Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1918, p. 3

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I se al vo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1918. them on barges and had them towed | see Ty CE "GIRLS DRVEN IN HERDS 5p Br ae mes [emer ES A | Latrs othe Blt Probs: Wednesday, strong winds; cold, with snow. v ti iter SR ear : dein {that his soldiers lad not been ener-| oY IN NAKEDNESS DEPORTED |getic enough in killing Armenians, | HUNDREDS OF MILES, a ¢ children wero buria athe. | The Gon Roads Syste Critics. E000 it Glenburnie, Dee, 9-- (To the Edi tor): As a ratepayer ol Frofitenac 1 jwould like, through the columns of ed--Nearly 300,000 Persons Said i to Have Perished During Forced {vour paper, to call the attention not ew mas Marches 2 only of the ratepayers, but also the Londo : Dex 16 The Morning imen who represent us in the town- 5 1, 1 i 1 ing ship counct nd of the members of Post publishes front <onstantinopis an dh he Ontario Legislative Assembly to (Continued from . jshe Ontario 68/54 mg : . Page 3.) the Good Roads System. in. Fron- Ws uggestions g detailed account of the massacres ) 4 of Arnienlans by Turk which De- rst i |tenac In my humble opinion it is i 18 by Turks, ch { 'Cinderalia. at all, or certainly a , .t : . 3 1 ; stem gan fh the early part of 1915. Its Cinderella," a musical version BE lt It is not giving us a i famous fairly tale of the same i terrible tale points to a determined y 3 : Te Sa wha ve are pay yd For ar pos | oy, | name. will be the dffering at the [What we are Dayvilig for and would attempt to exterminate the whol irand Opera House for a return en- | Daturally Ii Over 800 Armenian Children Burn- yt Just 13 Shopping Days--Then Christmas--Please Shop Early STEACY'S The Gift Shop of Practical Suggestions ! a With "Victory Christmas" the greatest and most glorious Christmas of all time less than two shopping weeks away, we would k the kind consideration of those who can--to shop early--for eir own interest and that of our own salespeople. TT ' _ expect; namely, good FATHER nation, and the following story i3|gagement on Friday, Dec, 13th. The | roads. Now 1 know it is 'easy 10 fol fas} ' 3 producti i { rxonal i. |eriticize, -and if it were only to find told of awful deportation schemes. production is under the personal di f fanlt apd ot offer a remedy. I ane ph ak a .~ | rection of the well-known author- [fut and nd nF Fs For hundreds of miles ove manager, Stuart-Whyte whose | Would not" write this letter As | Pipe mountains, in scorching heat 07 |pravioug pantomime attractions, |understand the so-called system, Cuff Links freezing cold, long convoys went. |"Aladdin" and Robinson Crusoe," ach of the townships frend he / Young gitls fr he age of ten up:jare remembered with pleasure |ONey raised by them Jor good oung girls from the age of ten up: }2 i ads within ti own boundaries MOTHER wards were obliged to march naked Many Reople. wephder alte! Seeing fe. the Supe vision of the reeve . inderella," which is by far the] 3 . Re 'Bar Pin for hours at a time. Hundreds of | mogi costly and elaborate of all the and the county engineer. Thai, to Mesh Bag thousands died on the march English pantomimes why Mr. Whyte | T4, means 2 few miles gout round ¢ J + EF y > 8 nere B.A - U "It is estimated that 500,000 who [did not produce # first and follow | nore 2d yo ie almost' onl for mbrella were deported Western Agia | with the smaller offerings. The rea- |tOWnships, goo« . y re depor to € + As Be : {local traffic. 'It means long, un- crossed the bridge over the Eu-|son is that English pantomime was {necessary use of heavy road ma- SISTER phrateg from Soriar to Chittadi, and | new to anata Ei Nu Wayte {oiinery Y ime »{ men and teams lost of these only 1,600 are now alive. came with |his elever company of |¥ 4 r > " nelle ? . Yamba id 3 rned waste, as mov- Photo Frame "But the trials of these unhappy | English panto. artists, and the taste | 30d egal burned to In' Kingston . z : ing. tr Collins Bay seople }. doase 1 0 for this form of theatrical offering |IM& from Collins Bay, Vanity Purse people did nol cease at the end .of po to Ibe Dail tp a It ng township, to Harrowsmith, in Port- that mareh. The luckiest were the 4 a hi : A White Ivory voung girls who were taken fnto |g0od business policy to present, a [land tow ship, or from Inverary or BROTHER harems Starvation and massacre [pantomime wileh calls for such Batterses in 02) PRglan: oo y in awaited them. elaborate scvnic invesiure and cos- a Mills ne ge - al eS i : a oped . v Sve 5 ye g 8 Safety Razor "The governor of the vilayet re-|tuming as does 'Cinderella | Pittsburg wd Payer I Yan se, . ia - what such moves must cost. he S Ri eased all the convicts from the - ] r 'in' such cases is 'not goin ignet ng Priming divided them into bands of | COming, "The Very Idea." Taney an oni it to--on the going Fountain Pen 200 or 300 each, armed with clubs, "The Very Idea," a langh-provok- 3 e we syotern makes. ft om o6 and then sent them to outrage and |ing farce, written around the sub-|®0d such a Sysiel ae re Rn pos SOMEONE ELSE? massacre the Armenians coMected in |ject of the betterment of the hu- | #ible for the enginght 0 se 1 , the vilayet. In Urfah goldiers and [Man race, which New York, Chi- [Same Superyiston f i je sould oe Bracelet Watch others got so weary of the work of cage and Boston laughed at for {Ohi oF Iwo. ies of road being bul massacre that the governor adver- i g nly : Tie Pin tised for executioners to complete | Many months, will be the atltrac- To come back to good roads being i i . ok asta iv built a few miles here and there. Of Diamond Ring the work. He boasted that at Diav-4¥ 2 wha te are they when you leave i Bekir 80,000 Armenians were put . IY : i Military Brushes 16: death g , er your own locality, if you can haul a Necklet ""He' took 800 children, enclosed § load of, say, two ions on your local them in a building and set light to road and can only haul one ton or ! : or less on some part of the same road Cigarette Case g A leading to the city? You simply iris wh rere admitte ito 3 3 ki 0. dmitted Ji have to load to meet conditions out- arems were oblige o adopt the { h Hs lged Roy sa side of your own locality as g road, Mussulman religion, 8 + : 8 copy » i ¢ oF like a chain, is only-ag strong as {18 Three months dgo alter his #e- \ , ' . cession the present Sultan ordered ; weakest link. Now for the remedy. CY au v My contention is that all. the main | 11 ebildre 7 3 been forci all chilireN who had beeg forcibly travelled roads that are included in . Jewelers, Limited ednvert fo he returned to thelr the good roads system in Frontenac - DIN Es The governor of Samsoun, % 3 tt Fenn King St. Kingston on ving oder a a the ) 7 ; should be built from the northern, 4 # eastern or western boundaries of chiitdren in hin disirnet and placed | fog the city of Kingston; that first the ¥ | road or roads to he built should be 1 3 properly drained, new culverts put gL 3 in where required, quarries located Keeley kh 0 0 and the men and machinery be kept : 9 SY i : on that road continuously until fine 3 ished, and, "if labor and machinery & l N F SHOP EARLY--SAVE 10% -- TO-MORROW To-morrow morning we will offer as a special inducement Double Discount Stamps We do this in an effort to show many of our clientele how much more satisfactory early morning shopping is, in compari- | on to the rush hours of the afternoon. Take full advantage of | it as in all probability it will be the last double stamp day hefore | Christmas. Sale hours, 8.30 to 12.30. Nx a Beautiful Madeira Linens We still have in stock an assortment of these beautiful hand embroidered Ma- deira linens all marked at old prices. These will prove a most acceptable Christmas gift. Direct from the Island of Madeira. EAE EAE can be obtained, build two of the ain highways ut thé same time. The advantages of this system are A MABEL ALLEN . that while the road is being built cs ERS, ARE eh, hated "ibd overvane boing lo the iy i en nibh ax. " hh matinee and!joy travelling over a portion of 3 ht, good, certainly the greatest good for 4 | {the greatest number, and when fin- Luncheon Setts--13 piéces in 6 inch, 10 '§ inch and 24 inch. $6.50 a sett. : and tion at, the Kirand Opera (House for [ished we would have at least one : ye people fantl Wey jLwo performances on Saturday, | completed road in the county, and 1 ny) who ar e sDec. 14th, (Che theme is that of 'a [not a. few strips of good road with | ordeal of an eye examin- typical 'American - childless home } long stretohes of mud holes in be- iwith wu pair of friends whose philo- [tween. Under this A system labor + ation are agreeably aston- ished o find that, as made § | = W. F. GOURDIER _ |srosentvencis 1 reich, one 10a tachinery would be cats: us, it Causes no pai _ i a rg oF be aw Who "is pos- rated, maxing it He ol y ' ny 78.80 sessed [by {Bernard Shaw's idea of [county engineer to oversee, instead > scomfort, or inconven- Brock Street. the Breeding of the superman. He |of travelling from one 'outfit to un- directs the attention of the child- other situated so far apart. Bvery i lence, y i Phone 700 less "pair to their maid and his {one knows that with the engineer remem nn PETER ROET St aE Madeira Lunch Cloths --36 inches, $7.75, $10.00, etc. : MADEIRA HAND EMBROIDERED SIDEBOARD AND DRESSER SCARFS IN ALL SIZES. J Bu f{combed, but this 4s an Amerfean [by' all the townships 18 36 . | lj cojnedy. Chauffeur and maid in- [should be pooled, and spent as I X ab, our : . $4.00 an 50 s y vite the sanction of the church and [have described under the supervi- 18 45 t 2: Bel 6 3 fra . d $11. xX | PERRI chauffeur, as the two human be- almost constantly with the outfits * ings whom he knotrg as best fitted [we would get more good roads built to assume: the gunctions of parent- [for the money expended than ever And 'We Use No | lll hood. / Obviously thé situation of- |we did or cam under the present fers the temptation of which the |system. Drugs. French theaire has so often sue- I also think that the money raised b Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. heeley Jr., 1 interested 226 Princess Street HEHE ei... . $4.50, 7.50 and $12.00 18x54at........... $5.00, $5.50, $10.00, $13.50 Madeira Tray Cloths at .. .-...... _. $1.50 and $2.80 MadeiraOvalsat .. ..... ... . . .. . 90c, $1.00, $150 PURE LINEN MADEIRA DOYLIES : 6inchat .. . . cv... .25¢c, 60c and 90¢ Simchat... .. } Winchat .. .... .. 0... ww) B06, 18%, Sia Our December Coat Sale Continues Throughout the Week pp fithie sacredness of the American [sion of the county committee on . jj family life is preserved. The play (good roads and the county engineer, Yr fy thoroughly workmanlike in con- {It is the duty of the men in the dif- | struction and the {lines are apt and [ferent townships who are aspiring witty and its all good clean fun for municipal honors, those who are us th elected at the first session of 'the At least have yonr Christmas county council, to repeal the pre- Selection Bade and put aside lili TORONTO RAILWAY GETS sent antiquated system of road You at Hest's to-day. MONEY IN NEW YORK | building. ¥ ai liday nels Se open Our member in the Ontario Legis \ y-- 3 i 8 k PD ' and plenty of goods to choose ii Loan of One Million Dollars in fatyre shoul he - in from. i I Two-year Notes Is House should protest against the i ud early and have it over i Floated. present system of putting the money ' th--and the satisfaction is ih Main obtained from automobile licences yours, | Toronto, Dee. 10.---The Financial {into a common government fund, It fil] Post says the Toronto Railway has [should be spent entirely for what we ll] Just floated in New York one million {understood it was raised for---good fi| dollars of two-year notes, bearing six {roads in Ontario--and 1 believe i 9 li] per cent. This is the second Cana- |ffom what I have seen and read of "© S dian loan put out in the United States [late of the condition of our roads " since Washington appointed the capi- that_hot op Frontenac, Die the The I" fil} ral fssnes committee to, authorize [Province of Ontario has a pro em . Pouniar Det Stare, Open fl jitside loans being submitted in the (OR their hands Teli enough ad ch 0 , i: Hl United States. The company is not | important enough to justify a good, Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Phone 50. Branch 2018 Hi, issue any further loans tor bonds [live man being made minister of Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, || Hf until this obligation is redeemed. roads in the Ontario Government, | and help respousible for the ex. N. Morris, 374 King St. EEE = : SPANISH INFLUENZA penditure and system under which ! | TTT TTT Prof. H. H. Dean, of the O.AL., om have the poorest roads of any ] Xmas ] By Dr. M. Cook, country in the civilized world, and The cool fighter always wins and [that it is simply amazing that we 40. there is no need to become panie- {dave tolerated for so long a time / q = such abominable roads, and that ' $7 ae Clean Skin and Clean RBowels. To!3d3. This is a terribie si=*3 of. af-} 3 Don't delay, make within the body and ro word off an roads. Surely our systems of road Al NR rly, a { howels. Sueh is mad ; " a wera early, and we will ols. a, one 1s made up ofiionds improve the appearance of the | A Rogil itary Collége Graduate a store, and called "Pleasant P : 4 SA Urgative|io the value of farm properly, make |g 0 Keeler has been promoted to a| The ladies braveh of fhe King ton Wrap. well, drink free} hot ' te Ap. y. of Help to y with the isolation | gears gallantry in action during the | Monday afternoon for ihe elestion of ventilated, Obtain at the' : ; , ; : cur members of Parliament to My commended by the Preshlemt, and Mre- J.-A Gorrte see. | ° k oped vo | = it Is done. Do Not Fear When Fighting a Ger-|in the Canadian Countryman of man or a Germ! Dec. 7th, says that in Canada Wwe - stricken. © * Avold fear and - crowds. fo tside of. ithe Toronto-Huamilton 3 ] Bxeérclae in the fresh air and practice (highway' we have not got forty eon- : "®t i a opping the thre ("s: A Clean Mouth, g secutive miles of good roa in Oan< : i The Store With the Christmas Spirit." ; ¥ 3 fai " ) Ee carry olf the poisons that acenmalate that A he expended on out HHH Hi 3 attack of the influenza bacillus, take anit RAE ANE g 5 i your selections «good lyer regulator to move the Juilling are Taulty. and rg CAPTAIN E. 0. KEELER; M.C. ville's most popular sons. 1ie Iu a ie Ln. ane 1s made up 0 prominent athlete. store them for vou ay-apple. « root " |country, improve the tempers of the and deliver the day ed aad ht. any dE |ieopls who drive over them. . Add] | word-ashenn Focts that Lisut. Ladies' Carling Club, before : Pellets." = Si it easier and less costly to ship pro- . : B J If a bad cold develops; go to bed, | gusts 1 vay or city markets and {82 itary Cros Das oun awarded uy eld tu a a lemonade and take a hot mustard of farm lite. So, I8ay. it is the duty foot-bath. Have the bedroom warm leg : 'i 2 socessive periods of severe fighting | officers. Mrs. Elmer Davis was olect- . A : ; of our mien in, Municipal Iie and |' valen Cambrai and Mons | ed president, Miss A. L. Burteh vies- i: lee nearest drug store "Anuric Tablets" awaken to the fact that they h ! ia ; SCOR \ to fin a : they have a | officers in command of his regiment. | Te:ary-treasurer. | Tho election of the g 8 Sen wpa ¢ » flash the rea problem to face for the welfare He 1s a on Kedtor, trafic | executive committee w deterred | 19 SPMPURY ay Aq '00) 'UIWOAL OH Re tr i TTT ER §and aches are' of all the wdent of the G. ©. Ti. wirtll a : : Hh £- i ERR endent . A, Rt: Bast- Witil a later eating, 0 be beld whea i BCE a ; ER : io Division, his | the mentbarsaip Het 'of the club has ia ns J viuiel 1 There" ge "at the Royal Mili-| Deon increased, : SSOURNS "SIEM 10 $89ua08 The ib. TA 8 8. phn 3 ONRARIS WOES PRINS sf Opse. 18 - Kingst on Yate be ter men in the| C . pasn self ves 3 Ljjensead Jog - | hater me 0 are extremely thith. They 0, th Roya v ; Some' of the returned soldiers of art Seca oy tut, poli] or. MC 1s 0 this city Bave the fmpression that tichme of fo standing. dont vou te ne a several promipent civilian citizens . 1 Pm TAR ym are honorary members of (he Groat ¢ So i Fe f War Veterans'. Ascoefation, and therefore they eriticize the aseteiz- tion alls Inipression 48 eniirelyy efron - Every 'member, honor ansociste g

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