fei eS RR IN . PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY SRMISH WEG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2; 1918; Mlle SE i -- - Overcoat The big feature for young men in this season's overcoat styles is the belt all around coat. It comes in several variations, for variety is the thing in overcoats at this writing. We are also showing al the other models. $18.00 up to $35.00. All prices between. Our overcoats are worthy = of your at- tention because they are better styled, bet- ter tailored, and in every respect better than the "next best." : Livingstons If off your route, 1t pays to walk, Str Mr. And Mrs. George Sexton, P The death of George Sexton oc- curred at Montreal on Oct, 7th, 1918. Pneumonia was the cause. The late Mr. Sexton served nine years in the R.C.H.A., Kingston. The widow of the deceased, whose maiden name was Rosanna de Chantal, also sue- cumbed to pneumonia on Oct. 17th. One gon, aged twelve years, sur- vives. Mrs. Sexton also left three 'brothers, Sergt. James de Chantal, John and Napoleon, and one sister, 'Mrs. Charles Boucher, bf 233 Cuvil- Mer street, Montreal. Late Roy Davis. The death occufred at Brantford lon Friday of last week, of Roy Davis, younger son of Mr, and Mrs. John Davis, of Brantford township. The family is well known in this district, and the news of his death will be received with sincera regret. Déceaséd was born at Pittsferry in 1896, and moved to Gananoque in 1909 and to Brantford in 1912. He was #ll a week, suffering from dou- ble pneumonia, which followed an attack of influenza. Besides his sor- row-stricken parents, he leaves one brother, "Shirley, and one sister, Helen, who at the present time is quite ill at hef home, The Late George Northmore. The 'funeral of the late George Northmore took place Friday from his sister's residence, street, to Cataraqui cemetery; Dean Starr officiating. The pall-bearers were: Baler Mcliroy, ,of Kingston; C. J. Simpson, of Belleville; J. Géry and 8. W. Simpson, a son-in-law of the deceased. The late Mr. Northmore is survived by four daughters, Mrs. G. W, Simpson, of Brockville; Mrs. T. Stanford and Ester and Clara, this city; also by one son, William, who has been overseas for the past three years. The deceased was a member of the Woodmen of the World, Death Of Charles H. Hawley. Charles H. Hawley, one of the most respected and well-known farmers of South Fredericksburg, died in the Kingston General Hospital on 'Wed- nesday, following an operation. sides his widow he leaves two sons, J. C., at home, and H, C., at Harlow ton, Mont., and ope daughter, Miss Edith, at home, also two brothers, Messrs. G. D. Hawley and John M. Hawley, of Napanee, and three sis ters, Mrs. W. A. Gunn and Misses Marianne and Carrie Hawley, all of Kingston, Mrs. A. F. James. The death of Mrs. A. J. James oc- curred on Friday night at the Hotel Dieu after a short illnes of pnedmo- nia. She is survived by her hus- band, a commercial traveller, a little son, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Burtch, one brother, Delbert, and a sister, Elizabeth . The deceased was 7 white and natural, long and short - / sleeves, ankle length, winter weight, a well made garment worth to-day $2.50. Special to-night for $1.69 a suit. Wah : MEN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRTS In In white and fancy stripes; good, large, shirt, well made and finished at ey an the price of material. Special to-night for $1.50 each. 41 DOZEN MEN'S HEAVY, WOOL SOX + ~_ inblack, dark and Sh ey; splendid qual up to 50c a 35¢ a pair, or 3 § : NRRL in 'coat and pull-over d grey in sizes 26, 28, 30, for 98c¢. a member of Brock Street Methodist Church. « Death of a Child. \ Dorothy Gladys Francis; daughter of the late William Francis, died at the Kingston General Hospital Fri- day night. The parents of the de- ceased are both dead. np. T. A. Jordan. The death of T. A. Jordan, aged sixteen years, son of Henry Jordan, 40 Stanley street, occurred at the General Hospital Friday from pneu- monia; One brother of the deceas- ed is ill in the hospital and another is {ll at home. 7 Mrs. M. H. Hitchen, . Mrs. Annie Hitchen, wife of M. H. Hitchen, died at 43 George street on Saturday morning after an illness of about six weeks, She was a daugh- ter of the late William Driver, and is survived by her husband and twe bro- thers, John Driver and Thomas Dri- ver ,of this city, and two sisters, Mrs. George McMahon, of Portland, Ore- gon, and Miss Lucy A. Driver, also of Portland. THEATRICAL. Strand Theatre, » The management of the Strand Theatre wishes to announce that commencing Monday afternoon, Nov. 4th, the theatre will reopen its doors | after nearly three weeks of darkness. The building has been thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom, and our patrons need have no fear, for. we have used phe Strongest and most ef- fective solution we could procure. For our opening programme we of- | fer "Friend Husband," starring dain- the }} ty Madge Kennedy, the girl wi smiling eyes . The story has te do with one bright little girl, Dean, who has been left a by her tod that cht a picked the wrong man. Instead of a poor chap down Belongs 6 + weuhy Tari. Ae Also 156 Ordnance of Miltary News| i. , Nursing+Sister McGowan, C.A'M. C., who has been on duty at the How- at Memorial Sanatorium, left on Fri- day for Washington. She intends to join the American army as a ours- ing-sister for service overseas. A few of the other sisters at Mowat may follow in her footsteps soon, if the necessary permission can be ob- tained. The first detachment of the Cana- dian Expeditionary Forces to Siberia has reached its destination, Viadivis- tok, safely. Kingston officers were with it, » Sergt. A. Underwood, C.A.S.C,, has reverted to the permanent grade of private at his own request. On Friday the new organization of the Depot Field Battery came into ef- fect. The 73rd, 74th and '75th Bat- teries have been merged into one, to be known as the Depot Field Battery. From this battery drafts will be sent overseas as they are required. The new battery is under the cominand of Lieut.-Col. Crocker. Ptes. A. Martel arid R. Lazier have been taken on he strength of the C. ASB. M. D. No. 3, from Peta- wawa Ae Gunner J. R. Gillespie and Gun- ner J. C. Guertin have been transfer- red from the Depot Field Battery to No. 3 Battalion, C.G.R Sergt. E. G. Britton has been taken on the strength of the Depot Field Battery. The N. C. 0.'s and men of the per- manent force serving with the R.C. H.A.. are shertly to be put on C.E.F. pay and allowances. In the case of married men this will mean a sub- stantial increase in pay, but there will be little change in that of singlé men. The increase is in subsistence allowance for married men living at home ,which amounts to twenty-five dollars per month. Demain has been Depot Field Training De- Gunner E. D. transferred from the Battery ta the A. M. C. pot,'M. D. No. 3. Be-' rothy rtune grandmother, but betere she Word has been received here that Lieut. W. H. Blake, R.C.E., who left here in charge of a draft of Engineers 'in February, 1915, has been award- ed the Military Cross for good work done in the battle of Amiens. Prior to going overseas Lieut. Blake was in the office of the C. R. C. E., the Armouries. resided at 180 Barrie street, and is a son of Major E. Blake, London, England, 'who has also seen service in the present war. Latest Magazines. Motion Picture, Photoplay, 'Blue Book, Ladies' Home Journal, Adven- Jture, The College Book Store. Rev. Paterson-Smyth, rector of St. 'Phillip's Church, Toronto, and son of Archdeacon Patterson-Smyth, rector of St .George's Church, Montreal, was chosen to succeed the late Archdea- con G. R. Martell as rector of Wind- sor, N.S, ; Prof. Lammasch, Austrian Premier, has heen empowered to hand over the Government, as relates to Ger- man localities, to the German-Aus- trian state council. DAILY MEMORANDUM Churches re-open Sunday. Nee top of page ree, right hand corner, for probabilities. NI DIED, BUOTTING-In Stella, Nov. 15t, 191s, Hilda Botting, daughter of George Hotting (overseas), aged 12 years. Funeral took place from mother's resi. dence, 556 Chatham street, Kingston, at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon to Cataragui Cemetery. DY ER--At Kingston General Hospital on Friday, November 1st, 1918, of pneumonia, George C. Dyer, aged 37 years The Funeral will take place from his late residence, Gardiner street, Portsmouth, at 2.30 p.m. Monday' and will be of a military nature. FRANCIS--In Kingston General Hos- pital on Nov. 1st, 1818, Gladys Dorothy Francis, aged 19 years. Funeral will take place from her late residence, 145 Ragldn Road, on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respects fully invited to attend. (Motors) JORDON--iIn General Hospital Li Nov. 1st, 1918, Thomas Albert Jardan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jordan, 40 Stanley street, aged 16 years, Funeral from the above address, Mon- day morning at 10 o'clock to Cata- raqui Cemetery. JAMES On Nov. 1st, 1918, ih Hotel ~ieu, Kingston, May Burtch, be- ioved wife of Alva I. James, aged 38 years. funeral from late residence, 5 Birch avenue, on Monday afternoon, at 4 o'dlock. (Funeral service 3.30 p.m.), to Cataraqui Cemete: Friends and acquaintances are respect. Tully invited to attéad. (Motors.) MURDAY---In London, Ont, on Nov. #nd, 1918, Mrs. A. Log Murday. HITCHEN--In Kingston on Nov. 2nd, 1918, Mary Ann, Betoved wife of Mr. Hitchen, aged - 81 Years, § : n Funeral owal lorivate), from her brother's street, to Cataraqui cemetery. CASE ~4n Kingston at the residence, Pine street, " 3% John Driver, 43 Georgell Monday afternoon at 2.301] pd love Sale TO-NIGHT! 25 dozen pairs of extra quality white cham- oisette gloves. Worth $1.00 a pair or more. $ Special To-Night 59¢ a Pai J I ®t TO-NIGHT AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE : THRIFTY WOMEN : UNDERWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY Offered at about to-day's wholesale prices. - Some even less. HTT All sizes from 53 to 74. 250 WARM WINTER VESTS AND DRAWERS F OR LARGE WOMEN Special values at 90c and $1.25 a garment. 300 WARM AND COMFORTABLE VESTS AND DRAWERS In natural and white. A bargain at $1. 00 a garment. 365 CHILDREN'S GOOD, WARM, COMFORTABLE SLEEPING SUITS Tonight from 85c¢ to $1.25 a suit. Ii Ei A Bargain in Hosiery a 200 PAIRS LADIES' WOOL CASHMERE STOCKINGS Soft and warm. In all the best British makes. Yours to-night for 75¢, $1. 00 and 31 25 a pair. john Laidlaw & Son FT = = om OO 2 E g E E i E £ E E g E 0 so 2 i : EE E E = -- E E LE E = |