4 yo PAGE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 1918. th kb In the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting Fea ; Constipation INDIGESTION: AND CONSTIPATION Quickly Relieved By "Fruit-a-tives" tocuox, P,Q. 1 suffered for many yewrs with terrible Indigestionand Constipatiop. A neighbor advised me to try "Fyuit-a-tives, 1 did so and to the surprise of my doctor, I began to improve and he advised nie to go on with "Foruita-lives'. 1 consider that I owe my life to "Fruit-a-tives" and I want to say to those who suffer from Indigestion, or Headaches ~-- try "Fruit-a-tives" and yon will get well", CORINE GAUDREAU, 0c. a hox, 6 for $2.50, trial size 20e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Aa A a gt NN THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting snyfhing dove in the carpen< tery Hane. Estimates given on all Kinds of repuirs and new work; aise hurde wood floors of al Kinds. All orders will recelvessprompi attention. Shop 10 Gunes sirret, A ---------------- A AAA NE ERR TER FOR HEALTHIER PRETTIER HAIR i PARMELEE'S VEGETABLE PILLS THIS WOMAN . SAVED ARON AN OPERATION taking Lydia B. Pialdum's Vigra Compond Gre of Such Black Palls, Wis. --*"As L, E. 's Vegetable compound th doctors in Eau Claire and they Lydia E. Piok eo mle Compo cured me so I id need the Speration, and l am n tolling ee about it"--Mrs. . BiNZER, Black River Falls, Wis. such experiences ds that of k Sir that has uae this famous root oe erb remedy a household word acean to ocean. Any woman who ars ott inflammation, ulceration, che nor vousn bach Bh tues" shoul t or) 'or glven ® a rial, advice write Loud ed Vow jliflian Diack, who is seriously ill : with typhoid fever. "The Wite" By Jane Phelps CHAPTER. LXXVIL Brian had fushed when Roberts had 'asked him where the business college was situated. Had hie not, Kenyon would have thought nothing of it, as the locality was one in which such a school might well be located But that sudden flush and embarrassed look, though gone in a moment; told a story to the astute young lawyer They had a really gay time while eating the rarebit, and Ruth-felt sure she was going to be very happy again, no wthat she was at home. Once more she thought: "1 will ask Mr. Mandel not to send me away oftener tha nis ahsolutely necessary; and not for so k y time." She would meet Brian more than half way in trying to be together all they eould. When they were preparing for bed, Kenyon Roberts said to his wife: | wonder what Hackett is up to!" "Why --what do vou wiean?" Nothing much perhaps it is my notion, and 1 should say nothing about it even to-you But when you and Ruth were making the rarebit I asked him where the school of typ- ing was located, and he said "Down near the Square," and flushed pecu- Harly The queer part of it is that I have sean him several times lately while Ruth was away---going. in that direction with his arms full of paper bundles Looked like grocer ies "Nonsense! what would he be car rying groceries down there for?" "I'm sure | don't know! but I hope he isn't carrying on an affair with one of those Village girls nice & woman to be up against thing like that AE Sm SAINI WI Kenyon any Ruth is 100 {up as | naye Ruth You remember that Mollie King we met that night we called on the Cartis'? =X why! . I, J inet Mrs. Cartis the other day She is pretty much of a gos- sip, and she told men that Miss King and Brian used to be 'thick as thieves Perhaps he goes there. She lives down there near the Square." "1 hope not! although I recall be- mg favorably impressed with Miss King She seemed a good sort.' "I liked her too! Mrs. Curtis said every one always liked her; and that her friends were astonished when Brian married Ruth He had been going with Mollie. so long, they thought he was going to marry her." Too bad Ruth has to be away from him so much." Kenyon vawn- ed "We men don't like to come home to a womanless home, yon know.' . "All men aren't like you," Clara answered, then they both forgot Brian and Ruth, in planning some thing for themselves "Well, Brian, how.did you get] along?" Ruth asked after their guests had left "Pretty well! with my hands. big." "Have "Pretty fair, I'm a little clumsy Guess they are too : you a good teacher? I guess.' Had Ruth been looking, she would have seen hid flush as he had when Kenyon Roberts had questioned him "Mgn or woman?" Ruth was 6hrashing ber hair and did not look he put the guery A woman! what pretty hair £ adroitly Brian changed . TALKING ~~ With Lorna Moon IT OVER | Such a hustling dnd a packing up suddenly there has been this week. The two sisters on the next floor who did dress-making suddenly sent all their clients notice to come for their silks and velvets and jersey cloth, for they will sew no more for any- one until the war is over. They are off to France as canteen workers. Away they went this morning in trig workmanlike not at ald Frenchy that used to bear their name. And it seems that just about every other girl has gone, or i for form of war work. You miss a famil- @ iar face, and when you inguire--this is the answer "Oh, gone. - Left for France. Gone as a ielephone operator. She was part French you know and could speak both languages." she's 1 got a letter to-day which read "of course, you will be surprised out of More Power To Their Elbows. 1 year's growth to hear that I have been accepted in the Ambulance Corps and leave for overseas any mo- ment now. I am just waiting for or- dors."" I would have been surprised out of a year's growth, if I hadn't stopped growing long ago; for I :an't visualize the writer of that note as an ambulance driver. Last time I had breakfast with her (at ten o'- clock), she came down stairs .in a blue and pink breakfast gown and a | ravishing cap of cobwebby lace and asked me, stifling a yawn apologeti- cally, if I always got up at that un- earthly hour! I'm wondering how on earth--no I'm not, I'm not wondering about anything any more. I just know that fragile little wisps of girls can hoe potatoes and turnips for weeks and get rosy and healthy while doing it. And 1 know that pampered society belles can do canteen work, getting up at five and working all hours, and get as husky as a farmer at the game. 1 know that there isn't any limit to whal women can do when they put there whole hearts into the work they are doing. And their hearts are in it, bless them, all -of them, canteen workers, nurses, am- bulance drivers and farmereties, More power to their elbows! Pr LETTERS TO POSTMASTER. One Was From a Major Since Kill- ed. Postmaster James Stewart on Saturday received a letter from Lt.- Col."J. C. Stewart, dated October 4th, It was written while "Col. Stewart was still in France, and it stated that he was at that time undergoing all the discomforts of life in the tren- ches. He had for some days been living in shell-holes, and had been finding it a hard task fighting those pesky little insects which are insep- erable from life fn the trenches. * Postmaster Stewart also received a letter from Major Huntley Mae- pherson, who has since been killed in action. This letter was written six days before his death. In it Major MacPherson stated that he had visit- ed the grave of the late Capt. Rogie Stewart, son of the postmaster. Tho grave is on ground that was cap- tured by the Germans during their advance in the strong, but wag, re- captured by the Allies: It had it Leen molested during the Gérnan oc- capation, bat was in good condition To Be With Niece. Miss Mary Douglas has come from New York to be with her niece, Miss Facts for Health Seekers 7 To Ponder Over Nearly every disease can be traced to clogged or inactive stomachs, liv- ers or intestines. Indigestion, bilious~ ness, headaches and insomnia all em- anate from this cause. Keep these organs in working order and you'll have continuous good health. No case was ever treated with Dr. Ham- ilton's pills and not cured; their re- cord is ome of marvelous success. Dr. Hamilton's Piils are very mild, wt they cleanse the bowels prompt- ly and establish healthy regularity. You'll eat plenty, digest well, sleep soundly, feel like new after using Dr. Hamilton's Pills--one & dose-- 25¢. a box everywhere. Be sire you get the gennine Dr. Hamilton's Pills. in a yellow box always. i, Missing Report Cancelled. Archibald Hall enlisted at for overseas service hs the 59th Battalion at Barriefield camp and Brockville. He went overseas when that unit left in April, 1916. In the casualty lst of October 24th he was reported missing, believed wounded. in the list published on Saturday he was reported wounded and the report that he is missing is Pte; Pte. Hall's friends in the lieved to receive this MRS. CURTIS COSSIPS WITH CLARA ROBERTS ABOUT BRIAN. the subject "Do you think so? compliment "Of course 1 do! didgyou have a good game to-night?" "Very! Clara won, how pleased she is win." / "Roberts tell you any news? Has he any more mew clients?" Brian unconscionsly was a bit jealous of Kenvonr. Roberts, vet he liked him "No--but he thought it fine you were studying typing,' again Ruth veered around to the subject, "he said he had taught himself, but that he did not type gorrectly, although he made Hooking letters and briefs.' 1 am ldarning the touch system," "He said he wished he had! that it was the thing to do." Again Brian changed the subject. He never had fold ap out and out lie pleased at the and you know when she does you ! "| elaim, to "Ruth, he didn't want to; really had no intention of doing so. Should she ask him. he 'would frankly tell her that Mollie King was his teacher, [bu he would prevent the asking if he could Surely there was nothing wrong in that!--so hé reasoned And Brian really meant no wrong. He had been lonely because Ruth left him; and had taken means to dissipate that loneliness. If Ruth remained at home, he would ' never leave her after he finished learning to do his own'typing. When he figured this way, he nev- er gave a thought to the comforts Ruth's salary made possible Com=- forts he would now miss almost as J mu h as would she, Tormorrow----Arthur Mandel Knows Ahaut Brian's Evenings with Mollie. A a in A LATE SEN ATOR RICHARDSON An Appreciation of Him By a Brock- ville Paper. Brockville Reécorder and Times He was "Harry" after his appoint- ment to the senate, just as he was hefore that honor came to him. Speaking to the R. and .T. shortly after going to Ottawa, the senator remarked: "I did not ask for this job and if I had known it was like this blest if I would have ageepted it." Full of steam himself, and with a bit of a punch in business affairs, he felt as if much valuable time were being wasted. As he put it, there were too many adjournments 'in the Upper House and too little business. There is this in that contention, that if the senate instead of waiting for business from the Commons, would use its prerogative in initiating legis- lation, its members might be kept very busy. Later he became some- | what reconciled to the situation, but it never really suited him. He made at least one lmportant contribution to the debates, and in committees startled the senators with new, in- dependent and almost radical sug- gestions. No frills adorned the char- acter of Senator Richardson and no airs were ever assumed, but he was real all the way through, and tried in 'his short public career to act upon the same business principles that brought success in such a marked de- gree to his private enterprises. Those who had commercial rela- tions with him admired his ability and candor, and though he never gushed his friendship. rang as true as his business instinct was keen. King- ston and the country lost a good man when Harry Richardson went. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. The Provincial Government to Pro- tect Subscribers, The Ontario Government makes two announcements of great import- ance in connection with the question of provincial and municipal taxation of Victory Bonds. It will be recalled that in the case of a subscription made last year by the Massey-Hapris Company the To- ronto assessment department took the view that the company was sub- ject to taxation on the whole amount of the subscription regardless of the fact that this subscription was subse- quently reduced and the company's actual income was correspondingly reduced. Tegal action being taken the city's position was sustained. In future ithe Provincial Government proposes to protect the subscriber in such cases. The other announcement is of par- ticular interest to large investors in Victory Bonds outside the province of Ontario; the point having been raised that Ottawa being located in this province and all Dominion of Canada bonds having technical do- 'mfcile at Ottawa, all Victory Bonds would, therefore, be subject to the succession's duty set on the death of the owner, the Ontario Gov- ernment makes it clear thay it has no intention of setting up any such Canadian Casualties. - Died of Wounds--@G. Barnes, | Brockville; M. Mosre, Portsmouth. A. Shields, Rehfrew. Cancel Report Missing --A. Hatt, sing Robertson, Iroquois. Brockville. of war--C. Merkiey, Ches- Anticipate Some of Those Petty Pleasures - BY USING THE MONEY ~¥ow TO BUY THE GREATEST SATISFACTION MONEY ean BUY A CLEAR CONSCIENCE Nothing can ever excuse you if you fal to use your resources to the limit to support the cause of Justice at this time. BUY VICTORY BONDS SPACE DONATED BY THE SALADA TEA CO. A A 8tas A, A AAA AA NAA NAN SU For Something Refreshing Ask For St. Lawrence Ale & Porter Ring Phone 645 For a Case. A. TYO, 473 Princess Street i Kingston SIE AACE A ENE ef i Pl NEN - STE ZA WE ARE NOW SHOWING OUR NEW vill other information, | LODAL BRANCH ne ET kE. IN EFFECT SEPT, 20TH, 1918, ---- Trains will leave and arvive at -Olty sation, Foot of Johnson Street, Golng West, + Lye. City Arr. city No. 19 Mall ,, ., ..2220am. 13.87 No. 13 Express . .. fafam, ard No. 27 Local $4bam, 1 No. 1 Intern'i Ld. 1 16 p.m, No. 7 Mail 3.10 pm. 3 ' Going East. No.18 Mai} . ., ...1. No. 16 Express No. ¢ Mail .. .. .. No, 14 Intern'l Ltd. 1.156 pm... 8 No, 28 Local . .... 6.48 pm Nos. 1, 13, 14, 18, 18, 18 run daly, Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Terontu, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit. Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Parti and, 8t. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman accommodation, tickets and apply to J. P, Agency for all ocean Hanley, Agent. steamship Jines. Open day and nigh night. . A = | COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice ! Coal Sales will be for " Cash Only BOOTH & CO. Phone 133 A COKE ORDERS ONLY TAKEN The James Sowards Coal Co. Phone 155. RANGE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES FOR FALL 8 WINTER WEAR Men's Shoes priced at ..$4.00 to $10.00 Women's Shoes priced at 4.50 to 15.00 Boys' Shoes priced at . 3.00 to 6.00 Misses' Shoes priced at... 3.00 to 5.00 Children's Shoes priced at 1,00 to 3.50 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY JH. Sutherland & Bro. "Ranks with the Stroagest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Fren Office. Shove! Lagu Insurance Bidg PERCY J. QUINN, ager, Branch. T W. H. GODWIN & SONS Hn RR RE Customers 20 awsy ally ads vertising our businoss. 188 Princess Bt. BEN LEN, Mgr, Canada Food Board Licesse No 8.1237 (offers you milk ar will keep fresh for ~weeks, milk you can always have handy, +, when you need it. - He offers you mi k | 'that is always the same in quality-- ' rich, pure, sweet ilk scaled safe from contamination, He has done away with worry, bother waste; he has solved your milk problem! oh Camation Milk "from centented cows" contains all the rich butter fat pe and food value of rich "whole milk' --and nothing more. 1t is evaporated to the consistency of "No arti- for cream for ¢ making Gu or vi or vegetables. it will keep fresh for several days, even when the can is opengd, Carnation Milk takes the , place of cream and milk "in your home. You kan pe it thing. As & delicious nt ee. For cooking, candies, creaming For fruit Diluted, aa drink for 0 children. poi fresh---always pare. Try three or Tour Carnation Milk. week's supply * of Lue J fe SET iadbifady io your ome Be _