_ PAGEEIGHT . 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. JERSE, =u . Our Overcoats What A Showing We've just¥spread ourselves on Overcoats this season. A style for every fancy, a cloth and color for every taste, a size for every man. SO ---- Some form-fitting, some belts on back, and some belt all around. Step in and see what a splendid overcoat we can give you for $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $30.00 and $35.00 The Best Values Ever Livingstons If off your route, it pays to walk. TO-NIGHT SPECIALS Men's Initialed Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched Fine Irish make with neat embroidered letter 1-4 inch hem, three in a box, full large size to-night Special Box of 3 for 69¢ 20 doz. Women's Hemstitched Em- broidered Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Samples White and White with col- ored Embroidery, very neat patterns, values up to 50c each. Special to- night 19c each or 3 for 50c.- 78 only Boys' Shirts and Drawers. Odd sizes from discontinued lines "in sizes. from 24 to 32. Regular price from 79 to 90c. Tonight for 59¢ a Garment 120 White Terry Bath Towels, sizes and weight. © Regular price to-day 75c a pair. Special to-night for 29¢ each g | } cities, and the persons who occupied | ihese cities hurriedly move to some }| everybody would~move, and in the | Military Matters | Major W. H "Hooper, Carleton Place, is on duty as an officer of the depot battalion Last Tuesday young men of Perth presented Dr. A. T. Oberg with an I and a diamond stick pin, their regrets that he was having been called to join the Canadian Army Dental Corps, Kingston Gunner B. G. Mclaughlin, Depot Field Battery, has been promoted to the rank of provisional sergeant. Gunner E. B. Hawken, Depot Field Battery, has been discharged from that unit to civil life. Lambert has been discharged from the St. Anne de Belleyue Military Hospital, and has reported for duty with the Depot Field Battery. Gunner F. L. The district depot headquarters fs being moved from artillery park barracks to the Old Collegiate build- ing The barracks on artillery park square are being put in readiness for demobilization, and. will be used pending the opening of the new bar- racks now being built in Barriefield. It is expected that these buildings will be ready by New Year's, and they will be of ample capacity for all re- quirements Sergt. Archie Jackson, C.AGS, 10mg of thet teat Soren comedie {in Kingston inmany a day 8" recently 'returned from overseas, has been detailed for instructional duty | in M. D. No. 3. - i 8. Swaine, late mus-| has ben placed on the with the Captain W kKetry officer, reserve of officers C. E. F., rank of captain , and have | Lieut. J. Sutherland, RJC.A Acting-Sergeant H. Ackerley proceeded on armament inspection | | duty. The coal-pile at the artillery park | barracks is being added to daily. It | has now reached immense propor-| tions Lieut. 'L. Gordon has assumed the | duties of officer commanding No. 3, C.A8.C. Service Company, tempor-| arily. i committee in con- nection with the institution of a| people's forum is meeting with suc-| cess in its work Comrade C. W. Topping, chairman of the com-| mittee, addressed the Ministerial | Association on the subject on Sat- | urday morning. THEATRICAL i: At the Grand. The film offerings at the Grand for the first three days of next week | will be of the highest order. Bryant | Washburn, the popular and ath-; letic stars whose work in '""Twenty-} One" when shown 'here won much | admiration] will be seen in the best, picture he ever made under the] athe banner, that is, "Kidder and Ko." Be sure and see how he takes Fer the codfish business of his | | father and with a little "pep" and | good management turns it -into a! paying concern. And then the oth-| er feature is Charlie Chaplin in two reels of the most laughable and en- | | tertaining comedy that has ever been produced. dn this - picture, which is called '"Triple Trouble," we have Charlis performing all the! antics for which he is famous, and there will also be 'many new ones | that will keep you roaring with | laughter." These two extra special | attractions will be a show in them- | selves, and then there will also be the Pathe News and one of those | wholesome Judge Brown stories be- | sides an act of vaudeville that will complete the most attractive pro- | gramme seen here in years. i { The GW.V.A. "The Lion and the House." The Queen's Dramatic Club have | been practising faithfully for the] past two months, and now they are ready to present "The Lion and the House," a play in four acts by | Charles Klein. cast this year will be an expert as | many of them are old-timers of | former years. Don't fail to 'see this | attraction at the Grand, where it] will be presented on Friday even- | ing, December 6th, as this dramatic club made a great hit last season, and their choice of plays this year give them a much larger scope for their acting talents. "General Post" Co The management of the 'Grand Opera House announce they have Just secured Tor a return engage- 'ment on Saturday, Dec. Tth, mat- inee and night. America's two great stars, Thomas A. Wise and Ed. H. Robins, in "General Post." The title, "General Post," is derive ed from an old English parlor game, where all the players sat in chairs except the one who was "it." This party called the names of different the' chairs which were named after other chair. Every once in a while it would ery "General Fost," when scramble which follows he would try and get a chair. At the present time in England, since the war i §2 | nia, after { Salmond. He { who have given their lives in the | er was G. BE. Wood, who gave a splen- Every one of the | ing. Wednesday afternoon and even- 'SHORTELL--At Brewer's have been | ** until the Quiet," our special feature, starring the distinguished . comedian, John Barrymore. Don't overlook this op- portunity to see this celebrated star, and also the remainder of an excel- lent programme, which includes Ethel Clayton #n "Tye Girl Who Came Back," a stirring photopliy of the redemption of a girl crook, and the inimitable combination of laughmak- ers, Charlie Chaplin and Mabel Nor- mand, in "A Jazz Waiter," one of the funniest amd most mirth provoking comedies in which these capable ants ists have appeared in. \ At the Strand. st For "The Return of Mary," the Metro play in which is starred, May Allison, the tiful young actress, bought an entire new set of clothes designed exclusively by a noted New York modiste. This play will be shown at the Sirand Thea- tre, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and is one of the most delightful that this fascinating young star has yet appeared in. As it is a picture of the summer time many of the dresses are of: the sports variety. _An unusual costume found its way into Miss-.Allison's assortment of ciothes in the form of the black sown and mortar'board cap used by university graduates. She makes a most charming picture in this digni- fied emblem of a well-spent college" life. Strand Theatre, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Late Edmund Salmond. Word has been received at Hart- ington of the death on Nov. 6th at Grand Prairie, Alta, from pneumo- an illness of a week, of Salmond, aged twenty- three years His death has caused widespread regret He was a fa- vorite with all owing to his bright, sunny disposition, He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. "W, C. leaves to mourn his loss his wife (Delma Cade), and a | little daughter, Marjorie, one year old; his father and mother, two bro- thers, George, Fernleigh, William, Grand Prairie; three sisters, Mrs. William Bauder, Myers' Cave; Nrs. | George Head, Grand Prairie, and Mrs. Alfred Page, Hartington De- | ceased was born at Myers' Cave in 1895 In religion he was a Meth- odist, Interment took place on Fri- day afternoon at Prairie cemetery. Edmund Memorial Service. A thanksgiving and memorial service will be held in Convocation Hall on Sunday, December 1st, at 11 am. The preacher will be Prin- cipal R. Bruce Taylor. During the service the names will be read of all | those connectedy with the university | war Wedding Stationery. We have the .veéry latest in wed- ! ding stationery. ~The newest type ' and very best quality of paper. Our | workmanship is par excellence. The Jackson Press, 171 and 175 Welling ton street. Mea and Sale, The Ladies' 'Aid of Cooke's church fea and sale, Thursday, Dec. 5th, 3 téd.8 p.m. in church hall, eee ee The Queen's University Association met Saturday aftermoon. The speak- did address. Details were announced for thie coming missionary canvass to | be made at Queen's on behalt of the university budget. Prime western beaf at Pic kering 5. CHRISTMAS CARDS Plain Bordered and Folders Name, Address -and Greeting beautifully Embossed. No plate necessary, Only machine in the city doing this work. Prices reasonable. The kind you have been looking for HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR 20 Market St., Kingston DAILY MEMORANDUM "Cinderella," Grand, 8.15. Ses top of page three, right hand corner, for nrobabilities. Come to Zion Church sale and din- Tea and sale, First Congregational Hall, Johnson sareet, Thursday, Dec. 5th, three to six o'clock. BORN. BLEAKINEY~On Nov. 27th, 1918, te Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart Bleakney, of 464 Laurier avenue west, Otta- wa, & daughter. -- MAR YOUNG--~HAYES --At Napanee, on TTUNoV. Sth, 1818, by Rev. W. P. Ro- gers, Miss Winnifred Hayes, Ar- on to Fred Young, of Napanee. DIED. PERCY--dn Bellrock, on Nov. 20th, 1918, Cynthe Mills, beloved wife of Michael Percy, aged foriy- nine] yea Funeral wet] be held in the church at 10 am. Sunday, Dec, Ist. Re. mains will be taken to Verona cemetery for interment Mills, Nov. 30 th, LS John Sbortall, aged eighty-six Funegal from his late Jo Tesidence, Mon- day mwoming at § o'clock to St Barnaby"s Church, where a sol. emn fin Tequien mass mill be sung. Friends uatiniancts Te- , spectfully ted IN MEMORIAM In loving fsmary. ; 3f John McKegg. who died Dec. Ist, 1 in a graveyard awootly sleeping. Wihere the flowers ¥y wave lies the one we loved so dearly 5 in his lonely silent grave. EEL LLL ET LLL LETRA MALIAB IBEX EE SR LL en He will never he Borgurion Never shall his menty 2 weetest thoughts ull ateays Ji we rare where and i ) : i En ee "A Xmas Thrift Sale To-night ! terse e-- PF SAVINGS CAN BE REALIZED ON ANY ONE OF THESE ARTICLES LISTED BELOW IF PURCHASED TO-NIGHT z= mm = Se rm---- » "SAVE MONEY Buy Your Underwear and Hosiery Tonight PENMAN'S AND MERCURY'S WOOL CASHMERE HOSE For Ladies. In Black. A BARGAIN at 75¢, $1.00 and $1.25 a pair TURNBULL'S, ZENITH and LEONARD'S FINE WOOL and UNION UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES IN VESTS AND DRAWERS A SNAP AT 50c, 75¢, $1.00, up to $2.00 a garment Specials in WarmApparel fo Cold Weather | CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S WOOL MITTS WOOL GAUNTLET In scarlet, grey, brown, MITTS white and black In cardinal, scarlet, brown and grey SPECIAL SPECIAL 50c to 75c a pair 50c to 75¢ a pair LADIES' BRUSH AND KNITTED WOOL GLOVES In 5 different shades EXTRA SPECIAL 50c to $1.00 A PAIR |S OFFERED TO-NIGHT At 90c to $2.00 EACH GIRLS' BRUSH WOOL SCARFS AND CAPS In Setts SPECIAL AT $2.00 TO $3.00 A SETT * John Laidlaw & Son . BRUSH WOOL SCARFS For Children For Women For Men HHH i HHH! HHH | SLIPPERS FOR EVENING WEAR! SL Hii= a a | OG RRR $4.00 $4.50 $8.00 $9.00 "Besides being tractive, our StipperFare absolutely correct as to style and pattern. Low Heels, Medium and Louis widths, A to D For Growing Girls or Ladies,