. a i tis popular becauss it 12 PAGES TE------ YEAR 85. 270 NO, KINGSTON. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, Che Daily British Whig SECOND SECTION ---- SUCCESTED WAR TITLES WHAT ABOUT "THE WAR OF THIRTY TWO NATIONS?" ber of A Writer Suggests uo N . Greag War" Common One, 7 is the Present The foxy King Ferdinand of Bul- | garia has found that his furtive glance 'was cast on the wrong apple and he has withdrawn from the war; unconditional surrender summarizes | the ignominious terms of armistice which the unspeakable Turk has been forced to mecept; the dynasty of the Hapsburgs has crumbled and the panic-stricken Austrians and Hun- garidns have elamored for peace at J any price; the wnmistakably out- - poken principles enunciated by President Wilson have caused abdication of @od's 'henchman, Kaiser Wilhelm Holien- zollern, In the midst of such world-trans-! forming events with the outstanding | statesmen of the allied countries con- vened in Versailles to formulate a basis fon peace, the temptation arises | to conjecture what history will] name the earnage of the past four, years. When the war drums have ceased to throb, when the messages of de- | struction belched from the cannon | mouths have been stilled, when the soldiers who fought the great fight have once more returned to their hearths and loved ones what then shall the historians entitle the pro- digious struggle which has torn the world with anguish during the past' four years? ' Thousands of passing articles, fleeting pamphlets wand ponderous volumes bave explained every phase of the catacylsm of the ages and yet the world has accepted no one title by, which dt may known. Ever singe Osymandyas, the first warlike | king, passed from Africa Into Asia and conquered Bactria, #wenty-one hundred years before the birth of Christ, aspiring monarchs or treach- erous tyrants have caused conflicts each known to succeeding genera- tions by definite appellations which have been added to the ever-length ing script of history, | Throughout the wars of the an- clent empires and the crusades of the middle ages down to the South African war, or the Russo-Japanese war, or the Spanish American war, 'historians have mecorded to each struggle a name by whieh it can be © identified. - When peace reigns once more upon this war-wracked earth and the sch have searched the musty records now hidden by the veil | of oaorship whit will be the all- embracing 'title of the past four Years? a nt "The Great War," is familiar to Ca i because of the forma- | : War Veteran's As- cin to Englishmen whe ave. an association known as the Co of the Great War. It fs 'conventional for the stupendous te of the conflict. I" 1s perhaps more to out fully its 'magnitude, and oh has been fre- a war writers, hg well 08 the universal natyre ot the struggle affecting, as it every country, belligerent or neutral, on the globe, Up to the prasent these have been practically he only names that have been suggested despite the fact that ther ) Many others -- that might be ifsen by the historfans to designate it. If previous struggles with thelr duration as the basis for designation were taken us models, "The Four Years' War" would be appropriate. "The War of All Nits g tions," which might have bees pro- Jected le months ago does not now appparite he & likely title for, with thes prokpect of peace, ' the ; will not in all pro- ain, the Scandina- : BY tistand, Holland, F. remaining republics of rie conflict. would be the title "The =two Nations," for, al- nations. have bability | the | sed -iorposed | FATH Mother--My! How the tears stream | down baby's cheek when he cries. Father--| wish he'd shed enough to drown the nojse he makes, SQUIRREL PHILOSOPHY, Hungry Squirrel--r'il bet no great oak will grow from this acorn, How Sickly Women May Get Health It they \eouid only be made to see that half their ills are caused by im- pure blood, it wouldn't take long to Cure them with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Truly a wonderful medicine that in- vigorates, strengthens, renews. Every tired, worn out, woman that tries Dr. Hamilton's Pills will im- prove rapidly, will have*better color, increased appetite and better diges- tion. No better rebuilding tonic can be found than Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are safe, mild and health giv- ing. For forty years Dr. Hamilton's Pills have been America's most val- ued family medicine, 25¢ per box at all dealers, A AA A gr made formal declarations of war and nine have severed diplomatic rela- tions without actual hostilities. The belligerents are Belgium, China, Cuba, France, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mon< tepegro, Portugal, Russia, Rumania, Panama, Serbia, Siam, San Marino; United States, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey. The states "The World . which have broken off diplomatic i pted powers |' central Rica, relations with the are Bolivia, Costa Guatemala, Haiti, gua, Peru and Uruguay. Ecuador, But why name the conflict by the |: trite term of war which 'has been used since time immemorial? In its stead call it "The Shattered Dream" or even "The Great Illusion" which will be expressive to future genera- tions of the hallucination of the Kaiser that his "divinity" as German Emperor would enable him to invoke the aid of God in his plan to erect on the smoking ruins of trampled civi- lization a World Dominion. "The Downfall of Kultur," might also' be appropriate and signify the antithe- Sis between the autocratic notions of Germany and the imperishable prin- ciples of democracy for which thous- ands in the allied armies offered their lives, 1 "Civilization's Confliet" js an alli- terative appellation leh might be used with favor or historians might employ "The Clash - of Fdeals'" = if One were more materialistic "The Kyropean Holocaust" would indicate tl vastation wrought by the clash, 'Armageddon' is perhaps an- Amo, ponesemme---- ish Influenza g loaves in its wake weak! Brazil, A Honduras, Nicara- i' "oud NOTHING DOING oing to have a new this winter?" Svsroont "I thought 1 was, but my wife de. Sided yesterday that it is a nenessen. al. \ FAIR QUES. TION Bobble: Say, Pop, why do they call it a "Home, Sweet Home," now " that we can only get two pounds of sugar a month? ticipatory of the war of universal peace when the parliament of man shall be established in a world fede ration bf democracies.; It may, how- ever, prove to be the tersest and likeliest title for who can tell that the proposed league of nations may not be the precursor of an age when such harmonious relations will have developed that the consummation of Christian teachings---the universal brotherhood of man--will be attain- ed? CHAPLAIN WOUNDED Copt. Rev. Stanley G. Wade. only in the late Canon Wade, of ton, who was wounded on October 21. He was serving as chaplain with an | brigade. Preparing the Flock For the Winter (Experimental Farm Note) The success to be obtained from the farm flock will depend very large- ly on the way it has been handled during thy autumn months, The plan fat the Experimental Farm, Nappan, NS. 18, before the breeding ceason opens in the fall go through the flock, pick out ail the non-producers, | poor milkers, or any that .may have had mouths or spoiled udders; alse AAA A cm pp ind) own, - debilitated SMILES FOR WHIG READERS WAR TERMS EVERYWHER "I thought you said that the Jones' boy couldn't whip you?" Ris "Well, he. couldn't: alone, hut he and his brother mobilized and then they had me." Clogged Nostrils Open Breathing Made Easy, Catarrh Cured! ------ New Method Very Successful. It is a new method of treatment, that of medicated air, and cannot fail to be beneficial. It goes wher- ever air can go, thus reaching all the affected parts. It purifies as by fire. Simply burning up the disease germs, Catarrhdzone is a non-poisonous and healing agent; it therefore acts upon the mucous tissues of the throat nasal passages, and bronchial tubes, destroying all microbe lite, and at the same time heals up all the inflamed parts. As a cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthnia, La Grippe; as a strengthen- er for the throat, Catarrhozone can- not be equaled. It is a guaranteed cure, and is highly endorsed by' prominent phy- .siciant who use Catarrhozone in their A MEAN TRICK Firefly--Hey, you give me a dime or I'll stay here and light up the whole place. ROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS + OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! It tongue is coated give "California Syrup of Figs." Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this is their ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with- out griping. When cross, irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach §our, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and nndigested food «ont. of the bowels, and you 'have a well, playful child again. 'When its little system is full of cold; throat sors, has stom- ach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic ---remember; a good "inside cleans- ing" should always be the first treat- ment given, . Millions of mothers keep "'Califor- nig Syrup of Figs" handy; they know 4 teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child tosmorrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which -has-directions- for bax bles, children of all ages and grown« ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." A ne AeA tetas Ain any that may be too old for breeding profitably, and discard them: . In selecting out the breeding flock looks alone is not the only guide, as many ties a ewe may be a profitable breeder yet be very thin, due. to the fact that she has been brought down by a heavy milk flow. Good ewes should (be retained in the flock as long a sthey will breed and feed their lambs properly. All lambs mot intended for breed- Ing purposes are sold . If the mar- ket happens to be flooded it is found to be more profitable to feed them well until January or February, by putting them 'on good aftermath un- til barning time, then finish on roots meal. m lambs intended for breeding are placed in a separate field with light grain mixture of 1-2 pound A en good clover aftermath, and given al practice. Catarrhozone outfit complete, con- sisting of a beautifully polished hard rubber inhaler and sufficient Catarrh- ozone for two months' use, price $1.00, smaller size 50¢, at all dealers. Bh hoi tits natn CE | oats, 1-4 pound bran, and 1-5 pound ollcake meal. The ewe lambs are also placed in a field by themselves, but not given much grain unless the afterfeed is poor. All breeding ewes are flushed during the latter part of October or the first of No- vember, This consists in putting them in a good field of 'clover and giving them a light grain ration of oats, bran and a little oilcake meal. Hence the ewes make a rapid gain in flesh. There are several advan- tages from this practice. First, the ewes which are bred in a thrifty condition are more apt to throw vig- orous lambs; second, they are more reliable breeders; third, more likely to drop twins; fourth, the flock will al Ibreed more evenly together, which makes it much better at lambing time in that the lambs are all drop- ; ped within a short period of each other, thus making less work for the shepherd. Z In selecting the flock ram it is the endeavor to choose the very : best, typical of the breed and vigorous. Then he is fed well in order to keep him virile, but not too fat. He never gets grain until about 'q month WE BUY AND SELL WAR LOAN ISSUES Bongard Ryerson & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange. % STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS AND 0OTTON Private wires to Rew York, Chicago, Toronto, Mon- tr 230 Bagot 8t. - Phone 1728 FALL SUITS $22 to $38.00 ------------------------ Fall OVERCOATS $18 to $30 eee Just received from England, Officers's Trench Coats, olled, slik lining and.-removable wool lining, John Tweddell Civil and Military Tailor DEPOSITED WITH THE GOVERNMENT OVER $100,000.00 Che Ropal Guardians INSURANCE MONTREAL. LIFE, SICKNESS, INDUSTRIAL AND ENDOWMENT before breeding season. He is never dllowed to run with thé ewes con- tinually, but put in with them two or three hours each day. ! dn: diving the pen for wintbr, all mature ewes are put together; shoar- lings in another ped, and owe Tombs' by themselves. e latter are not bred until one year old. Should there be any weak ones they too are given a separate pen; otherwise they would not get a fair show at the trough with the more vigorous ones. The above method of preparing sheep for winter has been found to be most satisfactory. The Czecho-Slovaks hive found the bodies of five grand dukes in a well at Allispavick. Among them was Constantine Constantinoviteh whose wife is imprisoned by the Dolshevik{ at Perm. hm General - Petain, commander-in- chief of the French armies, is to be raised to the rank of marshal of France, the cabinet council has de- cided. : He British steamer Cascapaedia, which was reported in distress on, Sunday might, has been abandoned. Her crew have been saved. 2 'The proposed dry amendment to the Minnesota constitution failed by 756 votes. Agreeable to Everybody ; 4 | "Ivory Soap has every quality you can wish for in a toilet and bath soap. It is pure, Itismild. Itis white. It floats. Its perfume is the natural fragrance of pure, high grade materials. Ivory is everything that a soap can be because it is nothing but pure soap, non- injurious and thoroughly cleansing. It isn't possible to make a better or more universally likeable soap. IVORY. SOAP [fill 994% PURE I? prLoaTS ' Made in the Procter & Gamble factories at Homitton, Canada a Colonial "A"" Thin ai no of accurac sacrifice Ye