{7 2 Y -- the family for ~~ all the year around - $45 for Grafonola 'Don't Wait Until the prices go up as they may do any day, but buy now, ; "We will ell a few of these machines for 1 CASH And you buy six records and then $2 per week until Grafonola is paid for. COLUMBIA RECORDS We have all the latest and a great many of the good old ones. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. \ Phone 529 : Kingston In the World of Sport | INTERNATIONAL SPORT. Shguld Boom After the- War. According to a m er 0 3ritish recruiting hi pri statione ,0Tk: for the past few mon | r jong} golf matches between the United 8 ates and England, innually or an er year, sure to be ar- » war is over ip that al- up between the two result of fighting in le by side, is when peace result will the 'grand ithe un, whohas either are ran The ready countries as a cause, nas sprang common sure to finally be highly cemented, i the be arrives, heneficial to ------ 5¢ Poet Cigar 5c 'S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. isis sini 'MONUMENTS ! The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. Telephone 1981 _---- Fowler May Visit Siberia. goalkeeper in the Pacific BAD EITHER Machine Gun Corps. WAY. Caterpiiler -- Oh, mercy, If -1 3 Pll be En - Manager Harry Ackland thipg those McGill boys tackled France, » fold game." v Poeun matches between a dozen of 4, urs frony the British \Isles and as many from this eount twould boom golf, even as the inter ! national tennis contests and | matehes aroused interest in sports. It is a practical {that Royal -and Ameient NGlub of Saint Andrews will bow fo {the wishes of the majority of Ame | erican players and abolish {stymie, antaybe the lost- | 'St would vertainly be {AME to do when. you chaps come to the front as you have, English recruit office in-the-wool golf enthus himself. "How could they { you a mere trifle like | tion of the stymies and ! | cation of the lost4ball rule | remember Chateau-Thiefry, | Wood, and the flattening | Saint Mihiel salient, {of what other glorio [handful of an army las the ber ited G lan war lord { termed them, may yet do before the war is over | "Personally, I {ed to conservatism, and a ' ) | was good enough to last a few hun best amate the the only 1g Belleau of the to say s deeds "your 'aw recruits," was alway {last a lifetime But I am now { clined to think that the Americaus I have the right view of the case A { ctymie is wot a fair proposition. 'A [ fluke on the green should not cayse a mah to lose a hole." For the sane reason I now believe that a lost ball in match play should only cost a present rules. Of cours may as under : Americans change the withqut waiting for us, but ; took the initiative it would not only matters considerably, but simplity = courteous and generous would 'be a thing to do. "As for an intermafional golf i 3 rinner? mate, wouidn't it he a winner? AAA A Aa NIAAA : Norman '"'Heck" Fowler, the slar Coast s League last year, is in the Siberian : claims that the 'Ottawa Football Club's line will be just about as tough us any- A scene f with a matinee daily. en sriti erican Stars | Between British and. Amv : certainty | Golf } all rule. have | a try and mine? fany of se | the other had been nothing | tdred vears appeared good enough to] i Hy | stroke and distance, not the hole, | ERANK CALDER $ 2 d ep t of presi & Associa nt National the} y interest in a s composed of imagine ti clash stween two te the i pick of the amateurs fzom this coun- them would war; while their bit have to the various which they to atcommo- through the doing have been af home Why, you would tigtribute them around | courses of the city at {were playing in, order | date the gallery. "And that Wwauldn't such a bad [idea at that, would it? Suppose the teams were composed of ten men {to a side. Two matches Qn pach of { five courses could be run offi ov two { matches inthe morning and three in the afternoon on two circuits ™ | t ct, there are an infinite number of ariations, any one of which would [be sure 40 draw a record gallery be | RE -- urns Did Not Deat - Foster. It was mot Tex Foster that Sergt Tommy Burns toppled at Prince Rupert the other night The press reports were-all awry, and Tex is up.in arms over it He says that fif Tommy thinks he can beaf him { within the four stanzas he cad have one thousand of Tex's hard-earned dollars : Tommy has replied that quite willing to undertake the job, {and there might be some develop- ments. It was Bracken that was { substituted for Foster at Rupert and | who fell a victim to Tommy's right hook. . Tammy wants te try and stop Tex & Bracken both in six rounds. : ' he is Boxers Dealt With Severely. Boxers in 'the service of Uncle '18am who violate the rules ares dealt with severely, according to. the story that comes from the west. Frank Mallory, a sailor--at Goat Island, Pacific coast, was scheduled to box Alonzo Brown, a negro sailor. Mal- lory hit Brown in the mouth, and ithe negro took off his gloves. An examination showed tnat Mallory had broken a whetstone in two and put a piece in each glove. Mallory has been imprisoned until Novem- « hey 28th Nr a a A ANN Lt pom obld™ I Opera pom "Hearts of the World" at the Grand House: for Shree days, commencing: Thursday, October 10th, | ¥ .e ee Foe 3 and QUERRIE LAYS DOWN LAW. No Club in Which "Livy" is Inter ¥ ested Can Enter Arena. Before Charlie' Querrie left Mont- real last week he made a statement, Mt 38 said, which, Hf correct; settles the hockey question and establishes the Ottawa and Canadien Hockey Clubs as masters of the situation. He. is reported to have said 'that Company, ire mearly all. in Montreal, given him a free hand 8 } > sphation and he had decided that any club belonging to the National Hockey League could get ice at Toronto, but Ottawa and Canadiens must be in the league, Mr. Quinn or any other club owners desiring ice would have to sign a declaration that E. J. Living- stone would have nothing to do with nis club. . . --------iia, LALONDE DENIES IT. 3 os Says. He Never Suggested Moying Indians to Cornwall. Newsy Lalonde has described as absurd a story from Teronto that he was planning to transfer the Lea- side Indian lacrosse club of Toroute to Cornwall to play in the N.L.U. next season "I never heard of such a scheme," said Lalonde. "When | ronto, I did suggest that the Indians should enter the N.L.U. next season, and play their games at Toronto. 1 think that, if strengthened hy some of the Toronto players, they could form a very strong team, and be a good attraction in lacrosse. But as for moving to Comwall that wonld be out of the question." After That Old Cup. this coming winter if the of the Manitoba Amateur Association have their way It is winter and defeated the Ypres; Winnipeg, in Their atteinpt to bring The Dentals, whe took the cup away the previous spring, will also be almost the same team ws won the 1916-17 O.H.A championship But of the Ypres wha went east last spring only Winkler, Alex and Haldorson remain, the rest, ably Heigy Bostrom, Chum Irvin and Jick Hughes being overseas or away from Winnipeg, while Dick Irvin is also overseas with Chum and Hglgy. ---- tact They Must Now Fight. The long arm of Untle Sam' reaching into shipyards and steel plants and plucking from their shel- terless folds baseball players who sought to evade military service by engaging in "essential" wopk. With- in a week "Dutch" Leonard, of the Red Sox, Al Mamaux, of the Brook- Iyns, and Billy Kopf, of the Reds, have been summarily 7 lifted from soft berths into the national army. 'These three, all stars of the first water, hurdled contracts last season to get under cover. Not one, so the report goes, was fitted by training to swing any kind of a job except that 5f helper to real machinists, but they lisiened eagerly to the pro- posals of oil<tongued agents. Any: thing that promised exemption from the draft apparently appealed to them, Box Leads the Dentals. The entry of the Dental football team in the senior O.R.F.U. series wag a genuine surprise, says the To- ronto Star, . and 'the career of {he team will be watehed with 'interest. Sergt. Willard Box is in eharge of the team and will have a number of well-known football players on his line-up. The Dentgls do not repre- sent the Dental College or the Uni- the directors of the Toronto Arena ; I was fn To-, | 'There will be hockey in Manitoba | officials | Hockey | quite-well known that the Kitchener | team, which won the Allan Cup last| of | it back west, willbe practically in- | 'Trwin | various AVOD BATTERY TROUBLES This. Winter STORE YOUR BATTERY WITH US 'Let Us Save You From Storage Battery Trouble This Winter . IF YOULAY UP YOUR CAR you shogld store your battery with us We will keep it charged" and on and filled with distilled: water. We will prevent it from' freezing and from undue deterioration and loss of capac- ity. Our fee is only a few cenys g day, and you have the best possible assurance that your bdttery will be in a sound, healthy condition in the spring, : IF YOU DON'T LAY UP YOUR CAR remember, that batteries and cold weather do not agree. Keep your bettery fully charged, or it will freeze and be ruined. Do not work it do death, and come in to see us offen so that we may inspect §t and warn you of possible trouble. THis service is free, and it may save you money. George Boyd | Phone 201 "Unto the * = RIVET your eyes on this picture of a Belgian. mother and child, until you feel the full horror ofthe situation! Thousands of these orphans, dying of starvation, might now be living in comfort and plenty, had their soldier fathers not flung themselves into the breach when the Hun invaded Belgium, : The fathers died to save us. Are we going to let the orphans starve ? Conditions are simply ghastly. The United States loans to the Belgian Government finance the general relief work; but this only provides a bowl of soup and two pieces of bread to each person per day. The Canadian Bureau in Brussels will administer funds, and provide means for getting the ailing children into Holland and into orphanages, where they can be saved from a hideous death; Before you sit down to another meal, de SOMETHING for the What is that for a growing child ? The Slaughter of the Innocents is less terrible than what is now occurring in Belgium--practically a whole generation of the Belgian nation in the grip of Consumption, Rickets and other ills all directly due to insufficient nourishment. Make cheques payable and send contributions te Belgian Relief Fund (Registered under the War Charities Act) ~ te your Local Committes, orto Ontario Branch, Belgian Relief F und, 95 King Street West, Toronto. versity, bit nevertheless, will be composed chiefly of students in the faculties and will be the nearest approach to a college team in Toronto since -the outbreak of war and the abandonment of organ- ized intercollegiate sport. 3 Ottawa professes neutrality in the latest hockey &plit, but it is ten to one that 'President . Bate. and-- his confreres will have seats around the tables when. it comes to arranging peace terms with the present bell- &erents. . Maintains : reputation for dependable quality. Particular men demand it. Reliable dealers everywhere sell Bachelor cigars. A man's true friends keep quiet: , when some one is®enumerating his ¥ virtues. Lo. BRINGING UP FATHER HELLO - JIGS "HOW D3 EVERY THING | SEE THAT You ARE WEARING it from the foregroupd. Always view a scene with 'a mule in 4 | WOULDONT ge 1. WEARIN IT IF ¢ : ik THOUGHT iT WOULD @