URDAY, Di EMBER 14, 19710. ais 4 ' GT R110 % the Kingston Industrial Fair Association Robertson' s Limited In selecting your Christmas Gift, just come straight to our show rooms. Nothing more appreciated than a nice piece of China, Cut Glass or Plated Ware "A big vdriety of Nippon Hand Painted China, in Berry Sets, Cake Sets, Salads, etc. Some very nice cuttings in glass at moder- Rogers' Bros. 1847 Cromwell pattern in all table ware. » : wu = 2 m = = We 5 2 {| E = = - w = u Extend heartiest season's greetings to all its patrons of past years, thanks them for their support and encour- = agement, and trusts that, with the greater co-operation' of w u council and people, it will be in a position to achieve still ey : a bigger and better things in the future. 3 i ate prices. THE BIG STORE i + 3 LOW PRICES Robertson' s - Ltd N\ . Robt. J. Bushell, Sec.-Treas. and Manager. lb Ee ------------ ---------------- A PN SIN A Ar cnn a [F. C00 pm James Swift & Co, Limited §* THE WAR IS WON COAL OS Wholesale ~~ Retail The long, tense strain has cone to an end. Men and women long separated, will again be united; once more will they turn their attention to the building up of HAPPY, PEACEFUL, COMFORTABLE HOMES Their fancy will turn to Lumber, Brick, Cement, Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, and many other products handled by S. Anglin & Co. in their Woodworking Fac- tory, Planing Mill.and Lumber Yards, corner Boy and Wellington Streets. That this may be the happiest, most joyous and jolli- est Christmas you ever have had, is the sincere wish of S. . ANGLIN & CO. and whole staff, to all who read this number. i { Vessels for Charter in the Coal Trade ¢ Ll ALS fm ay } EE -------- --_-- _-- Te -- i Reed et == --_ -- -- = = we -- E-- -- = == == = _-- = = -- = -- Be a -- mm wn == a = =n fend = _-- = = = = = == = -- To = = == = -- == --_-- -- Te -- -- = -- -- -- _-- = == = rr = = pe] = -- = == == == -- n= == = -- = -- _-= -- -- = = = -- == = = = -- = n= == Tom == == = = Te == = = = 2 = == = i S-------- Cor. Bay & Wellington Streets, King Office Phone 66. nt 7 Kinseion: Phone Dario 5