12 PAGES he Daily British W YEAR 85. NO, 256 HALF A BILLION IS REQURED Lend. Buy Victory Bonds-- For one Year's Efort in th Great Wat By Canada. THE VICTORY LOAN OF 1918 FINANCE THE WAR AND KEEP THE ARMY. In Its Present State of Efficiency As Well Support all the War Indus. tries at Home. With a war expenditure of a mil- lion dollars a day Canada faces the coming twelve months with the great- est confidence that the people are united in their determination to see the thing to a successful conclusion. This war expenditure means $360. 000,000 paid out for the actual prose- eution of the war in the field, on the payment and upkeep of our immense army. But there is moré than that to take care of. In the past the Gov- ernment has had to make provision for the marketing of the graid crop, the output of the dairies, the building of ships and the making of munitions for the armies of our al- lies. Some of these activities are good paying business propositions and the money we spend now will be repaid, but the Government must have sufficient funds at its disposal to en- able it tc make advances covering tha operations of several huge indus- tries. WiLL Just One Year's Cost. The forthcoming Victory Loan will finance the Government during the coming year. It will total $500,000, 000 If the expectations of the Finance Minirter are realized, and every cent will be needed to carry on the war as we have been carrying it on, that Is, to the limit of oui resources. The war has cost Canada to date about a nition dollars, Jt is mounting daily, as our forces increase and as the cas- ualty lists grow. The first six months of the year were comparatively quiet on the Canadian Front, but since ne ™ _ FEVERISH CHILD If Little Stomach ¥s Sour, Liver Tor- SEL pid or Bowels Mothers can rest easy after giv- ing "California Syrup of Figs," be- cause in a few hours all the clogged; up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Children simply = will not} take the time from: play to empty ~ their bowels, and they become tight- ly packed, liver gets sluggish and stomach disordered. When cross, feverish, restless, see #f tongue is coated, then give this delicious "fruit laxative." Children love it, and it can not cause injury. No difference what ails your hella one--if full of cold, or a sore throat, diarrhoea, stomachache, bad breath, . remember, a gentle "inside' cleans- ing" should always be the first treat- ment given. Full directions for ba- bies, children of all ages and growin. ups are printed on each bottle, ware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look carefully and see that #t is made by the "Califeinit Fig Syrup Company." We make no smaller size. Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup, -- | Foch struck, our gallant men have | seen much hard fighting. Large | numbers have fallen gwelling the to-| tal of killed in battle to about 33,000 and the total casualties fo about 200,000. This is the record -of valor of our Canadian troops. It repre- sents a sacrifice, compared with which the subscribing of a Loan of the dimensions mentioned by the peo-| ple at home, on terms that would ap-| peal to any ordinary business man as | excellent Is no sacrifice at all. In asking for half a billion dollars the Government gives out some fig- ures which show where the money thus far loaned has gone to. What has become of the billion dollars ex- pended up to date? Up to the mid- dle of 1918 we had expended on pay and allowances for the army $541, 704,000. This includes subsistence, «hilleting, rations, and assigned pay. For the maintenance of the troops in France there was another $114,366,- 000. Separation allowance claimed | $71,436,000; clothing $35,449,000, while the bill for boots and repairs amounted to $10,600,000. For ocean transport the amount expended was $16,000,000 and for land transport $17,000,000. Stores, which include furniture, bedding, utensils account for $14,000,000, Motor trucks, am- bulances and other vehicles have cost us $9,600,000 and mounts have cost us $8,591,000 Over $4,700,000 has been paid for machine guns; $5,- 500,000 for kit bags and necessaries and the same amount for outfit al- lowances. These items alone bring the total up to $§814,000,000. A Comparison. Our monthly war bill is more than we spent for all purposes during the whole of 1878. This year's war bill will be equal to Canada's total ex- penditure from 1868 to 1880 inclu- sive, In the first three months of this-year the charges on war account almost equalled the total revenue of 1911. This is a heavy burden, but think what is at stake. Five hundred millions is the price of Victory this year. It is a small thing compared with some of the burdens of our Allies. HELD FOR EXAMINATION. In Connection With The Brooklyn Rapid Transit Wreck. New York, Nov. 4.--In connection with the Brooklyn Rapid = Transit wreck, when oné hundred people were killed, William Lewis, train des- patcher, presséd into service as a mo- torman, and Samuel Russoff, guard on the train, were arraigned in po- lice court Saturday on charge of homicide and were held for examin- ation on Thursday. The magistrate refused to grant the request made by defendants be admitted to bail. Lewis told Mayor Hylan and the Dis- trict attormey that he went to work at 6 o'clock Friday morning as train despatcher and that at 4.30 in the afternoon he was assigned as motor- man on the Brighton Beach line. CRUISER GOEBEN FLED, Enver Pasha and Talaat Have Gone Into Hiding London, Nov. 4.--It is comn- Jjectured that the Goeben has taken flight for Odessa. Enver Pasha's 'whereabouts are - un- known. Talaat is understood to have gone into hiding... The Young Turk leaders, whose agréement to the pro- posed surrender was obtained before General Townshend was sent to Mu- dros, did not throw up the sponge without a struggle, but some knowl- edge of the preparations which have been afoot for some time past to deal with an obdurate Turkey doubt- less weakened their resolution. U0. BILL IN EGYPT. Niobe Sailor Unearths 101-Year-old Document at Alexandria. Melbourne Patience, 27 Wroxe- ter avenue, Toronto, a collector of coins, has come into possession of one of the old Bauk of Upper Canada $10 bills dated at Kingston, March 29th, 1819. Sergt. A. Williams, of the Royal Marines, a sailor aboard the Niobe ran across the bill while convalescing In Alexandria, Egypt, after wounds received at the Dardanelles. -Know- ing that Mr. Patience was a collector he gave .it to. him on his return to Canada about eighteem months ago. ; {There are nine candiates Tor: mayoralty of Toronto this year. il an attorney for the B.R.T. that the! KINGSTON. ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4; 191@ © PAGESS.12 big - ------------------ ; SECOND SECTION en rem eiy - HOME NEWS £8 IVICTORY LOAN § {OVERSUBSCRIBEDEE 1.500.000 &W CANADIANS oe {BUY VICTORY BONS FEA Who is it in France you are most interested in--a husband, a brother, a son, a friend you long to see again? Picture this 'boy, trudging, tired and sleepy, back from the trenches. He sees posted up at an army hut a notice of the overwhelming success of the Victory Loan 1918. that - He sees the notice posted tha more Canadians bought Victory Bonds than in any previous loan, that money to carry on the fight is assured. He sees that his self-sacrifice, his courage and self-denial are appreciated, that mighty battalions of Canadian money are marching to reinforce him. Can't you see his tired face brighten? : Can't you see him hitch his pack and shift his gun with renewed resolve? What a mental bracer this bulle- --tin-will-be to the Army-of Brave Souls He who fight that we may be free? et me . If Canada-at-home will keep con- stantly before it the picture of Canada- in-France, then every previous record of investment in Canada will be shatter- "ed by the message we will send to our army when the Victory Loan 1918 18 closed. Buy all you can for cash and carry all you can on instalments. . Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee, ion with the Mini of Fi $ "of the Dominion of Canada. ATAX is he rich? ' not. He 't com: plain much « "the in ' tax. very