_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918. From the Countryside --_-- | ben Have you ever come out of a theatre, or church of overheated room and felt, fmumediately the cold night @ir Coughs your throat and Breathing passages, that you Were going to catch cold? That is the time to take Peps. Two or three Peps taken at once will prove an wnfailing preventive. A ¢old developed means needs ] fering and expense, ard yourself by al Ways keeping a box of Peps on hand. They are also best for | hs, sore throat and bron. | ehitis. All dealers, 5c, box, EPS COUGHS &« CHILLS Frontenac GLENDOWER. * Nov, 12.--The Glendower cheese factory has closed for the season. The graphite mine ¥s making a good showing of its products. There is still 3 great deal of sickness in differ- ent parts of the district. The schools have been re-opened. The tax collee- tor was on his rounds during the past week. The taxes are very high this year, 'There has been heavy frost this week, REGINBURG. Nov, 9.--The Elm Grove cheese factory has closed after a very sue- cessful season. John Nobes has rented his farm to Mr, McFadden, Perth Road. Earl Fraser has gone to Toronto 'to train in the air force. M. Silver's funeral was largely dt- a AA HSIN { Why Hair Falls Out } a feverish irri- HUDSON BAY Insurasce Company . PIRE INSURANCE Bvinotoy, Rove: inssrance Bag as _ i Norte 'W. H. GODWIN & SONS 4 AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Dandruff causes "Aation of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bot- tle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub well into the scalp. Al- ter several applications all dandruff disappears and the hair stops com- ing out, Bring Back Memories of Home to the Kingston Boys by Sending a Box of Cigars Made in Kingston MILO "May be had in boxes of 10, 25 or 50 at all cigar and drug stores. Get them away now for Christmas. ALAR SLU OF TAR XA lE LIVER OIL Cough, C Colds, Grippe, Bronchiti WELL ng Cough, Asthma, Ete.® MATHIEU'S SYRUP isa TAR and te sengiening tonic combining ~ the curative itive propertiss of 1 of T. Colds, hl neglected or badly treated 'consequences of gece or by ai gioco not risk using inferior reparations. ; | with flags flying for Kingston | tended. Mr. Silver will be greatly missed by a large cirele of friends. The bereaved family have the sympa- thy of the neighborhood. Stephen Koight 'has gone worth deer hint- ing. Mus, Pixley and Btfa, Kingston, dre visitihg at Johp SHver's. The shuren will Be re-opened on Sunday, 17th PERTH. ROAD. Nov. 12. --Every one is exceeding- ly rejoiced over the great war news, the schools having a = holiday on Monday. Bells were rung, and who- ever had a fiag or the semblance of one had it fleating. Rev. Mr. Weese, recently of Gananoque Rast, has ta- ken charge of the eircnit for the re- mainder of the conference year, Rev. Mr. Steinberg having to take fp col- lege and military work dt Queen's. Miss Lillian Guthrie and Captain 8S. Cronk, of Parham, were quietly mar- ried on Thursday, Nev, 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Cronk welt to Toronto on their honeymoon. J. 8. Roberts and family and a number of others motor- ed to. Kingston Monday evening te withess the leh on Mrs. William Ritchie is visiting her son, Adam Ritchie. The Mis- sion Cirele will meet at Mrs. Charles Shales' next Thursday. Last Fri day the Ladles" Ald met at Mrs. William Shales' to pack Christmas hoves for the. boys overseas. Mr. and Mra. D. G. Green and Miss Mar- garet Scott have returned to Toron- to The hunters have returned, hav- ing met with fairly good success. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears, of Kings- ton, visited here recently. J. Har- ris motored to the city on Saturday. Quarterly service will be held next Sunday. Leeds LOMBARDY. Nov, 11.--M. Balfe went to Ham- {iton last week to attend the funeral of the late Dr. T. Balfe, whose death occurred after & few days' illness of infiuensa. Mrs. A. Blancher, who has had an attack of grippe, 18 im- proving steadily. Born on Thurs- day, Nov. Tth, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Covell, a son. Mrs. E. P. Kelly spent. the week-end with friends at Chaffey's. Solomon Bissonette suf- {fered another slight stroke of par- alysis Saturday last, CHARLESTON. Nov. 11.---T, Hudson is home from Taylor, where he made cheese this 'season. The influenza patients are all on the rodd to recovery. No new cases are reported. Word has been : received by relatives here of the death of Pte. Roy Curtis, who recently returned from France. De- ceased was born in this section, Mrs. Maud is having her sale on Thursday. R. Foster is building some wire fence on his farm. w. Green and G. Heffernan made a trip to Kingston on Thursday. Miss May Latimer is sewing at Addison. Pte, Starling Morris returned last week to his home-at Glen Morris. Pte. Morris was overseas for nearly two years. Starling Morris fon, 0 at day to resume his studies re: Queen's. Miss Katle Halliday turned to Torento last week. PORTLAND: Nov .11.=-The white fishing sea- son is on, and a great number of peo- ple are taking the good of it, as every shoal is taken up with nets, ~~ Great joy was felt here this morning when the news of peace came over the telephone. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sly went to Brockville to-day to visit their daughter, Mrs. Almond. School opened to-day after being closed. for about four weeks on account of so much sickness in thé village. Ww. Bolton and a few more hunters have gone to Plevna on a deer hunt. A number from Ottawa spent the week- end at their cottages here. The saw-mills are still running here; on acount of so many of the men being laid up with sickness put them back with their cheese boxes. ' Mr .and Mrs. Jolin Washburn, traveller, have moved into Gallagher's house next to his store. die MORTON. Nov. 11.--Mrs. J. Stewart has re turned after spending a few days at Lyndhurst. Mrs. Thorp, Brockville, is spending a few days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Booth, Leonard Booth, Trenton, spent Sunday the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Booth. George Byron and Phili- ander MoMahen left on Thursday {| oogm avvice ng roves non: If your heart flutters, be careful. An attack is liable to come on at an - Bxcitement dver-axertion or returned home after spending the tast for Portland Lake for a few days' fisaing. 'A nimber from here have gone up ROTH for a few. days' deer hunting Mrs. R. Wills has past few weeks With her daughter, Mrs A. B. June, Briar Hill. Miss Lepa Laming spent Sunday the guest of Miss Sarah Thomas, Leeds. Miss Estella Sly had the misfor- tune on Thursday last to have her face injured, belng struck with a board, whieh inflicted = couple of! Rasty gashes. Tie family of BE Roddick, who has been ill, {8 {m- proviog. .~ FRANKVILLE. v. G. W. Commértord Yate last 8 ay for a hunting trip north of Sharbot Lake. Miss Qer- aldine RicHards, wha has been il} for a few days, is rapidly reeovering. There gre not many cases of the pre- vajling illness in this neighborhood at present. Mrs. M. Sheffield and daughter, who were very iil for some time .are both able to be around. Robert Farmer was taken to a Broek- ville hospital on Saturday, suffering from a sudden attack of appendicitis. A shower was fendered Miss Alma | Borthwick at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnston, where a num- ber af her young girl friends met on Monday. Many valuable and useful gifts were presented to show their respect to her on the eve of her mar- risge. Miss Bessie Robb and Miss irene Gray, Toledo, were week-énd guests of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Han- ton, A dine deer was shot on the farm of W. Davis by a party of Jas- per hunters on Saturday Jast. Mrs. William Johnson Is a again. Miss 'Mlildréd Johnson is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pattemore spent Sunday at Morley Holmes'. Leonard Davidson 15 on the sick list. WASHBURN'S CORNERS. Nov. 12.--Qreat excitement pre- vailed here when tite news came that the armistice was signed. Welling- ton Earl's family, who have beer suffering from the "flu," are report- ed better, News was received here of the death pearw. Calgary of Roy Curtis, a former Leeds county boy, son of Allen Curtis. Mrs. Greer's little daughter, who has beep iH, is reported better, Mrs, A. Soper called on friends here recently. Mrs jeorge Whaley and Miss Edna, of Ottawa, were Sunday visitors here Vance Foley has purchased the Clif ford Blanchard farm. George Bradley has purchased the Clark Wiitsie farm AH welcome Mr Bradley to the neighborhood. Ww. T. Earl is erecting a fine sugar house A number from here attended the celebration at Brockville last even- ing . The dreadful epidemic seems to he decreasing, and schools and churches are 'opén now. Charles Wright, who was accidentally shot by taking a loaded gun from a boat a few days ago, is reported to be gaining ,and will not lose his arm. Miss Eliza Erwin has returnsd home from Lyn. EMERALD. Nov, 12.--The farmers are nearly all finished ploughing. Mr. Filson has his 'machine in this vicinity sawing wood, David Reid has pur- chased two farms, one for his son and the other for his son-in-law. Mr. Eves has purchased Mrs. R. Burleigh's farm. B, Wemp has pur- chased W. "Wemp's farm. The schools are #losed yet oh the ac- count of the 'flu, 'The people who were il are nearly all better again. Mary Wemp is very {ll SALEM. Nov. 9.--The funeral of the late Mrs. Frederick Weeks, of South Lakeside, was held at the home on Saturday afternoon, interment tak- ing place at Salem cemetery. Da- ceased leaves besides a husband and five children, three sisters, Mrs. EK. H. Wycott, Salem; Mrs. H. Huycke, North Lakeside; and Mrs. N. 0 ger, Trenton. - The sale held on Wednesday by Victor Brown was a buccess, cows bringing from $70 tn $90 . Mr. Brown has purchased a home fn Consecon, where he is mov- ing next week. Walter Marshail, Crofton, will move on the farm va- cated by Mr, Brown. Mr. and Mrs. €. C. Wasnamaker and little son, John, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mis. C. G. Fox, Picton, re- cently. Mrs, M. Thompour, Picton, is spending a few weeks with hor daughter, Mrs, Walter Wannamak- ed. Sympathy Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Price in the death of their infant son. Work is progressing favorably on the Hydro- Electric tine, Among recent visit- ors: Mrs, Alma Benson, Wellipg- ton, at Walter Wannamaker's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross, Mount Carmel, at Elon Parliament's. to be around | Fond of Good Chee? of course! But why not make it BETTER Coffee? Coffee st its BEST, Cy SEAL BRAND COFFEE] + Send for our booklet "Perfect offen Perfectly Meda", it solves - the problem. CHASE & SANBORN EN ti SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS !| Baby Walkers and snookers. Tea Waggons in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany. China Cabinets in Oak, nut or Mahogany. Music and Parlor Cabinets. Library Tables, Fumed Walnut or Mahogany. Chestertields, great variety, Easy «( halls in leather tapestry Tea Cupdtes from £3.50 to $6.50 Bedroom and-Bining room setts iw all finishes at R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker; and Horse Equipment 230 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 877 Wal and Motor PAGE THIRTEEN Fall & Winter Shoes We have just received a nice assortment of high class shoes for the coming season. Woman's Mahogany Calf, with Neolin soles, Ba, w $9.00, : Woman's Gun Metal Cal, with Neolin ' soles, $6.50, | $7.00 and $8.00, Also great assortment of Viei Dull Kid in high cut, with sporting Cuban and Fre heels. Latest designs, Ask for sample number 230; Gray Calf Boot at £8.00. Regular $10.00 value, The Model Shoe Store For Its Reasonable Prices. H. Rotgauze, Prop. 184 Princess Street. Ed Rg fe Bon RRR PNY Known Aiea IY AIT lel deli Is Sd to se HIT A 11 not bur ; Bo p ™ 7 ALLEY CORPORATIONS Le tro, FAME TO "fri Kisd You 'Hive Always Suge and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of / ATT and has been made ubder his per sonal supervicion since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Experhigents that trifié with and Slang Be health of Just-as-good ' are but Infants and Children~Ex CA TO BIA What is Castor Oil, IA is a harmless CASTO iy tg Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by 'régulcting the Stomach and Bowels, aids | the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and nstucal eleep, The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA Auwavs Bears the Signature of = 2 In Use For Over 30 Years The King You Have Always Bought £ CENT. COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, Yr : cdi Go Te Robinson and Wiltshire's Garages! For Repair Work of AD Kills Valeanising =~ Cars Washed We well nasline: olin, tives ana snorien. Open ar aud Night 2394 Bagot Street Phone S48. We Positive ly Pay Highest Prices For Second-hand Bags Or Al Descriptions, Also' Scrap Iron, Copper, \ Br ass, Paper, Etc. A. SPEIZMAN, 69 Queen Street. Phone sor HI TI YES LEA' IN EFFECT SEPT, 20TH, i000 Trains will leave and arrive Ory Station, Huot of Joh mon Beeoets | an 1, 1s, 14, 1 Other tral ¢ ais oto Chicago, Bay Ot nt awa, Qusbee, Y ont saga. Bt slifax, Dinas and No: Yor Pullman sceommodation, tick "i favar, iafermation, apply to J. . en steamship lines, a +4 -- p CUNAR ANCHOR baa aA LONDON GLASGOW STO Money sent by Mail o Ore, Britain, Ireland, Sea dinagia, " fia I France, Portugal, Spain, Swi For further In oly oy bi ngents, « 0 Fig (General Agen Lambie, : no 5; THE ROBERT REFORD C0, ts, Cansdisn Kivg St. Hast, Toreute. DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Leave Toronto 7 Ht THROUGH CIPME | Observation Cars, Sandan 8 ats, Toronte {to Vaneouvér, Heket to' the Pacifie ia The "Catad Pacilie CANADIAN PACIFIC TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER pm " Ayrive Winnipeg 12.10 p.m. (Second Day) Arrive Vancouver 10.05 p.m. (Fourth Day) outlet Sleeping Cars, Dining Car, First clas bg A RE 5s ae permits a wide dvonity of