5 , 3 ] From The | And You Won't be Sick 33 FROM r t= Coun ® d larly, they will sooner br Iter, he. PICRED UP BY FORMER WEL- ; BCR] [come constipated, and constipation is| LINGTON, ONT. YOUNG MAX, productive of more ill-health than al- ' most any other trouble, Dormand 8. Hill Caught It--Thou. The sole cause of comstipation is| sands 'of Herring [Shipped This ForInfants and Children. an inactive liver, and unless the liver] Fall From Consecon. A RE HOO SAB RIS is kept active, you may be sure that Frontenac headaches, piles, heartburn, biij:| Wellington, Dec. 4.--Dormand 8. Mothers Know That > ousness, jaundice, floating specks pe-| Hill, son of Mrs. Alice Hil (Alice t fore the eyes, and many other trou-| Delong), a former resident of Wel- bles will follow the wrong action of] lington, but who, with her husband, this, one of the most important or-|J- S. Hill, resides in Detroit, Mich. "A " . : " Genuine Castoria | .. , misowe =~ las one or cio Loh ih, rosiaeh a Det, Me Corps. He was called to Texas and of the day. The machine arrived in Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will this community Saturday. Mrs. [regulate the bowels so that you will|Trom there was sent bo Houlton, Walter Scott is improving nicely. [bave a free and easy inmotion every|Me., to take charge of a station lo- Mr. and Mrs. D. Rintoul and family [day, and one pill a night for thirty|cated at the Géilin place. Soon after were guests on Sunday at Mrs. Rin- [days will cure the worst cases off Mr. Hill arvived at Houlton and tapd's parents at Myers' Cave. The [constipation. took charge of the station he picked 'flu is disappearing from this com- They do this by acting directly om{ Uh a wireless message from Nauen, 4 op! munity. Mrs, C. C. Thompson, of [the liver and making the bile pass|Germany, on Wednesday last and it : I \ l 1S our 7, ? Northbrook, was a guest at W. [through the bowels instead of allow-|i8 as follows. A report of the inci. S . dent says: Appeals addressed to Mrs, ' Scott's on Sunday. Mrs. J. Hillier [ing it to get info the blood, thus : Bas Jeturned Mme from Narth- causing many stomach and bowel] Woodrow Hm and Miss ae : i : rook, ere she has been assisting |{froubles. -| Addams, of Chieago, on behalf " 2 . » . i for some time at her grandson's, C.| Mrs. Jos. Labree, Louise Apts.,|men of Germany, asking that the The Sins of the Flesh" are punished in C. Thompeon's. Calgary, Alta., writes: --* have been| armistice terms be modified to pre- this world--not in the next. troubled with constipation for the last| ent "enspeskable disaster," have aE id . ia FALL RIVER. two years. 1 have tried numerous|Deen sent from the German wireless Disease is not an accident, nor is it sent Dec. 3.--Mrs. Johw Conroy has treatments, but have never been re-|®taMon at Nauen. They were picked by Providence. It is Nature's punishment been called to go with her father to |ljeved by anything until I used Mil-|WP by D. S. Hill at the military in- v Kingston, where they intend to ope-|burn's Laxa-Liver Pills which are|teligence radio at Houlton, Me., and for the breaking of her laws: rate on him. Thomas Duffy was [helping me wonderfully." were made. public on Wednesday H hoids, fi le, 1 i called to the bedside of his dying| we do not claim that Milburn's| night by the War Department. This _ Hemorrhoids, for example, occasion an father on Tuesday. A number of |faya.Liver Pills are a "cure-all," |Tadio is connected with Washington, : infinite degree of discomfort, suffering and the people here are getting ready for fhut we do claim that there is noth-|P-C., by direct wire on which are a s So fissure od fistul , ho, big urkt a haan ok tie ing better for a sluggish liver. ha ai NS ian be. misery, does a hssureor'a uia. ' } Price 25c a vial at all dealers, or . p . But such punishments are meted out to those : and Charles Fields are starting out . the Houlton station is able to pick unis Sg 0 For Over ne mailed direct on zeceipt of price hy at this distance it must who sin against Nature in two ways, by neglect- Tuesday with their sawing outfit. Milb wp messdges Herbert Duffy is spending a few | ranso our orn Con Limited, Tog o valuable acquisition to the sig- ing to maintain regular, easy, evacus- days at home. Visitors: Mr. and : nal service of the United States Gov- tion of the Is--who form the d habit of consti or what is a worse habit, the ® Thirt Ye ars Mis. Arehie Gray are at Wilfred . ernment. re rth 'esley's, [Silver Lake; Miss Violet |sidence. Miss M, O'Grady left dur- Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Olar leave : . : : : y po the farm'and move to Wellington. taking of pills, castor oil, purgative mineral TUESDAY, DECEMEER 10, 1918. Scott spent Sunday at D. Kirkham"s. [ing the week for Westport. Miss H Agnes Ryan, Brooklyn, N.Y. is George Tate has gone to 'Belleville waters, salts, etc., with the mistaken idea of LELAND. visiting relatives in this vicinity. |to attend business college, ing constipati 1s t Dec. 4.--The "flu" has broken out |Mies E. Kiyne has returned from | (Mrs. J. T. Hill, of Detroit, who ier, oni ipation by forcing the bowels to gain. Two of Harvey Kellar's fam- | Perth after visiting friends there hag been in attendance to her moth- a! y- (lly and one at Ora Cumpson's are |for the past few weeks. The Red er, Mr. Wilson, returned to her But the Nujol Treatment for Constipation' {dowy, with it, but are beginning to [Cross Society sent well filled boxes |home, Detroit, on Monday last. ied mprove, Dr, Tovell is in attend-|to all the beys from this vicinity Rev. Wesley Elliott, of Port did such sins. of the flesh, or mitigates the THE GEuvAUR SOMBANY. NEw vomx erry, @NCE. The school and church have |who are overseas. Threshing has |Perry, preached two dloqgient ser- punishment therefor. bY nuver been ordered closed. Mrs. M.| been the order of the day for some mons on Sunday in the Methodist I1as A ui is > Keller has returned from (Chaffey's|time past. The farmers report a|church. He was pastor here four Nujol helps to Ie Satabiish or regular, Lock, where she was visiting her |very good output of grain, Mrs. R. [years agp. thorough 'evacuation of the bowels. e:ler, Mrs. William Kernish. Mrs | Woods has been for the past week| The Picton quartette rendered Firiondis i S. Ackerman visited at Enterprise | with relatives in Frankville. some good singing on Sunday night Nujol is not a drug, does not act like.any drug. recently. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Smith r-- last. Nujol is absolutely harmless, THOMAS COPLE have returned from Odessa, where Messrs. Taylor and Ainsworth $ 5 Y have dhs a motod® hearse. ' Nujol keeps the waste matter soft, moist and medicine. Bold in three pod T 1 h 987 they attended the funeral of Mrs. oes, of strengih--No. 1, $1; eiepnone . Smith's grandfather. Edward John- 'Phousands of herring' were caught easily voided, "$3; No, * | Wanting anything dome in the earpen.|80n"s house is nearing completion. X : and shipped from Consecon this is int a SE, tery line. Estimates given on all kinds [Repairs are belng done at the schosl A Nujol is not absorbed, does not effect the body pe of repairs and new work) also hard g 4 : fall. J 3 : : o =house. Mrs. M. Young is visiting Mrs. Arminta Wilson, who has ~--acts. as. a mechanical lubricant, which can be pamphlet. =~ Address: | ov o0q" floors of nl kinds: All ' of n All orders had a long siege of sickness, is im- | used for any length of time. aos mupicine So, rm receive Prompt attention. Shop [Der daughter at Inverary. T lo Formerly Windsor, ueen stree: AMWORTH. T 5 --d proving. Mrs. Fana Rankem, of os : . : * 5ay Taylor wag held t9 the Method. [West Lake, is visiting at J. E. Get Nujol from your druggist. Take Nujol | Yh ] Clark's. Pte. Clair. Platt is home stcording to directions, ist church. There was a very large : | Leeds attendance. Rev. Mr, Roark preach- iru Kingston ar Solow days. $2- 3 ed the sermon. Rev. Mr. Jones, ' 4 , ; Wilson Coutleé, Clayton Taylor and [000 Will ho inst bed in She Meth- _ Send for Insirustive Booklet wife and several others from a dist- |0dist church in April next. ; Bee. 4 oN. Bot th ance were in attendance. Mrs. CHARLES GYDE & SON bh fim am oth, of the Ipomeroy, of Buffalo, is at IL. P. P. O. Box 875; Montreal R.F.C., Toronto, is home with his |wells': } Late W. T. Myers, Portland. - 0. Box 845, hs. F Wells; Mr. Hyland, of Ottawa, at Portland, Dec. 6.--One of the most CANADIAN SELLING AGRANTS Pon yan, is and Mrs. P. Booth. Mr. [Mr Howe's. TR DS ~ione of the mo tse, Plum Hollow, is spending a ghly respected residents o 5- s ! : trict passed to his reward in the pers Nujol Laboratories few days the guest of George Roan- Will be ve much better if ba k 1 iree B. Somerville has moved his | © son of Willlam Thomas Myers, aged STANDARD OIL CO: (NEW JERSEY) . very r if you eit amily here after spending the sum- - o twenty-seven years, after a brief ill- . NEW VORKCIFY inone of our PENINSULA RANGES, [f=e « Crmvors™ wilfun news| I Township ness of influenza. ~The greater part » Seeley's Bay, spent a couple of days of his life was spent on the home-y . : NUJOL is sold only in sealed stead near Portland. His death has / Warning +" battles 'Seatiag the Nutol Trade They bake perfectly and with very little last week with his brother, A. Dean. (Mrs. A, B. June, Briar Hill, speut a caused widespread regret. He was of i : : PORTLAND. a favorite with all owing to his _ Mark. lusidt on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes, fuel. Let us show them to you. few days last week with her moih- er. The shooting match at A.-Dean's Harrowsmith, Dee. 2.---Members | bright, lovable disposition. He was on Saturday last was well atténded, lall present. Minutes of last meet- [an exemplary Catholic, a devoted i Orman Powell, Elgin, spent Sunday {ing adopted, after striking out mo- |son, and loving brother. Surviving ! mon ons at B. Gamble's, Mrs. Artie Roantree, [tion of Coudy and McKeever to pay | are his wife and little son, his par- i \ ' , | Rocktield, any Mrs. H. G. Dean aud [Secord Storms $13 for one lamb ants, fans sistets ald Hates brothas: ** Regular as i . Mize Hazel Wiltse are spendiny a|kiled py dogs. Accounts paid: rs. C. J. Kelly, mbardy; 8 *" 187 Princess Street. 4 Phone 840 few deys In the village. Mr. and ($4.50, L, H. Ruttan, bonus, 30 rods | Kathleen, Blanche and Julia, Calsar, Clockwork i - ! : Mr>. Burns Simpson, Jones' Falls, |wire fence; $4.50, J. S. Gallagher, [Frank and Michael, all on farms eid Mr, and Mrs: it Tate, Lynd-|bonus 30 rods wire fence; $2.45, G. [near by. The funeral was held to {auret, spent Sunday the guesi of Mr. |H. Bretram, repairing road machin- [the Church of the Holy Martyr, Phil- and Mrs. J. Stewart ery; $1, Harry Coe, repairing road, |lipsville, where Rev. Father O. Han- 3rd concession; $4, James Milligan, |lon sang the requiem mass. The LOMBARDY. ¢ repairing culvert; $3:25, B. Bab-|pallbearers were William - Barker, Dec. 5.--Miss Marie Dooher left {cock, work; $10.20, BE. L. Amey, |Renso Myers, C. F. Myers, Francis . . yesterday for Toronto after spend-|work; $8.91, O. E. Kerr, plank; |Mullville, James Ralph and James Bring Back Memories of Home to the {ing some time at her homd here. ($24, John -D. Shibley, three lambs |Heffernan. A wreath was placed The Ladies' Ald meets to-day ai the {injured by dogs; $10, Henry Dixon, upon the casket by the Forfar school Ki b Se homie of Mts. Herein Covell. Mrs. {refund of fowhablp rate through | friends. i : mn ton Bo 3 . Frayne recovering from au 2i-|loss by fire; $4.37, Thomas Grant, pe ¥ 8% ys by nding a Box of jtack of influenza. Solomon Bison- (répairing Babcock road; $4, John i k . : Stte. ip has been Jn St, Francis Babcock. building culvert; * $4.65, SAVE YOUR HAIR! i ; : y : : od jospital for. some time has recov-|Earl Leonard, bonus 31 rods fence; LY ri i ON er Cigars Made in Kingston wv fered Sufttetenty to. return home. |$6, J. S. Gallagher, township grant i : $48.00 to $38.00 ' a r : 1 Miss Gertrude Dermady and Miss {to agricultural society; $45, Archie 4 i ; $ {Lucille Dermady, who ore the | Wilkins, funeral expenses, Mrs. A SMALL BOTTLE |i SUITS $20. .00 to $38.00 past two weeks in Watertown - N.Y., Michael Williams; $18 Archie Wil- . { 'ocd od : ised the purents here'on thei kine, Tuneral "espentes of X. To| QDS DANDRUFF! Large stock of indigte blue serge.and fine return to Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. [hurst's child; $8.58, James Trous- LH a ! James Hughes left this week for dale, township supplies; $7,356, John y 5: worsted su 8. A wool, extra heavy z {Smith's Falls to take up their re- |Clair, opening Winter roads; $4.20, an i weight pants, 8 00 ane Clair Meeks, opening winter roads: ; i addins A New Blood-Food $19.65, James Campbell, opening A i . . winter roads; $1.50, Wilson Snider, Coming Out. 8 y WwW Has Been Discovered [tive hours' work Mecliroy road: Ta pi 1 Try This! Your Hair Appearsisi~ C . il J Milit I. il P . S HH HEHEHE SETI ST Ha Ts RH ey ke $13.32, Roy Moir, work First May be had in boxes of 10, 25 or 50 at all That Works Wonders take rou: $7.50. Roy Moir, umber | Glossy, Abundant, Wary pn tor bridge, First Lake road; $7.75, and 14 Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy|®: Said to Put New Life Into People|Arthur Timmins, work on First Lake road; $3.57, Leonard Meeks, {hair is mute evidence of a neglected od : That Are Run Down. cigar and drug stores. Get them away now " n work, first Lake road: $2, John |scalp; of dandrufi--that awful scurf. For years doctors have been Bauder, cleaning culvert; $2, John |! There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair searching for a combination that|Segriff, cleaning culvert; ' $2.50, r would 'enable them to inject into thin Horace Alport, work; $3, Henry [of its lustre, its strength and its very] blood the elements it lacked. Thig|Dixon, building culvert; $2.50, Geo. |life; eventually producing a feverishs can now be done, and any weak-| Jeffrey, work; $8.40, James Mc-|ness and itching of the scalp, which blooded person can quickly be made Keevez, 28 hours' work stone dam [if not remedied causes the hair roots strong and well. bridge; $5.40, Ciinton Bradford, 18 [to shrink, loosen and die--then the Already a small army of ailing|dours' work stone. dam bridge; |bair falls out fast. "A little Dander- people has proved the merit of ta. | $480, John Graham, 16 hours' work [ine to-night--now---any time--will! king after each meal with a sip op(Stone dam bridge; $4.80, Frank |surely save your hair. . two of water, two choecolate-coated 16 hours' work stone| Get a small bottle of Knowlton's e Tablets. This is easily $13, John McKeever, |Danderine from any drug Te Or : |dane, and even one week's use of this 2% an toilet counter for a few cents, and wonderful blood-food will prove how | ™ 33h after the first application your hair|[l 8 0 : Fistin and strengthening and 3 will take on that life, lustre and lux- Tosi he esthoning fourth ai ; |urfance which fs so beautiful. It will|ss od think of it---Ferrozone 'up- ! become wavy and fluffy and have the . ridgé; (appearance of abundance, an incom- | > il : i : * | Run Your Car This |b cos iene si Eons : un our r J mowan the Sled, Nah, andl rods wire: RelA Ti ae Tn marl a a ; fe 2 4 t . suit of aa hits 2 Just. a few wooks' When You 5 A . needed rowin > 5 & use, J inter: If So-=- ngss and languor. . bi 3, red Xx one day engine nebvally see a lot of fine, dow: : . Tens of thousands enjoy the s hat r--new hair--growing an over vantages of renewed health throughiy (ou Mo ee Ye r ® Scalp 0.18: ta thi Dale whist. then ~~ You undoubtedly know from previous ||Ferrozone:-- ooke. houndary. adjoura- .. } experience that this is the time of The year e December Toh, C10 am or ai vegstadion. It goes ©} when battery breakdowns are more fre- X removes the : - - quent. The cold weather is very trying on' }]|irouble 3 battery. Tt req more attention. | Pie ETHER you.