Conn a -- Sm in gis THE DAILY/BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2s, 51g. ay | * 2 DON'T BLAME THE BOYS Blame the Clotfies Boys' Clothes worthy of the name, will hold up under all sorts of condi- tions, Reputations are sel. dom built of air, They've got to be earned. Just a glance at our Boys' Suits and Over- coats is all that is neces- sary to convince you that they are durable, stylish, and prices right, Fine, warm, Winter Overcoats Belt all around and half belt, *with slash pockets, made of the correct fabrics, in the popular shades. $10upto$18 Livingstons If off your route, it pays to walk. f All warrant officers, non-commis- Sette [ Military Matters - if "THEATRICAL ~ TT -------- > Thursday was pay day for the At the Strand. 1 men of No. 3 C.A8.C. Service Com- . Asin the Syrand forges to fie any at the Tete de Pont barracks. [front w $$ all-star program bany a ® for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The features will be first "The of the R.C.| Trap," starring Alice Brady, the 2 production Was staged in a 'quaint lisher village, and the scenes are tion among the most beautiful ever seen 2 on the sereen. Miss Brady appears in the role of Doris Shaw, the daughter of a fanatical fishermah. When the rough fisher lad, who is in love with her sees her become in- terested in a stranger, he frames up ¢ a trap whereby ijt appears that she Youu 51, . + is not only Indiscreet but bad. Doris' Corpl. J. D Flann and Gunners father casts her from his home, For A. D. Beck, J. P. A. Coleman, €. W. the extra Feature we offer Weiss, J. J. Cornish and J. H. Wal | star to Kingstonians, Belle Bennett, ton have been disc harged from No. 3 in "The Lonely Woman." a master Depot Field Battery to civil lite. 1 piece: of (Characterization dealing . ras i with the wonderful faith of a wo. Sergt. A. H. Fowler, No. 3 Depot man in her husband, who has been Battery, has been promoted to the sentenced to Sing Sing. though in- rank of provisional quartermaster- nocent. It is more than a gripping sergeant. heart pulsing play of emotion--it is . ogy ¥ a call to faith. The usual comedy Gunner W. C. R. MacLean; No, 3 reels will be shown, also new music { Dep st Field Battery, has been dis- | py the Strand orchestra charged from Queen's Military Hos- | ! pital { sioned office ind H.A. Depot 'v Gu Wednesday af- terncon paraded for re categoriza- Pte. C. Duggie, No. 3 Detachment, C.A 84 has been transferred to the R.C.H.A. Depot, and has heen | Posted as a gunner for duty with the R.CH.A. band, WHR ® = ® 2 I { "Cinderella." | --_-- | One of the novel song numbers of |: Neo 3 Detachment, Canadian | p Stuart-Whyte's latest English pan- {Ordnance Corps, is in need of /sev- tomine "Cinderella," is the tuneful enteen ditional men to Complete "Vampires of Then and Now," which {its establishment, there being vacan-| ig sung with terrific success by Miss cies for three armourers and four-| Zara Clinton and ten beautiful girls teen men for the storehouse sec- Mr: Whyte has built a special setting tion {for this song alone, and has provided ---- {three thousand dollars' worth of coi- In accordance with routine ord- | tumes for it. The setting represents ers for demobilization, detailed in- fq picture gallery in the home of structions have been sent by the | prince Charming. Upon the walls general officer commanding to the | are five large oil paintings of famous commanders of all units In this | vampires of old, Delilah, Salome, district | Cleopatra, Neil Gwynne and Mary s {Queen of Scots. As the SONg pro- About . eighty persons attended { ceeds the, pictures come to life, and the whist drive at the G.W V.A. | the famous characters come down a on Wednesday evening, and # | upon the stage. Here they meet five HIRO most enjoyable time was spenl present day vampires arrayed like {Great credit is due to Gunner Howe | birds of paradise, plying their art j for his utitiring efforts in organiz- | ;, the modern way. The five an {ing the first of these parties It 18 | cient beauties decide thatythey are | expected that others will be "€ld | outclassed by the "baby vamps of throughout the winter old Broadway," and return again to 3 | their frames to dream of former con- Capt. G. H. Field, C.AMC,, and} quests when the game was played Lieut. G. H. Murphy have been struck | gocording to Hoyle. The music for | Off the strength of the C.E.F [this song was written by a Canadian TE -------- | officer, Lieut. B. C. Hilllam,while the ' | words are hy PF. Stuart-Whyte. "Cin- | derella" will be the offering at the | Grand Opera House for Friday and | Saturday. geet sieges -- SALARY OF LADY TEACHERS. TTT TTT | Committee to Submit Report at Spe: | cial Meeting of Board. Late Mrs. J. V. Delair, { .. The management committee of the The death occurred at her home, | poor of Education, held a meeting 34 Clergy street west, on Tuesday, of | " ay afternoon, and discuss- Mrs. Joseph V. Delair, aged thirty | years, after a year's illness. She is] % survived by her husband, one SO, have a report prepared which they Clifford, aged three; her mother, Mrs | will submit at a special meeting of the P. Andre; three sisters, Mrs, D. Pe-! Board of Education to be held on low, Mrs. A. Waltson and Mrs. James Friday might. Five of the lady teach- Mellroy, of Kingston; and eight bro-| ang were present and 'discussed the thers, Alexander, Trefla and William, | ga 10py question with the committee. of Cleveland, Ohio: Frederick, Peter, | nen George, Charles and Joseph T., Kings-, Honor Flag Over C.1.C. Works, in Buying - Your Winter Underwear Manufacturers are advancing prices, and re- Peat orders cannot be had except at much higher prices. ; Women 's Winter Vests, Drawers and Combi. nations, no sleeves, short sleeves, and long sleeves, . ankle and knee lengths, in cotton, union and all wool, the best Canadian and imported makes, at 45¢, 50c, 75¢ and up to $3.50 a Garment Men's Warm and Comfortable Winter Un- derwear, Penman's Turnbull 's, and other makes, : fin shirts, drawers, and one-piece suits, full assort- ment of sizes, from 32 to 50, fleece-lined, union, and all-wool, fro at ir ~ 75¢c to $5.00 a Garment . i Underwear for Boys and Girls, a great many : I st; to choose from, separate and union suits, Reso lined, heavy rib, and fine all-wool, from ; 8 36c¢ to $2.50 a Garment Sleeping Suits for children: Women's and Girls' Black Equestrian Tights in knee find ankle 1 iP : 0 From 60c to $2.75 a Pair | Grand Opera House; sheafs, Mr. and | wounded inthe various theatres of ton, the latter of the Grand Opera myo Canadian Locomotive Com- House staff. The funeral took Place' rany has received: its Victory Loan on Thursday morning to St. Mary's honor flag. This-flag is the pro- cathedral, where a_solemn requiem | perty of the employees of the plant, ass wag sung by Rev. Father Kea-' > 0 signifies the splendid showing toy, and thence to St. Mary's ceme-| they made in their Vietory Loan tery. ive | CAMMDRIEN with 737 applications Spiritual offerings © recéived| trom 1.300 men in last year's cam- from: Mrs. Jenmie Andle, Mr. and paign. The thoroughness of the Mrs. Delair, Misses Florence and | canvassing and the spirit of lending Stella Delair (Toronto), Mr. and Mrs. | whieh pervaded 'the. plant during D. Pelow, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andre, | (ne two weeks' campaign testifies to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marriam, Mr. | spe patriotism of «these men. and Mrs. J. Sauve-and family, Mrs, L | n ------------ Lalonde, Mrs. Brefleff, Miss K. Bish. | op, Mr. and Mrs. George Andre, Dr. Over Two Million Hospital Cases. and Mrs, J, P. Quigley, Mrs. L. 0. | New York, 'Nov. 28.-- Hospitals Beaudry Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ford, {in Great Britain and Ireland have Mrs. Cyril Sauve. » |treated 2,391,349 British and In- Floral offerhigs: Wreath, staff of dian troops and German prisoners TTT UHRA Mrs. Robert Gibbs, Mrs. 8, Andrews. | war, restoring many thousands to ' | healkh and losing less than a dozen Late Mrs. Quirk, Wolfe Island, | by accidents in transportation. The death of Winnifred Quirk, | TT -------- widow of the late Patric irk, oc- ow o ale on k Qu oral | To Undertake Work. curred at her residence on Wolfe | ; Island on Wednesday. © The de- | 'Toronto, Nov. 28. --1It was decid- ceased was eighty-four years of od at a meeting of the Canadian lage and resided the isl for | Red Cross Society yesterday that Be than foity A lang -- | this organization will unde ake- the born in Ireland. She is survived by | regular Red Cross work among the tWo sons and two daughters, Canadian soldiers on the Sibgrian expedition, 19,000 Teutons in Turkey, HR ------------------ Constantinople, Nov. 28.--Two | . - transports from Odessa which the x The Bearq ut Nude wishogto us Germans had expected to come tg head se H onal os Colborne Constantinople have not. arrived. If street, for the. Belgien children's Lo transport is available before the health fund end of November 16,000 Germans | "7 _1 unc. Norm pen ie and 3,000 Austrians wil become | prisoners of war in accordance with CHRISTMAS CARDS the terms of the armistice signed Plain Bordered and Folders by. Turkey. Name, Address and Greetin, beautifully . Embossed. No plate necessary. Only machine I} For Murder in the he kad S oh San! pices Teasonpble. a . 1 ou " Pembroke, Ont, Nov, 28.--After HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR hearing evidence for several hours 20 Market St, Kingston the grand Jury brought in a true bill against Aloph Gohr, of Fraser DAILY MEMORANDYM HHH am REMEMBER SCARCELY A MONTH TO DO ALL YOUR XMAS SHOPPING A List of Xmas Gifts That will assuredly charm and Please the taste of the most discriminating woman. EXQUISITE NEW BLOUSES FOR XMAS GIVING : IN : Georgette Crepes, of elegance and charm. Beautiful Rich Crepe de Chenes. Dainty and Practical Blouses of Habituai Silk. Are 3mong the latest to arrive from New York PRICED FROM $5.00 to $15.00, CHARMING XMAS NECKWEAR, Nothing more fascinating to the feminine hearts than dainty, IN GEORGETTE CREPES CREPE DE CHENES And WASH SATINS, carefully chosen neckwear. Sf --~-- Featured in Square, Tuxedo, Cowl, Pleated Cowl, and Roll effects, PRICED 50c to $2.00 EACH GLOVES FOR XMAS GIFTS Attractiveness is ess Xmas gift, but no | manship. find all three qualities, co In these FRENCH KID MODERATE PRICES, PERRIN"S GENUINE PARIS MADE FRENCH KID GLOVES In every fashionable shade. , PRICED $2.00, $2.25, $250 a PAIR. - PERRIN'S GENUINE FRENCH SUEDE GLOVES In Grey, Beaver, Fawn, Brown and Black. PRICES $2.00 and $2.50 a PAIR. SILK HOSIERY. THE ALWAYS PLEASING GIFT, In fancy stripes. In novelty clock effects, And lovely plain silk, In every desirable shade. * PRICED FROM 75¢ to $2.50 a PAIR. John Laidlaw & Son A rn township, char, witht rde Miss Silvercruys lecture, Notre Dame IARI Db ged d the murder Assembly Hall, 8 o'clock to-night, rT T o { John Behn 40. OF page three, rigni wand |i] 'oba Nee corner, for pr flities, ¥ an mas | Gi oo in aet ov. , | 'Henry Lloyd and Tho RMAIN--Killed ion, Nov. 10th of Kingston, have passed the 1918, - Lieut. Russell Longworth nations of the Ontario Tol. er! oa on or ond ar + - dear ved son ', a Physiolans and Surgeons. b. Germain, 10 Alwington avenue, ct n-- on. = -- Kingston, eo Toronto and Si. Paul papers please copy. ATH-4n Toronts, on Nov. 27th, ay 1918, Ur. David John Smith son of the late Margaret aj Interment' at ui of QUIRK--On Wolte ; Now. 27th, 101 Winnif) Conroy, widow of She late Patrick Quirk, Aged eighty-four years. . Funeral from her late Fri- day at 9. the mn Hi Besides being attract tive, our absolutely correct as to style an OY LTT -- HTH lm he I iim 0 80a ttn -------------- )