At least have your Christmas selection made and pat aside for you at Best's to-day. The holiday stocks are open and complete in every way and plenty of goods to choose from. - Buy early and have it over with~----and the satisfaction Is § yours. Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays Phone 59. Branch 2018 Keeley Jr., M.0.0.0. 3 : Those people (and they [ are many) who dread the b ordeal of an eye examin- b ation are agreeably aston- fished to find that, as made 4 by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- fence. - - Wm. ahhh deh dh And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Addie Pt ae Peace Christmas Is at hand, after 4 years of worry and suspense, Our Gift Stock is more extensive than ever before, and in qual- ity, quantity and price, will meet the spirit of Good Will of this Peace Christmas SMITH BROS. Jewelers, Limited King St. Kingston CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, | N. Morris, 374 King St. Having purchased the grocery business at the corner of Gore and Wellington streets, known as Gilbert's branch store, business on a strictly cash basis. It is my intention possible. We are confident that we can convince you I have decided to conduct to sell at the closest price that it will be to your interest to buy for cash. We ask you to consider this a personal invi- tation to call and learn of the advantages to be derived from dealing in a STRICTLY CASH GROCERY STORE. Prompt delivery service. Telephone orders solicited. Goods sent C. 0. D. 8, fields, Floor and Ta- ble Lamps. CH EARLY Victrolas and Victor Don't delay, make your selections early, and we will store them for you and deliver the day befere : = Announcement Hil Monday evening. * THE DAILY PAGE Ee, one Told In Twilight 4H 4 (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, In common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of Llc. for insefting an engagement, mar- rlage or reception apnouncement.) * - * Mrs, IR. 'FE. Kent, King street, en- tertained Informally at the lea hour, Friday afternoon, in honor of Miss Slivercruys, \ * = » Mrs. (H. J. (Wilkinson and her father, John McKelvey, are leaving shortly to spend the winter in Cali- fornia. Miss Mile [Ferris is leaving next week for Bound Brook, N.J., to be the guest of her glsted, Mrs. Fisher, Capt. Sidney McCann, M.C., has sailed for Canada and is expected in Kingston early next week. Col, and Mrs, J. N. B. Emily street, have returned Montreal. Capt. D. McK. Waters has arriv- ed iin Belleville from England . » * Leslie, from Mr. and Mrs. J. ]M. Campbell and Master Jack Campbell, Emily street, returned from Montreal on Thurs- day. £9 Cadet Donald Rankin has been spending @ few days in Montreal. Miss Katharine Burroughs, To- ronto, is the guest of Miss Harriet Gardiner, Bagot street. Miss Nancy Thackeray, Ottawa, who will be in town for the (Royal Military College dance on (Monday, will be the guest of Miss Sybil Kirk- patrick, Johnson street, Miss (Isobel Bland arrived from New (York to-day to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Harold Hughes, Gore street, ' PE Major Sidney iFisken, a recent graduate of the Royal Military (Col- lege, who has heen overseas the past two years, has returned fo Canada and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr Fisken, Toronto. Mrs. Smith, King. street, who has been visiting in Carleton Place, re- turned home yesterday Mrs. (INagh, Montreal, is the guest 6f her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Evans, University mvenue Mr. and Mrs. William (B. Carroll, Gananoque, spent yesterday in town « + = Capt. and (Mrs. QCectt Adams are entertaining at a the dansant in the City (Hall on Tuesday afternoon. Major A. T. Patterson has arriy- ed in Montreal after being in France gince the early days of the war. Major Patterson is an R.M.C. gradu- ate and has many friends here, Miss (D. (Simpson is en pension at R. F. Segsworth, (Toronto, spending the week-end in town, | Miss |Elizabeth Sutherland 'has 'taken rooms at Wrs. Corrigan's, Johnson street » . Miss Elsie Sutcliffe, iLindsay, is the guest of the Misses Folger, "Edgewater." 'Mrs. |Arthur Seripture is chaper- oning a party of fourteen girls who are coming from 'Toronto for the Royal Military (College dance On (Mrs. 'Jessie Card and son, Wil liam, spent the past two weeks in | AS AGE CREEPS ON As age creeps on, vifal force gradu: | ally decreases, until, when s man or woman is around 50, the kidneys and bladder need nssistance to keep them in perfect working order. Rheumatism, neuralgia and backache }' ave common complaints of those get- ting on in years. It seems to be the custom to expect these afflictions--con- elude they are simply the inevitable results of old age, and that there iz no remedy for them. There is & remedy--Gin. Pills--and there are hundreds of people who can prove that the remedy is good. Mr. Frank Lalonde, a well-known farmer of St. Raphael, Ont, was en- abled to return to work at the age of 61 by the help of Gin Pills. Mr. La- londe writes that he had suffered for years with pains in his back and sides, until finally he was forced fo quit work, Gin Pills relieved him to such an extent that he now states he fecls as strong at 61 as he did at 30 years. Mrs. Hugh MeLeod, of Lewis Cove Road, had a similar experience with Gin Pills. In her letter to us she says: "7 sm 51 years and the mother 'of § children. Five years ago 1 'as troubled with backache and dull pains across the abdomen. 1 used a box of Gin Pills, and feel #0 much better that I will continue to use Gin Pills." Testimonials such as thege cannot be disregarded, for the aged speak the | truth. : Tt is foolish to suffer when you don't have to. Use Gin Pills and enjoy your latter years. 50c a box. Sold by all | dealers. Sample free upon request to The National Drug & Chomfeal Co. of Canada, Limit 'oronto, Untarie. U. 8. residents should address Na Dru Co, Ine, 202 Main St, Buffalo, N.Y. 1 ¢ Mrs. A. 'E. Loscombe's, Brock street. | is| Ryan .. , {Queen's War Re Ars. H. W. Richa BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. Watertown and Kingston with her sisters ' Mrs. W. Fred Jackson has return- ed to Kingston after a visit with her father, Judge MeDonald, Brock- viile. X Hubert W, Cooke, Who has heen spending a period of convalescence in 'Algonquin Provincial Park, has réturned home Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moore, Ot- tawa, have returned home, having spent the past three weeks with Mrs. Moore's mother, Mrs. M. Mac- Caul, Camden (East, Miss Mary Taylor, Alfred street, was hostess al a delightful little dance held at her home Thursday evening. Miss Katherine Sandford Evans, Ottawa, is visiting in Kingston, gnd fs the guest of Miss G'wenyth Carr- Hdrris * a - Miss Laidley, Princess street, en- tertgined on Thursday evening In honor of her guest, Miss Drummey, of Marysville. Mrs. Smith, Ottawa, is in town to see her daughter, wha is attending Queen's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker, Sydenham, were in town for a few days this week. Capt. and Mrs.. BE. C. Trousdale, who have been spending some time here and in Sydenham, left this week for Vancouver. : Mrs. Gordon Dewar, West street, expects to leave shortly for a little visit in Toronto and Hamilton. Mrs, (Alexander Mackie, Clergy street, and Miss Draper, Bagot street, expect to leave shortly for Florida to spend the winter. -. -. » Mrs. James Crawford, Division street, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Stuart Crawford, have been in To- ronto this week. Miss Clara Sagar, visiting her grandmother, Kimmerly, Napanee. Mrs. K. McKinnon (Miss Lucy Scott) and her little som, Napanee, went to St. John's, Que. .this week to meet her husband, and wil re- main there for the winter, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, Toron- divided their visit with daugh- ters, Mrs. (Dr.) Morley Currie, Pic- ton, andeMrs. Redner, Rednerville Mrs. Botterell and Mrs. Preston, Kingston, were the guests of Mrs Morley Wilson, Napanee, for a few days. Mrs. Winslow to Kingston to with her sister Barrie street. Kingstion, is Mrs. to, , Toronto, has come spend the winter Mrs. R. Crawford, Miss Lauey Clancy, Napanee, spent the week-end in Kingston with Mrs. R. Irving, Charles street. Mrs. Arthur Matthewson, real, was the 'guest of Mrs. Miller, Napgnee. Miss Hester Gibbard, Napanee, left on Friday to spend a month with her| sister at Preston, Ont. . Mr. and Mrs. Damon 1. Snider, Mrs. R. W. Aylesworth, and Stanley Snider spent Wednesday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MeGowan, Barrie street. Mont. F. F. » - Mrs. William M. Moore will re- ceive for 'the first time since her marriage at 162 Collingwood street, Wednesday afternoon, December 4th, frem four to six o'clock, Mrs. A. E. Plmer will receive with her, . 8 ® Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, lime Lake, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Emma Liz- zie, to Wilbert Stanley Storr, son ot William Storr, Richmond, Ont., the marriage to take place in Decem- ber. . . . Mr. and Mrs. George Nicol, Cata- raqyi, anngunce the engagement of their "eldest daughter, Jessie, to Cyril Walter Greenland; the mar- riage to take place very quietly the latter part of December. (Continued on Page 10.) THE RED CROSS SOCIETY CASH CONTRIBUTIONS LATELY RECEIVED.: The Society Must Have Money fo "Carry On"--Contributions Ac- knowledged From Oct. 15th to Nov. '19th. . Kingston branch (Canadian Red Cross Society Reports the following cash 'contributions from Oct. 15th to /Nov, 19th: Previously acknowledged $13,946.8 Mrs. Norman Fraser : 3 Mr. W.# Nickie .. .. .... Mr. Jobn Gow... .. .. .. Childrén of the public schools, Red Cross collection, Sept, 1918: Loulse~ school Depot school Victoria school Rideau school .. Cataraqui hie 6.65--57. Lend-a-Hand (Circle, King's DAUBRLRISE +o sv vita m La .Sdlle Chapter, LODE. ...5 Mrs Munded .. .. .. .... 3 Mrs. H.C. Weleh Mis. Herroeh. .... .. .... Mrs. James Rigney .. Mrs. MeLelland . . . Miss ida Lioyd ., .. .... The Afternoon Bridge Club .Harrowsmith Red Cross Workers .. .. i. 000 Mr. John R. Laidlaw .. Mrs. MoCann. .. ... .... Rev. J. O. and Mrs. Crisp... 25.00 Customs Refund .... .... 78.20 Allies' Friend Chub, Pittshurg 25.00 Half teas... .. \: vo. B26 Staff and employees tool room and machine shop, No. 2, Can. Loco. Co., "in ory of Norman MeCabe™ 19.00 5. 0. 25.00 26.00 2.00 Mrs. Giles .. .. Mrs. 5.00 8.80 "Total expenditure .. 16,021.40 N= TO OOO EOE EAE AE TR ERA OTTER ERLE CURLER 'Carpline V stine, wife of the late 50.00 | Giipert Jan 25.00 on Sunday. at the residence of her ' sister, Mrs. Paul Clark. Mrs. Walmsley resided years at Waupovs, Mr. Walmsley's death occurring only a short & 5 miata PROBS: --Sunday, partly fair and a littie colder. O00 AEE LAST CALL TO-N son and Fare-Refund Sale"--and as a we have re-priced to the give away point all } ken sizes that have accumulated from this extraordinary bargain sale. Store Open Until 9.45 FLANNELETTE . 300 yards only of White Flannelette, with a inches wide, and, worth to-day 25c a ya rd. Pull 38 inches wide and worth 40c a yard. ' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 90 pairs only of this extra quality for to-night's selling, in colors of white, natural and grey. value. : To the greatest of all November sales--our sensational "Mail Order Compari- fitting climax to this wonderful event small ends, odd garments and bro- beautiful soft, fleecy finish, 27 TO-NIGHT 17c A small quantity of "Bye Low' Flannelette has been reserved for to-night. TO-NIGHT 27c "Suedetex" Chamoisette Glove left Ar lar 76c TO-NIGHT 43¢ EMBROIDERY SALE "" about 1,000 yards of Embroidery insertions from to $2.60 a yard. TO-NIGHT 9¢ A small balance of ) 2 inches to 10 inches wide, and regularly priced from 15¢ To clear . CASHMERE GLOVES and in colors of black and white. Regular 50c a pair. MEN'S WOOL SOX 500 pairs of Men's Union Wool So white heels and toe, and worth to-day LADIES' UNDERWEAR a pair. shade only, and worth to-day 75c a gar ment. Another lot of Ladies' Union Wool Vests and Drawers, and regularly priced from 85¢ to $1.75. in colors of light and dark grey, TO-NIGHT 23¢ A lot of about 300 Ladies' Union Wool Vests and Drawers, in natural ae 59¢c 1} e" make T0.NIGHT 76¢ COLLAR SALE About 35 Vestees and Collars, made. of imported Holland Lace. Priced from 50c on up to $9.00. An exceptional bargain for to-night. TO-NIGHT MONARCH YARN We have in stock for to-night any wanted shade in this cluding emerald, Rose, nile, black, moss, lavender, pu quoise CHILDREN'S DRESSES white union wool serge, in all sizes from 2 to 14 years, Regular price being $2. to $4.75. : COMFORTERS 2 i special Cotton Down Comforte rs, extra large size, at $4.50. BRUSHED WOOL SCARFS pen, rose, purple, white, Paddy, Saxe, etc. Regular $1.15. MEN'S UNDERWEAR 100 Men's Cream Union Wool Com binations, perfectly fitting suits, all sizes. Worth $3.50 a suit. _ To-night is your last opportunity gains, together with hundreds of oth Steacy's - "The Woman's Store of King : ston" ers mentioned during the week. ¥ The Late Mrs. Giloert Walmsley. Picton, Nov. 30.--The death of Walmsley, took part Mr. and for many time Miss Alma Reid, Sharbot Lake 25.00 | $20,327.88 popida yarn, in- pipie, ite, and tur. NIGHT 35¢, 3 for $1.00 ited 5 ill 100 pairs of Ladies' Fleece-lined Cashmere Gloves in all sizes, 6% to 8, TO-NIGHT 35¢ An asortment of Children's Dresses in plaids and checks, made of a TO-NIGHT $1.98 ro NIGHT $296 5 dozen Misses' Brushed Wool Scarfs, combination, trimmed in colors co- TO-NIGHT 90c Watson brand, elastic knit, TO-NIGHT $2.25 to share in this wonderful list of bar- Sunday the deat h took place | The death of Viliam ney. He died of gamonia. ised was torn Merrickville. [monia, following influenza. yfive years age. He was # By trale. He had lived In {mer resident of Peterbore for a pericd bee eight yours. of 'thirty-one | Peterboro on Nev. 28th, aged eterbore of William J. McCar- | Black Creek, oceurred on Nov. 24 The jafter a few days' Mriess from The death of T. W. Uandey. a for- Pleton, veeurred at