ever had seen. The Hh on Hol- locher turned the complexion of the tussele and brought from Tenny the information that there isn't a chance {in 100 for a first baseman to get the i ball to second in time to stop the run- ner, if the runner goes ahead. "Players used to pull a lot." says Tenney. "Why, one of | the men who pulled it on me was Jim| McGuire, who was able. I guess, to navigate the eifrcuit in some 40 or 50 seconds. I got a perfect throw from the catcher to nip Jim + the bag, made a stab for him and 1 t the dirt, like McInnis did when he around for Hollocher 1 0n se me he wasn't on first { "It is hurd for a first baseman to! as he has to reverse a base runner does who is set to go one" way and then has to go the other. It is not only { hard, it is almost impossible. Strikes | me that the | instead of back oftener." ! stop this play, himself" just as { Fred now is living in { Mass, He's a grandparent at the age of 46. Since managing the News: Internationals in 1916. Tenny hasn' had any baseball connection, nor has he desired any. He's a success in the business Johnny Evers was a flivver in--boots and shoes, | Hockey in London, Ont. { The London Advertiser says: Un- {less it is found impossible to secure rink accommodation, London certain to be represented in the O. {H. A. the coming season. Practi- cally the same team as last j will be on deck again, the onlp ab- | sentees being Lightfoot and An- ter. 'With an extra year's growth {the locals should be able to offer i strenuous competition to any team jthey come up against--that is, in the event of sufficient practice be- ing obtained to whip the boys Into | shope. | The great drawback to last year's | aggregation was the failure of the {boys to play together. This was ac- {counted for owing to the poor prac- {tice facilities and the difficulty in securing rink accommodation. The Jubilee and Westminster rinks are the only available sheets on which the boys might learn their combina- tion play and team-work. Several factors lay in the way of daily work- outs, however, one being the curlers and the other the skating public. The Jubilee Rink will be utilized by the [East End curlers during {he winter, and unless -arrangements are made by which the juniors are able to practice on the ice between the hours of eight and ten o'clock a repetition ofthe dissatisfaction of last year will be the order. The Westminster sheet is used for plea- sure skating every night and prac- tices. on it are therefore out of the question. With a military sextet in the run- ning thig year it is not improbable that play | is | year's | groped | McGuire was/| cond by the time it dawned on | players ought to go on| Winthrop, | | | | RT Now is the Time to Prepare for the Cold Weather | By having your furnaces and stoves attended to, as we now have a tinshop in connection with our hardware business, We are prepared to look after your wants along this line,also if you are thinking of buying a new Furnace, Range or Heating Stove, do not fall to see our complete line as we are agents for Findlay Bros. Favorite Stoves and Ranges, whick is a guarantee of satisfaction. Stevenson & Hunter 85-87 Princess Street. / Our New Fall Designs in Furniture Are Arriving Daily We invite everybody whether they wish to purchase or not, as it keeps prospective buyers posted in the latest designs. = Raids Reid Motor Horse Equipment PHONE 577 The Leading Undertaker; and 230 PRINCESS STREET that the practice dates of the juniors® and the soldiers will clash. -------- } (7 1 2 DIAMOND CONSTRUCTION MAKES A BRIDGE STRONG Like the PY Y "BAEE A "a The bridge is strong because it is supported in every direc- tion, by stury diagonal braces that form diamonds everywhere. The battery is strong because its plates, like the bridge, are built on the Diamond principle. 1 That is why the plates do not buckle nor lose their active material, That is why the battery. is Guaranteed For Eighteen Months That is why we are the official Philadelphia Service Station. Expert battery re-charging and repairing. 'Free inspection--any battery--any make, any car, any time. Drop in to-day and let us look at the condition of your battery. George Boyd Phone 201 129 Brock Street : a ei St \ OVERCOAT | Just to see how well it behaves---watch the coat collar take its place and cling to it like the bark. on a young birch tree. Watch the lapels lazily roll to the vanishing point and stay HM there without any coaxing from you. SEE OUR CLASSY RANGE OF MEN'S HATS AND CAPS, AT THOSE SAME LOW PRICES. | EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN, MEN'S BLACK CHEVIOT OVER- COATS; just a few left. Worth $20.00 anywhere. Togoat .. $15 0