GUNNERS ARF PRAISED, Splendid Work Done by the Canadian Artillery The most striking thing abou: the Canadian' battlefield in he réeent of- fensive is. the éxtraordingd®y geod shooting our gunners made his Was specially go along ihe enemy front line and Support. In thé norfl ern area of our secto nmediarely west of Marceleave-- this ran over a wide sweep of prairie pock-nifirked | throughout with shell lar Sequence, Tiké one tess. eee 1 From The | Countryside le A Bl bl nb eh Ge A A BO Roepe sl Leeds Fer Bs Goris pe grr od THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP N. H. Godwin & Son Insurance and Real Estate, 89 Brock St. Phone 494 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT "BOVRIL . Is the Power of Beef ree holes in régu- Bansda Pood Board Licence No. 13-442. i A A i, } i Many it wie pe This machine for $30.00 $3.00 per month; © You buy 6 records. Gratonola ESCOTY, he regular Red = 'Cross Sogiety * hal on Tuésday rd After the usual monthly business, which in- of the twenty-five in November for the here was a grant of to Red Society at used for the most ur- of the society It was hold a tart' soeial and concert Friday evening, Dee. 13th, in E Hall Pd Bi dh ti nt a ee | Lennox and Addington VENNACHAR. Dee, 9 Rev. 'E. Babcock, Fern- ley, who has been appointed by. the District Elder to take charge of the Free Methodist cireuit, Vennachar and Fernley, preached here morning and evening on the Sth inst. aw, Cross Ottawa to be gent decided needs to on cot Jackson has moved into his new house R. C. Johnston he bought the John Gilmour farm of 550 acres, Mr. Gilmour is moving to Alberta, near McLeod J. H. Sallans has moved into the village for the win- ter, 'living with his father. The stage from Plevna made its first trip on the sleigh on the 5th Robert Sargent, Perth, took a large drove here last marble boards with which children play Nothing ould have lived there, Nothing did live, 'as was attesied by the hundreds of Boches dead. A remnant, ne doubt, escaped through the town, but, with our men hard on their heels, they left all their war Inaterigl - and even their personal effects. Hundreds of our boys came back fully equipped with Bootie gear. South of here, too, we secured a dozen heavy guns of various calibre, Dead horses on this plateau testi- fied to the heavy shelling against out cavalry as it pushed forward early Thursday afternoon. . Where a line of infantry, patiently working It way forward, mopping up as it goes, is almost indistinguishable from the dun color of the surrounding land- scape, the horsemen stand 'out boldly against the skyline. This, plateau, quite fairly char- actertistic of the rest of the Canadian Sector, except the heavy wooded areas in the centre-- Hangard Wood and so on, which only fell after a bitter struggle--offers no natural im pediment. And the enemy, over con fident of his power in the open field and with the fixed idea of breaking away from trench warfare, had taken very little trouble to dig himself in. His trenches are elémentary, and tae barrage wiped out much of their out- line. There is surprisingly little wire. More might have been done, be- cause a vast amount of It was Cap-~ of were i of those round ji i A man would never he henrd the Best for Their Troubl ont, 0.1 was Remedy . passing through the eritical period of life, being forty-six po Bn of . and had all the symptoms incident to that change -- heat flashes, Bervousness, and was in a general rundown condition, 80 it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as the best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved tobe. I feel better and stronger in every way since inking. it, and the annoying symptoms have disap. Joa "==Mrs. M, GoDDRN, 925 Napoleon St., Fremont, North Haven, Conn. ~*Lydia E Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound restored m y health after everythin else had failed when passing through ch of life, There is nothing like it to overcome the ore symptoms, * Mrs, HENCE ,» Box 197, North ven, Conn, it not for his obituary noti 3 @ i ret dr orcas, iN te ct ins IN nn, Ey a of sheep and lambs from week for the foreign market Lanark LAVANT STATION, Mrs. J. 8. Paul, Poland, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Lee. Rev. Mr. Little, McDonald's Corners, condueted services here Sunday, Dee. Sth Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lee spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo Leslie, Watson's Corners Nelson Horne, Ladere, spent way witr hig sister, Mrs George 'oule, Mrs A. Crawford and Mrs Walker, Cala- bogie, spent Saturday with the form- or's sister, Mis. W. J. Boyd. Mrs. Gilpin and daughter, Ollie, 'who have been visiting the former's bro- ther; A. EH, Jackson, left on Satur- day to visit friends at Perth. Thos. Barrie, who hds been employed for the past summer by the C.P.R., has returned to his home at Watson's Corners Robert Burton, Cobden, Is visiting at Joseph Morean's. "Jack" Gray and Pte. Wesley Campbell, Caldwell's Mills, renew- od aequaintances here last week, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Lee, Lanark, have recovered after an attack of the "fin." . -------------- The wesc and the Worst, The ninth German war loan was offered recently and throughout a week' which was distinguished by these "market pointers": Former loans, $22,000,000,000; total war debts over $40,000,000,000; paper money, including pawnbroker issues, $5,250,000,000; a 30-point fall in Ber- lin stocks--60 points in Roumanian bil Securities, which are spoils of war capitalized and subject tg restitution; Germany loaded with the worthless paper of her allies: her exchange in neutral countrjes 4¢ per cent. below Par; Austria-Humsgary bankrupt and asking a conference; invaded Bul- aria suing for terms; a Turkish Se ah 'in' Palestine; Balkan disaster; defeat in France at half a dozen points at.once; 40,000 prisoners tak- en in three days; America in the fleld, swiftly growing in power. Ger- many offers next to the worst secur- ity in the world, . ee Prosaic Ending to: Honeymoon, Having cleared the blockade of confetti-throwing friends, a Windsor bride and groom gained Just about two miles on their honeymoon tour when halted by the discovery that their registration papers were niisse ing. The Jocuments were located al. ter the sheepish reiirn, ¥ Buy tured But the Boche was lazy ana Arrogant -- the wondrous supernan was caught napping Much of this plateau 1s in wheat, and should have been in Stock before this. It afforded good cover to snip- €rs--and now to corpses. The tide of battle has ebbed and flowed over It since last March, and it will not pay for the redping It was along these trench lines that our airmen performed so gal- lantly. They were prepared to aid the attack by bombing the front and Support lines, but the fog came down In such dense folds tar they must, either abandon the task or take peril- ous risks. So they flew as low as ne' TT un. and two hundred feet along the trenches, sweeping them with ma- chine-gun fire. This gallant aet ac- counts for our relatively heavy losses in air eraft. Their poor crumpled frames lay here and there upon the plateau, but it had not been in vain it had added to the terror of that sudden crushing assault Just before dawn glimmered in the east. Plodding across that field were little knots of stretcher-bearers and burial parties Occasionally a shell broke among them, but they carried on their, grim task unheed- ing. On that high and once fertile plateau one looked over what had been the smiling land of France, dotted with bosky villages and graceful church spires. Along these roads children cams singing from school. Hereabouts was garnered much of the nation's agrarian wealth, Below that eminenc¢e in former days of peace the broad val- léys shone "in the sun like the bright chequered pattern of a patchwork quilt--the many hues of the ripening crop, wheal, oats, millet, \ vetch, peas and beans, ungivided by hedge or fence, but melting the one into the other in their little erratic Squares and oblongs---undistinguish-, . ed indeed save by the bright hues of nature's pallet, Now all is desolation. The hand of the Hun lies heavy on the land. Tottéring walls and empty shells are all that are left of the villages; the ehurch towers are levelled in sad heaps of stone and mortar, or, less happy, expose to heaven scarred flanks and desecrated alt; Not a living soul is to be seen but men in khaki. Along this road a monument, "To the heroes of the army who on this spot made their heroic stand in the war of 1870" --mentioning them lovingly by name. Officer This and Soldat that; it has been torn in two by a shell, The Canadian army says the Hun must pay for all this; that there must be no peace until these things have been avenged, and such poor repar- ation exacted as can most adequately meet the case. In these past few days he has'paid the first instalment of this heavy score. In the opinion of the army, the account cannot be liquidated until he has been driven out of France and the war carried into his own country. The Canadian force, with these things ever before it, is not mealey-mouthed about them. Justice cries aloud for retribution, eee i $45.00--This beautiful mach ne in mahogany or oak, 10 records and then $6 y month on machine. EE ---- Se -- LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND has the greatest record for the greatest good LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNNIMASS. nd Dee. 9 $70.00--This enclosed Gp and tone control lever in bean. tiful- mahogany, fumed or golden oak. Buy 12 records and you get machine delivered at once. Then yon pay $10.00 per month, ALL MACHINES FREE FOR ONE MONTH Get yours picked out now before we run short, as we have all we will be able to get this year, TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CQ." 88 Princess Street Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." ~ "AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS Gift . Can be made of a Bissell Carpet or Vacuum Sweeper. Every home should have one. It is said they have taken the "Weep" out of Sweep. So see that you get one for Christmas, if not before, STEVENSON & HUNTER Phone 53. 85.87 Princess St - universal military service gum-- , wv A Soldier's offering to his Sweetheart is naturally the Sweetmeat A girl seldom cares much for a man, unless she gives him a lot of advice. é CATARRH : COLDS BRONCHITIS URED WITHOUT DRUGS It 1s really impos- sible to treat Ca. tarrh, unless by in- haling the soothing germ-killing vapor, of Catarrhozone. Its rich fragrant essences 'are : 1H ( Dreathed from the in- i haler to every sare, ~ diseased spot in the breathing organs. Hot a single germ can ho cape the healing ~ fumes of Catarrhogsone © Which aets on the in- fected linings of the nose and throat Just > H | 25 an ointment would : | act on a cut | | You see Catarr ¢ in weekly Jaystents of $1.00 to $3.00 amount of our pa and rubbers. 5 . overcoats, raineoats, underwear, Fags, lace curtains, tapestry mois, oom Set Bs cv that gave 'him most refreshment and 'great- ~ est enjoyment when on duty, / Saving Gasoline, If anyone wonders why Canada is having its motorless Sundays simul- taneously with the United States, the reason is not far to geek. ' per cent. and" more of. the gasoline used in Canada is said fo reach this country from across the border, The ited States might, thus, be saving its fuel in order: that Canada might squander it. But that fact does not impress one so strongly as the tom- plete Miticy which binds the sister na- tions iu making common cause 'against the world's disturbeérs, B. Abr 257 Princess Street. Jos. Her Patience . The best 'lunge lately Janded Lake of the Isles, x Bay, redited to Mrs. H l 31% pounds. i