FMiss Phyllis Davidson, Miss Jean & Cantile, Mise Ruth Foster, Miss] Orsa Cains, Miss Dorothy Muir, Miss O Margaret Southam, ' Miss' Audrey Ry '®| Buchanan, Miss ~ Mary Pangman, 3 Miss Margaret Aylmer (Montreal), Miss Stizanne Silvercruys, Miss Mar- garet Lambe (Ottawa), Miss Julia Parker (Ottawa), Miss Mclwen 3 4 8 | (Belleville), Miss Rose Rogers, Miss | (Notico--Hereafter, the. Whig, in|Rathleen and Miss Edith Carruth- ew das common with other papers all over es, Miss Ruth Anglia. le Joule 5 " Canada, will make a charge of 50c.| Kilborn, Miss 8; TRpatrick, ok, Joaat have your Christmas for imserting an nr mar-| Miss Harriet Gardiner, Miss Marion 0 iction wade 'and put aside. : riage or reception announcement.) [Ogilvie Miss Lassie Nickle, Miss or Jou at Fiery a ig hea if uggestions AL Helen Nicol, Miss Catherine Minnes, Sa H i] The : i It would be h i Miss Bessie Stewart, Miss Phyllis and complete in every wity-- ff : detail the dusoraticoe a "the or) Spencer, Miss Helen McKay, Miss and plenty of goods to choose f Military 'Oollege dance on Monday | Doris McKay, Major Kidd, Captain from i Cronk, Major Goodwin, Major Sid- ; | evening. 'The mnasiu was Buy early and have it .over [i For transformed into or veritable fairy- | ney Fisken, MIC; Major, A. 'T. Pat- the satisfaction is J land with § (Montreal), Capt. Gilbert ! ts quantities of cedar |terson (Mon , . el yours. ; | FATHER boughs, red ae white bunting, | Chisholm and' Lieut. Harry Morris. i Cane many, many flags and myriads of Ee s softly shaded lights, and here the The. the dansant in the City Hall i Pipe large number of guests | B \ gu were wel- | : . ' on Tuesday afternoon, which Capt. Best's Cuff Links comed by (Colonel and Mrs. Perreau, | 1, vr "C0 01 Adams gave in honor the latter wearing a handsome gown . MOTHE of black sequins and carrying an of the geutiohen cadets of the : The Popular Stor R armful of crimson roses. The floor | Royal Military College, was very oh 8 Drug » Open ff Bar Pin was in perfect condition ad aj much enjoyed > the gheats, who undays included only the 'me rs of the Phone 50 Mesh Bag splendid orchestra supplied de-| 0p C OF, wives, the younger lightful music. In the basement, : town girls and many visitors who Umbrella the walls, floor and ceiling were were here for Monday's dance at the « completely concealed by evergreens, college Capt. and" Mrs. \Adams Te- SISTER through which tiny colored lights --. the latter: wearing @ = very Photo Frame places 'wore: gleverly and. ariiaiea gags Sows of Mus nivet with or; Vanity Purse Draved ea sound a fountain, Which | tlc 4 lace: The lights in the hall White Ivory served in the mess oon in the yore Bil Shages in 16d and white, north bullding at long tables, which and io Ss a aro ry BROTHER were bright and pretty with lovaly = : flowers. Among those were notic-| 20d flickering candles in silver |= Safety Razor od 'General and Mrs Hemming, Col, | Sticks, gave a most artistic effect. |S Signet Ring and Mrs. Ogilvie, Col. and Mrs, $e. Foun Gardiner, Col. and Mrs. Genet, Col. Col. and Mrs. C. N. Perreau en- tain Pen and Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie, Gen. and | (ortained at an informal house | B= b 1 SOMEONE ELSE? Hos. Maunsell, Mr 34 Mn dance on Saturday evening. = : , Bracelet Watch Macnee, Dr. and Mrs. Ww. Rom, Miss| Roots sealer Bede cub Do your shopping at once, this day i possible; this Week if Jou fan. 3 : + 9 Mrs. e Tues is ti Tie Pin Passy, Major and Mrs. Porter, Major | will commence mext week when this time stocks are complete, salespeop € are well acqu ; ; ps Diamond Ring and Mra: Lawson. Capt. and Mrs.| Mrs. Arthur Craig, Gore street, will store is in entire Christmas readiness toward the annual exchange of su Military Brushes ][ianson, Mr. and Mire Day. sr and | oes: greetings as the world will welcome this year. Necklet Mrs. C. E. Taylor, Mrs. Hansord lL * at Hora, Mr. and Mrs. W.- F. Nickle, Major A. T. Patterson, of® Mont- Cigarette Case Professor atid Mrs. P. G. C. Camp-| real, is the guest of Major and Mrs. bell, Major afd Mrs. BE. H, Lancast-{C. 8. Hanson, King street. er, Capt. and Mrs. E. A. C. Craw- Miss Julia Parker returned to 1d hy Mr. Mrs. G Miss el irler, .who was a i 4 CLOTHING ON EASY u }|Smin Br. and Mrs. Hugh Ryn | guest in town for the RC. dance f ==) ove y mas | a Miss Bessie Smythe, Mrs. Lambe | has returned to Toronto. Jewelers, Limited (Ottawa), Mrs. Arthur Scripture | 'Mrs, James C. Stewart and her Ladies' Suits, Dresses ond Furs, : (Toronto), Mrs. Dayidson (Mont- |baby, who have been in England for i SE NP ; Gentlemen's Suits aid Overcoats. King St. Kingston real), Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss | some time, have sailed for Canada. 1 on _ £ ec wear ¥ : Ke Mildred Jones, Miss Jessie Smith, i i i : ] N. Morris, 374 King St. Miss ~~ Wilhelmina Gordon, Miss| Miss (Doris McKay, Sydenham : ad v - =k Norah (Macnee, Miss Sally Quirk [street, is visiting Miss Lionel Smith (New York), Miss Ethel Kent, Miss [in Montreal. ] : : : Miss McEwen has returned to | oh) A visit to this display will move a genuine 3 - re Mit ink. Mit Mary | Senile ot ding a few da ' . Stran , Mi t ine eville after spen Eg ale y8 : . : : For Something Refreshing Ask For (Torento), Miss. My Thackeray | with Mrs. Arthur Lingham, Gore Jt : delight to the lovers of beautiful neckwear. It Ae : ; (Ottawa), Miss Else Sutcliffe |streat. a includes scarfs of silk as well as a pleasing variety (Lindsay), (Mrs. Peers Davidson, | Mrs. D. Reeves and Mrs. Young, | . b Ameren Arn: | OF. this ¢ity, aTe Visiting in Renfrew | A J of net, organdy and crepe collars. _ : y ' and Cobden. ! : 2 St. Lawrence Why Gait] To 'Sleep? Pons brs sri tre PNR PRICED FROM 50¢ to $3.50 Thousands of people all over the a he ey Teside --- = CERES SE FEES EB country ask this question, but still complete his medical studies e y or er continue to toss night after night on | Mrs. Willlam Nicholls, Clarence : & mlespless bed, and it is impossible | street, entertained at a venison din. s ltor then to get a full night's refresh- or Monday evening. ; i | Ring Phone 645 For a Case. ing sleep. Rer on 'Monday evening . i EVERY WOMAN WILL LIKE THESE Some constitutional disturbance, Major Sidney Fisken, M.C., has : worry or disease has so debilitated | returned to Toronto after spending 3 and irritated the nervous system that's few days in town. = {i S /l C Bl RETAIL bk de r it cannot uiet. » : . | ve A ° T y £ » be quletened except by the| [Mrs D. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. = | l k repe ; ouses pernicious use of opiates or narcotics. Carmen and 'Miss Molson are leav- 473 Pri t ." or Ain. you Boye heart palpitation, ing this week gr California, where i A rincess Stree SR ' Dg they will spe the winter months. i a . Se : Jou are going ta de, or perhaps you| Mr. and Mrs. L. Guess, Brock |== [i They are so smart the gift shopper may find in p your sleep feeling as street, returned from New .York on E |i i y though you were about to choke or; Tuesday ii them admirable solution fo her Christmas problems. -- glcmoder, and the only way you can| Stewart M. Robertson spent the ii At any rate any woman who seeks a costume Blouse to et relief is to sit up in bed. week-end in Montreal, a i i STOP! LOOK! To all who suffer in this way, Mi)-| Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie and Miss | match her suit will count these attractive and the prices LISTEN! Burw'e Hoart and Nerve Pills offer an Suzanne Silvercruys left yesterday if moderate. nestimable boon, ey bring back [for Ottawa, where they are the | > the much-needed night's rest by im- guests of the Consul-General of | PRICED FROM $3.98 to $15.00 You can heat, you can proving the tone of the ' nerves,|Beigium and Mrs. Goor. | bake, you can heat water Strengthen the heart, enriching the| Lieut. Meredith has come from and do it most economically blood and making the whole organ-|Ottawa and is with his wife at Mrs. P with the Favorite Tortoise lzation act in harmony---then you|E. J. Bidwel's, King street. combination cooking and sleep as peaceful as™a child. ta heating stove. Mrs. James Latimer, *39 Leinster| Mrs. J. A. Gardiner is again with It has a four-hole top, St., St. John, N.B., writes:--"At|her sister, Mrs. G. A. Bateman, Uni. |= ood sized oven, revolvin might I could not sleep. 1 had to sit | versity avenue. 5 olving up in bed, my heart beat so fast, Mrs, Stuart Patterson, Kingston, grates or without grates, a desired. Large dotachatl and when I walked up stairs I would [is visiting her sister, Mrs. Smart, at reservoir 'or "hot 'water get all out of breath. A friend re-, the Reetory, Tweed. brick to connect to a water commended Milburn's Heart, and| Mrs. Arthur Hardy, Brockville, fs system for heating water for Nerve Pills and after using two boxes | the guest of Lady Laurier, Ottawa. the bath, ete. I can sleep all night and am not out| Mrs. John W. Elliott, visiting De- Rememler we are hgents of breath after walking.' trot, has réturned to the eity, and | tor' Findlay: ror pion Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills|i# with Mrs. W. J. Crothers, jr, : : are 50¢/a box at all dealers, or mail-| Princess street. ph a - Bave a spin for eran tama Biheian receipt of Drive by The. utel Joan Armsteons. stent of 5 "a "fT. Mitburn Co., Limited, Torosto,| Cadet John Armstrong, attending ; : V saf ried this Oy Lim STOR: | the Royal Military College, intending |E5 The time-honored gift of Silk Hosiery may safely be reso 0 to again ; Ont. = rom mission, has now [22 Christmas, and with even more assurance of its welcome. selection of 2 Hunter TELLS p A) mote Caves a Aon a high-grade hosiery is as generous as ever. The range of colorings is 50 ex- EEG] h DYSPE TICS University. : : tensive that choice can readily be made to secure harmony with ahy particular ad the ball of the Royal Military "Alte Mariel Mabe, Ottawa, was|E= SILK HOSE PRICED FROM $1.00 to $3.50 a pair. a week-end visitor at The Residence. Avoid Indigestion. Sour Acid Stom- She attended the R. M. C. dance. E | Stomach, Bre. he Duchess of Devonshire, c- 3 » A by Lady Maud Macintosh ey Miss Marjory Gibson and. Miss 1 WHAT 10 EAT Kathleen Gibson, Brantford, attend- shade of costume. infant daughter, have sailed Indigestion aad practically all ms of stomach ible i