~ PAGE THREE: , Probs: Sunday, westerly winds, fair. ; -- : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1918. Ea Told In Twilight : ; Keeley Jr. MOD. elin and. Miss Norah Mac- | i THE KEW FP) oRoH REMEDY. THE TH A eng wert as far as Chi wghter, Mrs. Davond who left for Salt 0 00000 A = VX § i bs By shopping to-night at the "Woman's Store of Kingston" you will share in the many attractive bargains listed below, which in most cases spell savings to all thrifty women. STORE OPEN TILL 10 P.M. Mimi - APJON Nu or Oatarra. Mo. 2 for No. 3 for Chronic Wi Ta. PRICK IN ENGLAND Bis erstock Rd. N Wi London. TRERAPION " oy i= eturned irom on, Friday where she | isiting Mr. and Mrs. Wil-} Seder dodged boded an, - ( Larrait Gamsby, Chatta- | Te is the guest of Mrs. rect ith is expected home reairn," Chaffey's Locks, a K. TTT TTY ERIE THose people (and they [ are many) who dread the b ordeal of an ey¢ examin- bation are agreedbly aston- ished lo find that, as made ¥ us it causes no pain, iscomfort, or inconven- fence. » b p ¥ » Tripp, of the I'S. C., To- ) spenting Thanksgiving with r. and Mrs, Noell Gill, Earl street rs. T. S. Scott has gone up 16 To- for a brief visit, s Phylis Farrar is with her par- \lired street from Havergal . i Col Toronto. . C. P. Sherman, Torouto, is vis- the tennis tour-| is mother, Mrs. John Sherman, ( streely - s Mcleod, Toronto, is with hér Akakahdhd a HE Harold Hughes Mr Broa] Miss 'Miy R 1s Bo Miss Fva yardson, far. I Richards, 2 Ak bp Prescription f+ Ser vice I 8 .. Is unequalled in this district. J "A capable dispenser at your § i service from early morning till midnight, means so much to the sick. Your doctor realizes J H this, and is depending more and more on us---just as we expect him to do The slogan . "Take Bests," we want to be "watchword of the sick. Best's | | The Satisfactory Drug Store. § OPEN SUNDAYS. ' i mina Gordon * sm ---- |ssmmm-- Hosiery and Gloves| : We have at the present time an un- usually large stock of high grade hosiery and gloves for the fall and winter season. Take care of all your family needs to- night at these special prices. ¥ | LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE in black, ; white and brown, made of finest wool yarns. Tonight 65¢ to $1.25 LADIES' CASHMERETTE HOSE 200 pairs black cashmerette hose in all sizes, 81 to 10. To-night 35¢, 3 for . : vein nn 9100 COLORED LISLE HOSE 150 pair colored lisle hose in all wanted shades. To-night . . . , LISLE HOSE. For men, - 7 In the semi-finals in ment at the Country Club on Fr | Br y afternoon Miss Mamie Gafr itl l iss Rose SW in Mis: . and Miss € Rogers won from M Mrs Post and Mrs, Breck, rarer Ai : 9 ersity avenue, 1 L00K ATCHILDS | a of hee i i, hig sf" TONGUEIF SICK, | CROSS, FEVERISH Ww nue, 1 iss Bessi%y Noonan left to-day to 1d Thanksgiving with friends in And We Use No Drugs. it SE r. and Mrs. Thomas Gaskin, Als cy Y., 3 D. . :t, are' in Napanee for the ' ' J. Renton L'niversity ave- n Toronto for a short visit, . * * TORT VY Hurry, Mother! Remove From Little Stomach, Bowels, AAA AAA AAA AA dh A A 4 4 4 4 a w Ak Liver, H. Barnes, Ottawa, is visiting nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton, ' Toe € Mrs At | her pare fin Gananog r Huhert Stethem left to-day conver en route for Siberia. J. A. N. Ingles, who has been tirg her sister, Mrs. Masters at Marys, Ont, joined Mr. Ingles in roto this week, where they have taken an apartinent Mrs. Colin Hamilton, Albert street, returned from Guelph and Toronto on Thursday 15s Gladys) May and Miss Gwen Uni TT TTT | | Poisons | | | S-- "California Syrup of Figs" Once If Bilious Or Constipated. _-- "| Give eA msi. | A rt stig SO Why Pay More? For inferior quality when you can get the finest Western Beef at Davies.' 'Special Low Prices Finest Rib Roasts, per Ib. . . .. .. .. .25¢ Pot Roasts, per Ib. . . .22¢ fiona ---n ERE have returned to Queen's y irom Ottawa . 2 50¢ wWo- and Mrs. Campbell Strange treet, left to-day .to csgiving with Mrs, 'James Mac an in Toronto Morley Branscombe left to thay for Picton after spending several | weeks here g Captain and Mrs. 'C, Mooney have | returned from Petawawa. Gunuer Kerr Skinner. who went overseas with the McGill. University SILK HOSE, COTTON HOSE men and children. : NEW FALL GLOVES A most complete stock of the finest im- ported French and English kid, chamoisette and silk gloves in a complete range of colors and sizes. : spenc Look at the tongue, nfbfher! If! coated, it is a gure sign that your | little one's stomach, liver and bowels | Oven Chuck Roasts, per Weoii .23¢ Boneless Rolled Briskets, per lb. . . . .25¢ 300 Ibs. Fronts Spring Lamb, per Ib. . .26¢ HAM AND BACON SPECIALS Mild Cured Hams, whole or half .. . .32¢ Smoked Breakfast Bacon, whole or half 45¢ Butter Special, Saturday Only, 500 lbs. Finest Creamery Butter, per Ib. .. .50¢ THE WM. DAVIES' CO. Limited Princess Street :: Phorie 597. Canada Food Board License No, 09-3731. Store Closed 'all Day Monday, Thariks- giving. E = = = = = E = = z = BE 2 E = = a = = E 5 E = = & == = == E ee mn IE TL urry! ey NENEENNIENRENNEREENNR NRNSNENNENER 25¢ FIRST PAYMENT 25c¢ Hurry! Tomorrow is Positively Last Day need a gentle, thorough cleansing at| once, ¥ | When peevish, «ross, lictless, pole; doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu- rally, or is feverish, stomach. sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore { throat, cCiarrhoea, fall of ¢bld, give a teaspconful of ""California Syrun of Figs," and in a few hours all the Lfoul, constipated waste, undigested {food and sour bile gently moves out {of the little bowels without griping, tand you have a well, playful child tagain, You needn't coax sick children to {take this harmless "fruit laxative;" {they love its delicious taste, and it always makes them feel splendid. * Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on == the bottle. . Bewar# of counterfeits ==!s0ld here. To be sure you get the --_ | ~ 1 == genuine, ask to see that it is made 'by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with con- tempt. TTT HTT IHL - Then the White Progressive Sewin opportunity to get one of these g Machine Club closes and your splendid' machines at a Special Siege Battery in 1915, is spending a few days with Miss Nan Skinner at "Cataraqui Lodge," and will be with » Misses Shaw, Clergy street, for Thanksgiving. Gunner Skinner has returned to Canada to complete his cosmrse in medicine at McGill University. » - * Mrs. John Macdonald, Bala, Ont, is the guest ofsher parents, Rev. John and Mrs. Fairlie, . Mrs. David Dowsley and her chil- dren, Toronto, are the guests of Mrs, Campion,' Princess street. Miss K. Sullivan ,King street, re- turned from Toronto on Thursday. Miss 'Marjorie Duff, Toronto is spending the week-end with Miss Jean Duff, Princess street. * * »" Miss Helen Meek bas come down from Toronto to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. R. Meek, Uni- versity avenue The Hon. 'N. W. spent a few days with Leggford in Calgary. Miss Lorraine Shortt has returned to Kingston to 'resume her studies at Queen's University" For the present she is in the Genéral Hospital ill with influenza. Senator Richardson is staying at tive Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, * . . and Mrs. Rowell Mrs. Fred. "a Miss Avis I. McConnell left to-day for Toronto, after visiting her father, Joseph McConnell, Williamsville, Mrs. Evanson, wife of F. S. Evan- son, secretary-tréasurer of the Odd Fellows' Relief Association, with their daughter, Miss Ruth, have arrived in the city, and will reside for the winter at 103" Lower Union street. Miss HRA CORSETS 150 pair of "'Steacy's Special' French coutil corsets in all the wanted sizes, with aluminum steels and four strong garter sup- ports. Regular value $1.75: To-night fy dans $1.19 150 Ibs. of Steacy's genuine weight, in colors, black, whit night, a lb. .. .. eis as STRIPED FLANNELETTE broad range of stripes. Soft at 40c a yard. To-night . . LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS i -- i -- = i = -- ---- a B= £0 8 E i = -- = i = i = © --_-- = = GLASS TOWELLING Eo] = E SE S & sS 2 = & & Es = E Ee E] 800 yards red patterned union RICH BLACK PLUSH COATS Beautifully tailored with a & fine seal like finish. Many styles to choose from. Tonight .. .. .. .. . $29.50 SCOTCH UNBREAKABLE YARN t A \ Scotch unbreakable yarn, full e, grey, navy, maroon. To- Erp ae 500 yards of the famous imported "Byelow" flannelette in a , fleecy finish and priced to-day Made from fine all wool yarns in a great array of colors, Ideal for fall and winter wear. Reg. price $8.50. To-night $6.95 ling. Worth at to-, renege 19a glass towel Price and on Easy Payments is gone. Evangon is entering on an art course day's price 35¢ a yard. To-night . . in Queen's University. George Shortt is expected in Otta- wa at the end of the week to visit at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Adam Shortt. Mrs. Shortt, jr., and baby are at present the guests of Mrs. Adam Shortt. Mrs. Roger Clarke is also expected from Hamilton next week to visit her parents. oe. Only a few machines are left. You must Hurry if you want a White on this Plan. We Deliver a White to Your Home upon Payment of 25¢. The balance of the Payments are so easy you will never miss the money. st Payment, 8g gave on pu 25¢c | 3th pavim's) Sth _gaym 4 th _paym't 8th ym't] 9th ym't|10th yni'tjlith paym't 08 i "he i 78e i 18e WOOL UNDERWEAR ? 2m Now is the time to purchase your family néeds in fall and winter underwear as our stocks are most. complete ~ in such makes as Watson's, Penman's, Zenith, Hygiene. All marked away be- low to-day's wholesale cost. a STORE CLOSED MONDAY THANKSGIVING DAY Steacy's - Limite = . "The Woman's Store of Kingston" SO ronto, are in Kingston. Rev. Daniel Strachan has gone to Calfornia with the Hon, W. J. Han] ¥: Mr. and Mrs. A. WwW. Taylor, My" and Mrs. W. B. Mudie, and Mr. and Mrs W. E. Rees nave returned to Toronto from a few days' motoring trip on the New York State roads. Mr. and Mrs. 'W, J. Vince, accom- panied by Miss Margaret Muckler and Fred Muckler, left Saturday on a motor trip to Buffalo and will go} from there to Welland, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Milo. 1 Mrs. J. R. Henderson, Ottawa, iw Mrs. = = E E 5 5 = EE 12th TRIN Tay mr rath phywuistn paym'y 0 i 00 4 { oi * spending Thanksgviing with N. McNeil, Johnson street. © Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Weese, who have been residing in Gananogue for the past: month owing t eir inability to secure a house in Kings- ton, will remove here next weok. Their younge:t daughter is attend- Ming Queen's University, 'Miss Mildred Sheridan, Miss Mar | jorie Lewis and Miss Mary Fraser more three Brockville girls who Hav o | resu ned their studies at Queen's. | . - Mrs. Aylesworth, Kingston, Is Pending week in Napanee, on her | way to Toronto, to spend the winter. Mrs. Beers and Miss Lowden, To- 0p mia rl To fh Faroe 0th paymigaiat pay tigsng paymeftard paymt 3 A EAE yah, paywti3guh purr 2Ten saym'e SNE pg pon pra in pg : EN PAI in pay 35eh paym't : EE mn ret 160 VI B WHEN YOU BUY A WHITE You Get a Double Guarantee. Our's Band the Factory's. You have no interest to pay. There are no agent § commissions added to the price of these machines. GET WONDERFUL VALUE--EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY yo dist Sprague, of Belleville, "and / Wy ema, oton, Be g ma ne when x aaa a = oY t a few days the guests of Mrs, |, Pure b ; ach, (A. R. Laidley. 4 Soy we : + and become the owner of the world's best - you enroll as a member of the White Progressive Club, \ ~~ Tos %, r PEs & i ¥ fc OBR * 2 TO THIS--Thousands joined t e Clue H St Tuttsunds lolusd he, Shite Progressive Club during the past year all over J Archbishop Spratt visited his bro- ther, R. P. Spratt, Lindsay. and re- mained over might. ; ; oseph Clark, = after ' three Kingston, left on ¥ peg: Sh Isabel Ross, Kingston, is it of Mis. thers J. U. Tan- ibridge, Chicago, Is Me. D. A. Lough, * 35h, Napanes, the mur. fren } ake phaceths tater part | pat ; bride's me,