-- Men, munitions, to win out. plies and save money, for the next War Loan. THE "BANK or TORONTO GEORGE B. M'KAY, MANAGER. atl EAA CARA _-- -- -- ---- -- Qe] Head Office--King aad Bay Streets, Tordnto.. WINNING OUT money, ships and food are all necessary bse who eannot go overseas must produce sup- A Savings Account will help you save Start the account now. Bavings Accounts Invited. A Feacorporated 1555 Capital, $5,000,000 Reserve Fund $6,555,000 THOS. ¥. HOw, General Manager. Emm: FOR Four brickeveneer and 1 56 Brock Street $3 Solid brick, 7 rooms, deep lot, good barn, hot air furnace, cellar full size of house, electric light, Frame house, 7 rooms, deep lot, piped for gas, hardwood floors, in hall and kitchen, good location. frame house, water and sewer, gas, good location, all rented. Price: $5000. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency. A SALE good location. Price: Price: $2100. . Phones: as, 874w. This space donated hy RH, WN, Rodger In co-operation with the British Whig, | BUYING VICTORY "BONDS "MEANS f KEEPING FAITH" WITH THE BOYS AT THE FRONT. dauihurharhahehhuhdhh dh dh It also means-----an accumu- lation of a good reserve against a day of bad luck. IF YOU CAN'T FIGHT, YOUR MONEY CAN. 4 Ahhh -- Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod. Dominion Fish Co. Canada Food Board License No. 95-3248. "NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED Peanut Butter, the best Oleomargarine, the best Mince Meat, pure Jams and Jellies, Flaked Wheat and Rolled Oats. At the Unique Grocery 400 & 492 Princess St., eo lo Pho ©. H. PICKERING, Prop. Chanda Food Honrd License No © B-2153. TY VY Notice account of the pra I of ACCU iin grippe "in the city and the lack of help our branch post of=- fice will close at 8 p.m. daily until further notice. on HOAG'S Drug Store FRANK ' Of Branch P P.O. Adhd da a aa adhd A A A A aa a aaa in A mm G.W.V.A., (Incorporated) All dances and meetings eancelled. Buy Victory Bonds. Spray your throat. Watts io People's FLORIST 179 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers daily; funeral designs and wedding bougu Sut of town ovders given special attention. ---------------- at ---- Ry TY NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS . Owing to the scarcity of help we have been handicapped in our repair department, and have been unable to get the work out as soon as we expected. We now have a full staff of ro- pair men and assure prompt service in the future. Central Garage Ed Walsh, Prop. 835 King St. dai Seiad rer IN .STOCK Best quality Cannell: coal for open grates and domestic use. 'Also select lump soft coal for all purposes. A. CHADWICK & SON® ATTRA UALITY !! ECONOMY !! rn "GOLD BOND" VEGETABLE SOUP. 2 tins for 25¢. Ask The only down+town store open from 8 a.m, to 11 pom, California and sll seavounable frul and plums by Home made candy, COnill or tefe- phone and: we 1 attend to your order promptly. Princess, St., Near Cannda Food Board License 9-1020 and 11-410. pope tee og |W.R.McRae&Co THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1918. Happy Bond Holders When Rates Come Down Aside altogether from the element of patriotism involved iu' the pur- | chase of the next Victory Loan, its potentiality as an investment secur- {ity is of outstanding importance This is particularly true of the fif- teen-year maturity, Not only is the 5 1-2 per cent. rate of Interest which it yields much higher than it was possible for an investor in the securities of any sta- ble government to obtain in pre-war days, but the Victory Loan is gilt- edged in the fullest sense of the term. True, there has beem a substantial incredse in the public debt of the country during the past four years, but, on the other hand, there has been even a greater increase in the annual productive value of the Do- minion. Taking the sum total of agriculture, live stoek, manufactur- jus, mining, fisheries, and lumber- ng, it is now approximately four Sion. In other words, the annual | production, of the Dominioh exceeds by more than four-fold, the increase which has taken place in our public debt, since the outbreak of the war. And, furthermore, baek of it all are the present and potential resources of the country. Advantages as Investment. Prior to the outbreak of the war, the normal spread between the in- terest rate on Government securities and first class mortgages was ap- proximately 2 to 2 1-2 per cent. Dur- ing the last two or three years the spread has narrowed down to about one-half. To ordinary investors,-- that is those- who have sums of from five to twenty-five thousand dollars to invest----the miéaning of this issob- vious. When war ceases, and the money markets of the world again return to normal conditions, the spread in interest will yield between Govern- ment bonds and loans on mortgages must necessarily again widen, be- cause of the higher character of the former type of 'security. The holder of the fifteen-year Vic- tory bonds will, however, still be drawing the high rate of 5 1-2 per cent, on a security of the highest grade. And one, too, that will be free from taxation. THE TRUE CANADIAN. "No true Canadian will be found wanting in his response to the appeal which the next Victory Loan will make to him. He will weigh in his conscience the question of how much he is going to subscribe to that loan to help to victory the highest cause for which men have ever faced the supreme sacrifice, He will not fail to hear the call of duty. He will do his part towards making the loan a success worthy of Canada, whose resources, from ocean to ocean, are all behind it.""--Grain Growers' Guide. At Montreal over five million dol- lars in large individual subscriptions, apart from the amounts collected by the various teams, represent the fist day's contribution towards the fifth Vietory Loan Loan. "CARD OF THANKS The relatives of the late James I. ang Mrs, McKim, wish to thank their many friends for. pesses extended during their recent" "beteasenment, REMOVAL NOTICE James Modney, Shoemaker, Wishes to notify his customers and the public that he has moved from 270 King streeet to 253 King streeet, be~ tween Johnson and William streets, and will continue to give the very best service in Hoot and Shoe repairing. Your patronage sollelited. Fresh Cut Flowers Verna, palms, funeral designs, floral Fi wedding bouquets made to order J. JOHNSON, Florist 115 Broek St. We Have in Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Distributors for Red Rose Good Teg: Victory Bonds are the thing. Buy Them! pe : 'ea----the popular GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543 COMMISSION * THE SOLDIERS' AID has been Incorporated by thé Province of Ontario for the purpose of assisting tor ate discharged officers and ab) i fan ER 320 Princess street, 5 pool vith cash register, I show cases, sett drawers, shoe shine outfit, gas range, coal heat- ar. waggon and other articles, ad en boc.) Odessa, Thursday, Oct. 31st at noon, per 3 -- fais CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First inseriion, lc a word, Each con secutive insertion thereafter, -haid. cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three Boe; mix #1; one month, $2, HELP WANTED MAIDS, ALSO A CHARWOMAN, AP. ply Orphans' Home. DRIVER FOR TANK WAGGON. ply Canadian Oj} Co. A As STRONG BOY OR MAN FOR DRIV- er. Apply 310 Johuson street. AP- i KEERERAA REINER EERE EE : Sens Placed'an Ad. Now he's driving There was a young man named Melver Who wanted a job as a driver, for a a jit. And often gels tipped Erith a fiver? "sil" APPLY" MRS. 305 King SERVANT, Chown, Edgehill, A et - est. GENER AL WANTED GENERAL You NG MAN FOR DELIVERY. APPLY praver's - Grocery, Corner Queen amd Barrie streets. MAID FOR UPSTAIRS WORK; ALSO/| one for the dining room Apply Y. W.C.A., 196 Johnson Street, ete ---------------------------- AN ORDERLY, AND A MAN FOR GEN- eral work for Kingston General Hospital. Apply at Hospital office, A COMPE- Dr. w ANTED TMMEIIATELY tent housekeeper. Apply Rew. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. L ABORE RS SKILLED AND UNSKILL- or yards and mills. 8S. Anglin & Co., Lumber and Coal A ---------------------------------- GOOD GENERAL, ABLE TO COOK; NO washing or ironing. Apply Miss Hora, 18 Wellington street. GENERAL SERVANT, PLAIN COUK, 'no washing or ironing, family of 3. Apply 169 Union Street west, GIRLS FOR THE _ WORKROOM; leasant, light work. ADDlY Mise eCallum, N. C, Polson, Co., HOUSE. Wages Whig COOK; NO laundry work. Apply Box 21, GOOD PL AIN wor no $10 a week, Office. OR MIDDLE AGED WOMAN housework; family of 'three, in evening at 276 University GIRL Tor Apply ve, TH HELE: WITH FARM WORK, or a returned soldier. State wages. Apply to M. L, Wiggins, R. No, 2, Wolfe Island, KITCHEN WOMAN: OR GIRL AND waitress for Frontenac Club. Ap- ply to the Stewand of Frontenac Club, -- -- ------------------------------ MAID OR MIDDLE AGED WOMAN for general housework. Family of three; $20 per month. Apply even- ings, 276 University Ave, ELECTRIC - MAN WIREMEN WANTED AT once; highest wages and steady employment. Also young men with a couple of years' experience given splendid opportunity. Halli day Eleotric Co., Cor. King and Princess, PATRIOTIC, STEADY, WELL PAID employment at home In war or peace time--knit socks for us on the fast, simple Auto Knitter. Particulars to- -aay, 3¢ stamp. Auto Knitter Company, Dept. C-24, Col- lege, Torento, Ont, WANTED MEN TO ESTABLISH SMALL local plants in every county to handle the famous European re- treads for automobile tires---punc- ture, blowout and skid proof. Cost half as much as new tires and wear longer. Money maker for live raen 1635. Dundas street, Toronto, HIGH PRICED FRUIT HAS CREATED a splendid demand for nursery stoc Our trees are known as the best in the trade. We want reliable salesmen to sell In unrepresented country and city districts and pay well for services rendered. Over six hundred acres of fruit and or- namental trees, shrubs, ete. Exclu- give selling rights for allotted ter- ritory. Write Pelham Nursery Company, Toronto, ray nte Wa Experienced cigar { rollers on suction ta- bles, enced bunch makers. Apply Hilda Cigar Co., Ltd,, Hamilton, 4 also experi- MORTGAGE i Thursday, October 31st, 2. pan, at Offer- WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. AA Arn mn Ace Agent CREDIT SALE 3,01 farm stock and implements at the residence of B. I. King, near Notice to the Public E. Purdy announces that ow 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, HEAT- ed, for small family. Apply 36 Clergy street, west, SECOND-4AND UPIUGHT PFIANOS for cash or in Sart It payment of I of new vianos and graf. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princesg street, FARM OF ABOUT 109, ACRES, GOOD buildings about six" or seven miles from Kingston. Apply to 8. Rough- ton, 80 Brock streef, Kingston. CRUISER--45-50 FOOT BRIDGE DECK cruiser, must be up-to-date and in A~-1 condition. Wiil take over boat at close of season When replying send plan and photo with full par- ticulars, "Cruiser '--BoXx 1934, Montreal. WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand - furniture. We. also have for sale a number of second- hand heaters ahd stoves, military harness and blankets, etc. 8. Sha- pito. 45 Princess street. Phone 1231. POSITIONS WANTED. AGED MAN; RELIABLE Apply Box 923, Whig ' A MIDDLE and steady. Office. SITUATIONS VACANT. AT HOME WRITING show cards, Quickly and easily learned; new, simple method. No canvassing; we sell your work, Big demand. Write to-day, Ameri- cap Show Card School, Ryrie Building Yonge and Shuter, To- Mention paper. £ MAKE MONEY ronto. TO LET 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY IN the evening to 451 Alfred street. GARAGE LARGE ENOUGH FOR TWO cars. Apply 192 Bagot Streeet, ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFURN- ed. Apply 32 Ontario street, or phone 1803w. ROOMED HOUSE, APPLY F. Norman, corner Patrick and 3 rien street. LIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, sll Improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. SEVEN THREE FURNISHED ROOMS SUT. able for light 'housekeeping. hie 422 Brock street, STORAGE FOR FURMPURE, CLEAN McCann Hata Adkacy" 88 Brock 59 Phone oH or 621. STORAGE ror FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; sur own lock and kkey. Frost's City Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 536; res. 98). FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY convenience for light housekeep: ing, on bath room flat; locality. Apply Box Po) "Whe 5 FOUND PAIR OF GLASSES IN FRONT of Whig Office. Owner may have same by calling at thif office. A GOLD RING ON SATURDAY night, MtFaul's store. Own- er may have same by calling 17 Corrigan street, city, GOLD CUFF LINK ON WILLIAM street. Owner may have sime by proving property at Whig Office, PAIR OF NOSE GLASSES IN case, at corner Princess and Bagot streets. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office. A PAIR OF GLOVES ON THE steps of the First Baptist Church. Owner can get same by calling at 179 Johnston street. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING ON upper Princess stréet, two auto side curtains. Owmter may have same by calling at 329 Karl street, City, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREER Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The alveae tisement will be 8 inten iu tha column free of charge. PAGE SEVEN AD | The People's Forum a 000 HHI FOR SALE GOOD DRIVING HORSE 9 YEARS OLD, Will sell cheap to 'quick buyer. Ap= ply 37 Pembroke streel, ONE MARE quiet and able alter Darl street. IN GOOD YONDITION; Sed to City. No reasons refused, Apply 298 ONE FIVE-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE model B-83, in good condition, Ap- ply to Ray Marchand, 384 North street, Kingston, SULKY WHEELS AND TIRES; ALSO Perfect, Columbia and Over Bioyclea. Gr Muller, 371-3 King St, Phone 1032. FISHING TACKLE THATS FIT © - fishing, go to Frank W. Coo 33 Clarence street, 0 aris can Consulate. Tete one 89iw, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, 350 Terms, cash, §1 per week, C. We Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess Bt. -------------------- BRICK HOUSE, NO, 118 VICTORIA street, near Johnson: 10 rooms, electric 'light and gas; immediate ssession. Apply at Moleod's Tug store. we HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND furniture, bullets, chairs and ta- bles; will buy all kinds of furni- ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1609. DRAWER-~NATIONAL CASH register, two horses, delivery wag. gon and bob sleigh; a handsome, splendid heating stove; horse blanket, musk ox robes. Apply Jas. McPariand, 79 Princess street. SIX SURPLUS OFFICE FURNITURE: 3 desks, 2 tables, 1 letter press, 1 cupboard pigeonholes, "1 tt shelves, 1 ice cream freeser, partition glass top, some chairs. Geo A. Bateman, 67 Clarence St, BUME OF THE BIGGEST ADYHMUIS se a Httle Na. LOST GOLD GENTLEMAN'S FILLED . watch on Concession or Division street, out to St. Mary's Cemetery. Finder kindly return to Whig Office, BLACK HAND BAG, BETWEEN WAL. dron's and TreadgoM's, containing money and letters with owners's name, Pinder Kindly leave at Whig Office. reward DANCING DEPORTMENT w by appointment dally. Classes for adults and children. Learn the "Victory waltz," the national dance. Made. moiseile Hudon, 39 Union Street west, Phone 120, AND lessons "DANCING private AWOHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington Sta. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicit orders for fall and winter work Addres 202 Alfred street, LEGAL B. OUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ance ntraet, Office. DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS; «central and modern. No Hght- housekeeping. Apply to Box 'Whig Office, FW UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT~ able for light housekeeping, 8lso one furnished bedroom; rent mod- erate. Apply 48 Lower Rideau street. THIS to hear from ns LWAYS 72, glad to hear from any one thinking of using class advertising. Write of Phone us about it. 6 may be able to help you. British Whig Pub Co. BOARD AND ROOMS. GOOD BOARD AND ROOMS. APPLY Mrs, W. J, Stinson, 212 King street. Phone 1871. © FUR REPAIRING. FURS TO BE REPAIRED, NOW IS 'the best time to have your furs re- modelled and repaired. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. White furs clean ed. 8. P. Bowes, Furrier, 198 Syd- enham street, Opposite Central School ~ DO YOU WANT UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER? BUY VICTORY BONDS Public Library enza iliness h i Aiags lo Ww @& 1 alicontimue. nie Bulletin ATTRAC 'ROOMS, 150 KING OT, RA OY the Chateau Belvidere. % MUSIO. MISS BAJUS, TEACHER OF SINGING, 47 Ridgau, street. Lessons begin October fifteenth. Telephone 1296. DENTAL street. Phone 862. DR, GORDON ©. DEWAR, DENTIST, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1678. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 168 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's, Phone 346. Fe WE DON'T MAKE CHEAP BREAD The quality still goes In gardiess of cost, 10 Tickets, $1.10 New England Bread Phone 618 and od driver will A, p * Canadas Food Bourd License No. B-127. re ER -- . A. BE. KNAPP, OFFIUE, 758 PRINCESS PURE BRED TAMWORTH PIGS, BOTH sexes; breeding age and suckers, Pair three year old Percheror colts, 'Leghorn (S.CW.) Ancora, Black Hamburg and R. I. Red Cockerels. One pen silver wyandottes. W. W, Kiell & Son, Elginburg, BATEMAN'S REAL | BSTATE AGENCY. FRAME Bl NGALOW, PART FINISH. ed with good sized lot, cheap foi quick. buyer. S$1050--FRAME HOUSE, no improvements. $1650--FRAME, S noous, ments, large Jot and stable, Union west, $1650----FRAME, foundation, street. $2000-AT MARYSVILLE, WOLFE 18 land, frame house; large lot, $2000 FRAME HOUSE, PORTS month; Mnprovements, jarge lot. $2400--~FRAME, NEW, 7 ROOMS; ALL Improvements, Joan 67 CLARENCE STREET, LARGE LOT, IMPROVE. oft ¢ ROOMS, STON® garden; off Chatham FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND (INVEST. ment Society; Incer orated a President, W. F. Nick ce. president. A. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal . and count debentures: mor iEpges purcha investment bonds for ln: de oeits received and interest allowe R. C. Cartwright, manager, §7 Clar- ence street, Kingston, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets 351.157 1 n addition to holders. have for . 4 i lL eity nroperty, insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewin old or giving new . business rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 335. PERSONAL WANTED A COMPANION "Tay gpectable man of normal RE Helo girls and widows. Any reply strictly confidential, Address Box 9, Whig Office. | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, ig Wg and sll growths and skin b isheg removed permanently, out sear; 30 $ Tears, SIpetierte, Elmer J. Ear. Noss Throat and 3 Skin Bagot street. ee a -- i ------ Lon; Slabs i in