yn meee . WAGES OF INCINERATOR EW PLOYEES TO BE INCREASED, The Produce Raised in the Garden of the Home for the Aged is Valfled at $1,279. 2 'At a meeting of the Board of Works 'Wednesday evening it was decided ito accept $250 from the Street railway company in full for Tepalrs made to Alfred street through the tearimg up of the com- pany's tracks. \ . Requests for sewers at the fool of Barrie street and at the corner of Barrack and, Bagot streets were received and referred to the city en- gineer, # os The board will ask the City Coun: ell for a further appropriation of $2,000 to complete. the year's work Raise Wages at Incinerator. The city health committee, whict met on Wednesday afternoon, wil recommend to the City Council tha: be increased from $800 to $850 anc that the wages of teamsters be in: ri ed from 35 to 40 cents an hour fi en from 25 to 30 cents; dumg , z men from 20 to 22% cents, to take oO n Cc N a 9 . effect the first of October. - Kingston's Reliable Fur House 149 and 157 Brock St. Home for the Aged. . ¢ ; At.a meeting of the Home for the i Aged committee Wednesday "after J noon, Superintendent Baldwin re --_ | Ported. that there are at present R\ [forty-eight inmates, twenty-six males and twenty-one females. He submitted a detailed report of . the produce raised in the garden of the home, which is valued at $1,279. It Victrolas and | == h Victor Records |: "EON OFERSER ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED MEN CAME IN THURSDAY. 'VICTROLA wv. $34.00. 22 Mayor Hughes Got No Notice of Their Arrival, and War Heroe: EVERY HOME CAN HAVE THE. Reached City Withow a | Gos Welcome-- Authorities Again Askec WORLD'S BEST MUSIC ON THE to 'Notity the Ci . 1 TROLA Upwards "61 four Sundred returned V C : men arrived in the city shortly before It is easy for vou to enjoy at-will the greatest mu- 19 o'clock on Thursday morning, The sical art of all the world--if you have the instrument ] gata For the et bart Delong 35 Hie 5108 J iinet iednon veal. nl . { awa-Kingston district, and during which brings' the magnificent interpretations of the the day were issued transportation. t atest Artists in your home. The Victrola enjoys their homes, They were a happy lot iv) re istinetion accorded it by the | very anxious to get to their homes that privlege_--a Many of the wh t 1 4 FC ¢ YOYS VIO returnec world's m amous Artists. ir hiel istic Thursday morning had been overseas Only the Vietrela satisfies their high artistic de- three 'and four years, Many were mands. That is why they make Victor Records exclu- lame, and nearly all had battle scars sively, | to. show the part they played in chas J | ing the Huns, | Wonld have been here sooner, but Lister to the Mocking Bird (Solo) Gluck 74465 161d Fritz got too busy and had to stay _ --$2.00. : ' and help tame him," was the Temark Ave Maria (violin solo) Helftez 74563--$2.00 one chap made to the Whig, as he Barbiere=Una Yoce Poco Fa (solo) Galli Gurcl --. .. walked along. with the aid of a cane : 454 \ Mayor Hughes received ng notify 7 . . cation of the arrival of the returned All the popular vocal and dance records in stock. men, and was not at the railway sta. - tion to give them a welcome, greatly to his regret. . The soldiers came un- ; g heralded. Mayor Hughes at once ros wrote to Col, Marriott, of the dis * ® charge depot at Quebec, asking him i it was not possible to give Kingston nina Ie official notice some hours in advance iio of the coming of returned soldiers. ---- The followmg men from Kingstor were in the contingent: ® eo Pte. B. F. McFarland, B, SMT | Roberts, Pte. J. H. Alcorne, Gunner I In W. H. Brannan, Pte. C. E. Sniith, Agt. W. Stephenson, F. G. Brooks E. Donaldson, J; S..Q'Nein, J.Adams, a Kingston, .W, T, Harvie, J. A: Mur- ray, R. Waddington. . The following district men arrived asses |: } rockville--Capt. D. W. Davis, H entiifse Sak loos G~ Brsakall J. F. Dixon, S. Robert- 4 son, C. 5, M. H. L. Steph 5 : iy dn "Stony || AN EXPERT'S JOB i milf 1 1 Sheu, Fi tubs, garage; lot 50 foot front, . Belleville--Pte. T. Smith, Pte. C. A Collingwood Street. It is no easy matter to fit Simpson, Sergt. 1. H. Turney, Cor glasses. accurately, Only the A. LE Jess, Pte. A. Gordanier, Gr, : $5,500 trained Optometrist with ex-[ A Tryin, : Wikior's, supply. of onl In. perience, ability and the Pro=| Gananoque--Spr. S. Bove v Capt. 1. Nenving iy. ro per: instruments can give you |G. McCammon. tap 1 Owner this service. TT) Wilson, Coe Hill, is also s among' the returned men. 's aon are assured. a thorough! During: the day the followitig ad- , scientific examination and SF [ditional Kingston men arrive in the 88 Brock Bt. Phone 326 or 621 : curate glasses at Asselstine's city; Pte. B. A. Dematse, Pte. C. : : i CONSULT C. Melvor, Portsmouth. a i, organist of the Ca st church, Carleton Place, J S. » D LOST ARM A7 FRONT me years, was presented with os 4 'TO BE TREATED HERE and a mantle clock b : Sm------ n the occasion. of he © ona vor Bitured-Onuiciaw Pa, Patrick boi da ~~ 21st Battalion, i Pte. Patrick Donnelly will arrive in fi Kingston in the course of a few days to sindergo treatment, His home is tf in Arnprior. Pte. Donnelly lost his i right arm at the front He enlisted in July, 1916, in the 240th Battalion, iii and was later transiérred to the 21st Battalion. =~ He was seven months in {| the trenches, "and suffered' shrapnel lt wounds last April in the offensive fi south of Afras. His wounds neces. sitated the removal of his arm. | Pte. Donnelly while in England met It his mother, whom he 'had not seen in ji eighteen rs. He has two broth- * § 1; rE wa. - WR er in the Imperials, 4 ke ry - i§ eee Sia. rn Pe dave Sherated t¥8 auto trueks, also two Want g ) de 1 % : ® we find it difficult to give the ri ; . ervice to our patrons, ; 4 x sys i Saat orders reaching us too late, and especially com- RR distance at a late hour, we Euggest that you | carefully the hours for delivery: 'especially for Roasts, plete in all departments. showing pow You to visit eur stove and St the salary of Inspector Timmermar h jdepartment, and a brother of Ern- pest Roberts, of the waterworks de- . i ia : b= NN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1918. The Designer Delivered at our store each month' for twelve"months for 59¢ INGDENTS OF THE DAY Happenings Tn the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. 1 The local hospitdls are filled to overflowing because of tae influenza epidemic. | There was but one case in police | court Thursday, A ' charge of | drunkenness against a citizen was d. « Mrs. F. O'Reilly and family, 307 | Alfred street, have returned home after spending the summer at Greenway, Manitoba. | The seventh agniversary of the birth of the Chinese Republic will »e suitably celebrated by the Chin- ese in the city tosday, GENERAL INTEREST. } x THE DESIGNER hs THE DESIGNER : - one I'5¢ pattern coupon delivered at the Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pillar and fon have returned to their home af- ter visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. George Pillar at Glenvale. 3 . The last installment of the salary bonus grapted to the penitentiary staff has not yet arrived, and there is' much. dissatisfaction as a result. Major A. L. Lavell was a speaker at a biz patriotic meeting of the Methodist General Conference in Hamilton on Tuesday evening: Now is the time to bave your piano tuned. We' earry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C, W, Linfsay, Limited. Miss Bedard, Napanee, accused of murdering her infant, claims she could not (keep it and koep ther job, so the child 'was pitched into. the river. . Constable . Doyle, appointed by the Portsmouth Council on Monday aight, 'was sworn in for duty by Justice of the Peace George Hunter on Wednesday. Do not fail to hear Miss Lena Walbridge, Chicago's whistling. solo- Ist and 'bird imitator, at Brock street church to-morrow evening. The good ladies. in the 'various churches. 'are busy mow [preparing the (Christmas boxes for the boys at the front. They promise to be very comforting. La Miss Mary H. Fife, a - Kingston nurse, who went to St. John's, Que., to take care of an influenza. patient, ds herself ill of the. dispase at that place. It is expected that Prof. J. (LL. Morison and. wife will shortly ar- rive here jand he will resume his duties as professor of history In Queen's University. The Victory loan executive vom- mittee is planning to have a public meeting on Oct, 18th or 21st with some splendid talent to enthuse and arouse the public. Rev. iW. J. Wood, Newmarket. who died of paralysis, was married to a Miss Kennedy of 'Kingston;-who with four children survive. 'Mrs. D, J. Bell, Kingston, is a sister. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow thé six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal- anace, C, W. Lindsay, Limited. Owing to the epidemic the Moth- ers' Council ram 8. sale will be postponed wmumnti] some {ime dn No- vember. Donators of articles for sale kindly, hold goods. Mrs. Geo. MoCallam, secretary. ' ip. CORP. W. E. ROBERTS | WAS KILLED IN ACTION Former Member Kingston Fire Department Paid Supreme . Sacrifice. Still-another well-known Kings- tonian has paid the supfeme sacri- fice on the field of battle. Word has been received of the deatl in action of Corporal W. E: Roberts, a former member of the Kingston fire partment. o «Corporal Roberts went' overseas with: the 253rd (Queen's) High- landers, and later was transferred 'to the 102 Infantry in France. Deceased w; widely known around the ¥, #nd his many friends were' sorry to hear of his death. He served three years on the local fire department, from 1908 [to 1911. A wife and two children survive. fod The chronic joker and the dog's tail are great wags. , irs = ------------ "The Hat Store" : w Your Hat | ers in uniform, in dians {| pi i ¥, ines one in the Canadians nd In its company. | is with you | f thirds of the time. [| Phone 919 a For twelve months and | copy Standard Quarterly and pat- tern coupon for |5¢, delivered: at the storefor.. ..... .... T8e For twelve months, | copy Standard Needlework Book and storefor.. .. .. . .T5¢ --. NO ORDERS AT LESS THAN REGULAR RATES WILL BE TAKEN AFTER SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. SUBSCRIBE THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE - Fr re Furniture Sale Friday and Saturday Only furniture will be sold on these days, as we want to close out the furniture end of the busiriess at once. Big bargains in brass and iron beds, mattresses, springs, tables, chairs, Go-carts, Kitchen Cabinets, Davenports, etc. One only, Mahogany Grand- father's Clock. A really swell ar- ticle at a low price. ALL SALES FOR CASH " The Always-Busy Store > > # TO' PREVENT INFLUENZA hb PEP edb e eb bby 4% dally, the nose with boric oint- RFE bere > ainda hhh. rhein ddd dA ah ak 4 4 Aa a ve -- a Keep the mouth shut. Avoid . both. indigestion and hunger. Be cheerful but. aveid crowds and. public places. Get a good night's rest and and don't get over-fatigued. Walk to and from work and be in open as much as possible. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, : Have windows open both at work and at home, ¥ Smoke very little, as this lowers nerve power and the resistance of the nose, throat and mouth to infection. Infection comes in through nose, mouth and eyes, therefore disinfect. these 2 or 3 times and use dependable Roo ing material. been known to last 'years, L keep. - Woodworking Factory, Lum Yards, PREBLE P ADRESSE BID e ben ment, the mouth with an anti- + septic wash, and bathe the eves * with. boric lotion. a On first symptom of Cin. fection go "to bed immediately # |= a 4 and do not attempt to fight it & ' 'T2 a 2 ' " ewman & Shaw Cedar shingles have Bay & Wellington Streets, King i Ston, Ont, adhd dd Ad a 4 a a a With daintiest of shades and silver stands. All sizes from floor lamps to the small boudoir lights. These lamps ave all wired ready for immediate use, § SHITH BR Diamonds, Watches, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Add aa ded AB Aa 4 a a dh aa ~i/f On Victoria St. i A new semi-bungalow, $8,400; Oddi as a a 2 Ska a foes BUILDERS SUPPLIES wutng 4 possession at once, Shingles | On St. Lawrence Ave Take a tip from Father || § b Time's past experience : of- On Chatham Street A new semi-bungalow, $2200. . 40 BURNT OUT They require no up- Burnt put and everything des" stroyed. If fhis wére your case where would yeu be? Safeguard: ed by insuraree or would ruin stare you in the face? Think it over. Come and see : . Us to-day. The best companies 'e . represented . s ' . ber Pa ---- " io )) =2 (EP . : -- " - YT