A 0 THE DAILY BRT WHIG, SATURDAY, OCT OBER 19, 1918, . ------ - ep --.--_r TTRATT ------ Sil aid eee ee Told In Twili ght SEE A Aid TETeTTeTe™ ddd sda TEeeTYeYTOe Ebb ats sd BEd Abid dd dd ET TTeTe . Ee IS MUCH HAPPIER NOW THAT RACHEL IS WITH HER. CHAPTER LXV would lock the door and work nights from you, Sometimes I think I am | To Rufh, havimg Rachel with her rather than let anyone know she did } a little girl again, and you are tak-| En . - rs would have been unalloyed joy had anything. Yet she is so sénsible in | ing care of me just as you used to.' - (Continued trom Page 8.) J Renewed vigor in the hour of fatigue, it not heen for the fact that'her aunt every other way. It's the way a goad | "Yo ain't moth'in but a chile, yo wh John a Cooper Ty ~ nutriment for the strong and health had not ye forgiven her for disgrac-| many southern' people feel, They've | ain't, ef yo is mard." 51 of Mrs. J. 5 s 3 are 3 h cup of Japan ing the family name by going tc! always had so many niggers toswait "Ob, yes I am! but I like to be a Shumnae meetings at Guosas Unt if for the il are 3 one oy . Japan 0 , they s 4 hel." : | ea. Natural purity and abse oO work, on them, they have some reason for | baby to you, Rac versity, returned home on Thure- punty It has a new and distinctive flavour, quite she got dat letter, missy Ruth. She a'most upset fhe hul house, did." "But, Rachel, what difference does She sholy was mad wid yo when | feeling as they do, 1 guess." "If she could see the lovely place she! you work, I think she would be more reconciled.' "I've thought that, too. It's one Ofjen after some such conversa- tion Rachel would grymble to her- self: "Tain't no use talkin', Master Brian don mak 'nough of her, he don, I hafito mak up to her I does." day. Mrs. T. 8S. Scott has left for Hali- fax to rejoin her husband, Capt. T. Scott. "Mrs. A. D. Duval, who has been adulteration are Japanese Government regulations. be sure your tea is pure. Drink Japan Tea and a 3 it make whether I wash dishes and reason I have urged her so hard to « " oy - different from § serub, here at home, or earn the mon-| come and visit me. And*Mr. Mandel Ruth had! told Brian that she was ne oi gg a A 1 L 4 any other ey somewhere .glse to pay you to dois so nice to me, He has raised me | to receive ten dollars a week more, home in Toronto next week = " Tea tempers the spirit, Ee 2" | twice since I have been with him--| That Mr, Mandel had said she earn-; ""o 0 4 * 0 Stevenson, Queen's awakens. thought tand "It don' make no diffefence to! without my asking for it, either." ed it. { University, has left for Ottawa for 14 refreshes the body," She was proud that! "You are a wonder! 1 'tell Ken- Rath could work in the shop. Ruth yon that I'd give everything if I had taken her down with her, one! were only half as clever. 1 am good morning, just to let her see what a| for nothing but just a housekeep- fice plave it was. 'But yo aunt am er." & mos particular woman, They ain't "But you like it, and I loathe do- mone of her folkes ever worked." | ing it. That's the difference. If I Ruth" had written several letters' had cared for housekeeping I prob- to her aunt. At first she tried to|ably never shold have looked for a : make her understand how she felt position. Yet in many ways we are Es i . we | abut things; that she hated house-| Wetter off because I did. Then too, : For Women's Ailments work and was happy in the decorat-| I can have Rachel because of it." ing. But Mrs. Clayborne had re-| "She's a dear.' Dr. Martel's Female Pills have mained so obdurate, she had so in- "Isn't she? F love her dearly, by physicians and sold : ordered sistently declared Ruth was disgrac- hope. now to keep her always." she added, "Come on, let's get 3 by reliable Druggists everywh. ing her, that now she scarcely; men-| Ruth meant it. Now that she had] dressed and go somewhere. We'll ' for over a aE of a tury. tioned hqr work at all. Just wrote! Rachel with her, it seemed like a bit{ just use the first ten having a good 8 wav ee] ¥ || bright, breezy letters telling of her of her own plantation life come to| time together. Perhaps it will bring new friends--the Roberts--of where her, Now she was eagerly welcomed | us luck if we do." she went, what she was reading, etc.| when she arrived home, was petted "Ps! 1 can't see but you are lucky "I just long to tell her all about| and madé much of. enough, That is in all but the man my work, Ruth said to Clara Rob- "Is'e yo tired, honey?" would be you married." i erts one day, "but it only males her| Rachel's greeting, then she would un- "That was the very luckiest thing | " Dr, Tremaln' : "e ve used Pg Hue heston- angry, so I keep still.' fasten Ruth's shoes, and draw her| I ever did," she replied, then hur- re gray hair to its natural color or Inonay refunded. Positively not a ye and Rn ~injurtous Price $1.00, slo in Kingston by T. H. Sargent, : Princess and Montreal Sts, --r------------ The only occupations open to wo- Rachel, honey.' "1 do, too," she had added, a few daw a tok y | ., I suppose you think you aré work- | Mrs; E. H. Lancaster left this ed to death," he had said, scrowl-lyooy tor Hamilton to spend a few ing. weeks. "In my work it is the knowing! fies Nan Saunders is the guest what must be done that they Pa¥|or Miss Elsie Saunders in Ottaws. people for Brian. After I--or some-| (Miss Janet Scott, of Toronto, is one else--have figured out just what | visiting Mrs. H. E. Richardson, a house or a room needs, almost Johnson street. anyone can carry out our orders." Mrs. W. R. Brock, of Vancouver; "He'll be making you one of the firm, next." He was beginning to sulk and to show his jealousy. "I hope so!" Ruth laughed, -- Then A A A Mrs. - J. Or Sauhders and her daughter, Mrs. Alwin H. Metcalfe, who have been visitifg relatives in 1: Chicago, have returned home. Re BIC., 18 visiting her sister, Mrs. Philip Gilbert, in Toronto. . Miss Ethel Kent, King stréet, has returned from Yarker. and "I*ean't understand it!" Clara had| path just as she used to do in the; ried him off to dress. Yet, in spite sympathetically replied. The idea|time which had seemed so long ago, | of her gay manner, she felt Cepress- of thinking it was lowerinz to take a but which now Ruth declared had not | od (by his reception of her news. position outside the home was to her| heen any time at all. really funny. "I just shut my eyes, Mammy, and Aunt is very aristocratic.' | it seems that I never have been away Cr Monday---Brian Takes Mollie To The Matinee, Ru'h Is There Also. men a century ago were teach ing 'Yes, but scrubbing and washing] ee school dressmaking and keeping | dishes are not. 1 know, don't I do| house, both?" | no one | I really believe aunt "But unless you told it, In Japan girls twelve years of age would know, work twelve hours a day. i erat TALKING IT OVER ~~ With Lorna. Moon Two generations use and prefer Comfort--it has the ll J. largest sale in Canada. The quality is still the same--but the Bar i is Bigger--real thrift} Speed Up Girls, For the Great Push! The president of the club read ;Lhe scissors more rapidly, thoughts the letter to us as we sat round the [turned to the "big push" continuing ble, i six inches, draw- |steadil d the st f ded ! & 3 105 4 throad and CIpping at unend | tat Wil eal for more * and more The demand for Comfort, "the soap that rhether y EN wos from | Lathe. Si AERiretom hus fte peice 3 It wis from | Little gurl stilit. eid of the tavle used", is greater than ever--the people know its «ioknow why fit is never too ot, or too wet for.you I know why your head is befit and why your handkerchief 'stole furtively to your eyes a moment ago. You, too, are charge fof a big jtime to - ial" beni the lines, Here is the part which § made our fingers § {ly more quickly value. Try Comfort Soap and get a brighter, cleaner, easier wash. = Ask for the Bigger Bar. and pur backs | thinking of the 3 push, and the orgel the ache |stream of wounde and in your which comes from | heart Is a prayer for him. : PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & £0, LIMITED, TORONTO. E. _ stooping: "Just "Let ug work while the light kb 3 ' uquins AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK | as we had almost [iasts," sald the lady with the red : k BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES: PRESERVE THE LEATHER. ff reached the end {ribbon on her cap voicing the im- of our dressings Rule of Laie dpgetine. Terr, DALLEY CORPORATIONS, LIMITED, HAMILTON \ arg speeding up for the big pa The Boys are advancing on all fronts, and we must advance | step by step with. them,. This is | our par tp clip, and clip, and fold and count and sew and knit. So we must clip and fold and count and sew a little harder--the big push is on, ang we are going to bé there right behind our boys as they ad- Yana, Speed up, girls, for the big push. there arrived an- other of your fine shipments and everything is like Christmas again! This last lot was doubly welgome, coming as it @id at a time when the wounded were streaming back from the big push. Without the help of the loyal workers at home it would be hard indeed for us to carry on." ] Heads bent over their tasks with rengwed resolution, fingers plied ' 5 * : [senger in New York state, and thase F over years are only allowed to ue] 4 AR IN THE ACTIVITIES work 54 hours in one week. : LA : HE OF WOMEN Wohi Countess gua Sodawa pa y i : . urczynowicz; who was living in Po- ; Shand when the country was invaded HAVE-A BOTTLE READY DY SHEN NEEDED aon 2.9, by the Germans and her home seize suffer. Get the bottle tiem, lumbago, fe Women laborers in Germany are [by the Germad military authorities, Buy 3 pote at bo ready. Eguatl ci aad oe as SEER : paid only 22 cents a day. has founded the order of the Putish UY Sicha, al idee ort Gray Samaritans, the object of which is to recomstruct that ruined country. The first of the Polish Gray Samari- Germany is now using girls to oper. ate § Hiachiine guns on the firing lines. Los Angeles motion- picture houses or ' I ' So Sha 1 have inst alled women as machine op- [tans to complete the course and wear er a t $s pe y erators. the uniform in the United States was Js : 3 Mille Stephanie Kozlouska. who is a Mrs. Ralph Smith is. the only wo- man member of the British Coltim- bia Legislature. he Crown Princess of Stam is tra- velllug incognito on her tour. of Cana- dian ities. now at work in the New York city & headquarters of the organization. Mercury Hosiery is fashioned so as to give a narrow ankle, and thus fits without a wrinkle -- a delight to the eye. Cope an? Feo ine 160 OLD TO e M wi + : Waitresses, in Milwaukee are de- RAIL eo { manding $30'per month and one day staakton 4: d comfort to week You're oid greater ease an It is asserted that Milwaukee Wo. OE of women. | men are among the aorest Raid work- ahough and rich £ ers in the United Stat Mey apcgoury Yiotiey Is full fashion ed 'The Atlantic City Union, the only think you'd re. =a luxurious finish it is superior (Svening newspaper published in. that tis. fram By HETHER you require a soili- ; 0 5 to those fine lines of hosiery hither- fen, nm i wo. ' W141 ro x-- tary walking boot for serviceable a to imported from abroad before Mrs. Mamie Colvin is a candidate Well, you see, ful d aft « ther or he office of iewteras- governor for. twenty years wear, or a $raceiul two-toned after- " & in Seeing is belie 1 your HORE i 1a To mbRtion ey pont noon shoe, ora handsome pump, you dealer fo show pi this beautiful der 400 French s | pre been was detainid on 5 will find this seacon that Onyx and Georgina "shapely anciry Hasiery. be BE 0 kin Jalage depots tof usineas and Fo Shoes are as usual the Jeaders 81a style, eo com- pope shade bows nd Jl | oh Se ns SE com tablished in A se by . : Sree NY id ly by using the heat of fine Irathess ad he ; Socios. mercerized lisle and pure A Ch: . : of an ors ¥ silk in all shades. Becand bute onto Company Guard The Children slolled wor workers cen our standard of wxpelience S operators, "rom Autumn Colds) be attained. hey hola now paid for all overtime i and ho 3 Our bude Tose" the" way to - Miss Anne Martin. who is an inde. dent candiddte for the an jude. 1 18 saupreme. cad service. id : tes Senate from. Nevada is known wl et Ao t her state as Governor He 2 Ne Bre t oman to 'Seek Yea Bab: A ithe New ¥ esi ThA 3 Bi W, Mo Reher ndson Falls, is X candids 15 the Sfice. on 1 wpb AS as,