ry THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ESAY, OCTOBER 1, , 1918. 149 to 157 Brock Street. "| CaM ore Hudson Sl Coats The beautiful soft, light in weight, good wearing fur e use only ~ prime skins carefully cured to chamois- Hike s are cut by experts of long ex-. perience. Our motto and we see that you get it. Write or call for catalogue: John McKay, i . tness, Our garments is satisfaction, Limited -- -- ictrolas & Victor Records X. $136.00 vy JOHN Mm' CORMICK' S RECORDS Somewhere a Volee Is Calling ... Kathlden Mavourneen . .. When Irish Eyes Ate Smiling no a Goodbye--Tosti .64405--$1.25 . ..74286--$2.00 . . .04631--81.25 . . 74346--$32.00 Cradle Song, 1918, adapted 4 from Caprice Vien- nois ... Angels Serenade . .. . .64000--8$1.25 \ God Be With Our Boys "Town night £4 Little Mother of Mine ... Love Here 1s My Heart ... eh Then You'll Remember Me ... Dear Old Pal of Mine . .. 1 Hear You Calling Me . ., Mone toLoan on RealEstate Now Is the time to pick up a good paying INVESTMENT In real estate. See' our office st, Fire and Life Insurance. McCann's 4 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 021 HARD Woo 'FOR SALE "In carloads. Cut to any length Kequired. Réiiverea on. CPR. in Kingston, On ir to Chas. Stevens, Drawer 612, Napanee, Ont. 'Ybarge Davie; St, John Ambulance Association. Kingston, Oct. 1.--(To the Edi-! tor): Will you kindly permit me to! call public attention to. the ad- | vertisement appearing in another | column of the annual meeting of ! the above association to-morrow evening? The association has con-| ducted a good work, in a quiet way, from the very outbreak of the war. Hundreds of our citizens are being educated fn at least the rudaments of the art of rendering first aid to the Injured. All the work of the officers, as well as that of the surgeon-in- structors and examiners, is of 'a purely volufitary character, and we are 'ready at all times to welcome the sympathy and practical c¢o- operation of the public in an en- deavor to make the work as effi- clent as possible. ~0, G. DOBBS, Chiatrman of the Local Centre: IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements o Vessels In and About gston Harbor, The SLOANE Seguin arrived from Montreal at 4.45 p.m. and cleared for Toronto at 5.25 pam. on Mon~ ay... . The steamer Jex arrived at Craw- | 'fford's from Oswego with coal. M.T. Co's. Bulletin---Tug -Mag- nolia arrived with barge Selkirk from Oswego; tug Laurx Grace ar- rived - from Montreal, ' two = ligh barges, and cleared light for Bs wego, to bring the barges Lapwing and Augustus to Kingston; "tug Thomson ciéared from Oswego Might for Port Dalhousie; tug Whalen ar- rived from Port Dalhousie with the tugs- Thomson . and Whalen will tow steamer Mariska in two parts from Port Daihousie to |' Kingston; steamer McVittie arriv- ed - with the barge "Brookdale: from T Welland Canal. alibi sn Arrangements for gawies against i Kingston will Hkely) be made this week by the Ottawa club. cadets would be a strong drawing card, She Ottawa Citizen ings. ibe the meeting for that purpose. 1 . passed away during the night. The | \THE GREAT WAR VETERANS HELD THEIR REGULAR MEET- ING. ON MONDAY EVENING. Sergt.- -Major E. J. Allen Resigned From Executive, as He Is Being Transferred to Cobourg. The weekly meeting of -the Great War Veterans AS sociation was held Monday evening, C. W. Topping, first vice-prestéent oct ying the chair, in the absence at Pétawawa Camp of the president, Lieut.,Col:- R.: Crocker It was moved by Comrades Bow: ker and Allen that business be sus pended to nominate a committee of three to represent the G. W.. V. A. at a special m eeting-oi- the City Council on the question of appointing a fuel controller. «Comrades Bowker, Al-) len And Hicks were nominated, and On eir return Comrade Bowker repdrt- ed that a tommissioner will be ap- pointed dt the next meeting of, the council - Band manager - Leader gave a full report from the band committee, both on their work: in the past and their expectations for the coming season The have been doing excellent work for the association, as well as outside work for hospitals, both Queen's and Mowat, and the Red Cross. They have many difficulties to #ace, both in the constant changes of bandsnien, due to the shifting around of the re- turned men, and the high cost of equipment and maintenance of the band. The associafion feels that the band has gixen good value for every dollar that has been invested. Their hard work and keen integest was largely responsible for the success of the July Ist celebration and the trip { to Ogdensburg on July 4th, The whole committee on investiga- tion and complaints was nominated and are now ready for "work. It stands now: Comrades W. G. Bailey (chairman), Mutton, Tygwood, Cole- man, Wilson and Martin, Committee on Friday night dances: Comrades W. F. Smith (chairman), Swan and Johnston. E Comrade Howe was put on the en- tertainment committee to. arrange 2a series of whist drives for the winter, and Comrade Warburton for a billiard tournament, One of the association's best work- ers, Sergt.-Major E. J. Allen, tender- ed his resignation ad a member of the executive committee, as he is_ being transferred to Cobourg as regimental sergeant-major of the military hos pital there. Comrade Allen has earned his promotion by hard, conscientious work .and 'takes with him the best wishes of all the members. ETT Late Mrs. J. W. Campbell. + When members of her family tried to arouse her on Tuesday morning, Mrs. J. W. Campbell, residing "with her daughter, Mrs. 'W. J. Drysdale, 186 Union street, found that she aad e deceased had been for some time a sufferer from asthma and it is be- lieved that during the night she had had a recurrencé of the ailment 'The late Mrs, Campbell was born near Perth fifty-seven years ago and for the past five years had resided in Kingston, While in the city she was a member of St. Andrew!s Presbyteri- an church. She is survived by three! Daly. | sons, Capt. W/L, Campbell, of Kings- ton; J. W. Campbell of Lanark, and J. M. Campbell ,of Sudbury, and one | daughter Mrs. W. J. Drysdale, of Kingston. The remains were reinov- ed on Tuesday at moon to Lanark, where the funeral will be held on Thursday, a Victim of Spanish Influenza, The first victim to Spanish influ- enza, of which there are'a few cases in the city. passed away in the Gen- eral Hosnital on Monda ard Ross Morton, the bright five-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mor. ton, Nelson street, succumbed to 'the attack after a short illness. Much sympathy will be extended to his par- ents in their sad bereavement. WAS OPERATED UPON "WHILE VISITING HERE oH Alan Hamilton Sergt.~Major lan Is ering From cits. I a------ Sergt.-Major Alan Hamilton, son of Major James Hamilton, formerly assistant director. . of supplies and transports here, who has heen spend- ing his vacation in. the city, was re- moved to the hospital on Sunday joing with appendicitis. opera upon; -and 4s now ing favorably. Sergt.-Major H cal ton is a former K. C, 1. pol and has been making' good as camp sergeant- major at Levis, across the giver from Quebec city. night. How- | Wish the Amert:f- Happenings In the City sad Vicinity] ' ~~What the Merchints Offer to the) Readers of the Whig. Arthur Mills, Ottawa, has. returns ed to'Kingston to contidue his course in the faculty of science at Queens University. Now is the time to: bave your piano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction €. W. Lindsay, Limited. Ww. Smallfield and son, Harry, Ree. were in the city on Mon- day and Tuesday. Mr. Smallfield 8 the publisher. Mercury. George Y. Chown has received a sable from. 'his daughter, Miss Dorothy Chown, who went to Eng- and in the V.A.D. recently, ' that she had arrived safely . [Erastus Purdy penitentiary guard, formevly local florist, was removed to the General Hospital on Monday night In James Rejd's motor ambulance. Mr.~"Purdy i5- hreatened with appendicitis. y We will rent you e plano, and at énd of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terins on bal- anace, C, W, Lindsay, Limited. John Peters, aged ten years, son of Alvin A. Peters, now overseas, iiitained a severs compound frac- 'ure of the right leg at nine o'clock mn. Monday night when he was strudy by a playmate riding a bicy- ole. : -------- SPANISH "FLU" IS of NOT PREVALENT HERE : it'ls Believed Tha That. There Is More Typhoid Than Influ- ) enza. ye 'The prevalence of Spanish influ- *nza, or 'Spanish "flu," as it is more commonly known in the United States, has caused some alarm in the ity: Only a few days ago the Am- ean Government laid aside one mil- lion dollars to fight the epidemic. but t is fortunate that in Canada it is comparatively unknown. Many persons. who have suffered colds during the past ten days owing to 'the change in" the weather have beep under the impression that they ave been attacked by Spanish influ. nza. A well-known specialist stated »n Tuesday morning that he did not Yelieve that such was the case, as the symptoms of the illness 'had not been hoted. He thought that there were very few cases in the city, and that sily a few of these were serious. At the hospitals the Whig was in- formed that few cases had been re- sorted . Typhoid has" been much more prevalent than "flu" and it is 1ot felt by those competent to know that there should be any apprehension 1s to the alleged prevalence of the ail- ment, OATHOLIC ARMY HUT FUND. 3 . insti There Have Further Contribu-~ ecelved. Additiopal ' subseriptions amounf- ing to $47.25 have been réceived at the local headquarters of the Cath- oli¢ army hut appeal, making a grand total of $11,453.92. The fol- lowing contributions are acknow- iedged: J Jeruriave, BT $10---R. 1$5--Sara BE. * Flanagan, - Capt. arles Mahoney. 4 2--George A. Wright, Miss M. Kenny, Westbrook, M. Corkey, Frank Mann. : $1--Alex. Lewis, L. Kenny, Westbrook; Miss L. Sheean, West- brook; A Friend, W. A. Patterson. 25¢0--iAdditional amount from tag day. The 'following additional sub- scriptions have been received from Kingston Mills through Rev. Dr. Kingsley: « $2--F. Curdis. $1-=Edward Cunningham, Cunningham. John Blue and Green Grapes. Fifty cents a basket, peaches and green gages one dollar a basket, Wednesday, at Carnovsiky's. RN ih 'Westlake, yi ellidron, the Renfrew | ] ham, {tawa, pillow; f[:Montreal, wreath; (Mr. Hard l| Fred Roddey, fForontd, {land Mrs. John Roddy, Sydenham, Price . ; Fone 919 1919 DIARY AND TIME SAVER. Dates From Oct 6th, 1918, to December 31st, 1919. With 16 pages of maps in four colors; including the new. maps of European countries now at war. Concise chronology of the World War--handy reference tables «ow VEST POCKET. SIZE --population of U. S. and Canadian cities--pages for telephone num- bers, cash accounts and medical hints, phases of the moon, etc. "THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights Of furniture, kets, comforters, etc. PN TN NN NN OPN - Adhd dd For the Big Sale of the R. McF AUL STOCK carpets, rugs, linoleums, draperies, art blinds, wool blan- Purse Openers for All Particulars in a few days. (5 The Always Busy Store dna hadi Advis oilcloths, ' Ghdhdhdi hh a ama ha bE A aha 4 4a a aca an aaa aaa Sh 4a a ad a aga =D ye dha Ah A THE LATE MRS. POTTER. A fangs X The Terai fof the late Mrs. Irene Potter were laid-to rest in St. Mary's emetery jlast 'Wednesday afternoon. A large number attend- ed the funeral, showing tthe high esteem in which she Iwas held. Many bedutiful flowers were. re- geived * from Montreal, Torontq, Hamilton, Ottawa, Lanark, Syden~ 'Brockville, . Beleviiie and Kingston.' Many telegraphic mess' ages were also received. Great sor- row was expressed when it - was known (Mrs. [Potter had, ria sned Hi away, as shé was jonly Joride of three months. Thro--fioset- offerings Hl were: Operating staff of 'Bell Tele- phone 'Co., cross; Mrs. Irwin, Ot- Miss %méne Irwin, and Mrs. star; Myr. and spray; Mr. and Mrs. ' eal Ay family, spray; (Mrs. G. Hamilton, Lanark, spray; How- and Herman Leaden, spray; Misses Leaden, cross; Mr. and Mrs, star; Mr. gates ajar; (Miss Fathleen sheaf; Mrs. Chamberlin 1 wreath; Mr. and rs. B 7Roddey. Potter, "jr. ir. and Mrs. J. Bourdeau, . 'Roddy, sr., Spray Mr, and Edna and "brother, cross; : 1H. Cochran, star; Ww. A. ©. Robbs, abeat; . Greggon, cross; Harry fiton, spray; Mrs. Hurst and : i " iano? i spray. Mr; 7 drow Patrick Fay. spray; Mrs. s Baniorg and : and and Mis. J. MoCruskey, . provemsess BUILDERS SUPPLIES wtetutng SPRUCE Now takes a promi- bér market. It is light and strong. We carry full stocks of I-in. 'and 2 in. thicknesses, both rough and dressed. 5. ANGLIN & C0. ples Phone 8, hes Somber, Coal and Wood sued nent place in the lum- | Alarm Clocks This Is Headquarters. We sell ali makes of Ameri can alarm clocks. With reasens able care they'll last for years. And keep time and get you wp, . Ty ALL CLOCKS GUARANTEED y . 3 ; b y b . For $1900 you can buy a de- tached frame dwelling, with improvements and large gars den, with immediate pots. sion. REN $22.00--Brick dwelling, for . Cotober 1st dirick dwell. $35.00 ing, October 1 ] "Fire Insurance, MONEY TO LOAX E. W. Mallia & Son oa F ace Powder, 75¢ a box