ea THE DAILY BRiTISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1918. tpt snes THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO We advise the purchase of Canada's Victory Bonds as a safe and profitable investment in addition to being a help #0 your country. Any Branch ofthis Bank will take your subscription without charge. TON. BRANCH, Manage, 036 G J. F. ROWLAND, - --~-- nr VICTORY BONDS An Investment Recommended By Every Bank In Canada The only real difference between twenty $5 Government bills and a $100 Victory Bond is, that the Victory Bond pays 5% % interest. The security is exactly the same. Behind both bills and bond are the total resources of'the Dominion. Leaving all sentimentiaside, it would be impossible to find 8 more desirable investment than the new THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office; Montreal. OF CANADA. [Established 1864, : KINGSTON BRANCH, - - Manager. H. A. TOFIELD, HISAR Wh STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! (You can heat, you can bake, you can heat water and do it most economically Pp with the Favorite Tortoise combination cooking and heating stove. It has a four-hole top, good sized oven, revolving grates or without grates, as desired. Large detachable reservoir or hot water brick to connect to a water system for heating water for the bath, etc. Remember we are agents for Findlay Bros. stoves, ranges. and furnaces and have a style for every fancy. Stevenson & Hunter 85-87 'Princess Street. Phone 53 | From The | Countryside ; ------ BONGARD'S, Nov. 8.-~Quarterly sacrament ser- vice was held here on Sunday. The official board will meet Monday, Nov. 18th. Mrs. D. Winters, of Picton, visited in this vicinity last week. Mrs. C. Price spent a day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. MeCornock, C. Burr, Bloomfield, will occupy the pul- pit in the Methodist church here on Sunday next in the interest of foreign missions. At the ladies' meeting held on Thursday Mrs. (Rev.) Ireland was elected president for the next six months, and Mrs. F. Eaton vice- president, Miss Ethel Hicks is ill with pleurisy, following influenza. JUNETOWN. Nov. 7.--Herbert Scott and Ross Purvis were in Brockville on Thurs- day. Most of the 'flu patients are quite recovered. Miss Mary Avery has returned .to Kingston as nurse- in-training, after spending a few weeks with her parents here, Miss Agnes Price spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Evalena Price, Mal- lorytown. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Charlton spent Thursday with friends at Lyn. Mr, and Mrs. Claud Purvis have taken possession of their new home. Mr. and Mrs. William Flood land family spent Wednesday in Ath- || ens. Osborne Shaver, Brockville, vis- ited this week at W. H. Franklin's, ft : Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for few cents Squeeze the juice of twc lemons {nto a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best bleaching and skin whitening lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweet- ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, BBs Brel || arms and hands each day and see how tan, redness, sallowness, sunburn and windburn disappear and how clear, il] sort and rosy white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. Mind YO BUG darts at your eye. Your eye clo- ses--be coming!" time and effort in numberless ways, brain clear for the real problem. Habit, for example, sets the hour when the delicate ots of your di- combine in a supreme reflex action to move your bowels, Nujol. cultivates that habit. If they move Elarly all you know is that yon If they don't mov larly, no iu habit Bas failed, hr - 3 e food waste stagnates in your large intestine, decays, generates poi: sons, which ar ry into your nd vateic over your body. tines, on Nujol. stitutes, CO. (NEW ur eye! fore you think. Reflex action. our eye telegraphs to your brain "Bug Your brain flashes back "Close up!" You aren't conscious of the exchange of messages--but your eyelids close. Force of habit protects you. Habit and reflex action save and keep your ! sistance to the clogging of the intss- Don't wait natil you're "sick" to start, Nujol night and morning will give you a reflex action a: 'regn- lar 33 Slack wark. your inside cleanliness as are of a clean face and clean tecthr Pills, tivemineral waters, salt; "= ' castor ead other cithartics, weak a and cause strain. They increase co stipation. Nujol acts easily, hare lessly, naturally. Your druggist has it Warning N is ly in Dearing the Nujol Trade sag. brit You may suffer from sub. Send for Instructive Booklet CHARLES GYDE & SON P. O. Box 875, Monfreal SELLING AGENTS FOR Laboratories ~~ Be as proud of 'Had Hacking Cough Couldn't Sleep Nights Hacking coughs are very wearing on the system. The constant cough- ing disturbs the rest, and keeps the dungs and bronchial tubes in an ir- ritated and inflamed condition. Don't neglect the hacking cough. You can get rid of \t with a few doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; the most prempt, pleasant and perfect cough remedy known. Miss Catherine M. McLean, Craik, Sask., writes: -- "Last winter I caught a heavy cold and was laid up for some time. I had (such a hacking cough I couldn't sleep at night. 1 didn't think I would get over it. One day a friend dropped in to see me and was surprised to see how bad my cough was. She advised me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine, Syrup. The next day I sent for a bottle, and 1 soon got relief, and by the time I had taken two bottles, my cough was all gone, and now [I am able to do my work again. T don't think there is anything to equal it." "pine" pre- on. the market trying to the reputation of Dr Wood's." The genuine is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, price 26¢ and 50c. a bottle Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Richard Ferguson has quite re- covered from her recent illness. Wes- ley Hodge is assisting William Hall for a few weeks. Miss Cassie Ten- nant has returned to Brockville, ar- ter spending a few days at home here. Mrs. Martha Mogre continues quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Tennant spent Tuesday in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Marshall, Graham- ton, were at Elmer White's on Sun- day. School re-opened here on Tues- day last. Omer Buell canvassed this section in the interests of the Vie- tory Loan. Herbert Scott is at Gan- anoque to-day. J. S. Purvis was quite badly injured while drawing milk to the factory this morning. Mrs. S. Booth, Lillie's, is opening her music class here again to-day, after being closed some weeks on account of flu. There planty of parations live on are | Lennox and Addington] STELLA. Nov. 6.--The influenza epidemic which broke out here last week, has been going the rounds of several families. Hilda Botting, little daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Botting ¥ Kingston, while on a visit with her mother at her grandparents', Mr. and Mrs.Caleb Tugwell, South Shore, suc- cumbed to the disease on Friday last. | The remains 'were {transferred to «+ Kingston on Saturday for burial. The steamer Wolfe Islander's trip to the Island on Monday last was cancelled. The schools have all been closed for the past week, also the churches, by orders of the Board of Health. L. R. Neilson is out canvassing for the Victory Loan. SELBY, Nov, 6.--A number have been laid up with influenza. School opened here last week. The Red Cross workers met on Tuesday and packed Christmas boxes for the boys over- seas. J. Wood left last 'week on a hunting trip. The ¢ouncil is erect- ing a néw shed for the Town Hall. The young people are busy practis- Jvice will be held Thursday at the ing for their play. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. Gonu and family, at F. L. Amey's; Mr. and Mrs. G. McFarlin at C. Arnold's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mec- Leod, at D. Dennison's; Miss Bea- trice Reid, at Mrs, Innes'; Mr. and Mrs, Bellkanquil and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mather, at B, Martin's; Mr, and Mrs. Booth and children, at G. Sexsmith's; Mr. and Mrs. Miles and Mr, and Mrs. Davis, at Mrs. Weése's. TAMWORTH. Nov. 6.---J. S. Taylor sold his un- dertaking establishment to Alexan- der Hanna and his furniture and property to Curtis Storing. James Wood has bought the house and lot known as the Sarah Kirk property. Dr. Lockridge, James Wood and party have gone to the back country hunting. John Palmateer, one of Sheflield's oldest residents, passed away on Tuesday last, aged seventy- two, He was a member of the Township Council and a supporter of all good works. The funeral ser- Methodist Church, R, J. Young's oldest boy died to-day, aged eighteen years. Deceased lived near Marl- bank. | J. 8. Taylor is improving slowly. The schools have all re- opened. There are a few around here who have been on the sick lst, but are improving. The Farmers' Club held a meeting this week. Mrs.. Pomeroy, of Buffalo, N.Y,, visited at L. P.' Welis' last wek Miss Eliza Coulter, of Virginia, is visiting her Canada's army has splendidly finished its share in sav- ing civilization on the battlefield. Now let us take up the completion of our share of the task. Canada must still continue for a time to maintain her soldiers; must provide transportation to bring them home; must arrange for their future so that they may again be- come self-supporting units in a reconstructed world. Canada must maintain prosperity at home --must con- tinue for a time to finance the purchases of food and sup- 'plies for Great Britain and our Allies. Canada must press forward her great shipbuilding programme in order that she may talge her rightful place as a great sea-carrying power. , For all these things hundreds of millions of dollars will be required. To demobilize and re-establish our soldiers in civil life alone will take many millions. a Canada's Victory Loan, 1918, will provide the neces- working capital. ; \ OE rere Canada's Victory Loan, 1918, must be a great over-subscribed success. : : : Our part, then, is buy bonds and complete our great victory, gister, Mrs. James Wheeler.