PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 3, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. ; CANADA MORE GENEROUS. |tru Bs - astonishing: efforts' -- THE BRITISH - WHIG A ry otras': thai ll about the astonishing 8 'oRsy. Ployoht Is Was a Boil ! 85TH YEAR It gesms passing Strange nid: made by Great In an ne ee] DOCTOR SAID ABSCESS. | { tha 7 3 ¢ Sts 8 OC * x 1 i meri iS people in the United States Canno:has pot been published in Americal sy. Gleason R. Young, Kingscroft, et tht send gifts to Canadian or British yet N.B., under date of Feb. 9th, 1918, soldiers overseas without speciai It is fitting that this splendid tri- | writes us as follows:-- "About five N permission from Washington. OVer| pute to the work yf the mighty months ago, a lump came on my jaw- OBBY FINE 2 : . . bone' 1 thought it wae a boil, and there, the motto appears to h flee hould con m > g . re, the motto app British fleet sho ome from the [ao | OE a ea while HATS YS | wom a AR "Everything for Our Own." '@ | lips of the commander of the AM-lj hegan to get larger. 1 went to a in Capada we send parcels to.Can-|erican navy in PBurcpean waters. doctor and he said it was an abscess, | adian, Yankee, British and Fremch |The British navy was ready when and lanced it. He gave me 3 h : soldiers , who are fighting for us,|the fi war trumphet blew, and to i ! : until it healed up, but it commenced PR for it, se I went by his directions] ; i YX of ba ; a a pase ~ ? without 'any Ym ao Canada | its efficiency and power the winning) coming again, and in about three A does not distinguish between thaw {of the war is primarily due. weeks it broke itself. I thought it} g ea d ers or en 0 $ I - They are all our brothers-in-arms. eset would get better, but it didn't. Al o Many people in the United States] MERCHANTS WHO "wi ARRY ON." neighbor advised me to get a bottle | | " are ding money to Kingston ad The aggressiveness shown by the; of Burdock Blood Bitters, so I sent] BE Ed Eh a for: fie hig United States in all its war aetivi-]2nd got a bottle, and by the time it) ' SOME SUITS a Ri ' : 47 2 ties i something tha in Canada] a8 all gone; the abscess had disa- / | pa chase and shipment of cigars ani |ties is something that we in Canada', aared, and now it is all better.' ARE ' other gifts 'to Canadian soldiers at [must needs admire, and, let us Burdock Blood Bitters will heal the battlefront because of the rigid | hope, profit by. One aspect of this|and dry up sores, ulcers, and absc es-| OUR regulations in force in Uncle Sam's|téndency may be noted here, Hon. | 58, no matter how large or of how : g : ; * . v domains \ W. B. Colver chajrman /of the Jong standing. 1f you have never ap vl sql \ "B "" Xublished Daily und Semi-Weekly by : She x x . "| plied it to a cut, wound, sore or ul-{ A SE ] . UB "THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING i Federal Trade Commission, hasjeer; just try it and see what sooth-! PTH EK CO, LIMITED, FOCH'S WONDERFUL FEAT. lately written a notable message to ling, healing, ¢leansing power it pos- ) } \ "MILITAIRE"' i J. G. Eldott .. President] The war ended with such sudden- | manufacturers, strongly urging | sesses. It takes out itching, winging i Su \ A and burning, and promotes ue ii £5 | A \ 3 and i ! ; | Leman A. Guild .. ,. | Editor ana ness--as had constantly been predict- | onti pir adv ing 3 y n predi {them to continue their advertising growth of healthy flesh So, too "ry? 1" D"ORSAY Managing- Director. . > : fea : i : a a f : Teter = ed it would---that the people do not! without interruption during the war| when taken internally, by its power Business Office hoy ve .» +2.243! fully appreciate the genius of the and reconstruction period. ' of eliminating all impurities from the] } Kaitorial Rootw .. sat wee +oo389 yuan primarily fesponsible for put-| He has pointed out to them the|blood and making that vital fluid! JOD OMICO ... ooo Vay sis sei ..o292 i 2 ' wuts off the ting an end to the great cenflict a|vital value of preserving for their|Tich, red and pure, it cuts o SUBSCRIPTION HATES : ? i ese yrigin and source of the foul mat-| i iA [4 (Daily Edition) year before many of us expected. products the asset of good-will al- ids at goes to Hake boils, pimples, | ! ed Gna Jear, JSelivered in Gly + = $id 20 Though the war has ended only two | {ready created by their advertising. |sores, ulcers, abscesses and the like | "4 7A / and at the same time the purified] | [iA ® Ope ud » mall 6 Tura; offices §3 5 weeks, it appears much longer to us, | He has cited the faet that people | x po a Fi WE Ans + ¥09 owing to he rapid course of events have ried the vane of Cort | id, Saiched Dog creas healihy | Spe year. 17 nail sash advance i 8 since the capture of Mons by the!prodiets through advertising, and fasy sore Tull 'Of pus > {1 Une vear, to United States .. Canadians. These events - include that a discontinuance or a serious Burdock Blood Bitters has been| '} ' Six and three months pro ras. the disorderly retreat of the Germans" curtailment of advertising in these |on the market for 40 years. Manu-| | by / REAL OVERCOATS % MONTItISAL, REPRESENTATIVE Into their"own country, the occupy- times will go far toward undoing |factured only by The T. Milburn Co. | 43 ! } FOR, NOFIrap: S25 Wirth, Ave. No Tos ing of German towns by the Allies, | the work already accomplished Limited, Toronto, Ont [RBA | are F.R.Northrup, 1610 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago [and the surender of the German fleet The doctrine is sound, and ap A Doubter. } (/ ani ttara ts Ths iter sre published Let us keep this in mind: That in|plies with even more force to local Red Bech cage 1 pane.) ridieal E OUR writer. less than four months after the Ger- stores. change from Potsdam, and we hope | Y TAlAChol Ta one of The hesi 3b mans had| carried out a great offen- A store is not merely an inter-{ it is. But pending satisfactory de- HRY BELMONT printing offices in Canads sive that appeared to those afar off | {esting Institution to the average| monsfration, 'we shall do well to] AX BELCOURT ===" to threaten the road to Paris, su { person it has much to do with the squgL he ER rom i [ FIALY 5 iq 5 preme victory rested upon the Allied | | daily lives of the people : 0 its axi m: * St Ww e, | 7 AD fh The circulation of THE BRITISH | or1.y; and owing largely to the bril-| What & merchant used to do, in Ueto Sam, silane br) / FX and Whig is authenticated by the 4 ABO y lant 'work of the British armies the|the way of offering bargains and | 'from (Missoura." [8 ot! at Audit Bureau of Circulations. Germans, in the words of a war re-|service, counts, of course It is a Meal. ; if 0 viewer, were "plucked bodily from | fac or 'in the good-will asset which nig Mam Lo Miss By | ) ¥ elegram « / ~ rotect the their vast defences and flung out of he Las established But it does not If Ww F. Nie kle, M.P., positively 5 7 YE i ° Now Is the time to protect . i France. Nothing that Napoleon {meet tlie present need refuses to come to the Hon. Robert water pipes from frost. did hi it R ok t, Mr. Nickle will be eR irsmabmepknea ever can surpass this military The people want to know, day by | Rogers' banquet, Mr, Nickle Ww : Peop'e want tg ow, day 1; minus ; one 'square meal and 'the Suciety Braud Clutheg ars § i 10 | achievement of th lied S - day pha h archa i ine & The papers are suggesting (he f the A armies un- 'day, what the merchant is doing banquet will be minus one square OVERCOATS SUITS formation of a Unionist party Iu [der Foch, who directed his forces on now. They want to determine in| man ¢ $15.00 to $42.50 $15.00 to $40.00 Canada. five widely-separated battlefronts their minds how well he is measur ---- ---- The making of munifions at Pem-' ne-- with remarkable co-ordination and|ing up to his old standards of ser- 3 . "" + The Toronto News suggests that |struck the enemy always at the right | vice. They want to see how he acts broke will close €BYIY neXt MOREY, = Ultra-smart Suits naturally are to be found at "Style Headquarters, Brubasiy the Gorman navy was too | moment. | index the fire of . difficult mer- Will Take Off where the premier models designed by Society tailors are found, as well as proud to fight. chandising conditions. the latest and best things in Haberdashe | Through his daily news "com- All Excess Fat 2 _ {THE INVINCIBLE BRITISH NAVY The coming session of parlia #1ihe German flag Is to be hauled) | munique," his store advertisement, Do you know that there is a sim- ' i ple, 'harmless effective remedy for ment is likely to be full of fire- {he kee gps in touch with them, kee down at 3.57 o'clock and is not to ro AOD | overfatness that may be used safely works. The dissidents are prepar- a , ge y be > be hoisted again without permis. | them informed as to'to-day's offer and secretly by any man or woman SEE OUR BOYS' OVERCOATS and BOYS" SUITS ing for action. ings. sion." who is losing the slimness of youth? . The merchant who "carries on," | There is; and it is none other than Real Dandies at The entiré crop of California With this historic signal, Ad- 18 | no matter what the trade conditions |the tablet form of the now famous $10, $12.50, $15, $18.50 $7.50 to $18.50 : \ taken over for |mira]l Beatty concluded the cere- Marmola Prescription, ~ known as prunes has been are, who demonstrates that bis army and navy uses.' Loud cheers |monies incident to the surrendering | 5 : : Marmola Prescription Tablets. You ) from boarding house patrons. of the main part of the German store ig built upon the rock of ser-|.., well expect a reduction of from EXTRA SPECIAL --- it high seas fleet. The part which the ¥1¢€ to ifs patrons, and that it is a'two to four pounds a week without BOYS' SUITS. SIZES 29 to 33 Permits are no longer uired | factor in the community life--that| dieting or exercising, Marmola Pre- ger req British navy has played In the great n merchant will win sueh a command- | scription Tablets are sold by all SPECIAL PRICE $4.75 * "for men wishing to feaye the coun-|war is not adequately " understood sen geists at 75¢ for a large case, or We! ing lead that possible competition in it you prefer you can order direct EXTRA SPECIAL TRA try. Is this a back-handed invita-|on this side of the Atlantic. tion for the defaulters to skeddadle? | know something of its power and its| he reconstruction period will beat}srom the Marmola Co., 864 Wood- MEN'S SPECIAL his house in vain, .. ward Ave, Detroit, Mich. ers performances, but not all. In this upon : --~-- ) ' The city council does well to Im-|sonpection it may not be amiss to LINEN COLLARS MEN'S 1 Plain or Fancy Heavy Wool press upon the utilities commission | quote from an address by Admiral] ! the need of a purer water supply f0™| Sims, of the American navy. This] » ® all sizes SWEATER COATS the city. 'It is a big problem - and | a4qress was delivered in London, at | : gs 92 for 25¢. + $3.00 | needs to be handled in a blg Way. |g papquet in honor of the American | 2 , ra press representatives visiting Great! 'The city fathers have named &|pyiain at which Hon. A. J 8 Mor) : committee to inquire into the price Be 1 : . . presided. From it we quote the fol-| of milk, Why not enlarge the scope | jolt) "CCF | STRENUOUS TIMES imi e of the enquiry so that the price of It was ver 3 These be the times that try men's souls; we're al- y important that the : ¥ tv 1a ~ . all food stuffs may be investigated? 'American 1 Vda 4 wars digging up our rolls, and stripping off the bills; . houl bso- eH aE We a oot i " Steak a people should = be abso , as fast as we can earn the ¢oin it has to go for steak and 78-80-82 Princess Street Kingston, Ont. ae. wn. lutely informed as to what was tak- loin, for pantalgons and pills. "The prices has risen," ritish warships have swept u hy Panta fo] : ' a a and D ad the St i» 3 ing place on this side., They had 1 is the cry, wheme'er a fellow gges to buy a hymnbook th 98 anc opened the Straits of | ot. been too aceurately informed. ! ' OF a hen; the war has made of irade a botch, and so 6 Dardanelles. Henceforth these Fo 1 the prices rise a notch, and they will rise again. These r example, he had asked Ameri- § #8 #] be the times that try men's souls; the doughnuts now are straits will be open to the world cans, who, as was customary when 3 mostly holes, the pies are thin and pale; mbst things Without Hmitation. they crossed the Atlantic, had had p A are ade ot Subsiié ies, = here Je wonsholes In B 3 he fruits for which we blow our kale pound © , . 1 This war, rightly says the Mani- | '© Slog their way through sub i Eg B butter costs us now as much as would have bought a M'CLARY'S INTERCHANGEABLE toba Free Press, has filled the "rines, how many submarines they oF cow, in balmy times of peace; and when we buy it some country with a ot of bustling lec. | UPPosed were operating. The esti- v one comes with warming voice and muffled drums, and RA GE i na . mate given had never been less than says, "Conserve the greage."" These be the times that toring, autocrats who have been : try men's souls; we cannot touch, with ten-foot poles, the . Gas, Coal or Wood ; ; | filty and sometimes it was ome ' ' r , IN FOUR POUND TINS spoiled by the too free exercise of h a price of things we need; the stand off at the store is Tak ; power In war' time. undred. As a matter of fact, the 4 banned and all the wealth we have on hand is merely . akes the place of two ranges. Costs less and gives bet. | Strawberry, per tin a ve ri average number was eight or nine, chi . And yet, as 1 pursue my way, 1 46 not see a @rouch all ter results, Sold only at : il Rilupherss per tin wa and it sometimes ran up to -twelva day, or hear a plaintive whine; the boys seem glad to stand the gaff, i Red Currant, or tin 5 iMen interested in the re-estab- |, thirteen ani ail 1 nar Tuck uakes them laugh, Jastead of bringing brime. You . | Gooseberry, per tin de. * bh a bune e us; in times of peace we ramt and cuss, and : Peach, per tin .. ... lishment of returned soldiers de Another idea was sometimes in paw around like sin; but when we need to wear a yoke we view the i Aricaty per tin Fah clare that Kingston should have a the American mind that the Ameri- blamed thing as a joke, and wear it with a grin. strong committee to carry on the |.an navy had been doing the bulk -- WALT MASON. = : -- Ti-- =|! Jas. Redden & Co. work, the city council creating the or the business over here--at least organization 4d aqdive 2 "body a half. That was not correct. Thers "THINGS THAT NEVER H HAPPEN If : : Ticenss Nou 9-430, 8-151, of citizens. were about 5,000 anti-submarine have plenty of work to do. craft operating day and night, and : - the American craft pumbered 169, y FARMS FOR SALE I Principal Taylor of Queen's is|Or 3-per cent. The figures were % - by : Prev t A fx 25 acres, 8 miles from King- en ' nl giving "himself 'enthusiastically 1» about the same in the Mediterran- "oz "the work of re-establishing soldiers |®an. Again, Americans seemed to| | - {J Ston On leading road--excellent into civil lite. The gollege is being | TeEard it as a miracle of thelr navy JIMMIE You A PLAY le nl doll first 1 : used fo the fullest extent in pro-|that they had got a million and a SEER eo out © {| part is well adapted for Bot pl eémic 'meting plans and encouraging tho |half troops here in a few months AND PLAY WITH "0 'gardening. First class brick soldiers to avail themselyes of the |3nd had protected them on the way. TE Gols OF EIGHT Now Sweliing "ith beautiful sur: It each =o LiL carry "" ', " : f no p , Shporiniuee offered at the demo- we Sng so. hat a Adina) NOL KNOW DA I] county; Re barn; brtek Fn ; ovr i Hotel Bea Hoa a 4 Oficur's brought over two-thirds of them : : 2 NE MENT as Sanh Shop; : Jarfe ap ray be. Gargle and escorted a half. We escort oniy ° Al iM 1S | This Ba most desirable pro- at Permangunate of Potash we 5 \ . vi e e have rom noel one ome er TT del TED fo, BY EIGHT octoK Ds tor save. ke list of "118 Mensa. 'Admiral Sims contintied: "I a : Te h ol; ra strength would like American people to pay & 5 ; pure distilled water. am particular attention to the fact that 20e BOTTLE. there are about 5,000 anti-submar: ine craft in the ocean to-day, cut- ting out mines, escorting troop ships and making it possible for us to ro ahead and win the war. The reason