p AGE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13; 1918. 4 In the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting Features Run-Down People 1"T he Wite' ? By Jane Phelps RECIPE FOR HAPPINESS -------------------- 'Vinol is What You Need ETH AUNT EE Are ee (Bev sll he Victory Bonds you can. eak run do erv en and women need CHAPTER LXXXV, sion he had made, It would be easy Their luncheon finished. Mandel eposil em i ur Bank d the T gular Ww ? 1 wh n hg mn st fa on- Arthur Mandel, had = looked into |to turn it to his advantage with Ruth,| sent them home in a cab, after asking D posit them in yo and add ® Vinol because it contains the most famous rec Ruth Hacketi's eyes and had divined |did she remain long enough. if he might send them tickets for the interest coupons. . . : - acilv ad something not quite Bhppy in their "1 shall be here some little time,"| Opera on Monday night, it they were structive tonics in an agreeable and easily digested depths. It troubled, while in a way {she replied, to Ruth's astonisnment. free to go. They accepted with de- q At the end of a short 14 years, draw DOUBLE x 5 i : : = : "lav . . 2 -- Peptones, Iron and It encouraged him to believe the time | (She had said nothing about making] Mght, Mrs, 'Clayborne thanking him form: Beef and Cod Liver P ? might come more quickly than he (8 long visi, and had brought very| effusively. your original investment. Manganese Peptonates and Glycerophosphates. had dared hope when he could call |Httle baggage.) This she went on to "Your employer is a very fascinat. : : - /inol. her his own. ; explain: "I am dn need of many| ing man," she said to Ruth when € guarantee there is no tonic equal to Vino Now as be 'sit opposite her at [fhings. 1 shall romery 0; an?] foe man she ma NOTHING YOU CAN DO WILL GIVE YOU HERE IS PROOF '| luncheon, he was sure he had read | robe While here. I brought very lit- "He is a very kind man," Ruth re A GREATER SENSE OF SATISFACTION. - Texarkana, Texas. hex aright. Sometiing ad Saused tle, hn an gud in view." piled. And, noting her fone, Mrs, : a that haunting look of unhappiness in . "You wi Wish Mrs, Hackett to ayborneé once more realized that AR douTkee fouse and] was weak Tb. her eyes, Had he been still more {shop with you." Ther he turned tof Ruth was entirely uneonseious of the Donated to the Winning of the War by d - f gi "80 it was hard to keenly alive to her moods, he would | Ruth: "Whenever Mrs. Clayborne| way Mandel felt toward her THE SALADA TEA CO. a re? my chickens-and do my have noticed that it followed some wishes, please feel entirely free to "How can she be so blind?" she work~Vinol has restored my strength, reference to either her husband, ur acccmpany her on her shopping ex-| asked herself: She did not quite un- and my nervousness has gone, so some man who was in the same pro- | cursions." derstand that her love for Brian I can ny my work as well 88 ever. fession, and who was making a sue- "That is more than kind," Mrs.| bMnded Ruth to what, had she not Every run-down woman should take cess, Clayborne returned. "But I shall not| been so intrigued, would have been Vinol.""<--Mrs. Emma Britt. The luncheon was perfect, and per- [require Ruth to neglect her work for plain to her, fectly served. Mrs, Clayborne beam-|me. I have bought my clothes in New "You are very lneky to work in ed. She was delighted with this em- | York many vears, I shall have nol such a place--if you are still deter ployer of Ruth's. He was the sort of | trouble outfitting myself alone." She| mined to work." man she understood; and of whom | would not be the means of taking "I don't think TI could give up my she approved. As the meal progress- | Ruth away from this man even to) work, be idle, Auntie even though ed she became more positive that she help her shop, Brian should make our fortunes. 1 ar bad been right; that Mandel was in Mrs. Clayborne was a good woman; | love my work. Women are doing AND AT THE love with Ruth, At the same time; but a worldly one. She had realized things that used to be only done by IN EV RY TOWN she discovered that Ruth herself was somrething was not quite right with | men. They are doing them well, 4 : totally unconscious of it, Ruth and Brian, and had immediately | toa, I don't see why we shouldn't. HE COU Y " "Clever man!" she said to herself, jumped at the conelusion that it was or why we should, be expected to be s And he rose still higher in her esti-{ mopey--that Ruth had worked be-| parlor ornaments or kitchen drudges gs mation, caube Brian could not provide for! _one or the other--all our lives. a Tonicht Mrs. Clayborne was a clever intel-| her; and that her love for the work | Don't be, and look, so shocked! I R . a 24 9 ligent woman. She knew that it took | was only a pose. to excuse his defici- | gidn't feel so wt first. But work, if = Economical Purity Tomorrow Pe 18 3 tact and poise for a man to be, day | ency, one loves it, grows interesting just = . . . > after day, in the company of the wo- That Ruth really loved her work--| a5 other things that appeal to one, = In your soap, purity is not Get EA |i Xo0d man with whom he was in love, and! that she preferred to do it, even interest. And to work among beau- : keep it from her, though she had not felt it mecessary, | tiful stuffs, in such delightful sur- Bl only desirable but its an "Yes, I'll make quite a stay," she| would not have seemed reasonable roundings, is a delight. Of course 1 = absolute necessity if you decided, just as Mr. Mandel said: to her aunt, She had not, under get tired. But so I would doling any ; v . § ny- y a E "I hope you intend to remain with] stood things, very well, when so far thing else. Yes, Aunt Lo: "1 i want your clothes to last Mra. Hackett some time, Mrs. Clay-| away. She still felt it was beneath | shall keep on working--always 1 Sunlight Soap is shsolutely pure sey va ps ° borne? And that I shall have the| Ruth to work, vet if she must, there} think : ~no fillers or adulterants of any rs Little Liver Pills pleasure of helping to entertain you." | was no place she could be where she Sl kind: $5000 guarantee of this. v He had sensed this woman's liking | would be treated as she was by Ar- To-morrow--Mrs.: Clayborne De- ES wi 2 Ft k 3 for him at once, The good impres-| thur Mandel. cides to Prolong Her Visit. = AR That | rs Ari TOON Her Visit oR s Remedy, = = Sunli i $ Mak Lif | Sthdhdhdidh a ot A ad ] Living So Tol " 'doa . VES. d Ic E p WortiLiving | | TalkingitOver || gcomes coaten || To Genuine bears signsture | z washes clothes beautifully clean . IF CONSTIPATED T ik ht ~"fresh as new -- without the y ] WwW "eternal wear and tear of the Bu 1 g - wash board, . <Q + } o % o . hen Cross. Fev tc Giv Seesse LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Six Yellow Daisies. When Cross, Feverish and Sick Give *dbe BS "Oy Syr t TORONTO She got up yery important and : Mifoinia Syrup of (Continued from rage 3.) mysterious this morning--the big -- at Dr. Frank Stoness and Miss Mona eyed little girl with the long, slen Children love this "fruit laxative," Stoness, Kingston, were the guests der limbs. 'The lady with the au- and nothing else cleanses the tender o Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Stoness, tumn colored: hair is sick. The hig stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. Sstpart, last week. eyed little girl is idolatrous, the |" 3" simply will not stop play Si. T. Carington, Kingston, after autumn haired lady is ome of her|y. empty the bowels, and the ) iting. Mrs. Theodore Parmenter, ols: Hite sin 1s ul rs old |TESult is they become tightly clogged | "8NaN0que, has returned home. X The little girl is nine years '| with waste, liver gets sluggish, stom- i : she had eighteen cents all her very| .. sours, then iad use) 'one be- al por Siften Is leaving Can- More Eggs and Cturdy Chicks. || \ Ne non ron own, so she questioned her Mother|, cross, half-sick, feverish, don't a eat for England. For Sale By i 4 persistently in her determination to eat, sleep or act naturally, (breath is , Suis Mary Fraser, Hamilton, has : find out the exact purchasing value|,. system full of cold, has sore ta Quoc. mi. Cosupational work D : | of that sum. _ "Mother. could. 1.buy. a {ipa ¢ "50m achoache or diarrhoea. A nary 'hospital. With Lorna Moon, | | ¥ » blous with eighteen|, Capt. (Dr) M. J. Gibson, Kings- ) h hand-made blouse Listen, Mother! Ses if tongue is ton, 'with Mrs. Gibson, Spant a few Buy the Best--and Coffee mores ' » * 3 I | P " ) 4 i audience : ; £ i 841-8 intess Strvet, | cents." She knew by being coated, then give a teaspoonful of days with Mr. and Mrs. David Fra. 'A special blend of y selected Coffee) ibed and recommended by Physisisns, to many clothes discussions that a "California Syrup of Figs," and in a sold for half a century in Patented § s greatly to be 3 en 3 ser, Hamilton. Dr. Qibson has just €@ .e . " Sigaut HR aloherbackor TR hand made blouse was greatly few hours all the constipated waste, returned to Canada from England, The Most Delicious Drink. emed: your druggi Accept desired. » {sour bile and undigested food passes i re Sold only 4 sealed tins. : 3 "Oh, no dear," |, of tne system, and you have a ers ad charge of a dian nl Bb. and 3 tb. \ POROIRIOROEE ) 0000 | | - le mother. answered | yoy; playful child again. Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Clegg ae Mis 5 'THREE FULL 4 by 4 N Siscoufagingly. | { Millions of mothers give "Califor- Bessie, Lanark, are 'spending ator oes Famous O 2 . cuits ee on {nia Syrup of Figs," betause It is per-| qayg with friends in Mallorytown and LOTS 5 FOR SALE 2 | d No, 3 fectly harmless; children love it, and Kingston. i a cuffs, I fear. it never fails to act on the stomach, "Then a bunch liver and bowels. * os» ay & -- : . of roses?" Ask your druggist for a bottle] Mrs. 'Herbert 'Robinson and Miss . On Nelson Street ad. hetply made. at bias' o z couldn't | he "California Syrup of Figs," which| Hazel Brown, of Kingston, will be cogs Bo is Neuts them all for oe | : a bunch of | hag full directions for babies; chil-| present on Thursday at the mar- quick results, with elgh- {dren of all ages and for Erown-ups| riage of Miss _Ruth Hubbell, Ot- ' teen cents. plainly printed on the bottle. Be-: tawa, to Capt. L. P. Woodill, R. FP, The 0 D : The little heart| ware of counterfeits sold here. Get|C. Waltham ives Lave found perplexed--| (he genuine, made by the Californiaj Mrs. E. 0. Follis and little. dau- 16 Size that they can save four-fifths of the j3 eighteen | py Syrup Company." Refuse any| ghter, Margaret, left for Carnan- » fiom ula thf wellkmows 13 oc | 8 ¥ sum, yet. mother | 20° Kin with contempt aid airs. . 7. Pols while nar me: 0 : a ; ; ¥ other i rs. R. J. Follis while her hus- or making cough syrup at home. It is seemed to think it : : : band is overseas, after spending simple and cheap to make, but ig Teally was useless. But a loving heart that DEMOBILIATION COMING. the summer with her parents, M Paes 0 aaual for prompt results. It {i ° 00 is no ily ai and Mrs. J. A. 'Wilmot. "an takes Tight hold of a cough and gives Elving is not so easily dis-| - : Mrs. J. A. Wilmot. ! 1 i suaded. 35,000 Soldiers Stationed in Cane immediate relief, usually stop ing an Pr ordinary. cotigh in 24 hours or less, She left her discouraging family ada at Present, ' ounces of Pinex (50 cents {behind and set off with all her wealth | 'Ottawa, Nov. 13.---Although no| Mr, and Mrs. J. Yaffe, oronto, an- worth) from any druggist, pour it into in her slim hand. To find a florist| official statement is yet forthcoming | nounce the engagtment of their a 16oz Battle, end add plain granulated who would realize that eighteen | from the Department of Militia and daughter, Rebecca, to Isaac ZZivian, sugar syrup to make ounces. OU [ents was not a sum to be lightly sei| Defence, it is understood that de- ttawa, son of Mr. and Mrs A. Ziv- T, use clarified molasses, honey, or aside. sntly set mobilization of the Canadian. fore-|fan, Gananoque, : iy instead of sugar gyru Either way' phttead a hatps por. Back she came with a triumphant] 8 at present in Canada will be pro- .« oii tly, and lasts a family a long time. )strutt, and the light of a conqueror | €®eded with practically immediate- Mrs. W. Pan Rintian) It's truly astonishing how quickly it in her eyes. She carried something|1y- At present, according to a . We 2 um, Renfrew, an- acts, penetrating through every air pas- wrapped in: white wax paper--six| Statement by an official of the de-|Dounces the engagtment of her niece, Sage of the throat and lungs--Iloosens yellow daisies partment, there are some ;35,000 | Rae W., daughter of William Ran- and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals " soldiers of the Canadian Expedi-|kin, Ross township, to Wilfred, 2 1 bi } They are 'standing very modestly the Ry aay a are beside a tall vase of statély roges,| tionary Force in Canada The |Youngest son of William Hodgins, : A maintenance of such d large num-|M.P.P. for Pontlae, the marriage to Sle Tei mle El, 0 a ic ea (abi Bienanes of sich ares mum | MEF, for Ponta, tne erring 1 | whooping cought or bronchial asthma. | gont or the wealth of one little girl,| MUEe expense, which will not be |the middle of November, after which O e § : : Pinex 1s special and highly once given #udly and eagerly '|borne by the Government if the the young couple will reside at Dom- or 3 ated Sompaund of genuine aorweY.pine S men are not required for serviee in |reny, Sask. aa ae ; : x ce. } 3 grea ect -on the membranes. The fishing smack Renfrew, of France. are at present large num- Mr. and Mrs George D. Miller, HE chief factor deter- In tile oat factory Bt Qisap ntment by ing your Victoria, has foundered off the west | pore f young men called for | Albany, N.Y., announce the engage. mining the grade of ha of T "215 ounces of Pinex" with t of Vaio Island. All of |ccrs Of young men ca up : : Bag "watch t the mechanism 3 tions and don't accept any-|£038t of Vancouver Island. Of {service by the provisions of the |mient of -their daughter, Helen, to a wa movemen : else, Guaranteed to give absolute | F11e crew of 13 were lost. Military Service Act, who, being en- | Levi Hasbrouck, Ogdensburg. =~ Mr is the number of jewels personal ; inion of exparts n or money promptly ref gaged °In agricultural pursuits, have | Miller is a member of the summer used as bearings -- the of world- repute. Finex Co., Toronto, Ont. Deen granted harvest leave 'These colony at Alexandria Bay, being the highest grade movement po. ii ws ~~ oe : © {J3en will, in ail probability. not owner of Deer Island, where ho hae bE ] 23 oi iy b Ever. sine. » foundation of EE aI * ae have to serve at all. It was stated | spent many seasons. aving amond, ruby - the Waltham Watch Company apes. Ditpohtie or Baie bere a... Jub: the department that the situa ; ss. and sapphire jewels, mote tha 60 Pape's Diapepsin at Ouce Ends Sour tion of the men who hawt enlisted ness, Gas, Acidity, Indiges- in. the 'Siberian Expenditionary| The engagement 1s announced of Other factors are abrolute pre- tion. «i Force as mute or less Wefjuite, It Mixa Jacbel or Tae Adami, Shir cision ifi the manufacture of e---- de seems that 1 wi e no | a ts Ge ~RE., heels, pinjons Don't stay upset! . When meals change as Tar as Sore 15 con- [CAMC, ADMS., and the late malt Arie L Pion Sua don't fit and you belch gas, acids and cerned. and that arrangements | Mrs. Adami, of Montreal, to Major Eitr the: with oft undigested food. When you feel made with regard to them will be Andrew Gordon McLennan, son of men ¢ : fame. lumps of indigestion pain, tlatuence,|eqrried out : the late Hugh McLennan and Mrs, measurement, heartburn or headache you can get McLennan, Ottawa. he 3 : - Ask your, Jeweler ta show you his range of high-grade Waltham Watches 5 ] instant relief. : ns i ii LX ~<ro] = rll become her own ma | Waltham Waich Compa . Limited, to be sold at great- a Rp» |Z : "The is made a : op ; We are making room - » -. er. ene dea Naw