Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1918, p. 9

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® = | The Daily British Whig [=e | YEAR 85. NO, 204 JER TROUBLES HAD |T0 LOOK AFTER THE BLNDIA DAY OF THANKSGIVING COST THOUSANDS ac, mows Cx. maim, ox | wins. ms soxmas sxe ux mo nlac Over~ He Lost His Sight in France and is | The Bishop of Ontario Has Sent a {7 #7 Fr R i 4 * oo Mrs. White Says Ta an Example of What a Determin- | Message to the Clergy and Laity of ¢ 7 : J ' n e a er 0 aving en came Troubles After Ev- ed Man Oan Do. | the Diocese of Ontario. r erything Else A blinded man to care for the | The Bishop of Ontario has appoint-| ° oo) : h k h fi h b d : 'ra . blind is the policy of the Depart- { ed Sunday next to be observed as a A . Cs . . PG ment of Soldiers' Civil Re-estab- [aay of special thanksgiving to com- I" - = Stop to thin ow ne 18 t e line etween saving an Actually, a few hottles of Tan-| ment by the appointment of Capt. | memorate the victory of the Allies in / loss, when applied to buying! las did bre for me Jaan wll the| Edwin A. Baker to a position on |the war now ended. Forms of ser- 7 . . other medicines an treatments | the voeational" staff Capt. Bak- {vice are being sent, together with e i 3 3 iliar i that have cost me thousands of dol*| er's sight was destroyed in France | the following message to the clergy 5 Cat VP 4 Take those articles with which you are host familia stockings, lam, Fecutly feclared Mrs. Kittie | by a German bullet three years [and laity of the Diocese of Ontario: N %o shoes, net The Paving of a few cents may mean the loss ite, whose husband is proprietor | ago, and he is himself a brilliant My Dear People-- p AE y | d lars--in ength of wear or d Tv ' or ae Datvemiy a ut Company, | example of what a determined man After upwards of four years of the / . ol g benefit derived. Zak Ww ves a forty-second | can do to jget the better of the [most strenuous effort and = endur-| ' MY ; : iti ; street east, Seattle, Wash. handeap which he will now assist ance, victory has been granted to us i fo In other words, it's a genuinely good ities as standard, Fifteen years ago," she con-| others to overcome and the blessings of peace are once 3 Quality determines product. when in the inferior 3 ab as as Strong and healthy Prior to enlistment he had gradu- | more ensured For whatever be 2 e cost. Discrimina article lurks, actual ; 8 you ever knew, weigh-| ated from Queen's University as an the outcome of the armistice now 2 . . - 3 i dan er to e and ing In the neighborhood of a hun-| electrical engineer, and was em- entered upon, it is certain that suf- : $ tion is the factor that In electrical equipment Proporty Cheap imis dred and seventy pounds. My | ployed as operating engineer in {ficient precautions have been taken / de id wh th there is a standard i ad in forei troubles started when I contracted | the power station of the American | hy the Allics to prevent any serious 4 if - . £108 ere e name to look for-- tations face In loreign asthuna, which got so bad that} Cyanamid Company at Niagara | hindrance to a final peace. For this ; =% '2 line should be drawn. BENJAMIN--a name factories Bass no re- many 3 lime 1 have had to sit upf Falls. He enlisted in the early | glorious and happy event we owe and SW - k d ised cogn inspection a Sardi nt heesing and days of the war, and had served | wijl pay to Almighty God our deep- Vs : But ofle' sure way Xnown an recognise whatever for safety, E 8: y able to get 'myf just thirty days in Flanders when lot and most heartfelt thanksgiving. i & ; . : in electrical circles like and therefore, quite breath and suffering so terribly I} his vision was destroyed. In these The cause of Righteousness, Justice Ek << z exists to buy max- th terli k : oi 1eably thought @ was going to die, | thirty days he had won the military and' Freedom. which we have 'main 7 y mum value: insist on Ne sterling mark on apart from their infer Then my stomach went back on me, { cross and the croix de guerre, and it tained; however unworthily. against] fi} r ' Tava : qo silver. Surely, it would jor Quality, can you that A woul gs ocd he ald Md he rage Kies tio the mighty forces of Tyranny and iS y goods that ar a be folly, for the sake of afford to take chances a « ¥ VOTE p . : 7 J a _ re, 3. 1 ¥ Yoat would abled him to overcome what io | gyn asaion grayed in tyes full reputable trade name ~~ saving 25 cents on an, of danger from the use vomiting 'tHl 1 would be in such SEs EE a a im to] BRITISH SURPRISED GBRMANS -- shun the article: article, to take without of inferior articles? rs A Pad altos go acy : | [a triumphant issue While our | Taking 3,000 prisoners and two that travels "incog- Juestion something A L split rtd Tha oi Burt Sy i oule losses have been terribly heavy, and | owns. two years ago today, Novem- nito"--or masks its just as good" or "the An ounce of prevention going 1o break In two. . I lost overs I |in a sense irreparable, yet we have | ber 13, 1916. . a : same as' the particu- is worth a pound of forty pounds. 1 wae but a shar A I | the great consolation of knowing| Find Jhother prischer. imperfections by its |, line that is accepted cure--look for the of my former self, and was so| JE jl that our sacrifices have not been in DAY'S ANSWER outer resemblance to by all electrical author- name when you buy, weak, and felt so wornout that I 7 } | vain. Joy has come to us in the ; Right side down mn front of officer. was barely able to get around. morning after a prolonged night of "Now this was just the awful] i | |sorrow and suffering. : - y In condition I was in when one of my ; : I ask you, therefore, to join 'one Immediate dropping of food » Insist on Benjami Products Ti -- friends told me a ani i | and all in a Service of Thanksgiving : Th I. thought if I a aout, Toulac, and } {on Sunday, Nov. 17th. Let noth- Pn ET sors roncluslon in good conditi ih . } | ing hinder you from faking part in : . ¢ : PLEA Electric Lighting Specialties "Two-Way" Plug ndustrial 1 ighting ne smi ir regain oy ft. Our beloved church has through us oad hdmitigrator Hoovar ' § hee ¥ 1 asthma better, so I got me a bottle, ; her sons played a w/%y noble part in foodstutis will etre ors cal Mads in Canada by | a Well, sir, the results have fa " we } |the war now over. See to it that |, x Wid dg . . . passed anything I. expected. ed E " 1 she is not a whit behind in giving increase. 2 y 2 The Benjamin Electric Mfg. Co. of Canada, Limited my, appetite is so great, that I feel] Ii 3 | [thanks to God for this His great 'Anxiety is felt . in London lest 11-17 Charlotte St., Toronto 4 British prisoners in Germany are : as at e 3 8 ; 4 mercy, i i ashamed to eat enough to satisfy nd in your thanksgiving do not|left to die of starvation. A ; des- Sold by Responsible Electrical and Hardware Dealers Everywhere myself, and my stomach is > condition. But ach ia .1n good forget, the many mourners Bhd be- | patch from The Hague: sounds a Vit, prise of all is 1 haven't suffered a. reaved who have given their dearest |&rave warning in the need of particle from asthma since I have and their best to secure this glorious | Prompt action. been taking Tanlae. 1 felt so fine| | . victory. The debt we owe them can | On Nov. Gth Theodore Kleinsteu- on finishing my first bottle that I never be paid. But we will try to|Der.and Mrs. 8. Greatrix were mar- Just couldn't get another one quick show them by our sympathy that we | Fled at Albert Farrdr's residence, enough, for I couldn't afford to feel for and with them, and so com- | Tweed. miss a single dose. I sleep so sound 8 4 fort and soften their grief by our now that I don't know a thing from | § ¥ } | gratitude to them for the heavy sac- tie time I go to bed till I get up In 4 PTR tll |rifice they have made. the morning. 1 never know what| H ee : Later on I intend to inaugurate a headache is, and those awful " |a worthy memorial and thank-offer- pains in my back are all gone. I CAPT EDWIN A BAKER ing for this the greatest mercy grant- have already gained several pounds | == ed to us in the long history of our and am gainin in welght and . | Empire. This year will be one strength every or. Why, 1 can do} Many would have been a. crushing | oon fo be forgotten by posterity, disaster, The Department of Sol- any t of hard work now with- . ; for it marks our triumph under God y out Sie : diers' Civil Re-establishment i. an after experiencing the most serious t tired, and can't remem- ber the time when I felt as fine as [ Ta"ESd that he should be trained at | oii. nat the fortimes of the British Ado t y. 1 am so happy over Tand Sond for blinded fr Empire have ever known. It win my improvement that I want... 3 ya uence of which ho | P® our part so to mark this great everybody to, know what a splendid has A equ nie 9 ast two | deliverance from and overthrow of i medicine Tanlae: is." vears to carry on at $7) pro- | our enemies in a manner worthy off rsa : y 80 wonderful an event. God has been Tanlac is sold in Kingston.by A. . P..Chown, In Plevna by Gilbert Ost- fonslon 1 _gicttrical engineal. Uf very merciful to us, and now in our ler, in Battersea by C..S. Clark, in : : 29 a > > . »e | turn 'it will be our duty and privi- é ¢ v was employed ws trouble manager ernloigh By Bivin Martin, in Ar- by the Hydro<Mectric. Commission |168@ to show our gratitude to Him ; ' . x y . ullion, in Sharbot at Toronto. by making possible a great advance Lakt by W. ¥. Cannon, The department," largely on the |iB the work done by Him in this dio- ; J ! ¥ i : : Advt. | recommendation of Capt. Baker and |cese. one or two other blinded soldiers, Your Friend and Bishop, entail Satine has decided that all sightless veter-. EDWARD, ONTARIO. ans shall have the opportunity of to] ® - 9 3 8» being trained at St. Dunstan's Hos- Pi tal, London, which (Capt. Baker de- § 'es to be In every way the finest ¢ [establishment in the Empire. Al- Er XA together there have been about|THE NEW YORK PAPERS .ANA- eleht members of ihe "Canadian LYZE THE TERMS. ITHOUT the money sup- All classes of Canadian people bli i th : : . . . the war, including those who have | They. Agree That the Armistice is plied by the Victory and all trades benefit directly by { : 1 i Drastic, But Accept It As Only ' . . a . i » Dlg er Are Eoing bling since]. Justice. Loan, Canada's farms this distribution of money--the New York, Nov. 13.---New York 4 . - : these forty:thtee ate in Canad al, New York. Nov. 13--New York would lose their profitable market: farmer, the artisan, the manufac: trained and fitted for self-suppori- |many's surrender and armistice terms | ~~ hundreds of our factories and turer, lumberman, miner, fisher- ing employment. It has always been |as follows: the desire of the authorities in Sun--The conditions of the ar- shops would be closed. man and merchant. Canada that blinded soldiers should | mistice granted to Germany by Mar- be trained at St. Dunstan's, but |shal Foch, and accepted by Germany, " "is various causes contributed to a [satisfy every requirement of justice Canada 18 In the position to-day number of men being returned [and precaution. They are severe of a big business house with a ra- The working capital needed for from overseas without having re-|in the extreme, but their severity is ' . . . . b . be ceived such [training. The welfars |that of a righteous sentence imposed - ' pidly growing trade. this gigantic business can ob- : tained only by borrowing from the of these men is to be In Capt. Baks on' a ey would hake Bis- 'fet's charge, and already, since his |mraek (cou e study them) mar- 3 . : appointment, a number who had [vel at his own moderation when ~ She is making money. Canadian le through the Vi 3 r people 8 ic- returned to Canada without going | Frussia's iron heel was upon pros- . : St. Dunstan's have been sent to |trate France; but if the hard pen- But the success of her business tory Loan 1918. - mdon for training. alty is now upon the German people, d . 1 og - . In a statement to the press Capt. |and not wholly upon the overthrown epends entire y on her ability to Baker announced that he was tho-jand humiliated autocracy, it is be- cla rn roughly convinced of the determin-|cause the German people have abet- procure working capital. : tion of the Governinent to back [ted the crimes and served the pur- al . him to the limit in doing every-|poses of that autocracy. She distributes millions in pur-- | thing possible ta reduce to a mink| mpihyve--The terms of the armis- Sat TA mum the handicapping et{ects Of | fieq Imposed by Foch leaves nothioe + chasing food, clothing and sup- E the loss of sight. Capt. Baker is ; . Sy " already engaged in the effort to es- | queening They roqnce Goan | plies for munitions for her splen- < Help. Canada provide: the work ta a hole-proof arrangement |y, pupotence. But their harshn : "di i : 4 : . wherehy blinded Canadians eafinot {gujy faintly measures the enormity did fighting men. ! ing capital and benefit yourself by adequately acquainted with the [Of Germany's offending. Germany She distributes other millions i buying Victory Bonds to t wilingners of the Government to |ontered the war with the cold male- ~ Ohe distributes other millions in ying vclory bonds to your ute give them che advantages of train: Tolence; the bravadu secking her vie- paying for goods for Great Britain. most. Urge otherd to buy. Do On the success of this loan de- pends the continued prosperity of the whole country. '5. P tims. She began it with an act of 5 i . A i ¢ 'will be conduered. with |Perfdy--the violation of Belgian oe For, at the moment Great Britain, everything in your power to "go 1 pond neutrality. Sh + he ae every Blinded Canadian soldier be-|in"a oul, eM nor her wn She her best customer, cannot pay cash = over the top" with the Victo {fore and after his return from Bu- : - {fought according to the code of the ¥ ¢ + | {rope in order to keep the depart- St ted 3 her urchases in Canada i oan 3 ET : ment asquainted with his condition | TU Ee ombling ne ple fn for : for Ey pure: : : : 1918 Bnd, needs.) : : {were still on enemy seil, she sub- : Ew : { ' that of Tilsit. ; SMe ee "in co-operation with the Minister of Finance : f oe Ti : © of the Domision of Canada.

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