- PAGE SIXTEEN ? THE DAILY BRITISH WHIT, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. begs sms ---- REMEMBER! The Brunswick Phonograph plays all records bettter. a 7 ---- tp . All Brunswicks . are equipped with the Ultona. The greatest invention of the age. It plays any record made by a slight twist of the wrist, You may be sorry you didn't buy a Brunswick, but you never will if you buy one. Lite ; Only a limited quantity for Christmas. Order yours now; make a small deposit and don't be disappointed. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO, The only place in Kingston you can buy this wonderful machine. 88 Princess Street Phone 529 Ss More Sport For Soldiers. flicer. A greatly enlarged athi~tie pre- The programme is divided into gramme has been prepared in Paris four parts. There will be man exer- hy the Y M.C.A. for the period unr-'cises and athletics in each battalion ing demobilization At the rajyaastjand regiment. There will be cham- of the army there will be athletics |pionship events for the Expedition- ior soldiers two hours each lay to]ary Force, working up with elimina- take tho place in part of rill inition contests through companies, chargn of the Y.M.C.A. athletic work | battalions, regiments, divisions, is Elwood 8. Brown, who while in corps and armies." There will be a the Philippines did the same work [pageant to show the French the best with Gen. Harboard and the com-!in athletic life in Canad and the mander-in-chief's present athletic | United States. ~~ t Belgium Needs Your Help MORE THAN EVER! 4 Homes are Freed"from Grasp of New Horrors Revealed. Belgium! Belgium! Belgium !-- the heart-rending news-items from Belgium. poor Belgians are in large measure in § L out this winter's cold. Raise Your Fand and Send It In! - : Perhaps you cannot spare as much as you would go around among your a « 7 Delirious with joy at being rescued from the hellish tyranny of the Germans, yet the last stages of want. Every cent you can send to them NOW will help to feed a famished patriot or clothe one whose meagre rags will never keep can in every possible way, and turn it in QUICKLY to Every Dosdble oY; 3nd tum. in QUICKLY io, your RIGHTO , B2an--The're going te can us. Tomato--And then we'll help can the Kaiser, DANGEROUS Bug--Gee we need gas masks te stay around here. , , vy @ | . PROOF n The Yankee NrsJunclrids utters tow, : 1 Jack isn't quilty. i 4 | searched his And then he ISS pockets and quick by Feet! there wasn't one grabs his IN letter in support 8 of his claim of innocence. Mother--Were they all as bad as that? Mrs. J.B, = | couldn't find a single letter. TRUE gun; And lo, the Ger- man super- man Starts back- ward on a super-run, A "CALL" Parson (to chauffeur who rang doorbell )---What have you got? Chauffeur (beckoning to elcping couple to come forward)---One pair. CIPHER ~ Cholly--They say, you know, that what a man eats he becomes. Peggy---Dear me. You must be eating practically nothing. ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER | -- . FOR | Sporting Notes | Beaches have put In a challenge for the Mann Cup, but the next thing to find is who should hold it. "Joe" Lally says Calgary is entitled to pos- session, but the Coughlan team, of New Westminster, has it now, and claim they are entilted to hold it After making a careful study of boxers we have discovered that all are alike. They 'listen with a glad ana TRONS sr for the bell--on the cash re NADE 1 canADR SUSPENDERS for Men The suggestion of Messrs. Hemp- stead and Frazee that William Howard Taft should act as a one-man commission does not meet with the pproval of all baseball men, and there might possibly be some trouble Dollar Value for 75¢ * if Hempstead and Frazee insist on going through with their plan. The Strongest Made in Canada Extra Heavy Web The Kaiser is wbout as popular with the people as Ban Johnson is with the baseball players. After reading one of "Jim" Cor-| bett's articles on Rugby Football, we are convinced that Mr. Corbett was a good fighter. Wilfrid Viau, of Montreal, accom- panied by Mrs. Viau, will leave the eastern city in the near future for France. Mr. Viau said in all pro-| bability he would ship Omar Khay- yam there for racing next year. "Bert" (Red) 'McKenzie, well {known Toronto semi-pro baseball play- er Has been gassed. "McKenzie played with the Capitals when they won the , {city championship three years in succession, He also played with Beaches and Royal Canadians. WOMAN BOXING ENRHUSIAST. Niece of Pamous French General Scores Knockout. France now boasts of a female hoxer. She is Mme. Gouraud, niece of the famous one-armed general of that name. Mme. Gouraud was a Si 5 spectator at a boxing show held in . Paris recently, and after the bouts were decided she asked if she could be given a tryout. 'Her request was granted and she succeeded in knoek- ing out the opponent selected for her. Mme. Gouraud fs an all-round ath- lete, wears masculine clothes, even . |to trousers, and is said to have been the only female poilu in the French army. She is a great boxing en- thusiast. papers are full of Football's Patron Saint. November brings the festival of St. Brice, who may be eéalled the ) wish, but s cause, colle¢ all vs. Jong generally observed in England, 'and in the year 1002 the celebration took the massacre form of a of the gy 4 SHILES FOR WHIG READERS X QUITE sO Thimble--There's that conceited Mrs. Pincushion. Spool--Yes, she's awfully stuck up. . ™] OVERLOOKED . SOMETHING The Board of Exemptions re- Jected Billy Bill- ington on ac- count of his eyes. ' Then they don't know their business. He has lovely eyes and khaki! would' harmonize with thembeautifully. ate EE QUALIFYING Registrar--Have you had special training for any branch of war work? Registrant--Ever since my mar riage I've censored all of my hus _ band's mail. NEARING THE FINISH. Semi-finals Reoched in Races For Rugby Ties. The ORF.U. season is rapidly nearing a close. In the junior series arrangements have been made for St. Catharines to meet Victoria Yacht Club at Hamilton on Saturday in a*sudden-death game. The winner of this will meet Central Y.M.C.A of Toronto in home-and-home games for. the championship if the teams think it advisable and the weather is satisfactory. In the interscholastic section, University Schools and Guelph Collegiate are in the final, and will meet at Varsity Stadium on Saturday. Looks to us as if "Ty" Cobb broke up the war with a circuit clout in League A Jot of pitchers lose the hopes, Ere summer comes- each year; But he who has suffered most to date, Is poor old Pitcher Beer. | mmm nnn mm on i j# his first appearance in the Flanders ~The No Honing--No Stropping feature OVERCOATS WE HAVE A COMILETE RANGE OF FIT REFORM WINTER ~ OVERCOATS PRICES ARE REASONABLE INSPEC- TION INVITED CrawfordéWalsh Tailors ' Just Arrived | . . Consignment of Red Hot Heaters. Will toast bread, boil, fry, broil, in fact' will cook a meal for small family--$4.50. SEE US DEMONSTRATE THEM. - TLE Tatar] COTTA XY 167 Princess St. KINGSTON ONTARIO OS -~ BR Get Ready for Cold Weather | We can supply: your needs for COAL HODS ASH SIFTERS FIRE SHOVELS STOVE BOARDS STOVE PIPES, Etc. Your order will receive immediate attention. Lemmon&Sons 187 Princess Street. : Phone 840 AANA, lt PPM 5 he | NOH sil i N he] | jal EU REL i HET! ny fr a Ten million men have adopted the Gillette Safety Razor in preference to any other razor in the world. Men buy the Gillette because they can get a cleaner shave with it, because it gives them a more comfortable shave, and because it ensures a quicker shave. - Any one of these would make success razorcan claim all threeadvantages explains why ten million of them have been sold. The shaving edge is absolutely rigid and free from vibration--hence the velvet smoothness of the Gillette shave. has become slightly dulled for a new one. With a Gillette, shaving becomes a. joy instead of a job; a man prefers to shave every day and he looks the better for it. Every sam priors a ui that is really the gift for a man is a Gillette Safety Razor, if he doesn't already own one, and a Carton of Gillette Blades, if he has the razor. everywhere, at five dollars. a