PAGES 9-12 ma | The Daily British Whig v em YEAR 85. NO 294 Eom EARL. _YYBOSESDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1 1918 Ree -- { so notable a part in Canada's con- |tons of rails,'and one hundred coion- seemed' to have spent a good time THE FINANCE MINSTER duet of the war. On the various |ist cars. To provide employment dur- THE. RETU in Montreal, and were in good boards and committees to which [ing the period of demobilization the Spizits on artiviag in Kingston. they have been appointed, Canadian | department is proceeding with th ps hs an rea} They were ome and all glad w p REVIEWS THE YEAR women have 2 op with ability and |construction of the Welland Shin A FINE PART Y. REA HED THE | back in Canada. * distinction. The extension of the |Canal, work on which has been shut|{ » CITY ON TUESDAY. A number of the men wiho re: -------- Federal franchise to women was one | down because of the war. In| the : =, . turned in this party are men 1 a Sir Thomas White Calls Atten= | or the most noteworthy features of | same way work will be resumed on Mle yO ona nd the Brean Ror den bila tion, Thise tion to Work of Union Gov= | 'be last session of Parliament, he final se ction of the Trent Canal. Ado--<There Were Sixteen For-| carried their full field equipment, ernment--Cabinet Aware of Land Settlement Policy. Prohibition During War mer Kingstonians in the Party. with rifle, bayonet, knapsac and : " y iorati " i + i sixty mer C SD A . ' . Difficulties in Reconstruc- MOLI pi hair Re a ae eS ato a bfiiency Oia Lend ) at the alti Trunk they did when they came out of the 3 : ? 2 Gas he and eco , the Government has yu ve ; 2 Tow of Hh tion. worked out by the Minister of Imm!- prohibitedithd importation or manu-| Station on We rd afternoon, Jrenches. and indeed a few of Sens gration and Colonization, and the co- | facture and inter-provincial sale of|Just after four clock. Their ar. SE ee (Continued from Page 1.) operation of the Governments of the [intoxicating liquors for the period of had been) Made: generally | i; Te man, Pte. Poisson, Ottawa maintained at their highest capacity, | Provinces has been secured. The |the war and for one year thereafter, | KROWD, and as a re ait here Was a left the firing line on the 11th of 'furnishing employment fo( an army | necessary legislation will be intro- "The Government fas passed legis-| (remendous crowd 24 the Blauoy 10 November x hours after the of workmen and sustaining many | duced at the approaching session of | lation putting the whole civil service| STe6t them mun Tei armistice was 'signed. He was one subsidiary enterprises of an import- Parliament to carry into effect this | under the Civil Service Commisiion, pans pefore the traip Fir, and of the first anen fo enter Mons on ant ational chasaster. i i Policz. and entirely elimirating prolitical filled in the intervai or waifing by | the-last day of the war, He said "Pensions for our soldiers and] "The Government has completed | patronage in connection with ap- laying lively jc. Mayor Hugh-|that the Canadian casualties on their dependents have been substan-| the purchase of the Canadian North- | pointments to the public service. Pi Yet the party af the outer sta. | that occasion numbered about nine tially increased and extended. Sep-|ern Railway and consolidated-all the "The Government has placed the o 8 d then drove in to the depot | thousand. He also said that during aration allowance to the wives and 'Government-owned railways, includ-\purthasing of all suppliesfor all the i au oT Johnson street to [the last fifteen minutes of the war dependents of those serving over-|ing the Intercolonial and Transcon-| departments of the Government in ret hem officially. W. F. Nickle, | the Germans fired every shell they s¥as has Been increased. A Depart-] tinental Railway, under a board of | the hands of the War Purchasing mee Lhe RB . Nickie and the recep-| had on the Cdnadian lines, and the ment of Soldiers' Civil Re-establish-{ directors of business men who will] Commission, a body of business men ». 'committee of the Great -War | Allied artillery replied by doing the ment has been created, and plans| operate the roads in the national in-| thus eliminating all political prefer- jon SIN a ciation Wore' also at | same. . He arrived "in England on and policies have been elaborated for | terest. For the better co-ordination | ence in the purchasing of goods for tho non © | the last fay of November, and was re-establishing the soldier in civil] and digection of the immense railway |'the Government Sun on, train arrived the band | almost immediately picked for re- life. A soldiers' Land Settlement] traffic arising out of the war, the Can- ---- airack hb "0, Canada," and the |turn to Canada. Only fifteen days Board has been appointed, and great| adian Railway War Board, compos- Death at Cobourg. crowd cheered lustily. The Wo- [elapsed between the date on which progress made in developing a policy | ed of the chief executives of the Cobourg, Dec. 17.--Mrs. J. A.|men's Auxiliary of the Army and |he left France and his arrival in under which suitable land will bel principal Canadian railways was| Warner, who for some years has suc- | Navy Veterans were at the depot | Canada. acquired for settlement by soldiers| formed and has rendered most excel-| cessfully carried on the musie store with their refreshment wagon, and ein i e-- and under which they will be aided] lent service, avoiding serious difficul-| started by her late husband, a well- | supplied hot coffee, cake and bis- PAPER ISSUED AT MONS. in establishing themselves upon the| ties which would otherwise have aris-| known musician and business man, | cults to the troops. They were rival TWO GERMAN GOTHAS SECON D SECTION | ONLY MEDICINE MADE FROM FRUIT Extraordinary Success which "Fruit-a-tives" Has Achieved One reason why "'Fruita-tives" is so extraordinarily "successful in giving relief to those suffering with Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indiges- tion, Chronic Headaches, Neuralgia, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism, , Pain in the Back, Lezema and other Skin Affections, Is, because it is the only medicine in the world made from fruit j juices, , It is composed of the medicinal principles found in apples, oranges, figs and prunes, together with the nerve tonics and antiseptios of proven repute. b0¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sént postpaid by Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa. "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. land, | on the field of transpartation [ied very suddenly of acute indiges-| much hindeded by, the inconsider- | It Has an Editorial Regarding Her Were brought down during an all | Wanting anything done in the ea "In the early part of the presen The Minister of Railways . has| tion A sister, Mrs. Adam Daw-|able behavior of the crowd, which oi¢ Canadian Division, raid over Lendon, one year ago te | fery line. Estimates given om all kinds year, co-operative relations were| during the year, contracted for 185] son, resides at Peterboro, and" she pressed forward, and made it al "To those who have escaped from | day, December 18, 1917 established between labor and' the| locomotives, 8,500 freight cars and| leaves two step-daughters, Miss K.| most impossible for the ladies to the peril. and Whom we receive with rd Y y ie peril, anc c Find an airman. - Government in working out war one hundred thousand tons of rails.| Warner organist of St Peter's | get near the boys RE , y X 4 ! RO y* open arms in the glee and the en- . : op APS In rie gite and : YESTERDAY'S ANSWER 3 Fors are v a X " § arrie rr ate a 3 ag 1S 8 hose * ¢ problems, er are now being, placed for| Church, and Harriett, graduate nurse Sixteen Kingston boys, WHOSe yy husiasm of the recovered liberty, " wkd hn i hich ' " % i 2 ¢ re 3 - ry # ve he hig ay , A #pecial committee on whic 0 hundred thousand additional] of Owen Sound Hospital, who was|appeared in the Whig on Monday we only may utter, of the best of Upside down nose at left shoulder. of repairs and new work; alse hard wood floors of al Kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 0 Queen street, a mmm : pers § y wel are - A op rg arrie. pee g a : Ft te . § >. PRAY They ; a 5 both employe vs and 4 mploye : aj mn arpled recently, and one son, Rob-[afternoon, were in Lhe party They ourselves, with a single hearty [~~~ oo 4 "WF . : B 8 GN 39) 8 4 in feeling, * deepes and arties 3 BE etd to / 3 f : 1 : DC r valiz Bri- consider and rec ommend measures to improve the relations of Labor and You Can Reduce Want Prices Regulated. to their homes. The others were "Glory to this heroic Canadian |tish army, which had shed its blood OR SGALUS. SUT AND. Sr represented has been appointed to hy Stay Fat? ert Warner had already been given their fur- feeling, our deepest and 'heartiest | mony of § atitude, of affection ------ - e---- lough papers, and proceeded direct) po, vo' . . jour valiant ?liberators, to the 4 g " 4 + § 0 a "WS a " mm 5 £ a af ie arr. X desk n 3 ¢ p Capital, and Labor has been given aia Brockville, Dec 17 The. loecalf taken. to the Barriefield barracks division, whose name- ever will re-| for the liberation of Mons, and representation on the Labor Sab The answer of most fat people is| Ministerial Association' has address-| A few transports Were at the sta- main engraved in the annals of our | country of Borimage, which Committee of the Cabinet and on that it is too hard, too troublesome other boards and committees 'since|and too dangerous to force the cil and the Board of Trade deplor- appointed by the Government, weight down. However, in Marmola| ing the present high prices' of the "Legislation has been passed pro-| pres ription Tablets, all these diffj-} necessaries of life and advising those| to march to the viding for the development of a sys-| culties are overcome. They are abso-| in authority i tem of labor exchanges throughout| lately harmless, entail no dieting or{ the Government the Provinces and of labor clearing-| exercise, and have the added advan-| Passed last summer giving them au- 2 Libertie," the first newspaper to|for strangers as we are would only accommodate about gian nation." . yoke of the invader . tf the DARr % thera q ia Bi * 4 Fee 5 half of the party, so she Others iad The Whig, on Tuesday, received I'o the dead soldiers who JArracks over ne Order-in-Council| vn nmananmanan | iatter from Mons, and a copy of "La | Our unknown friends have to ed an open letter to the town coun-| tion gb convey them, but these city and the history of (he Bel-|over four years suffered under now from Capt. George Dickson Sth | sleep in the reconquered Belgian TRIED &ND RE rid ge 3 sp the APE. Ae 3 i ELIABLE REMEDY, to take action under| bridge. Quite "a number of them Battalion, Canadian Engineers, al land goes our undying gratitude. LE : fallen De THOMAS' «i | ECLECTRIC the FOR COLDS: COUGNS AND BRONs for CHIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR STIFF the MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE 18 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD houses under Federal jurisdiction. Aftage of cheapness. A large case is| thority to regulate prices as far as be published in Mons after its res | They have sacrificed themselves war labor policy has been formu-| sold by druggists at 75c. Or if pre-} possible CAS { oO MR 1A occupation by the Canadians, and | order to rescue from slow agon iss f . our bodies and souls, Their graves "LOL lated and a labor appeal board con-| ferable, they can be obtained by ----------_-- > the first issue of the paper for four stituted, on which employers and| sending price direct to the Marmola Persons connected with the mis For Infants and Children years. 'This paper is of great inter-|are for us a sacred trust that [ future employees are represented. Co., 864 Woodward -Ave., Detroit,| sion to the peace conference say that est. is printed, i \ i 3 's p e between inUse For Over 30 Years French, but the two leading ar- generation shall plously keep." It of course, in| shall flower, and that the "In its war work and reconstru-| Mich. Now that you know this you| Sunday night's conference a restricted form, The prohibition ction activity the Government has| have no excuse for being too fat, but| President Wilson and Premier Clem- Always bears ticles also appear in English. One ony sought the co-operation of the wom-| can reduce two, three or four pounds) enceau was even more satisfactory the of them, entitled, '"Te Our Liberat- It is stated a¥ extremely "likely | law passedhin April, 1916, can be le- joti of bad after-ef-| than the intimate friends of the two| Signatore of io ors," reads as follows: that an attempt will be made to vote] gully attacked now that it has been en of Canada, whose patriotic un-|a week Without fear selfish, and devoted services played| fects. Fe At a AN Pl A at tt A tat. SAA At A The Gerhard Heintzman phonograph offers more than plete line of phonographs. The eight models shown here a better interpretation of all recorded music.. True, it {| range in price from $58 up to $425. In this variety of play all makes of records, gives you all that the maker put ;| choice there is a model whose design will fit the setting of into th Trae. i . half , . any home. And each model has that beautiful finish, that nip hem, | 1 rue, it embodies a half:century's experience |{ _, of] selection of materials, that rich, clear tone attain- in producing pianos nationally known for tonal quality. GERHARD HEINTZMAN LIMITED, But more than this--The Gerhard Heintzman is a com- Head Office and F actory, Sherbourne St., Toronto Music is a necessity in your home. A aE T. F ® | 1 ison Co. . Limited ~ by piano craftsman. eT 3 'Exclusive Gerhard Heintzman Dealer For Kingston statesmen had believed possible. "Our first article will be a testi-| liquor into the city of Hull again in| in force two years, -- A A A A AA AAA erg HN AAA NAA a bg Are tm ------------ - Many a home will this year receive a Heiatzmann i ore. --a w hs Poaty will be --_ for a Yitetime. ~,