Cakes CuticuraSoay and 4 Boxes Ointment Heal Itching Pimples On Shoulders and Back. "For two years I was troubled with Itching pimples an my shoulders and . They Were hard, red > 2 and very painful, and were 2, 4 scattered. 1 could not rest "r at night on sccount of the itching. Po, 1tried several remedies but they failed. Then I used Cuticura Soap and Qinument, and I used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and four boxes of Cuticura Ointment and I was completely healed in six weeks." (Signed) Miss Kate Young, Melrose, Man., March 30,1917, Having obtained a clear healthy skin by the use of Cuticura, keep it clear by veing the Soup for all toilet purposes, assisted by touches of Oint« ment as needed. Cuticura Soap is ideal for the complexion. For Free Sample Each by Mail ag dress post.card: "Caticura, Dept. A, » Boston, U.8. A." Sold everywhere, ---------------------- YY ICT &. Arr, COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice | Coal Sales will be for Cash Only, BOOTH & CO. Phone 133, A Pt, Best's | Prescription Service Is unequalled fn this district. A capable dispenser at your service from early morning till midnight, means so much to Ahe sick. Your doctor realizes this, and is depending more and more on us--just as we expect him to do. » The slogan 'Take it Beate," we want to be 'watchword of the sick. Best's The Satistactory Drug Store. OPEN SUNDAYS; to the AN AN APA SAN Pt i AEETEEeTEE sss A Typ Keeley Jr. M0D.0. Those are many) who dread the orded! of an eye examin- .& ation are agreeably aston- § ished to find that, as made t by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ence. me And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. § 226 Princess Street ple (and they } 4 4 4 cri ps itt iy 4 BY PRESIDENT OF Theatres Because of the Infl Be Rescinded. The following been ir nt nas just inisen whereh ts r new clo and: its busing brough sudden standstill € thrown out of work and attractions forced to evefy dollar expe: their performers, 3 their scenic productior ing material that has to before they could enter ( at all, dnd the hundred and one of expense meidental to the tion and movement of the smpanies from point to poin wince of Ontario : We fully appreciate the 'sincerity which undoubtedly moved vou to take the action in quedtion, hut neverthe- less, feel that you fully aware the very conse- juences to the management the t ta a ees sed] incoming ind lose on ertis~ annot be SCrious theatre and-those in their employ, and to the members of the various pamies booked for en ements at Kingston in the immediate future. It is, unfortunately, a fact that those em. ployed in the thes rical . calling are 10t, ad a class, faving people--and e can assure you that in the case of ieatre employees in Kingston = the loss of income due to your closing or- ler is going to be an exceedit se- We ym matter in very many c Ss informed that ready expressed themselves to the ef. fect that they will be forced to go ti ather cities in search of work, and he distupti the theatre's busi ness that will certainly follow. unless the arder is very. soon rescinded, will me finan loss to both manage- which it will be Sever: i of and employees impossible to estimate * would not press selfish point of view if we were not thoroughly codvineed that the opin- ion of the chief officer of the Ontario Praovirfeial Board of Mealth, Dr J Ww S. McCullough, who expressed him- self as not considering the closing of such-places as theatres necessary, is founded upon sound judgment We respectfully refer you 'to Dr MeCule lough's published statement contained in the Toronto Mai land Empire of Tuesday, Oct, 8th, "in column three, on page five. The Grand Opera House is thoroushly well ventilated, and the air in it is uniformly hetter than in many stores and other places where people congregate, Those who at- me this seemingly | CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED Mother! See If Tongue Is Coated, Breath Hot or Stomach Sour. Look, S---- ° "California Syrup of Figs" Can't Harm Tender Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Every mother realizes, afer giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this is their ideal laxa- tive, because they Jove its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, bowels without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless 'fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the Toul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bo- wels. and you have a well, playful «hild again. When the little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach- ache-diarrhoea, mdigestion, colic remember, a%good "inside cleansing" should 'always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "Califor- nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child. to-morrow. Ask your druggist for _ bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for ba- bies, children of all ages and grown- ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. = Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." ] 6 Dining Room : an ex a ture and Rugs Furniture for the diningeroom {0 everyone. suite to get the Suites we have. "being ing sold to~day at less : twe Ss to. liver and' }| reel dun THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 191 nd theatres. are rarely face here large numbers of people esirable by vour boa gement of the Grand vould be altogether wi ng { more abundant caution, ate the theatre under the direc f your hoard, at such mntervals as you might think proper, By keep- mg the theatre open you fur Il-heated place of amusement 1 people" who * other I be forced to spend their time dgings and other places where they j will be much more liable to contract icolds' and influenza than, thiex would | in the comfortable surroundings of the | theatre.) The long continued wet wea- ther appears to be over, and with it We may reasonably {health conditions : | In conclusion, the theatrical season {18 a very limited one, not more than , nme months of the year at most, and | the earlier portion of it (September, Octaber and N the only tol } wise dreds of expect better | November) are {months in which the managers of the- jatres are at least fairly sure of some i profit and a reasonable rate of inter- {est on their investments. After that Hperiod-the-Christmas shopping season i begins in earnest, to the great detri- [ment OF the business of the theatre. |the three weeks immediately preced- {ing the holidays being invariably the | dullest: of the entire year--and once | | the Christmas and New Year's fes- juvities are over it is but a short space {of timé until the Lenten {ushered in, and with its advent the, | theatre is always due for another pro- tracted period of depression. We sincerely trust, therefore, that {you will see your way clear to rescind jthe closing order and respectfully sub- {mit that in the city of New York. {where the type of influenza is' much season is fo fade, | LETTE 10 HEALTH. BOARD EL # Told In William Martin, of Toronto, t of Mrs. W. W. Gibson, the Union st Captain have taken 18 Mrs. Pétér Browne Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Browne's house in Kensington Plice for the winter. Misg Marsh, of Québec, been visiting Judge and Mrs. Rey- nolds in Brockville, 1s now (he guest Mrs. Francis King, Stuart street Miss Macpherson, of Montreal, who is visiting Mrs. William Lesife, West street, expeets to return home early next week. Mrs. Bernard Doris Browne Toronto. Captain and Mrs. Jack Langmuir, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. "W. H, Comstock in Brock- ville. Colonel Birdsall, and Captain Scott have taken Alexander Macphail's house Clergy street for the winter, Mrs. Miles Miller, who-has been in Folkestone, will spend the winter in London, England. : Lieut. Jack Macgillivray left*this week for Halifax. . Miss Nan Champ, VAD, of Brockville, was one of a number of nurses who went to Renfrew this week, Miss M¥rgaret Taylor has retarn- ed to St. Anke's, Que., after spend- and who has of Miss for Browne and left this week Major Grant Mrs. on {more aggravated than in Canada, all ftheatres have been allowed to re main | jopen with only this. restriction, that | the members of the audiences are fau- ral hive al. [tioned beforehand to use their pocket (10 Tésume lg {handkerchiefs when sneezing or scoughine, « N.B---~We quote vou the foll wing} from an editorial in the Toronto Daily News of Saturday, Oct. 12th: "We do | not believg that the range or severity {of the influenza epidemic is sufficient { [to justify the closing .of either the | chools or other places of public re- | [sort. Those who suffering from | the disease are at home Why com- | are I pel thousands of young people to ex- | | pose themselves unnecessarily to in- {fection Ly remaining in close touch | i with the patients?" | NAPANEE ALISO SUFFERS. From the Influenza and the Schools are Closed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) | Napanee, Oct, 18.--A number of very serious cases of pneumonia are | | reported. Arthur Loucks is in a | very low state. The. Collegiate Institute has been | closed for a week, owing to the ill- ness of four of the staff. The public j school stafl is also in a disorganized State, three or four of the teachers being laid up with "flu." There died at Belleville on Friday last a former well-known resident of Napanee in the person of William Henry Crabbe. Deceased moved to Belleville about six years ago. He is| survived by his witlow, two sons, J. W. Chabbe, St. Paul, and G. H.| Crabbe, Buffalo, N.Y., and three| daughters, Mrs, S. Vanalstine, Thor- old; Mrs, John Cline, Napanee, and Mrs. W. Crawford, Niagara Falls. T. B. German is in the Kingston General Hospital with a bad attack of rheumatism, ; George S. Chambers has been quite ill of pneumonia, slowly re covering. There died in the hospital at Belle- ville, on Tuesday, Pte. William John Griffin, so nof William Griffin, Napa- nee, Decedsed was twenty-four Years of age, The remains were brought to Napanee on Wednesday for ipterment, Mrs. (Dr) C. 8. Smith and two | little sons, who have been spending the past two months with her moth: , er, Mrs. F. 8. Wanrtman, returned this week to their home in Saskatoon. Mrs. W. A. Daly was called to Bos- ! ton, on Monday, owing to the illness of her daughter, elen, who was re- | ported quite ill of the Spanish influ~ enza, . Mrs, W. J. Campbell, of 6 guest of Mrs. J. G. Dal ; The marriage took place on Satur- day last of Miss Nellie Augusta Sills, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sills, and Gilbert Stanley Reid. Rev. i C. W. DeMille officiated. { Mrs. (Dr.) Kenneth MoKennon, formerly Miss Lucy Scott, returned from England, where she and her husband have been for the past three years, Dr. McKennon is on a three months' furlough, amilton, is ith iy. | Worn out by the strenuous tasks of the past tcn days, the physicians of London, Ont. have appealed to the people to refrain from night calls hereafter wilesss' they are ab- i solutely unavoidable. - 'Interesting News For Working Men AN ARTICLE WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE TO READ 3 This is a nerve-racking age--not a man in an office or behind the coun- ter, striving hard to get on in the world, that does not feel the strain. M nerves are in order, a man is strong, eats and sleeps well. Uni strung nerves means weakness, worry, sleeplessness and a general décay of bodily strength. Most men are careless of their health. They trust te luck and that kind of hitng, instead of taking Fer- rogone for a few weeks when they in the morning, or when eep - poorly or J appetite. e quickly brightens up the It creates an. appetite and iniproves digestion. Fefrozone makes blood, quiets the nerves, makes mascle Hike stsel and induces refresh- Ferrozone is a body fds have ved it. If you Sorts, use Ferrozone splendid health fi so ing a few days at her home » » . Margaret Macdonald, of returned to town this week ir studies at Queen's Miss Lalo, University >> . 'Mrs. Cooper, who has been visit. ing Mrs. J. Qi. Elliott, Barrie street, returned to Montreal this week. Miss Isobel Waledr, of Perth, is the ghest of Mrs. John Maegilivray, Albert street. Judge McTavish, of Ottawa, spent a few days this week with his son, Dunean McTavish, who is attending Jueen's. Miss Moira Guthrie left this week for her home-in Renfrew. Captain and Mrs. Kenneth Mae- Finnon dnd their baby, who have recently returned from England, are at present in_Arnprior. Mr. and Mrs. George: Petrolia, are visiting Dr. Gracey in Gananoque. (Miss Mary McPhail, who spent a few days this week' with her mother, Mrs. D. G. McPhail at "The Avon- more," has returned to Milford. Miss Marjorie Gainshy, King street. is visiting friends in Ottawa. * » Hay, of and Mrs, MeKay, Sydenham Mrs. John Toronto with Miss street, is in Doris McKay. Mrs. Cecil 'Whalley and her two children left on Tuesday for Staten Island, N.Y., and will be the guests of Mrs. Whalley's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Quirk. Miss Vivien Wellwand Miss Lenore Cummings, who were the guests of Miss Helene Corrigan, Johnson street, have returned to their home in Chat- ham. .- aa Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Douglas an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est" daughter, Florence Isobel, to James Willlam Dunlop, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Dunlop, the marriage to take place early' in November, ' Continued oh" Page 10.) AN EMERGENCY. HOSPITAL OPENED IN THE GREAT WAR VETERANS' QUARTERS. Two Families Removed There They Were Found Helpless Owing to Being Ili of Influenza. The Great War Veterans' rooms on Princess street have been turned into an emergency hospital, the Sisters of Service taking advantage of the kind 'offer of the Veterans, and on Saturday morning, when a Whig representative called he found there were twelve patients receiv- ing the best of care and attention. Mayor Hughes, 'with a mugrber of willing workers, were very busy Friday night and until early Satur- day morning investigating cases, One of the saddest revealed was at a home jon Ontario street. Going into the home, Mayor Hughes, 'Hugh IC. Nickle and 1S, B. [Corbett found a father and mother and eight small children suffering from dnfluenza. The. mother and her children, (six boys and ¢wo girls, were conveyed to the newly-opened emergency hog- pital, where cots had been hastily' made ready to receive tae patieucs. The father was not, as ill as the other members of the family, and he was left at home, but arrange- moval. i It was indeed a sad gight to see the mother and her eight children laid up through illness at the one time. (The family 'was found to be living in three rooms, which were very poorly ventilated and with no chance whatever to fight the epi demic. SS ; A mother and child were found to be suffering from the eplueini at a home on Queen street. Tha mother was taken to lhe General Hospitdl and the child to the Great War Veterans' rooms. a Miss Macnaniee, a trained nurse, wag secured as soon as the suffer ers arrived, and looked after them. On Friday might a number of ladies, including Miss Marsh, Miss Henst- ridge, Mrs. John Carson and Mrs. ~{OGrady, were on hand and hel in the arranging of fhe hospital. Mrs, T. 1G. Sutith ably supervised A eis of 1h noaph=", 8 Cpening € maw hogpiin' means considerable , and Mayor Hughes. and his wocaers anxious to receive a liberal response butider, ihou. | anxle he citizens for 'this . mes: are with work which they are un- ¢ ia x x dertal 7 {also ments will also be made for his re-} ee CT wi ad mga a - 8. EN ---- PAGE THREE = a : -- i] Probs:. Sunday fair at first, then showers. & EE .S9 HAIL RE ATE Ww ~ a An exceptionally attractive list of bargains for to-night and Mon- day which should attract all thrifty women to this busy store. WOMEN'S COATS An excellent opportunity to purchase a coat for yourself from a wonderful collection of 600 new coats. pay iu full your purchase will be laid aside for a small deposit until wanted. tm _ $29.50, $32.50, $35.00. Beauiful Pare Wool Velour Coats, Special values at $27.75 and Whitney Cloth Coats. ' Special values at . . .. $25.00 and $29.75 Tweed Coats. Special values at ... . coi ta fn 980 WAISTS POPLIN DRESSES 24 white voile waists in a num- An exceptional value in sizes : ber of smart styles. Special val- 16, 18," 20. In colors navy, black, green, brown grey. The ues at $2.25. Sale price, . $1.48 ORSETS reg. price is $15.95. Sale price, c 200 pair "Steacy's Special" $11.95. POPLIN SKIRTS French coutil corsets, aluminum £ 2 dozen poplin skirts in colors steels throughout and finished 2 with four strong garter TID . blue and black. Very smart styles. Reg. $7.50. * Reg. $1.50. Sale price : FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 150 pair of 11-4 grey and white flannelette blankets. Finish- ed with blue and pink borders. Reg. value $3.50. Sale price $2.55. COMFORTERS 30 cotton, down filled comforters finished in a special chintz covering. A reg. $4.00 value. Sale price .. .. SHEETING An extra special 2 yard wide. bleached sheeting finished in a heavy round thread. Worth to-day 75¢: Sale price . . . .48¢ WOMEN'S STOCKINGS : 150 pairs of women's cashmerette hose in all sizes. Worth to-day 50c a pair. Saleprice 3for .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . $1.00 CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS - Children's 1-1 rib stockings. Sizes from 6} to 10. A regular 60cvalue; Saleprice =... .... . ..; rrrii he . + 48¢ HA ETT AAT TOO s MEN'S UNDERWEAR ape. Men's fleece lined shirts and d rawers, all sizes from 34 to 46. Worth to-day $1.50 a garment. 'Sale price . . .. .. .$1.00 Penman's Scotch wool shirts only. Sizes 36 to 44, R larly priced at $1.75. Spleprice.. .... ...........$1.00 LADIES' UNDERWEAR _---yv : 150 odd garments in vests and drawers. Priced from $1.00 to $1.75> Saleprice'.. . oF seein ae Ladies' combinations, Zenith brand. Short and long sleeve. A value worth to-day $2.00. Saleprice .. .. . _.. ....91.69 teacy's - "The Woman's Store of AR War Veterans' roots. oy Mayor Hugies and the giliers who acted so promptly to pieet the needs are to be congratuiated The hospital had te be made reddy in gnick order, land the work was carried pn very promptly. It was two o'clock Bote vay morning _Le- fore Mayor Hues and sifie of his dand of work: retired, © UA, - 75¢ HR mh i Hi tf the Hirde 'War 'rooms is be- 1H ius 'extentied accommaodnte | wrger number of cases. 1 epartment is {iC een mare beds, and ocal serene ate | nelping out by generous gifis of 1 'pplies. Ba'vrday morniny some wry useful gills were received from 'Btesoy's, Limited, Wald¥si's, N Juan Shaw and faidlaw's. WwW. §. Nickle, M.P.. said that' ali zits of [EE [fei books, toys, childrea's eloth- ing. dishes or money will be gresauiy | ted. Ome little patient lost r during the night, and father ds If you are not prepared to = Coats of Maxim Seal Plush--Salts Seal Plush. Special Values at -§