THE DAIL DAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918. | a Y BRITISH WHIG, TUES J » In-the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting Features { 1 i | age { dol 1, from England | bas a new and delicious flavour, obtained by blend. ing the choicest oriental fruits and spices with Pure Malt Vinegar, wi . Wouldn't it i be worth 4 RS | while ¢ a EVES LIT TBR SH, bottle right ' 1) it | jing them dent that gir) out ¢ "The ARTHUR M Ke \amiy towar any not I» Kenvon had 3 Was fak ndel had { through an areel wh Ruth was itu the locality of office. He saw him thinki » would like to be were taking a followed him for a block He saw him lop and buy fruit and then go into butcher shop and come out with a brown paper parcel Ta Mandel's amazement he walked directly to one of the shabby houses near the Square It atl « AWaS Brian's ont, and Kno if come yO tand disappeared, For Women's Ailments | } Dr. Martel's Female Pills have been ordered hy physicians and sold by reliable Druggists everywhere for over 4 quarter of a century, don't aceept a Substitute. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anyiblag done in the carpen- "tery line. Esfimptes given on all kinds | A ae i Pt of repairs sud wew Work; also bhard-|' All orders Shop wood floors of al Kinds, will recelve prompt sitentiou. 10 Queen street, -- FOR AMERIOAN ARMIES. England Is to Make Over 3,000,000 $ Garments, Washington, Nov. §,--Contracts have been placed with the British Government for the manufacture of 1,800,000 pair of trousers and 1,400,- 000 coats for the American Expedi- tionary Forces, acting Quartermaster eneral Wood announced yesterday. t the same time supplementary or- ders 'were placed for 1,000,000 yards of cloth to be used in the manufac- ture of officers' uniforms. General Wood denied réports that these con- tracts have had the effect of curtail- ing th nufgeture in England of cloth for civilian use, alent ne. Quebec Postmaster Dies. Quebec, Nov. 4.--Arthur J. ur. cotte, postmaster of Quebge, died here at the age of sixtyseighl years, He was appointed postmaster in 1915 hy the late Hon, T. Charles Casgrain, then sr-Gleneral, Je United Farmers will make their next fight in North Ontario for the seat in the legislature made va- cant by the recent death of Wilan H. Hoyle, M.P.P: J ; ! The people of Valenciennes gave the Canadians a great reception when . they entered the city after the re- treating ns, Hon. Robert Rogers may lead the | provincial opposition at the next eioction against the Norris Govern- ment in (Manitoba. If you draw the line of morality for others sea that you follow it yoursell. I was With a slow whistle pursing his Mandel turned and went about hat joyfully Surely soon find .out that Bria: unfaithful He of course cre- diting Brian with doing far more than he had; and of he fn love with Mollie, and not with Ruth Arthur Mandel, with his disposi- tion, could not conceive of caring for a woman Hke Ruth, and yet being tempted to hurt her because of lone- liness, or because of a' liking he might feel for a woman so much her opposite as was Mollie King He was not the sort of man who carried tales; yet he sorely longed for Ruth to know what he suspected as truth. The longer she was with husine uth must i i EN - {make the slightest advance would be 1 e" By Jane Phelps MOLLIE. more he saw of her, the ve he had become. It seem- that he could not live with- ie must belong to him. {Yet instinctively he knew that to altogether from the store, did she so mistrust his feeling, he knew wa probability. +Yet day fatter day it became harder to hide the love he had for her, the desire to tryeand her return It, "1 know I could make her care if T eould try," he wonld often mat- ter to himself. Yet he dared not try. Ituth had no slightest idea that she was more to her employer than any of the other clerks, except as her work made her perhaps a more val- unable asset to the firm. She gave herself whole-heartedly to her work, never slighting anything, never ask- ing favors, or presuming in any way she had found she was nee- ry. Arthur Mandel was not un- re of this and he thought the more of her beeause of it. "There never was another like | her," he sald, one day, after she left gome finished plans for him to con sider "What is that fool husband of hers thinking of to neglect such' a woman?" That Brian did not call it neglect, that he felt perfectly justified be- canse of what he considered neglect of him, would have surprised Man- del Had he known that Ruth paid most of the expenses of the living, so re iN lose he j mu h as Even to jso her lose make because TALKING ~~~ With Lorna Moon -------- IT OVER Fellow Feeling and a Fruit Stand. 1 took him quite for granted---his high power car, his wonderfully equipped offices, and his row of wait- ing clients. I wrote him down men- tally, as a dentist who had met with success; in the back of my mind there was an idea, that some one had left him a lot of monéy, making the road to success for him no rougher than a joy riding boulevard. be A One day he call- ed to take me out to his home for dinner: As he got mto his seat be- if hind the wheel he ft remarked "rn § have to drive a little bit out of our way. They § need some fruit at home, and they dd told me to bring it { with me." a "No... need to ¢o B80 out of your = way," 1 assured : him," there is a fridit store on the next corner." "Yes, I know. But there is a kid in business for himself four streets over. I want to buy from him." "YA friend," I asked, just mildly ~ ANDEL KNOWS ABOUT BRIAN'S EVENINGS WITH el that Brian would feel he could use his money for what he liked, would have surprised him still more. : ftuth 'had paid the rent ever since they took the new and larger apart- ment. She had paid it in advance, fand then as it came due had stopped on her way home and paid the agent. She explained to Brian that, as she had to go right by his office, it would he foolish for him (Brian) to make a trip up there purposely to pay it. After the second month it had not heen mentioned; hut Ruth went right on paying. She also paid Rachel. Brian looked over the gro- cery and meat bHl4, and paid these as well ax the gas and electric light. But often Rath brought in a roast or a chicken, fruit, ete, so the bills were small. She was determined that Brian shonld not feel embarrassed because he had no money in his poe- kets. Had she known that almost every cent outside of that expended on the home, his smoking and car- fare, was spent with Mollie King, or jin some way to he with her, she might not have been so 'generous in her impulses. . Brian had gone regularly twice a week for his lessons, Tuesday and Friday. He came home punctually at ahout ten-thirty, and aside from asking how ge was getting glong, had not again been questioned. But Mollie had one night remarked that it was a pity to go way up-tewn and then back again. Brian decided that it was a pity, and also unnecessary. He would stay down te dinner, and then go home earlier. Ie mentioned the Ruth. ; "I ean get an snack, Ruth, then have my lesson early and get home subject to fat nine instead of after ten." uth had aequiesced, as she usu- {ally did In anything Brian proposed jthit would make him morescomfort- abla. Someway, she happened to men- tion the next Tuesday night that there was no need of hurrying away Mandel had told her she needn't interested, as I snuggled back inte the comfortable seat. | i "No---1 don't know him--but I'm! always interested to help a kid who! Starts out for himself---especially in| the fruit business. I was in that busi-! ness myself dt fourteen--it's. fellow feeling I guess-----fact,"" he asserted, answering my look of astonishment. | "And before that I was a boot black, ! and before that a mewsey. I started! in the fruit business one fair week, | I. 'had a stand on the fair gorunds and! I slept under it at night. I got my/| first tifty dollars worth of fruit for] twenty dollars down, and the baldhce to be paid at noon--I sold pop and sandwiches as well, before the end of the week, and when I counted my profits 1 had cleared over five hun- dred dollars. J went into partner. ship with a Greek. After that I work- ed days and went to night school. Later T put myself through as a den- tist--it is quite a tough pull doing it that way--that's why I feel for this kid." We had arrived at the little shop and he went in to make his purchases, leaving me to marvel the apparéntly prosaic story of busi- 7 A "i I c . This pleasin ric + pat Delicious Drink For Any Meal. When for any reason you ~ change your table-drink it is an éxcellent idea to try being agree the a ( hot cup : ] ee- tke flavor and i Ness success. has a inces suchas ar YC i : bs 5 A stay although there was important | work to do---because she was alone. He at once seized upom the fact and <ad her to dine with him. If you will, 1 shall accept your offer to remain until seven. If not, I can't allow you .to do so," he had said so kindly that Ruth had agreed to take dinner with him after they had finished the work in hand, To Be Continued. AWFUL DEATH TOLL IN SOUTH AFRICA Thousands oi Victims Have Been Claimed by the Span= . ish Influenza. ------ Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. &. --3ome idea of the magnitude of the influenza scourge can be gained from the fact that almost-every village has sustaindd losses. Besides 7,500 vic- tims in Cape Town, 4,500 in Kimber 1,000 in Pretoria, 600 each in Johan- nesburg and Stellenbosche, Durban at the romance which often underlies' escaped with only forty-seven deaths. Naturally it was the colored popuia- tion that suffered most, but latterly many whites succumbed to septic pruenmonia. Deaths among the British official and military community in South- West Africa to date have been 125. Up to the present time it has been impossible to estimate the death roll in native territories. The outstanding feature of the opl- demic has been the success of the in- fluenga vaccine from the Government bacteriological laboratories. This has | proved to be a wonderful preventive and safeguard against pneumonia, while some doctors achieved remark- ably satisfactory results from inoeca- lation during illness. BROTHERS IN ARMS. From Italy, sweet land of song, Which gave us many a golden voice That spellbound held dhe Mstening throng And made cach hearer's heart re- Jolce, There comes to-day o'r land and wed ' A soldier baud in brave attire To charm us with sweet melody And thrill our souls with martial fire, These shall envision us a land hore 8 » From Lofty Alps to southern strand, Strong in her passion to restore i! Her. ¢itios set amid the hills, "Her ravished ports upon the main, | To end their tale of cruel ills And take them again. Our sons with hers fight side by side, : That ail earth's peoples may be on dod eee Ld ree, oe And so shall strive wail ule fide Bears us fo floal 2 : Therefore to you, who bring to-day monious greetings, he it 'to her breast ley, the kpown deaths to-day total} Ong with our own from shore to That though our skies be cold ana |. - _ It takes a joint of beef to make a bottle of Bovril Bovril contains the goodness of the beef, HE vital elements that give beef its special place and value as arfood are concentrated and stored in Bovril, Just as the equivalent light of 32 candles is con- centrated in one electric lamp, so the vital elements of beef--of many pounds of beef--are concentrated in a single bottle of Bovril. But Bovril is not merely a precious food. in itself ; it possesses the peculiar power of enabling you to extract more ro irishment from other foods. This gives Bovril its wonderful body-building power, proved by independent experiment to be from 10 to 20 times the-amount taken. Bovril, therefore, in the true sense of the word, is a Great Food Saver. Always keep Bovril in the house, Bovril stands alone Canada Food Board, Licence No. 13-442; £ A i ANANSI INNA NAINA NN A At ett tM A tt NS lt pg rage | (Nn the outskirts of the city-- \_/" in a meadow--where the sun shines brightly, the birds sing and the' air is pure and fresh--there stands a great snow-white palace--~the home of McCormick's Bis- cuits--the finest biscuit plant in America. With our unsurpassed facilities it is natural to expect McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas to be the finest in the land. ' cf * . Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages. : ® Jersey ( Lr TE eR 5 Factory at LONDON, Caads, . Branches at Montreal, Ottaws, Hamilton, "Kingston. Winnipes, Calgary, Port Arthas St. Joba oo o% Consda Food Board Licenses 11-003, 14-166