TURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SA CHILDREN'S FURNI- TURE FOR XMAS. Kiddie Koops, Iron Cribs, Carriages, Rockers, Dolls' Carriages, Toy Setts, Baby Walkers. 2 Largest stock and lowest prices. Reid Leading Undertaker A Phone 577 i: Bring Back Memories of Home to the Kingston Boys by Sending a Box of Cigars Made in Kingston MILO May be had in boxes of 10, 25 or 50 at all cigar and drug stores. Get them away now for Christmas. The Market Reports LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Winnipeg. Nov. 29 Winnipeg, $8 to $13.50; Hutcher . heifers, $6 to 10; cows, $4 to $9; bulls, $4.50 to (60; oxen, $4.50 to $9; stockers d feeders, 6 to $10.75; veal valves $4.50 to $9.60; sheep and lambs, $8 to $14.50 Hogs, selects, $17.75; ows and heavies, $11.75 to $13.75; |stags, $10 to $12; lights, $13 to $15. Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 29. teers, $12 to $12.50; good, $11.50; medium, $9 to common, $7.56 to 8.50; butchers' cows, $9.25 to $8 to $9; medium; $6.60 to Cholee. butchers' bulls, $8.50 to $9.50; good, $7.50 to $8.25; medium, $6.50 to $7. Sheep, $0 to $10. Lambs, $16 to $13.20. Milk fed calves, $12 to $15; grass fed, $7 to $9. Sléct hogs, off cars, $18 to $18.25. Heavies and lights, $15 to $16; sows, $15 to $15.50. = Choice $10.50 $9.50; choice $9.95; good, L Toronto. Nov. 29, choice, $13 to $14; {$12.50 to $13. Export bulls $10.50 Butcher cattie, choice, to $11.25; medium, $5.25 to 5; common, $6.25 to $7; cows, choice, $9.25 to $10.50; medium, 5 to $8; canners, $56 to $5.25; $8560 to $9.50. Feeding rs, $9.25 to $10.50. Stockers, choice, $8.25 to $9.25; light, $6 50 {to $7. Milkers, choice, $90 to $140- |Springers, choice, $95 to $150. |Sheep, ewes, $9 to $11. Bucks, 37 to $9 Lambs, $15 to 15.40. Hogs, {fed and watered, $18 Hogs, fob, $17.60 to $17.75. Calves, 1$17 to $17.50 Culls, $5 to $7. Toronto, tle medium, $9.50 Chicago. | Chicago, Nov. 29. Hogs-- Re | ceipts, 22,0400: warket mostly 16¢ 5 {to 2Ge highae; closing dull. Butch- ~. ~~ IIA A 7 St AIAN NN SNA i A -------- were supporting you, and she carried no more insur- ance for your protection than you are at present carrying for hers and that of your family, would you be satisfied % Just for a moment imagine the positions reversed. You would, without a doubt, say it was entirely inadequate. How can you expect your wife, with only a Thousand or so of Life Insurance, to maintain the home and educate your children, with the cost of living in the ascendant? Why not meas- ure up to your responsibilities, and apply to-day to The Manufacturers Life for one of its Guaranteed Policies,- which provides a competence if you live; an estate if you die; or, in case of total and permanent disability. a Monthly Income without any impairment to the face of the Policy? The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA M. G. Johnston, Branch Manager, i Kingston, Ap I IRI Kindly complete and mail to the dddress above : Without obligation, will you kindly furnish me with full par. ticulars of your Guaranteed Policies. | am age, and am {masied years of Ee eA as ra na ey Name $s i; hE -~ Li FE RRUENERMRWAM EEN ERR Our Idea of Good Footwear # Is One That's Exactly the Same as Yours: J, [$18 10; gi No, 1 feed, 38¢c;. , $17.85 to $18.40; light, $17 to packing, $17 to $18.10; |throw-outs, $16 to 16.60; pigs, good to choice, $13.60 to $15.50. | Beet cattle--Good, choice and prime, $15.25- to $19.75; common and medium, $9.50 to $15.25. But- cher stock--Cows and' heifers, $6.- 25 to $14; ecanners and cutters, {$5.50 to $6.25, Stockers and feed Good, choice and fancy, $10.25 $13; Inferior, common and i medjum, 7.25 to $10.25 Veal calves, good and choice, $10.76 to 1$17.25 ' Western range, beef {steers, $14.50 to $18; cows and i heifers, $8 to $1215. | Lambs--Choice and to $15.60; medium 5 to $15.35; culls, $9.75 to 0. Ewes----Choice and prime, 9 to $9.25; medium and good, $8 $9; culls, $3.25 to $6.50, Buffalo. Buffalo, Nov. 29. ceipts, 1,150; slow. Calves--Re- ceipts, 50; $1.50 lower; $7 to $20. Hogs--Receipts, 1,000; strong; heavy and mixed, $18.35 to $18.50; york- ers, $18.10 to $18.50; light yorkers and pigs, $17.60 to $17.75; roughs, $12 to $16.80; stags, 10 to $13.50. Sheep and lambs-----Receipts, 1,600; steady and unchanged. ers | 1o prime, $15.- and good, 4 9 9 Cattle--Re- @ GRAIN QUOTATIONS, Toronto, Toronto, Noy, 29. wheat (in store, Fort William, not Including tax)----No 1 northern, $2.24 1-2; No. 2 northern, $2.21 1-2; No. 3 nperthern, -2.17 1-2; No. 4 wheat; $2.11 1-2 Manitoba cats liam)--No. 2 CW, W., 7%¢; extra No. No. 1 feed; 76c. American corn--Track Toronto, No. 2 yellow, $1.65; No. 3 yellow, $1.60; No, 4 yellow, $1.64; sample corn--feed, $1.4v to $1.45. Ontario oats, new (according to freights outside)--No, 2 white, 77¢ to §0c; No. 3 white, 76¢ to 79¢c. Ontario wheat (f.o.b. shipping points, according to freights outside) Manitoba (in store, Fort Wil- 80e; No. 3 C. 1 feed, 7% 1-l¢; «|=---No. 1 winter, per car lot, $2.14 to $2.22; No. 2 winter, $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3 winter, $2.07 to $2.15; No. 1, spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2 spring, $2.06 to $2.14; No. 3 spring, $2.02 to $2.10. Peas (acoerding to freights out- side)-=No. 2, $2.10. Barley, new (according to freights outside) --Maiting, $1.03 to $1.08. Buchwheat (according to freights | outside) --No. 2, $1.50. Rye (according to freights outside) ---No. 2, $1.62. Manitoba flour (war $11.35, Toronto. Ontarié flour (war. quality)-- $10.25, Montreal, in bags, prompt shipment; Toronto, do. Millfeed---Car lots, delivered Mont- real freights, bags included. Bran, per toll, $37.28; shorts, $42.20. Hay--Trdack Toronto, No. 1, per $24.50. : Straw--Car lots, pér ton, $10.50 to $11, quality) --- Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 29.--Oats, extra Flour, new stan- dard grade, $11.25 to $11.35. Roll- ed oats, bag, 90 lbs, $4.85 to $5. Bran, $37.25; shorts, $42.25; mouillie, $68 to $70. - Hay, No. 2, per ton, ear lots, $24 to $25. Mihneapolis, J Minneapolis. Nov. 29.---Flour un- changed. Barley, 92¢ to §1. Rye-- No. 2, $1.67 fo $1.63. Bran, $27.75, Flax, $3.63 to $3.65. Duluth " 'Duluth, Nov. 20. --Linseed, car ck, $3.80; arrive, $2.61; arrive jovember, $3.78; November, $3.- Tr, ed; Decembe January, $3.65 bid; May, $3. } Chicago, Nov. 20.--Corm, No. 2 Yellow, nominal. No. 3 yellow, no- 1; No. 4 yellow, $1.32. Oats-- 3 white, 74 to T43%c; standard, ) rs Rye--No. 2, $1.64% to $1.65. Barley, %ic to $1.05. Ti- 'mothy, $7 to $10.25. Clover | nal. Pork nominal. 74 : ho E Slee Ca dah a #1 Export eat-|g $3.60 ask-} 'Lard, $36.70. Winnipeg, Nov. 29.--Oats, No. £ Oats, Cw No No. 7c extra i 1 Teed, Téc; arley i CW, $1.02 2-4; No 99 3-4c; rejected, 87c: feed, : < 33.50: No 3 CW, $3.09 Montreal. Nov. 28 --Batiar, creamery prints, dairy; '448 to 45¢ pound, ble: solids, 56e; 70¢. to 75 selacted; 54¢; No. 1, Cheese, twins, 28¢; cheese, 30« Lard, per 1b, 32e¢, Oleomargarine, per Ih., 34c to 35e; tubs, 3%e to 3c. Bacon, per lb., breakfast, 42c: Windsor, 45¢ to 46¢; Windson hone less, 48¢ Hams, cooked abe 27 Ye; old per Th, Stiltons, large, 29% ¢; prints, per 1h, large, 34¢; ham, per Ib, small, de to 3 63ec Dressed poultry, chickens, 2%7¢ to 30e; fowls,c82¢ to 38¢; geese, 28¢ to 30c; turkeys, 28¢. to 30c¢. Maple produets--Sugar, per 1b, Gc; syrup, Imperial gallon ° tins, ie] 0 2.25. ' per Ib,--White clover, bulk; 27¢ ta 28¢; buck- to 26e. per 'bush. Honey, combs, 30c¢; wheat, 24¢ Beans, hand pieked, an 1b to to lots, bags, $1.55; $1.75; Potatoss, car Quebec stock, $1.50 Green Mountains, $1.70 ex-store, $1.80 to $2. Dressed hogs, per fresh killed abattoir, $22 to $23. Flour, per bbl, winter wheat, $11.60; in bags, $11.30; in jute bags, corn flour, $12; Government stand- ard, $11.40; delivered to the city dealers, $11.50; less 10e. Hay, per ton, ex-track, No. to $27; No. 2, $24 to $25. 100 pounds, 1, $26 Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 29.---DButter, choiea dairy, 50¢ to 56e; do. creamery, Hbe to 60c; margarine, 1b., 37¢ to 40c¢c; eggs, new laid, doz, 75¢c to 8be; cheese, 1b., 36c to 40¢; turkeys, 1b. 40c to 46¢; fowl, 1b, 28¢ to 30 spring chickens, 32¢ to 35¢; roosters! Ib., 23e¢ to 25e; ducklings, 1b., 36e; geese, 1b., 28c to 30¢; apples, basket, 20e to 60¢; do bhi, $3 to $6; eitrons, each, to 18c¢; crabapples, 856 to GOec; pears,basket,60¢ to $1; quinces, backet, 75¢c to $1; beets, hasket, 36¢; do bab, $1.10; carrots, peck, 26¢; do bag, 86¢; brussels sprouts, 2 quarts, 25¢; cabbage, each, 5¢ to 10¢; caull- flower, each, 10c¢ to 25¢; celery, head, 6c to 10e; lettuce, 3 bunches, 10¢; onions, 75-1b sacks, $1.65 to $2; do. basket, 30¢ to GOc; do pickling, 60c to leeks, bunch, 25e: to 30¢; parsley, bunch, 10¢; pdrsnips, bag, $1 to $1.10; do. basket, 35¢; pump- kins, each, 10e¢ to 30¢; potatoes, bag, $1.60 to $1.80; do. N.B, $1.65 to $1.90; sage, bunch, 6¢; savory, bunch, fc to 10¢; spinach, peck, 20c; to 40¢; squash, each, 10c to 256e; turnips, bag, 76¢; do bacKet, 26e¢; vegetable marrow, each, 5¢ to 10e. Oa The Kingston Market ¥ingsioh, Nov. 28th. Dairy Produce. Creamery butter, ib .. EX to Butter, rolls .. 48 to Cheese... iviiiiie 32 to Eggs, fresh, doz. 70 to Oleomargarine 37 to 6h 66 35 80 Meats. Beef, porterhouse steak Sirloin steak, 1b. Round steak, 1b. Rump steak, Ib. Rib roast, 1b . ... Shoulder roast, #. re Boiling cuts .. West'n carcase, 18.00 to 21. West'n fronts, cwt 14.00 to 16. 22.8% to 26. 13.00 to 16. 18.00 to 20. 32 to 36 30 to 3 30 to 256 to Local carcase, cwt, Local fronts, cwt. Local hinds, cwt. Pork-- Loin roast, Jb Leg roasts, 1b, .. Chops, Ib. Er Seis Hogs, live, cwt .... Hogs, dressed, cwt. Lamb, fronts Lamb, hings .. edd Lamb, lofhs .. Lamb, chops .. Mutton, ib. 32 to 36 to 16.50 22.00 24 to 27 to 35 to 30 to 00 to 00 to 3 10 00 10 00 00 to 20 00 to 12% 60 to 10 80 to 1.00 00 to 15 00 to 12% he.12% to 15 00 to 10 25 to 35 20 to 25 00 to 20 to 12 %i to 1272 to 12% to 23 - God, Mh. oe. Raola. 1h. .. .. 50000. Flounders, MW. Fillets, 1b. .. ... Finnan haddie, 1b. Haddock, fresh, 1b. Herring, fresh, Ib. Kippers, doz. .... Mackerel, 1b. .. Pédrelr, 1b. Pike, 1b. .. Rockfish, Ib. Salmon, 1b. .. salmon, White fish, fresh, Poultry. Chickens, dressed, Ib, Chickens, live, Ib, hr Ib. 22 to 245 20 to 22 20 to 22 A «38 t0 22 ressed, 1b, ..... 22 to 25 -- : 20 50 to 1.00 30 to 40 10 to 1 15 to 20 Barley .- i... 000 1.30 to 1:25 + «39.00 to 40.00 Buskwheat, bush, ... 1.85 to 1.9¢ , 5.50 to 6.00 1.75 to 1.80 Hay, baled, ton ... 20.00 to 22. Hay, loose; ton ... 18.00 to 20.09 'Man, bush. ,, 1.00 to 1.05 per Eggs, per doz, sivietly wew laid, storage, tion says they weighed gems before 5 25 to 3} Oats; Joeal, Shorts, ton Straw, baled, tor Straw, loose, tc | Wheat, local, in 2.00 to 8.00 to 7.00 to 45 Vegetables, Beets, peck : Cabbage, Carrots, peck Celery, bunch Cawliflower, each Onlons, peck ~ Potatoes, bag Parsaips, peck Turnips, peck Pumyikins, each head : Hides, Furs, Ete. Hides, bLeéf, 1b Lamb skins, fresh ... Veal skins, 1b... Deacon skins, No. 1 Horse skins, No. 1, iarge ... .... Tallow cakes . Wool, washed, ib. ... Wool, unwashed, 1b. . . Gensing, wild, dry, 1b. Beeswax, Ib, up to... Sheariings .. ..... . 1 Kips, Ib. FINANCIAL MATTERS Toronto, Nov. 29 --The anticipated | bonus in' Victory Bonds by the Maple | Leaf Milling Company has been an-| nounced and amounts to 10 per cent | payable December 10th to stock re-| cord of November 25th. Not long| ago the company paid an extra 1 per cent along with the regular quarterly 2 1:2 per cent on the common making 1k per cent for the year plus the 10 per cent bond' distribution. This duplicates the action of the company last year when 11 per cent was paid along with the 10 per cent extra in Victory Bonds, 'making a total of 22 per cent for the two years. The stock advanced to 140 on Friday, being a high record. ' 50 to 16 to Guelph Railway Dividend. | Guelph, Nov. 29.--A dividend of | ten per cent on the past year's earn- | ings on Guelph Junction Railway stock was delivered this morning. This brings the city's dividend -on stock and the public ownership en. terprise up to 33 3-4 per cent. for the year, adding $57,875 to the civic treasury New Directors Elected. Montreal, Nov An entirely new board of directors was elected at the annual meeting of the sharehold- ers of the Dominion Park Co., Ltd. They are: J. Il. Redpath, L. R. Coop- er, R. 8. Cliff, Leon Garneau and G D. C. Dobbin. 924 Canadian Ford Dividend. Windsor, Nov. 29--A dividend of five per cent. has been declared by the. Ford Motor Co. of Canada. This is the first dividend payment since October, 1917 Sedt Price Advances, New York, Nov. 29.--The New York Stock Exchange seat of the late H. William Paret, has been sold to John Horace Block, son of Benjamin Block, of the Stock Exchange firm of Block, Maloney & Co. for $59,000. The price is an advance. of $4,000 over that realized at the last previous sale. New General Motors Director. Toronto, Nov. 29.--Following the amalgamation of the McLaughlin Mo- tor interests with General Motors, President R. 8. McLaughlin, of the McLaughlin Company, has been elect- ed a director of General Motors, whieh isa United States corporation, capitalized at three hundred million dollars. -------------- A fishing vessel of Dutch invention uses an electric light to entice fish into a net beneath the hull, whénce a pump draws them by suction into a container within the craft It is definifely known that the Ceylon pearl fisheries have been in existence since 306 B.C., and tradi- that time. vince George |f Hotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS THE : STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Thrift Assures . Protection THRIED brings success to L all countries or individuals who practise it. By thrift, hdrd times are forestalled and emergencies guarded against, Make thrift a habit! and deposit your surplus earnings regularly in this Bank. Intérest allowed at' current rate amd compounded or paid half-yearly on all Savings Accounts. id KINGSTON BRANCH, J. F. ROWLAND, Manager. Prompt Returns From Shipments When you ship Grain, Butter, | Cheese or Fruit, put through The Merchants Bank a Draft on the buyer. This is the business way of securing prompt and satisfactory settlement, It saves time and possible loss, - THE MERCHANTS BANK: Head Office: Montreal, OF CANADA. Established 1864, | KINGSTON BRANCH, H. A. TOFIELD, . . . WE BUY AND SELL WAR LOAN ISSUES Bongard Ryerson & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange. wa4tta STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS AND COTTON Private wires to New York, Chicago, Toronto, Mon+ real. 239 Bagot St. - Phone 1728 We Are Battery Caretakers Store Your Battery with Us Don't leave your battery laying around the garage or some other place all winter; and then find in the spring that it has all "gone to pieces' : through the cold weather. Bring it here. . 'We will store it in a nice, warm, dry place, and keep it filled with freshly distilled water. Under this kind of treatment it will last longer. Bring it if to-day. NOW. George Boyd 129 Brock Street Phone 201 Canada Food Bowrll Licéuse No 10-832 i » seen FE ees p> ' We Buy and Sell Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds. Municipal Bonds. | Railroad, Public Utility and Industrial Bonds. : MONTREAL BRANCH 2% KING STALEY EAST Canada Life Building AW. Seeks + +» Mauger TORONTO No. 6 Austin Friars AL Fullerton, Manager: