| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. OH e aie I trade! PACE FOUR THE BRITISH WHIG = -- ee -- The only thorns he sulfered f i1ld-he dictators! i inery are of the very (nh ag 4g n foreign hulls and mac vest, and to peaceful "tio a All provide ma # ' Men's and Boys' Wear Boys' Department BOYS' TRENCH MODEL SUITS, sizes 29 to 35, $10.00, $1250, $14.50, from were a use would be a kets for our exportable surplus with the fmanufactures. and fa produce. uction of the same |The work of reconstruction, or rath- ant tonnage. Much Jer the restoration of normal .condi-| millions of sterl-|tions, will hardly justify a demand | or much need- for the dissolution of ps t] ction, would be {the present time save the terrific wreck- |should not be encon And it is not necessary |at least after the conclusion of | peace without an increase being re- quired in the amount of money im- migrants should have upon arrival im this country. battle, nor even a barracks, land most small 3% oY S original n A.D.C. to the Gov- amount of an' interview in time he imahber ing Hon s hand f-1" : handling af od in new the diftieul- thus In Canada, age of Wal ment seems to i who never {did the goo mat ared constr lord M mer "nr k ' RD | LIE sald o : I | ve 4 ? govern to point out that conservation must i : 3 = EY feria | the problem of rei, tudied and applied 'n a Xu | tor the world from the ] } i it are in 5 BE i {are mot nearly so better than | where plans| of debt now Waste Is always fool- {where there is more need for them." knoekers of much order to re Rnglan aia England, overburdening weight pressing it ish. ! x the IA good knock to the positively eriminal, {Union Government, pte -------- in | SHOULD UNION The review of the situation given | DISSOLVE? Coal Age is upon | The yased expett | general elections are being | knowledge It s mot comforting, [held in Britain, and in view of the wes «President | Two facts stick out clearly, and [military situation there is every Masngiiiter aha each is suggestive of coming trouble, { PROspect | return of Premier | the finest compliments ever paid Tre-- that the end of the|ldoyd George to power -------------------------------------- --| 1 is He has a'- a nation Felsphonen: ...343| war leaves the a foremost advocate of pi $16.50, $18.50. Business Office 2381¢ar tie moment. and no socialistic re- Bditorial Rooms ,. .. 3 ; 4 . 1 \L Job Uitles 7... .., "a wee293 'le . : : : :B: View of the rely Looking back over his thirty years | 9 ® 10 the government | sr kaisering, what do you suppose] E a ée 0 Ss ts though there, Wilhelm thinks of it as a piece of | 5 . 1 oR the and by and} Size 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Same style as cut Fabrics are Fancy Tweeds, Serges and "Worsteds Values ranging to $12.50 BIBBY'S SPECIAL $4.75 EXTRA SPECIAL -- complete, and | commons | PUBL OPINION | ut BOYS' TRENCH MODEL OVER. Coats, Beauties, for $12.50, $15.00 $18.50 | THE COAL MARKET, | i | | At the present juncture it is | | | { A Fine Compliment. (London Advertiser.) The fact that Germany, from beg- gar -to banker, hates England is one Published Dally and Semi-Weekly byl, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | DY C0, LIMITED, J. G. Enott ., Lem: an A. Gulla .. the t of asserted i 3: bee market overstocked |" ay8 heen ho ik with bituminous |! 18 masses, coal, with a threat of |4ction is likely ' ; © i af . [Serio in the readjustment of [tion of labor throughout the A Failure? {ansas City Star consequent SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) One year, delivered in city Une year, if paid in sdvance One year, by mall to rura; offices Une year, to United States .. ,. 32.80 (Bemi-Weekly Edition) i a 4 : Une year, by mail, cash .. ... , .31.00! needed Other buyers, who have | Une Jour, i not Fald in sdvange $1.50 | been out of the market, are holding | time for the elections was well Six and three months pro rata. off in the hope of a big drop in|Chosen, for had they been deferrad MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE (Price. But if a general resumption TOT even two or three months after ¥ 151 fing : diff | hs 3 pg SE ror F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago | possible the demand wil] speedily | tifticult what the result { believed to be very ? | ise and may. even cause a short-] Would have heen The return of |know. of few better methods by | "y c . c the government now will place it in | Which he can escape the disgrace of problem may | : dying rich than by starting a news | strong position to deal With the consumers work, on whole «15.00 $ndustries. Many large i { véme '3309 have more on hand than they can {ls a movément large? 4801 use, if war supplies are no longer|from all political parities and pue- "VEE independent course. Tiel to-day to éut loose Henry's Salvation. | (Woodstock Sentinel Review.) | Henry Ford has retired from ac- | tive participation in the management | of the Ford Motor Company, and will | He is generally | wealthy We | sue an miscellaneous to guess ) the operations |?2 | problems t of trade it are follow mea Tem Hzatior situdtion, 'how- | emobilization There In lation respecting 1e Canada re is much specu- BOYS' Underwear, Union Suits, Elastic Ribbed 98c PER SUIT Limited Kingston, Ont. future com-y Thera dissolution actual, there is The circulation of THE BRITISH Whig is authenticated by the rOvermment, position of the little likelihood of Boys' Sweaters and Sweater Coats 69¢ EACH BIBBYS 78-80-82 Princess Street _ Audit Burean of Circulations. place before parliameat ------- . i tons, as compared 11 0 Je t's Sund | % > Oo-morrow! Well, it's unday production of 60.8 | We | follow proro N . v hag y " | aracter 7 Be at church in thankful spirit. [an remember what happened last | the character of 3,000 tons the , -- ----. some Shop early; make rest time instead of a)gtre There is no divine right for kings. They must act like all oth- Letters to the Editor are published | I only over the actual name of the [age Proba writer. Era. y | . | solve itself if | paper Attached 1s one of the best job | Gig g , twa' bound to ~--------. printing offices in Canada, | pp Ae av em se------------ yess | 1@ anthracite . . j ever, is radically different A Sluggish Liver the defieit is and CAUSED SEVERE HEADACHES | small hope of catching up speedily. | The duty of the liver is to prepare | The total output for 1918 up tolls and secrete bile and serve as a filter 29d is pl 1 at only 60,588. - | takin to the blood, cleansing it of all im & 8 faced at on 0,52 . i ] | h nd don purities and poison » | meets; ar hether diss 7i : . with 1917 | meets; and wh er dissolution wil! Healthy bile in sufficient quantity ation depends upon |js Nature's provision to secure regu on A'lar action of the bowels, and when! | year. The demand has not lessen-| Possibility exists that mem- | the liver is sluggish it is not working Christmas a" ' | bas - bers mq . " 1.| properly, and does not manufacture it ia -_ " hat | 1 8 ay retua to former ps x. 3 s time, |©9 and it is easy to foresee what {114 . urs oriner Party *'" [enough bile to theroughly act on the ' |is coming, with a stock actually | liances, but' those who secured thelr bowels and carry off the waste pro !less than that mined a year ago. seats by virtue of the endorsation of {ducts from the system, , hence the It is hoped that with the '®osing | Premier Borden are not likely to|bowels become clogged up, the bile 3 jork-| Withdraw their support except up-n gets into the blood, constipation sets; Wine work ' oa v p in, followed by sick and bilious the government's failure to redress ' bad {of war factories many Ineo noe er people. . Have you a plan for a returned soldier? He needs your support to give him sustenance, Germany begs for food, Is surely needed for a people who have to take such nauseating dosos of medicine! A challenge to the churches: How many of them can really get together, save co:l'and warm up in- A little ers will go back to the anthracite fields and that production may take an upward trend. In any case, it is clear that the closest economy is necessary ' REMEMBER THE KIDDIES. Last year, thanks to the generos- ity -of the citizens of Kingston, the children of our soldiers were pro- vided with a Christmas Tree and Christmas presents, which they would not otherwise have had. The It is difficult to see, at present, just | what headaches, coated - tongue, some grievance of general concern. breath, heartburn, water brash, bad | jaundice, floatingispecks before the eyes, ete. | Miss pian Ont., writes:- that contingency might be. Whether it would be a good thing for Canada to abandon party gov- ernment is very questionable. A strong and critical opposition has always been of great value. But Clark, Myer's Cave,! --"1 take . pleasure in writing you concerning the good I have received by. using Milburn"s Laxa-Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. : When my liver got bad I would have there is no doubt that great mis- severe A but I got better takes, like the failure to provide|affer I had used-a'couple of vials of naval defence, or to augment the[your pills." i : British fleet, Have been. committed Milburn's Laxagjeiver Pills gently unlock the secretiom, clear away all taste in the mouth in the morning, !: TvvvTYYY YY | Christm Gifts In Ivory Goods Perfumes Stationery Sv M'CLARY'S INTERCHANGEABLE RANGE - Gas, Coal or Wood Takes the place of two ranges. Costs less and gives bet- ter results. Sold only at BUNT?'S same contingency arises this year. |The problems immediately con- The soldiers are still overseas, and fronting - the country are so vital their ¢hildren are looking ° With [that their solution cannot be allow- longing hearts to the Christmas sealed to depend upon party advantage. son. These children are now, in a|These include demobilization and way, the wards of the nation, They] the re-absorption of labor, the con- have been deprived of the care and | tinuance of industrial activity and the comforts their fathers -- would Ter Ag have given them. Many of these . Rippling Rhyme fathers, alas, will never return ta THE UNHAPPY BARD Join in the festivities of Christmas- Most workers pull down princely wages, Péward of} tide. We who enjoy the peace and rosperity they di to save owe a After the splendid giving to war|® Cope ty they died to honest sweat; 'but still the bards and kindred sages must! take what they can get. The man who comes to do my | duty to the little ones left behind. work people will not think they | y " choring draws many bones a day, and at odd moments! -- Feelin his 1 true; the Whig are doing a big thing when they | eeling 4 0 He-true he is roaring, because of meager pay. At times I hire al ; Insist Getting {has to-day 1 y te give a dollar to a local charity 'or a has to-day launched an appeal ) learned mechanic to tinker round my car; his charges hurch raise $1,000 with w ich to purchase put me in a panic, and gives my soul a jar The but-| Christmas presents for all the child- cher, grocer, and the baker have hiked their prices high; . Black, Green, Mixed. At all Grocers. waste and' effete matter by acting directly on the Jiver, and make the bile pass through the bowels instead of allowing it to get into the blood. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c) a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct] on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn €o.; Limited, Toronto, Ont. ~~ to real brotherliness! Coal will surely be diamonds by spring if the fuel comtroller has a grasp of the situation. Only mild Weather can save suffering, ee My! there are only 75,000,000 gallons of whiskey on the American continent. And believe us, there are many dry wouths about this good old eity. Fountains Pens | Razors -- Straight and "Safety" See our line of appro- priate gifts for physi- cian and nurse BAKI OR. CHOWN'S Mos: _deheion DRUG STORE Dallev : Baking Powde Bu: the pound size tor economy ! 185 Princess St, Phone 848 i CONTAINS NO ALum Phone 388 =. | | i TS . PH | | A b esate re ---- 3 The Utility Commissioners shoulq |T®® Of Kingston soldiers overseas. A te re IAA A rg be fined for watering the milk they| A competent and efficient and I'm afraid the undertaker will skin me when I die. | On everything the price is higher, except on deathless' shoot through the mains, - | committee will 'have charge ponies, and bards can hardly find a buyer for products of The poor I milkman gets hot service when he Of the administration of the The Whig will. be their dames. My wife declares she needs a bonnet, she's worn her lid three years, and I remark, "I'll write a son- { ! does the same thing. {fund. ; pleased to receive donations, to ace nel, a thing of smiles and tears; and if it fetches in { some plunder, a roll of good long green, you'll have a { 'PURE JAMS | IN FOUR POUND TINS Strawberry, per tin . «$110 sent to their home town and there!to turn over the proceeds to the paid off, and that without medical | Committee. The fund is already off boards. - We apprehend trouble if [10 a good start. Your aid is solicl- | this procedure continues, ed, whether it be large or small. ett The cause Is a worthy one. Go ! MACH 4 The Toronto Star naively re- back In memory to the days of your forty cents. They've raised the price on hens and hearses on all the rape i Ottawa has the lowest tax own childhood and recall the Joytul{ things that grow, but soaring and immowtal verses won't bring ten cents nt rate of any city in Canada, but then | expectation you felt at the coming| a throw. ° ¥ | SLs 3 Redd & Co i b 2 as. en . existence in that town on any no: | of Santa Claus. Let our Christmas Ah mal individual is a tax on itselr, THINGS TH AT NEVER "HAPPEN i : : License Now. 6-139, 8-154, Boon, FARMS FOR SALE ! [this year be enriched and sanctified 25 acres, 8 miles from King- by the knowledge that you have Pass out the milk bottles. The "done something to bring joy to some milkmen say, they lose thousands little heart which deserves not to through the carelessness of house- | pg disappointed or overlooked. Lend holders. They would like to havea, hand. ston on leading road---excellent _xlean-up before the freezing ert] Eh ------ a ---- location. The soil is all first class, tile drained, the greater part is well adapted for market gardening, First class brick dwelling with beautiful sar. er sets in. ' A DESTRUCTION THAT IS CRI: roundings, no better in the MINAL. a s 1 It appears remarkable that, in 3 WAS DETAINED county; large barn; brick drive JOHN OEAR house and work shon; large up the midst of scarcity and high prices AT BUSINESS caused by the war, destruction of UNTIL his I medicines for the sick and ships fo VERY , MINUT : | { \ £ SIN A-- to date hen house; garage. carry food to the hungry should ba BELigve r t 2 _ This is a most desirable pro- Sages -~tdeliberately undertaken by any perty. We have a large fist of i on. with government. Yet, if we are to be- Yaris for sale, - ; going on lieve the reports, the Chinese gov- |orsment intends burning '$12,000,- TJ I kh rt LJ. LOCKNart, Real Hgtate Insurance, ¥ owtnris Ciminers Phone Ww or 1020w, Ontarte, Raspberry, per tha ... ... .8LiI0 Black Currant per tin ... $1.10 Red Currant, per tin .... .$1.00 BLO <. 81.00 . .RL00 . $1L00 tems Tt is sald' that soldiers are being | knowledge same in its columns, and hélniet that's a wonder, the smogthest ever seen." Then Gooseberry, per tin . Peach, per tin .. Apricot, per tin Flum, per tin in the market place I flaunt it, among tiie shopping gents, but mot. a buyer seems to want it for more than The city coungil should outline a plan for the Ta hovement of the Streets. Labor ought to be plenti- ful Aext spring. The sireets have run down a great deal during the past two years. : Demobilization is a rush in this city. The final pay cheques are being cashed and not a few of the gallant lads have been | a. Mum, aud .the Bae heard to say: "I don't know what I! : king inking of all the recently-surreun- wil n to a 1.90 this winter!" + |dered ships of the late German She alin... 4 : "3 1 Deople praise Thee, 0 (God! Every-| With its active principle, body should be at church fo-mor- morphia-----is one of the most needod TOW to express thanks for the war!Mmedicines, the only certain pain re- 4 victories and especially as the goy-!'iVer and one of the few indispen- ernment has desired it. > | sible drugs. Its price is now ap- dima proximately ten times 'the normal, It is distinctly to one's advan's » and the supply is precarious. fo, shop early for Christmas. In Twelve million dollars worth of it practically every line of merchan- put into trade channels for legits- 'diss many things are being show Mate medicinal use would be a» Dow that cannot be duplicatéd wie rest assistance in restoring normal present stocks are exhhusted, ccnditions and prices, : Ny Son ! ~The conditions just advanced ap- $YeR greater . degree to the stripped «Thanksgiving!' Tet all the leuten- Major Robt. R.C.F., with the she rt : Hemming has ply a Military District No. 3 for ships, They could be